Forget Regret: Fuenciado

By tonyturtlesguitar

8.8K 461 355

"Forget regret." His hot breath hit my skin like fire. Everywhere was hot. I couldn't feel anything but his f... More

Chemical Kids And Mechanical Brides
Currents Convulsive
I'd Rather Die Than Be Famous
The Cheap Bouquet
Falling Asleep On A Stranger
She Sings In The Morning
The Balcony Scene
Diamonds and Why Men Buy Them
New Fuenciado

Yeah Boy And Doll Face

1K 46 57
By tonyturtlesguitar

Yeah Boy And Doll Face: Chapter 3-

I really wanted to ask Vic what that kiss was about. I mean, I wasn't complaining. But we just met that day. We weren't even that close. I mean I'd consider him a friend after the hours we spent talking and spending time together but friends that just met each other don't normally kiss each other on the cheek. Hell, even normal friends don't do that. I let out a frustrated sigh as I pushed my song book off of my lap. I'd finished about half of my song for Vic. I didn't know why he wanted a song. In my opinion most of my songs were shit. They didn't have much structure and were more like poems than anything. But I guess they could be worse.

I'd thought Vic was downstairs in his room setting up what little stuff he brought with him already. I remember him saying something about a moving truck. I wonder how much stuff he brought. Of course he needed clothes and his teaching equipment. That's probably what the brief case was for. I tugged my covers back from my body and put my feet on my carpeted floor. I locked my hands together and brought them above my head, stretching out my back and letting out a little groan. I stood up finally and walked over to my door. I opened it and peeked my head out. My mothers door was shut and she was probably still at work.

Vic was no where to be seen upstairs so I walked out of my room and headed to the stairs. I slowly jumped down them jumping over the last two. Hey, walking can be fun if you make it that way. I landed on the hardwood floor at the bottom of the steps and walked into the kitchen. As I look around it reminded me of me and Vic earlier. That was the most fun I'd had since I left school. Vic was something amazing. His long, brown hair and caramel colored eyes. The way he shook with laughter and smiled so brightly. He was a ray of sunshine that I desperately needed. After being trapped in my house for months it felt too good to socialize with this pretty man.

I sighed and shook my head. I can't think about Vic in this way. He's nothing more than my teacher and at most a friend. Im pretty sure what ever could go on between us would be illegal, although I was technically an adult. "What are you thinkin' so hard about?" Vic asked from behind me. I jumped and turned to him. "Again, Vic?" I groaned. He seemed to be catching me like this a lot. "Sorry. I can't help it if you think about stuff." He giggled. That made me smile. He was so contagious. Hm. That sounds like a song. I might try and write that later.

"What do you need?" I ask. Vic just shrugs and looks down at the tile floor. "So you came here to stare at me?" I say with a small laugh. I wanted to see how far he'd let me go with my comments about him. "Now, that's no way to talk about your teacher Mr. Preciado." Vic said with a dangerous smirk. "Ohhhh yeah. Keep calling me Mr. Preciado. I like that." I say with fake lust. He laughs. "In your dreams, Jaime" He puts extra emphasis on my first name. "You bet, Mr. Fuentes." I laugh and try to read his emotions. He just giggles and shakes his head. "Do you want to go somewhere?" I blurt out and instantly wish I could take it back. I always seem to ask relationship type questions around him. I guess he just has that effect on people.

"Sure. Where did you have in mind?" He asks me with a small smile. Damn. I didn't think about that. Smooth Jaime. Ask him to go somewhere that you don't even know about. "You have any where you need to go?" I ask sheepishly and shove my hands into my front pockets. He chuckled and nodded. "I wanted to go to the book store. I was actually coming in here to tell you that but I got distracted." He said. Distracted. Did I distract him? I ignored the thought. I already spent too much time thinking about him already. I didn't need another thing to add to the pile.

"Im down. Are we going to take your car or mine?" I ask. "We can take mine. I'll drive." He says and holds up his keys for me to see. I just nod and walk over to the door. I slide on my red Vans and open the front door for Vic. "Such a gentlemen." He laughs. "No. I just don't want to have you staring at my ass." I put on a grin. That was a lie. It would be a privilege to have my ass stared at my him. "Oh shut your mouth." He laughs and walks through the door. I walk out and shut and lock the door behind us. We walk out to his silver Honda and I get in the passenger seat as he gets in the drivers seat. We both shut our doors and buckle up. He starts the car and he cautiously backs out of the drive way. As he finally pulls away from my- our house I relax against the seat and watch as the other houses blur past the window.

"What do you think so much about?" Vic asks with his eyes trained on the road. I turn my head to look at him. "A lot of stuff." I reply with a shrug. It wasn't exactly a lie. I did think about a lot of stuff, but most of it recently has been about him. "That's really specific." He says sarcastically. I roll my eyes, not that he was paying attention, but still. "What were you expecting?" I question and cross my arms over my chest. If he thought I was just going to spill my guts to him he was sadly mistaken. "I don't know. I guess something a little better than 'a lot of stuff'. You're bigger and better than that." He got quiet when he said the last part. My heart lurched in my chest.

