Heart Break

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(Louis POV)

        I was frozen. What is she doing here? I felt Harry grip onto my hand a bit tighter. I looked over at him to see his head was down. Like the floor had just become really interesting. I know he feels bad. He feels like he stole me away from Eleanor. He didn't. I asked him out. And he was ready to say no to me too. It's not his fault but he feels like the blame is all his. I know Eleanor doesn't like him much for it. Though she knows it's all me. She doesn't want to put blame on me. Neither of them help with this. Anyway. Simon asked the other boys to give us a few minutes and had them leave. He summond us forward and walked us to our dressing room, having us sit on the couch. Eleanor sat down in a chair near by and Simon sat on a chair across from us, his men standing behind him. No one spoke. Dead silence filled the air making me feel really uncomfterable. Needing to break the silince, I spoke up. "What's this about, Simon?" Looking down, he said and sat forward. Uh oh.

"I really hate to do this, I really do, but..." He cut off. I stared him down and out of the corner of my eys I could see Eleanor having mixed emotions. Sad, happy, guilt,... fictory? "You and Harry, you have to split." Harry froze next to me again. Anger boiled up iside. What did he just say?

"What are you talking about? Why?! Everything with us is fine. We're happy, and you want to break us up. Your fucking mental." I yelled. Harry just kept quite. 

"I know, but you guys have more going agaisnt you than respect. Harry mainly. And I know Liam and Niall have the same problem, but its worse with you too. No one wants to see you two together. Not enough anyways. They want Eleanor back and they won't stop sending threats until they get what they want. And now I'm not saying you really have to break up, but you have to hide it. Behind close doors, you could say. In the public eye, you have to be with Eleanor." I was ferious! He can't be serious. I didn't even know what to say, so I looked down at Harry. He was looking at the floor and looked as if he was trying to controll his breaking. I put my hand on his cheak and made him look at me. He had tears in his eyes and a few slipped lose. 

"You really think we're going to agree with this? We could ignore you and do what we want!" I yelled agin. No one makes Harry cry, and I mean no one!! He sighed agin. As if he knew I would say that. 

"You will if you want to stay in the band." Blackmail. Fucking cold right there. Harry started to quickly shake his head and looked at me. 

"Listen to him Louis! I know its sucks. Trust me, I know. But we will still be together right? Its not worth fighting if you, or us, could get kicked out. You help put this band together. I don't want to see you tossed aside." He just stared me in the eyes. Again, I was speachless. He's really ok with this? Wow. Does he care that little? I would gladly be kicked out to fight for our freedom. He wouldn't? I felt a tugging at my heart. I sighed, looked up. 

"Fine. We'll do it. But I'm NOT going to make it easy on you." I told Simon. He nodded. 

"I know." Eleanor stepped forward. "The two of you. Go into town. Hang out. Show people you are still 'friends'. Within a few days, we'll show everyone that you and Harry are fighting. This will work out. Promise."

"Bullshit." I mumbled under my breath. Eleanor headed for the door. I grab Harry's hand and make him stnad up with me. 

"Harry, " Simon cut in. "Stay." He sadly nodded. I gave him a qick hug and peck on the lips. He looked real sad, almost numb. I sighed, walking out the door. This is going to be hell. 

(Harry POV)

        I stood there and watch my boyfriend walk out the door with his ex. I have a sinking feeling that, while pretending to date, he might fall for her agin. I might lose Louis. I know I jumped on board with this too quick, but I don't want him to lose the one job that he has ever had and loves. I don't want it to be bec ause of me. I'm willing to lose my job for him, considering I wasn't gonna take it inthe first place. I keep my head down and turn towards Simon. "I know this is going to hard Harry, but you guy will make it through. Its just for now. Hopefully, soon, you guys will be fine and the fans will be ok with it." I nodded. Not looking at the monster. "You can go and join the boys." I nodded again. I turned and rushed out the door. As soon as it was closed behind me, I stopped, crying. I couldn't stop it no matter how hard I tried. I looked around then started walking in the direction the boys were, whpiing the tears from my eyes. I could tell my face was red, and my head hurt. A security guard stopped me and said if I was looking for the boys, they were waiting in the van. I nodded and rushed out. 

        Right on the curb was a black van. Joy. I yanked the sliding door open and hopped in, shutting it behind me. "Hey Haz, wheres Lou." Niall asked. I shook my head. 

"You alright man?" Zayn asked, putting a hand on my shoulder. I shook my head again and sat next to him. I looked up at all of them with freash tears flowing. Liam's eyes widened.

"What the hell happened?"

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