This Love

By HannahBlondeEmo

41.8K 1.1K 330

Hi my name is Mirabetha Maria Golbach. My brother Sam Golbach famous viner and little bit of youtuber with... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Not a update just proud of them
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Elven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Ship name update
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
We love you Sam Golbach
Chapter 24
Read it
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Day late...
Chapter 32
Other Work's by Hannah

Chapter 17

973 31 10
By HannahBlondeEmo

*Sam's pov*

I look at Mira sleeping peacefully on the couch me and Colby are ready to take she has a hour to get ready after I wake her up.

"Baby girl hey it's time to wake up." I say gently shaking her shoulder, she rolls over groaning.

"Please let me sleep." she mumbles rubbing her eye's like a kid would as she sits up I chuckle.

"You can go back to sleep once we get back home from the doctor's I promise." I say she nods standing up than walking upstairs.

I look at Mira's outfit when she comes down just leggings and a hoodie of Colby's and ankle boots.

"Ready?" I ask she nods following me and Colby outside to are Dad's car.


"Has Mira here ever gotten her tonsils out?" the Doctor asks.

"No only I did." I say having him nod.

"Okay than that might be the problem, okay Mira say ahh." He says she does.

"Yeah that's Mira's problem her tonsils are swollen will have to get them out soon I'll call your guy's dad to ask for permission." He says I nod as he walks out.

"I'm not getting them out." Mira says I laugh along with Colby.

"Babe you have to." Colby says rubbing her hand soothing.

"Sam?" she asks frowning I nod.

"Okay your dad gave me permission so could you bring her back in two day's for the removal of them?" the Doctor asks walking back in I nod.

"Okay than that's planned here's some painkillers to help with the pain until than." He says handing me the bottle of pills she can take for pain.

"Thank you." We all say leaving.

"Can I go back to sleep?" Mira asks once we get home and she takes one of the painkillers to help with the pain I nod.

"You need the sleep." I say as Colby kisses her head softly me doing the same.

"Wait when were you going to talk to El?" She asks I shrug.

"Soon." I say she nods going upstairs.

"What about El?" Colby asks.

"About us moving to L.A. it'd be easier to date a girl that's okay with all the touring and stuff like I should date a YouTuber and viner girl so there's more in common." I say he nods.

"Do you and Emmalee have anything common?" He asks I shake my head.

"Not really it's pretty much all soccer for her and I don't play sports." I say.

"How did you end up with her?" He asks I laugh with a shrug.

"No idea but I'm going to see when I do if she'll at least still be friend's with us." I say he nods before we both start coming up with YouTube video and vine idea's.

*2 day's later*

"Mira let go!" I run into the living room seeing Mira clinging to the stairwell Colby trying to get her to let go.

"Not going to happen." She says.

"Mira you have to get them out." he says she shakes her head holding onto the stair rail as tightly as she can as he's puling her waist trying to make her let go.

"Their mine!" She yells making us laugh.

"Mira baby after they get took out you get to eat all the ice cream you want." I say she perks up.

"Is that why you got to eat ice cream and stay home from school for like 5 days when we were 7." she asks I nod.

"I'll go that was a lot of ice cream." She says letting go of the stairwell wrapping him arm's around my neck for her to carry her which I do.

*After surgery*

I watch as Mira wakes up after her tonsils are took out, she's been asleep for a hour.

"How do you feel?" I ask she glares at me.

"My throat hurts." she says flipping over to face Colby.

"Cuddle?" she asks he smiles laying behind her hugging her waist.


"Okay Mira's free to go here are some painkillers to help with the pain and you already know what she can and cannot eat." The Doctor says after he finishes checking her throat out I nod as Colby picks Mira up her resting her head on his shoulder as I sign her out.

"Just think now you get lot's of ice cream and lot's of sleep." I say smiling at her as we get in the car she smiles back also softly.

"True." she says.

Author's note; So I'm going to be updating a lot more now that my vacation is over it was lot's of fun. I loved getting comments and messages to update it showed me how much you guy's love this book. I also made a YouTube video trailer for my book:)
(That I'll be posting soon) And be ready because there's going to be lot's of drama between Salee(Sam and Emmalee) but no fear there is not going to be a break up. Xoxoxo, Hannah

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