How Far We've Come (Book 2) ๐Ÿ—ธ

By Artemis_Moon97

764 33 4

Harry Styles. Louis Tomlinson. School gay Nerd. Rock Star. Two different worlds that collided with one single... More

You Found Me
Death Threats
Old Friends
Heart Break
Hard Times
You Didn't
Mess I've Made
I'll Find You
Bleeding Out
Don't Leave
Far Away

Never Gonna Be Alone

53 2 3
By Artemis_Moon97

(Louis POV)

Its been two days. Nothings changed. If I sing, his heart beat picks up. Its good to know he can hear me. Knowing he can hear me, I made sure to pick what I sang carefully. I would sing anything that reminded me of him or us. There have been a lot more tears the two days. Finally knowing he can hear us gets kinda emotional. And no, not only my tears. My sleep was bad before, but now that we have been able to get a reaction from him, there was noway sleep could even cross my mind. Witch sucks because I do need it. I let out a sigh and ran my hand through his beautiful hair. I wish he would just wake up. The doctors are a little more confidante that he will now. I guess that's a good thing. I just wish they were 100% sure he was going to. Even with his heart beat increasing, I still have a sinking feeling that it is just false hope. He needs to wake up. I want to be looking in his eyes when I tell him how sorry I am. I do it now but its not the same. I want to see what he thinks of me on his face. A heart beat could mean anything but its hard to hide what you really feel and think about someone. I want him to see I'm telling the truth. I want him to see how sorry I am and see the regret on my face. He needs to know how much I love him. But if he never wakes up and I never get to tell him, then... I shook my head, not wanting to think about it.

I looked back over to Harry before I turned to look at the boys. Niall was sleeping against Liam while Zayn sat on the other side of him. It seemed like they were in a heated discussion over something, I have no idea what it could be. I just stared at them for awhile. I wanted my mind of of things and trying to read their lips to see what they were talking about seem to do the trick. It was harder than I thought it would be. They were whispering and trying to be, careful, almost. It made it next to impossible to read their lips. Damn boys. after about 10 minutes, I gave up. No use. I put my attention back on Harry and sighed. Seeing him like this was heartbreaking. All these tubes and IVs. He was sickly pale, still, and was as still as a bolder. Thankfully, the doctors had taken the tube out of his mouth, the one to help him breath. At first, they said they wanted to see how much he was healing and see if he could breath without it. He could, but they still had one if the air tubes that went under the nose and around the ears on him. But I think that is just a standard measure for most people that come into the hospital.

I entwined my hand with Harry's and ran my thumb across the top. I really wish he would wake up. I need him to wake up. I miss. I want to hug him, give him sweet kisses, tell him everything is going be fine from now on. I want to show him how much I love him. I want to protect him from everyone like Eleanor. But I can't. I have already failed at that once, and who's to say it won't happen again. Harry deserves so much better than me. Someone who can actually make him happy. He gave up so much to come to this band, to be with me and the boys. And I couldn't even do something that should have been easy enough. I couldn't keep him safe. He needs someone that can keep him safe, put him first, treat him like the most important person in the world, and can stick up for him and fight for him. And sadly, I don't think that's me. I have all the right intentions, but I still can't keep him safe.

Before I knew it, a fresh set of tears was streaming down my face. I couldn't stop them no matter how hard I tried. I'm not right for Harry. I'm the reason he is even in here. I do more harm to him than good. My fallen angel. I love him so much but I only cause him pain. I carefully took my hand away from his as my body shook with sobs. I heard a noise to the left of me before felt hand on my shoulders. I was brought out of m chair and into a warm, strong hug. I didn't know who it was but I didn't care. I just kept crying and crying. They didn't ask what set me off or if I was ok. They just held me and rubbed my back. I was kinda thankful for that. I didn't feel like explaining that I felt useless. I just stood there crying

(Harry POV)

Its like that little bit of warmth I had felt for what feels like forever, just disappeared. It was gone. I felt cold all over again. It made me really sad. I knew that warmth came from Louis and something just took him away. I want him to come back. It feels like forever since he last sang. All I want is to hear is beautiful voice again. I love the songs he has been singing. Everyone just as beautiful as the last. Though ever song he sings sounds like that. It could be the most depressing song or the most heavy metal and it would still sound like heaven coming from his lips. I would give anything right now to just be able to hug him once more. That's all I want. I sighed to myself and imagined his warm embrace.