"You mean it?" I ask even quieter than he did. No one made me feel important before. I was always just average. Vic made it seem like I was more than that. Like I actually meant something. And that meant more than anything to me at this moment. "Well yeah. You're really great Jaime." Vic glances at me and smiles before looking back to the road. I felt the corners of my mouth raise up and I was so over come with emotion that I could've cried. I don't even think he knew how big of an impact those words had on me. It was getting harder and harder to live with him being my teacher as walls were coming down. I'd only known him for a day and he'd made me feel better than any one has in the past 2 years.

"We're here." Vic says after a few more moments of silence. Now I didn't even want to get out of the car. I wanted to go home and finish my song and show it to him. I wanted to make him as happy as he'd just made me. I wanted to show him how much that meant to me. "Okay lets go." I say. I un-buckle and open my door. I wait for Vic at the front of the car and when he's beside of me we walk into the store. When we get to the front Vic holds open the metal door and gestures for me to go in. "Returning the favor I see." I walk in with a smile. "It was only fair." He smiles and walks in after me. "So what do you need to get?" I ask and stop to look around. There were shelves every where and a huge display in the middle of the store. They had a little Starbucks in the back with chairs and tables to sit and read.

"I just needed to-" Vic stops mid-sentence and his eyes widen. "What's wrong Vic?" I ask and worry laces my voice. "Mike!" He shouts in a random direction. I see a lanky man with lots of tattoos walk out from a row of books and look around. When his eyes land on Vic he smiles. "Vic." The man says and begins to walk over. Vic looks at me with a smile and I just stand there utterly confused. "Vic." The man says again once he's in front of Vic. "Mike. Its been so long!" Vic exclaims and goes in for a hug. They embrace for a few moments then pull away. My brows furrow. Who the hell is Mike? "Oh Jaime! This is my brother, Mike. I told out about him?" Vic explains and I feel my eyes widen. "Oh yeah!" I say in a happier tone. I was just worried that Vic had some kind of fling with Mike. Glad to know that thats not happening.

"Jaime, Mike. Mike, Jaime." He gestures between us. I hold out my hand and Mike grasps it firmly in his. "Nice to meet you." I say with a smile. "You too." He says and smiles back. "Mikey I found Deadpool but I can't find- oh hey Vic!" A shorter man with just as many tattoos walks up to us with his Deadpool comic in hand. "Hey Tony." Vic smiles at who is now named as Tony. "Who's this?" Tony looks at me expecting an answer. "Im Jaime. Im a friend of Vic's" I say and stick my hand out to Tony. "Well I'm Tony. Im Mike's boyfriend." Tony says with a cute smile. We shake hands and soon we're all just standing there. "Vic got a new job lately?" Mike asks and he slides a long arm around Tony's waist. Tony snuggles into Mike's side and continues to read his comic. They are such an adorable couple. I wish that could be me and Vic.

"Yeah actually that is why Jaime is with me." Vic laughs and puts an arm around my shoulder. I give a small smile and look at the floor. Is that what I am to him? A job? "How old are you Jaime?" Mike asks me. "18." I say quietly. I don't even bother to look up at Mike. "Thats not so young! Tony here is 19." Mike gives Tony a small squeeze and he nods. I guess he isn't much of a talker. "How old are you, Mike?" I finally look up at the tall man. "22." He says calmly. I raise an eyebrow. Thats only a year less than me and Vic's age gap. I would be lying if I said it didn't give me hope. This whole time I forgot Vic's arm was around my shoulder so when he squeezed me I couldn't help but blush. "I think we should get going now. It was nice seeing you guys. We need to meet up again soon." Vic says to Tony and Mike. "You have my number. Nice to meet you Jaime." Mike says and smiles at me. "Nice to meet both of you." I smile at them and we go our separate ways. Vic's arm slides from around my shoulders and I feel myself frown a bit.

As we walk out to the car I remember what Vic said. I'd have to ask him what he meant when he said that I was there because of his job. Wasn't I the one that even suggested that we go out in the first place? Sure he was my teacher but he wasn't a damn baby sitter. We got to the car and got in. Vic started the car again and I looked over to him. "What did you mean by that?" I ask calmly. Vic gives me a confused look. "What are you talking about?" He asks. "When you said I was only with you because of your job. What was that supposed to mean?" I ask. Vic remains confused before realization crosses over his face. "Oh Jaime. I didn't mean it like you were just a job or a burden. I should have worded it better. Im so sorry." Vic looks real and sad and most importantly, sincere. He was actually sorry. "So you enjoy spending time with me? You don't feel forced?" I was making sure he wasn't saying it just to make me feel better.

"I do. I enjoy being around you. A lot might I add." His smile is so big I swear my heart beat picked up. "Okay. Just making sure." I smile and lean back in my seat. As I stare at the grey roof of his car I can't help the lazy smile that falls on my lips. I have no idea what I've gotten myself into. As we drive and the radio plays lightly in the back ground I glance over at Vic. His eyes watch the road in front of him and his hands tightly grip the steering wheel. A lyric that I wrote earlier today drifts in and out of my head as I study his figure.

But what if I was a secret, and you couldn't keep it.

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