Stranded; A Raura Story

By Iwannaseeyousmile_r5

3.1K 167 50

What happens when Raura and Caini go on a class trip? Something goes horribly wrong. Will this disaster bring... More

Not an Update


193 7 4
By Iwannaseeyousmile_r5


Ally woke up early, took a shower, curled her hair into nice, luscious, curls, showing off her ombre perfectly. Deciding that it was going to be a little chilly on the plane, she wore high-waisted skinny jeans, and her off the shoulder sweater, and her signature black and white converse.

Laura's pov

I was finishing my make-up (I don't usually wear that much make-up, I go for a natural sort of look), when I hear the doorbell ring. I scream it's open figuring it's Ross, while i continue to touch up my make-up.

Ross: what's cookin, good lookin? (We always greet each other that way, we have the weirdest relationship)

Laura: Nothin much, cutie *winks*

Ross: Are you ready to go yet?

Laura: Give me a second, geese, you came earlier than you said you were going to come, haha I'll be right there, make yourself comfortable*turns around and sees Ross laying on her bed on his phone* yeah ok

*Ross giggles, looking at the time*

Ross: c'mon Laur, we've got to go *pushing her out the door*

Laura: Ok pushy

Ross' pov

I walk into Laura's house and see that she still isn't ready, still putting on her make-up. She doesnt need make-up, shes beautiful enough without it. Best friends are supposed to think that, right? Whatever, we need to go. I push her out the door, putting her suitcase in the car, and drive to school. Helping her out of the car, and grabbing her bags, making they're way to Raini and Calum. I see Laura run over to Raini giving her a hug, like they haven't seen each other in weeks, but in actuality, they just saw each yesterday. I cant complain though, I'm the same with Laura.

Calum: hey dude

I reply walking towards the bus putting Laura's and I stuff in there. I then walk back to him and the girls to see if theyre ready to go. But when I get there, I dont like what i hear, or see.

End of pov
Laura's pov

I was talking to Raini about how excited i was for the trip, when one of the 'populars' came over to us.

Cody (christian): Hey losers

Raini: what do you want doofus

Cody: definitely not you, I came to say goodbye to Brooke, but I have a little somethin' in mind for Laura

Hearing that gets me frustrated, I mean why does he keep picking on us? Why cant he just leave us alone? Apparently he and his "girlfriend" Brooke own the school, They think they're so cu-

He just freakin kissed me! WHAT DO I DO WHAT DO I DO WHAT DO I DO!? BROOKE IS GONNA KILL ME!!!

????: HEY GET THE H*** OF HER!

Oh thank God

I see Ross storming over here, about to rip Cody's head off. It looks kinda hot...Wait, what am i saying, we're just friends...right?

I was about to stop Ross from doing anything he might end up regretting, when the devil herself walks over to us and stops him.


She yelled getting all up in face, I was about to yell back, when the teacher waves his hand, signaling us its time to get on the bus.
I feel a strong arm wrapped around my shoulder pulling me with them....Ross.

Ross: you are not going anywhere without me, you are not leaving my sight again.

He said dragging me to a seat in front of Raini and Calum (the bus had seats facing each other, sort of like the train on Harry Potter)(sorry if I didnt explain it right )

About 15 minutes later we made it to the airport. I saw Rydel, Rocky, and Riker walking over to us, looking pretty upset, with Ross.

Ri/Ro/Ry: hey Laura!....ROSS!!

Ross jumps behing me in fear, acting like I was gonna help him.
I just jumped out of the way, earning a playfull glare from him.

Ross: *nervously* h-hey guys

Riker: you couldn't of at least told us you were leaving? Instead of making us take 2 cars and leaving them in the school parking lot!?

Ross' pov
I totally forgot about them, I was just ready to get Laur. It's not like I purposely left them so I could get some alone time with Laura..what?

Rydel: hello? Earth to Ross?

She asks waving her hand in my face, oops, I must of spaced out.

Ross: sorry?

End of pov
The plane ride to the Bahamas would be a while, considering they all lived in Miami. Ross and Calum sat across from Laura and Raini. (Same set up as the bus seats) Raini and Calum weren't exactly dating, but Ross and Laura always teased them about it. Raini wanted to switch seats with Ross after a while, knowing he wanted to sit with Laura, his crush. What? You didn't know he liked her? Its ok, neither does Laura, or Ross for that matter, everyone else does though, you can just see it with them. It was pretty cold on the plane, Ross could see Laura practically shaking, and he could tell she was about to fall asleep, he did wake her up pretty early.

Laura was asleep, knowing she had about an hour and a half or so left until she had to wake up. But all of a sudden her phone started ringing.
She looked over to her phone to see Ross calling, and seeing that he left at least 20 or so messages trying to get her to wake up.

Phone call-
Ross: LAUR YOU'RE FINALLY AWAKE!! I was about to come over there and drag you out of bed!
Laura: what are you talking about? *looks at clock* Ross, I still have and hour left to sleep, why'd you wake me up so early?
Ross: Sorry! But i wanted to make sure you had everything packed and ready to go, and I'm coming over early, so get ready!
Laura: I-

*Ross hangs up*

End of flashback

Ross gave Laura his sweatshirt so she would be warm and comfortable on the flight. She leaned her head on his shoulder, and he leaned his head on her head, falling asleep instantly. Not for long, though. About an hour later, they woke up to their friends bickering.
He had spilled his salsa on her.

Laura: Calum? Why are you eating chips and salsa? Couldnt you have gotten something messier? *she asked being sarcastic*

Calum piped up.

Raini tried going back to sleep, and in a couple of minutes, she was.

Ross' pov
Me and Laura were still up. Im glad though, I like talking to her, no offence to Calum, but he was too busy trying to flag over a flight attendant to do anything else at the moment.

Laura: Well there is no way I'm going back to sleep, with Calum eating something that could end up all over me.

Ross: Yeah.... How about you tell me what happened with your dad? You never got the chance to.

Laura: Oh, right...well...The manager of the mall stopped by out store, and noticed that my dad totally redecorated it, even changed the name, and since it wasn't how it was supposed to be, he said he will no longer be paying for it to keep it in the mall, and that if he wants to keep it, we'll have to pay for it ourselves. Looks like I'm going to be staying by myself more often. He has to get another job.

Yeah, that's not going to happen. I thought to myself.

Ross: And it looks like you'll be seeing a lot more of me!

End of pov
With that they continued to talk about random things, like they always do.
Hours later, they reached their destination, or so they thought. Getting off the plane, luggage in hand, everyone was confused to as of where theu actually were, all they could see were trees, sand and water. They were too busy looking around trying to figure out where they were to see the pilot walk out.

???: Such a shame to see that you dont remember me, Laura.


HEYO!!! Heres another update for ya! Who do you think it is? Where do you think they are? Ill talk to ya later lovelies, bye!!!!

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