Out of nowhere, I started to hear singing again. It made want to smile. It may have only felt like seconds since he stopped, but time feels different for me than how it is actually passing by. Its a weird thought but I don't care. I was happy that he was singing again. He sounded more sad this time though. I was beautiful song and it didn't take long before I knew what it was. Never Gonna Be Alone by Nickleback. I remember seeing this music video. It had brought tears to my eyes. I have so many mixed feelings at the fact that he chose this song. As I heard the words ring through my ears I started humming along, or at least I thought I was. Its a very bitter sweet song. I could hear all the emotions he was feeling. Almost like this was the only way he could get out his feelings right now. I wanted to hug him and tell him I was OK, but that wasn't going to happen.

I tried everything I could think of to move, and for a minute, I thought I did. But that wasn't possible right now... right? I felt a rush of adrenaline. I tried again and again. I wasn't going to stop now. If there was a chance I could move and see Louis and tell him I was fine, I was going to try.

(Louis POV)

After Liam had calmed me down, I sat by Harry's side again. I didn't know what to do. I felt numb. I just wanted him back. After a few minutes, I did the only thing I could think of. It has been working so far so why not. I started singing softly to him. I ran my fingers through his hair yet again. It took everything I had not to start crying again while singing this song. It was like the lyrics were everything I wanted to say to him. It held everything I felt. I love him so much and I want him to know that.

"I won't let you fall...
You're never gonna be alone
I'll hold you 'til the hurt is gone.

[Verse 2]
And now, as long as I can, I'm holding on with both hands,
'Cause forever I believe that there's nothing I could need but you,
So if I haven't yet, I've gotta let you know...

You're never gonna be alone
From this moment on, if you ever feel like letting go,
I won't let you fall.
When all hope is gone, I know that you can carry on.
We're gonna see the world out,
I'll hold you 'til the hurt is gone.

[Verse 3]
You've gotta live every single day,
Like it's the only one, what if tomorrow never comes?
Don't let it slip away,
Could be our only one, you know it's only just begun.
Every single day,

Maybe our only one, what if"

I could have sworn that I heard something while I was singing and it made me stop dead. It couldn't be. "Louis! Look!" I heard Liam say, waking Niall in the process. I looked down at Harry and saw his lips moving every so slightly. I leaned down to try and hear if was saying something, only to find out it was the words to the song. I sat back, my eyes wide. No. This is a dream. It has to be.

"Harry?" I asked, grabbing his hand a little tighter. He grabbed back. I gasped and looked back at the boys. He was moving!! HARRY IS FUCKING MOVING! Niall's eyes were wide just like mine and he rushed over to the other side of he bed. I heard a slight groan that was so soft I barely heard it. "Oh my god, Harry." Tears of happiness trickled down my cheeks. After a few minutes of standing here in awe, his eyes slowly started to open. A hand shot to my mouth as I choked out a sob. I can't believe this is happening. I watched him take a shaky breath before weakly looking around. A smile crept onto his lips as he saw us. A light shine was in his eyes. I leaned over and place a careful kiss on his lips before pulled back and looking at him again. He smiled up at me for a minutes before look to Niall.

"Niall," he said weakly. "Smile. A frown never looked good on you." That made Niall chuckle a little before whipping some tears from his cheek. Wee al just stood there for a minute, shocked that he was really awake, when it all fell apart again.

His grip on my hand tightened and his eyes rolled back. In the blink of an eye, his body started to shake. My face fell as I felt someone grab my arm. Harry was seizing. His body violently shook and his heart was rapped. NO! No no no no no no. Why can't everything just be OK? I was pulled away from Harry by Zayn as the doctors rushed into the room, surrounding him. He had to pull me from the room with all his might as Liam did the same to Niall. Liam pulled Niall through the door first with us stumbling after them. Everything was going in slow motion. My heart was shattering all over again. I didn't take my eyes of that bed once as the door started to slowly swing closed. But then I heard it.

The world around me froze. Every last inch of my body was numb. My world shattered within seconds. That was a sound I never wanted to hear. And it was going to haunt me forever.



Pages: 6
Words: 1996

Alight lovelies. Here you go. The last chapter of book 2. I hope you all have enjoyed this book and remember, there will be book 3. You just have to give me a little while with it. I still need to think of a title and where I want to go with the story before I start writing. But I promise, once I have it up, I will add a link to the end of this story so that you all know and can find. Love you all and thanks for sticking it out with me!

~Abby <3

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