Ross' pov

She nods, motioning for us to come in. As we walk into her house, she leads us to her couch. I cant help but look around and see all of the pictures of her and Bradley. He looks nice, until you actually meet him. Then he's just a d***.

Woman: So, how may I help you? Im Rebecca (thats not his actual moms name, idk what it is) by the way.

Ross: Uh-yeah, hi, Rebecca, has your son ever, hurt anyone, including inside the family?

Rebecca: Oh-um, hes changed. Hes not my little boy anymore. *she tears up* Am I a bad mother for wishing that I wasnt his mother?

Riker: No-no-no-no-no-no. *he gets up to sit next to her and starts rubbing her back* its not. I understand what your going through, well, not really, but I may have an idea. Your son may have kidnapped my sister. He used to beat her. Ide feel the same way if I had a son or daughter and they were like that.

Rebecca: *wiping her tears* thank you. That means a lot. I am so sorry that you guys have had to deal with him. All of you. And for your answer, yeah, he did.

Rydel: Its ok, really, its not your fault.

Rebecca smiles. Ok this is nice and all, but were kinda of in a rush.

Ross: Do you know where he'd usually go? Anywhere where hed get away to? Does he live in his own house?

Rebecca: No, not that I know of, Im sorry.

Ross: Are you sure? Do you know an-

Rocky: Ross, she said she doesn't know dude. Relax.


Ryland: Dude-

Ross: Im sorry.

Rebecca: Its fi-

Ross: But what if shes not? Hes gonna hurt her. My Laur. Please, tell me, that your forgetting something. I need to find Laura, before its too late.

Laura's pov
Its morning now, well at least I think it is. There are no Windows in here. Barely any light either, just a little lamp in the corner of the room. I haven't slept, scared of Bradley coming in, and doing something to me, that we'll both regret. I haven't eaten anything either. Hes given me some toast and water, but Im scared of finding out that he put something in it, that could kill me.

Seconds later, I hear footsteps. Oh no, hes coming in here.

The door opens, revealing Bradley.

Bradley:*looking at her full tray of food* Why didnt you eat (he says glaring at her)

Laura: What do you think?

Bradley: I could do without the sass, and if you think I would poison it, your wrong. I would never kill you.

I look up at him, confusion playing across my features. But then what he says next, brings me back to reality.

Bradley: Why would I kill you, when I could torture you some more?

He walks over to me, balling up his fists. Great. An early wake up call.

Minutes later Im left on the floor covered in my own blood. I probably have bruises all over my face, scratch that, I know I have bruises all over my face- and body.

Stranded; A Raura StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora