My boyfriend's dad {ON HOLD}

By loveabby

2.3K 74 27

What happens when your boyfriend's dad is perfect for your dad? Well that's happening to Niall Styles 17 . Hi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Not an update A/N
Chapter three
Chapter four
Not an update
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Not update really really sorry
Important news
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Character ask
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
The reason why
Chapter 17
My Apologize
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Christmas special
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 9

66 1 1
By loveabby

A/N:Those who want to know what Tristan looks like.I am so back for chapter 9 hope you like it!
Previously on My Boyfriend's Dad
"Oh and you guys just telling you panda is coming here." I tell them

"Babe no she's not she said she is going to the store" baby says

"Exactly" I say

"Yeah she is coming YESSS WOOOOOO" Ninall says

"Alright babe come sit down calm down" Leeyum says
Ninall calms down and sits down on his lap

"Tristan and Timothy why are you so quiet?" Big Z asks

"Well I don't know what to talk about" Timothy says

"How about talk about what movie to watch?" Ninall says

"I know let's watch 'insidious 3'?" I suggest

"Yeah let's watch it" me, Timothy, Big Z, and Leeyum say in unison.
Timothy's POV

We as in me, Zoe, Zayn, Liam decided to watch 'insidious 3'. zany gets up and checks if they have it.

"I forgot this is Uncle Harry and Ni's house they don't like scary films" Zayn's house

"Ni give me the remote" Zoe says taking her hand off of Amy's waist

"No why?" Niall asks

"Because I know you have Netfix so give me the remote so I can put the film on" she says

"Fine" he gets up and walks towards me and Tristan. He puts his hand in between the cushions. He pulls out the remote and walks towards Zoe and hands her the remote.
"Here" he huffs

"Thanks Ninall your such a sweetie"  Zoe says giggling

"Don't call me a sweetie" he says

She laughs and turns on the tv. She puts Netfix on and then a knock is at the door. Niall, Zayn, and Zoe look at each other.

"Fine we'll get it" Zoe says. Amy gets up then Zoe and they walk to the door.
Zoe's POV
We walk to the door. Amy is behind me. I open the door spams a girl with dirty blonde is there.

"Hey koala your here" she says

"Hi can I ask you a question?" I ask the girl

"Yeah" she says

"When we first met what did I make fun of you for?" I asks kindly

"Umm for me not able to ride a bike?" She says in a question

"No I'm sorry but what's your name sweetie?" I ask

"Donna"the girl says

"Well hi Donna nice to meet you" I say

"Same to you can I see your hand" she asks

"Um sure" I say giving her my hand. She takes out a pen and writes something on it I'm guessing her number.

"Here you go call me sometime" she says blushing

"Ok I'm gonna have to go we are going to watch a movie so bye" I say kindly

"Alright bye" she says winking at me.

I close the door and walk to the guys.

"Who was it" Timothy asked

"A fake panda" I say

"What's her name" Big Z asked

"Donna"I reply

"Why do I feel like she gave you her number?" Leeyum asks

"That's because she did Leeyum" I tell him

"Why do they know where you are- matter of fact why are they at my house?" Ninall asked

"I have no clue why don't ask me" I tell them

"Was she cute?" Big Z asks

"I mean she wasn't my baby's cute cause my baby is gorgeous" I say pecking her temple "But she was in between" I add

"Go wash her number off" she says

"Okay I was about anyways"I say walking to the sink in the kitchen that's connected to the living room.

"Wash it so not even a dot is there or I won't talk to you for an hour" she threatens me as I wash my hands

"Ok and since you said that I'm going to talk to you for a whole hour and annoy you" I say smirking

"I'm fine with that" she says while I wrap my hands around her waist from the back.

"Let me see your hands" she says and I show her my hands

"Good" she says and put her hands in my hands

"Now let's go sit down" I say pecking her neck

"Ok" she says and we go sit down

"Now where we. Oh yeah the film." I say
I put the film on and it begins.
After ten minutes in the movie there is a knock at the door.

"I'll get it" Ninall says.
Niall's POV
I walk to the door and open the door.

"Ninall how are you I'm here" a girl with dirty blonde hair says

"Hi um can I ask you a question?" I ask her

"Sure go ahead" she replied

"When you and koala met what was the thing that she fun of you about?" I ask

"Not being able to cook?" She says in a form of a question

"No I'm sorry that's not the answer but she is able to cook. But she knows that not all people are able. But what's your name?" I ask her

"Vanessa and she can cook that's so romantic" she replied

"Hi Vanessa nice to meet you and yeah I guess. I have to go so bye" I tell her

"Um wait can you give her this" she says and gives me a piece of paper

"Um sure?" I say in question

"Thanks and tell her to call me sometime" she says walking away

"Will do bye now" I say closing the door.

I walk back to the living room. I throw the paper to Zoe-Zoe.

"Her name is Vanessa and she said not being able to cook. Also to call her sometime" I tell her

"Wow thats sad babe you better throw that away" Amy said while cuddling into Zoe-Zoe

"I will" Zoe-Zoe said
I go and sit down on Li-Li's lap. And we all continue watching the film.
Timothy's POV
We all are watching the film. I see that at every 'scary' part Tristan is getting scared and is hiding in the sofa. So I slid over so I'm next to him.

"Hey are you ok?" I ask while putting my arm around his waist

"Yeah I'm ok just a-" he says and the day the hides his face in my neck
I rub his side.

"It's ok I'm right here" I tell him

"Thanks" he says and looks up at me

"Can I tell you something?" I ask him

"Sure what is it?" He asks

"Come I want to tell you in private" I tell him and I get up a take his hand and walk to the family room
Amy's POV
I see Timothy taking Tristan to the living room without a TV.

"Babe I'll be right back ok?" I tell Zoe

"Ok I'll be waiting for you here just text me if you need me ok?" She tells me

"Ok" I reply

She moves her hands from my waist and I get up. I walk over to where Timothy and Tristan went to. As I get there I see that Timothy and Tristan are kissing. My mouth dropped.
Tristan's POV
We walk into the family room. We sit down on the love seat. I look at him waiting for him to tell me what he wants to tell me.

"Ok this is kinda hard to say" Timothy says

"Just say it" I tell him

"Ok wow this is really hard to tell you" he says while wiping his face with his hand

"Just say it spit it out" I say

"TristanIfancyyou" he says to fast for me to understand

"Say it but slower" I tell him

"Tristan I fancy you. Since I first saw you" he says

"Oh um" I say

"It's ok if you don't fancy me back I will understand" he reassured me

"I do fancy you back" I tell him

"Wait really your not joking right?"he asks for confirmation
I nod my head yes.

"Yes I really do fancy back" I confirmed

"Ok good I thought you wouldn't" he says

"Well I do" I say looking down at his lips. Then to his eyes I never noticed they were so blue.

I noticed he was leaning in. So I started to lean it.
Our lips touched. His lips were rough yet they were so soft. I can kiss his lips forever. I felt butterflies in my stomach and It felt like a thousand fireworks went off in my body.

We pulled away and I never thought anyone would ever ask me the five word question ever.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" He asked me I nodded my head yes and leaned in for another kiss again that I will grow to love.
Timothy's POV

"Come let's go back to watching the movie'' I say while taking his hand and getting up

"Ok- by the way are we going to tell them?" He asks

"Right after the movie I want to cuddle with you" I tell him

"Ok fine with me" he replies

We walk back to the living room and we bump into Amy.

"Oh hey" she says nervously

"Hey Amy may I ask why you are here" I ask her

"No you may not. But just to tell you guys I ship you guys"she told us

We look at eachother and shrug.

"Um ok I guess" I say to her

"Good now go back to the living room and go cuddle with eachother got it" she demands

"Got it" me and Tristan say in unison
The three of us walk back to the living room and sit down. As we sit down the door bell rings. Zayn gets up and answers it. While I sit with my new, cute, and amazing boyfriend.
Zayn's POV
The door bell rings so I get up since it's my turn. When I answer the door I see the most beautiful girl ever in my eyes. I'm just there staring at her.

"Hey Zayn" she says with the most delicate voice.

"Hey Perrie um don't mind me asking but what are you doing here?" I ask her in a nice way.

"Well I was at home just in my bed watching tv. Then Zoe asked me to come over so here I am." She replied

"Oh ok well I don't want to do this but I have to ask you a question Zoe's words" I tell her

"Ok shoot" she says

"When-" I say


"OK! Well look like I don't have to ask you the question." I say in a jokey way

"Ok cool so what are you gonna do make me stand out here forever" she asks sarcastically

"Oh right come in" I say moving aside so she can come in

"Thanks" she says coming in. "So what are you guys doing?" She asks

"We are watching 'insidious3' Zoe's pick" I reply

"Cool so is everyone here?" She asks

"Yeah the whole group" I tell her

"Oh ok" she says

"Come on let's go sit" I say and we start to walk to the living room where everyone is
Zoe's POV (this is for you 🐼 twinklytommo )
"Hey Zoe" I hear Perrie's voice

"Hey Perrie how are you?" I asks nicely

"I'm good how are you" she asks back

"I'm go-" I say when I was interrupted by my phone "excuse me for a second. Oh and have a seat" I tell her and she sits down next to Zayn on my left side.

(UKN= Uknown person)

UKN- Hey

Me- Um who is this and how did you get my number?

UKN- It's Jesy remember I gave you the candy in the bag

Me- Oh hi um may I ask how did you get my number

UKN- You um gave it to me remember

Me- I don't recall um can you excuse me for a second

UKN- Um sure

Me- Thanks

"Baby did I give someone my number today?" I ask her

"Um I don't recall you doing that" she replies

"Oh cause you know the girl who gave me the candy?" I ask her

"Yeah speaking of the candy I want some, but yea what about her?" She says

"Ok you can get some, also she just texted me and she said that I gave her my number" I tell her

"Well ask her when you gave her your number" she tells me to do

"Alright" I say going back to my phone

(Texts again)

Me- Jesy are you still there
(Two seconds later)
UKN- Yes I'm still here

Me- Ok um can I ask you a question?

UKN- Sure anything 😉

Me- Um when did I give you my number

Ten seconds later I hear a phone go off like a text noise. And I see Perrie take her phone and I see her read a message then type. Then my phone goes off signaling I got a text. Which it weird.

(Texts again)

UKN- Um well actually Perrie gave it to me

Me- Oh ok then why did you say I gave it to you?

UKN- Cause I thought you would get mad at Perrie for giving your number without your permission.

Me- Oh well just please tell me the truth cause I like the truth but it's ok I'm not mad

UKN- Ok good

Me- Please don't give out my number though

UKN- Got it

Me- Thanks so much

UKN- No problem

Me- Well I have to go nice talking to you Jesy

UKN- Same to you

I lock my phone and look at Perrie then to the movie. I decide to talk to her after the movie.
(5 minutes later)
There has been so many scary parts but not scary enough to scare me but enough to scare my baby. Every time a scary part came she would either hide her face in the crook of my neck and wait till I told her the part was over. Or she would jump at a jump scare.
Right now it is close to the end of the movie. It's at the part where everything is going back to normal. Then when the movie ended my phone made three texts sounds. I unlock my phone and see that I got a text from my sister, another from my uncle Harry, and the last one from Ninall. I decide to read the message from uncle Harry first.

(Unc Haz= Harry)

Unc Haz- Hello Z are you at my house?

Me- Hey Uncle Haz and yes I'm at your house

Unc Haz- Well if you like you can sleepover and your brother and sister plus you girlfriend if you want cause your mom texted me and said that she is going to be home tomorrow.

Me- Alright I'll ask my brother and sister and my girlfriend. Btw where are you? Oh and Uncle Haz guess who is coming over

Unc Haz- I went on a friend-date and we will be home late and who?

Me- Panda is coming Uncle Haz

Unc Haz- Really I haven't seen her in awhile

Me- Neither have I and Uncle Haz?

Unc Haz- Yes Z?

Me- Was the other person on this 'friend-date' Liam's dad

Unc Haz- That's for me to know and you find out

Me- Ok Uncle Haz 😏

Unc Haz- Bye Z

Me- Bye Unlce Haz
Ninall's text

Ninall- Are you guys gonna stay over?

Me- 😐 there is no point of texting me when you're not even a foot away from me Ninall and I have to ask them

Ninall- Alright and I wanted to text you cause I wanted to

Me- Bye Ninall

Ninall- Bye Zoe-Zoe
Sheala's text


Shea- Hey three questions

Me- One question from me but go first

Shea- First is Panda coming?

Me- Possibly

Shea- For real

Me- For real possibly

Shea- Fine next question what are guys doing?

Me- Well we just finished 'insidious 3'

Shea- Cool third can I sleep over Pedro's house since mom is coming home tomorrow

Me- Well first I'm not sure Uncle Haz asked if we wanted to sleep over here and I told him I would ask

Shea- Ok and what's second

Me- Well why are you asking me I'm the youngest ask Big Z

Shea- Fine but I was hoping that you would ask him for me?

Me- Fine

"Hey Big Z?" I say

"Hm" he replies

"Shea asked if she could sleepover Pedro's house since mom is coming home tomorrow?" I ask him

"Sure only if she doesn't do anything she is not supposed to do" he tell me

"Alright and also Uncle Haz asked if you want to sleepovers the four of us but now to three. Me, you, and my gorgeous girlfriend?" I ask and kiss her cheek

"Alright fine" he says

Me- he said ok only if you don't do anything your not supposed to if you you know what we means😏😉

Shea- Ugh Zs really that is not happening but fine

Me- Alright oh and Panda is coming but your going to be with your boyfriend so you'll will miss her oh well.

Shea- Bye Zs

Me- bye Shea
I lock my phone and the door bell rings. I get up going to answer the door while Amy follows me. I open the door and a girl with dirty blonde hair standing there.

"Surprise koala its me Panda long time no see." She says just like the other ones

"Hi um if your Panda then when we meet what did I make fun of you about?" I ask

"For not having a door" She replies and I'm shocked this girl got it right ok if this is really Panda then she will get this right

"Oh next question" I say

"Shoot!" She says

"What show did you get me hooked on?" I ask

"Supernatural duh" she says
My mouth is open wide. It's Panda. My Panda.

Hey guys so as you see Panda finally came Yay
Sorry it was a late update.
And it was short but I did my best.
Bye gorgeous people.




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