Forget Regret: Fuenciado

By tonyturtlesguitar

8.8K 461 355

"Forget regret." His hot breath hit my skin like fire. Everywhere was hot. I couldn't feel anything but his f... More

Currents Convulsive
Yeah Boy And Doll Face
I'd Rather Die Than Be Famous
The Cheap Bouquet
Falling Asleep On A Stranger
She Sings In The Morning
The Balcony Scene
Diamonds and Why Men Buy Them
New Fuenciado

Chemical Kids And Mechanical Brides

1.4K 63 42
By tonyturtlesguitar

Chemical Kids And Mechanical Brides: Chapter 1-

Now it's not like I wasn't smart. I believed I was. My mom told me I was. And the teachers could see that I was. But that didn't stop my grades from dropping and it certainly didn't stop me from being grounded. It never really bothered me if I'm being honest. I didn't see the point in school.

Everything after you never use again in your life. I could get a job in music without a degree. That's all I wanted to do anyways. Of course that's not what anyone else wanted. My mom pulled me out of school and started making me take my classes online. Apparently it was to help my concentration. Never the less I still didn't do the work. Computer stuff annoyed me when it wasn't something I wanted to do. So basically my mom put me in an even worse spot than before.

Eventually she started to notice that and we sat down to have a talk. A talk that resulted in three hours of my mom screaming and crying. It did hurt that I was the one causing her pain but it's her fault for not caring enough to actually try and teach me herself. I wouldn't mind learning the work from her.

During the talk she told me she was hiring someone. Someone to come in every week and teach me. They were going to live with us and on the weekends they would do whatever. I just shrugged at her. At least it was a person. If it was a cute person, even better. I like guys. A lot.

Today was the first day whoever they were was supposed to start their job. Let's just hope they weren't some homophobic asshole who just wanted this for my moms money. I got up from my bed and wiped at my eyes. I checked my phone to see what time it was. '11:32' the screen displayed for me and I clicked it back off. The new "teacher" was due over here around 12:00, meaning I had roughly 30 minutes to get ready. First I stripped out of my boxers and turned on the shower. I sat on the edge of the counter as I waited for the water to get warm.

After my 10 minute shower I stepped out and dried off. I smirked at my reflection in the mirror. I shook the water out of my hair and laughed as my hair was glued to my face in some spots. I moved my hands to my face and pushed all of it back. I dropped my towel to the floor and stepped into my room. I took out a new pair of boxers, a black Drop Dead shirt, and some random black skinny jeans. I put all of it on then walked back into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror again and decided today I was gonna straighten my hair. It can't hurt to look good for who ever my new teacher was. Unless they were a forty year old man. In that case, ew. After blow drying and straightening the mane I call hair I do a once over in the mirror. I smile at myself and walk away. I take the stairs two at a time and land with a loud jump. I stride over to the kitchen and open the pantry.

After eating an apple that I found laying on the counter I sat down on one of the bar stools we had and swiveled back and forth on it. There was a soft knock on the door after about a minute of me swiveling myself to an unknown beat. I slid off the chair and walked to the door. I turned the knob and slowly slid it open. I almost gasped at who or rather what I saw standing there. He was gorgeous let me tell you that.

He was in a white button up and a black tie accompanied by grey skinny jeans and plain black vans. His long brown hair fell in straight tendrils across his tan face. His smile only accentuated his gorgeous eyes. He had a little silver nose ring attached to his slender nose. That only made him more perfect. "Hello. You must be Jaime." The man said with a slightly raspy voice. He just got more perfect by the second. "Yes, and you are?" I said slowly. I didn't want to trip over my words and say something I didn't mean. Like "could I take you against my kitchen counter over there" for instance. "Vic Fuentes. I'm your new live in teacher? I don't know if your mother told you or not." Vic said. I smiled. He seemed like he genuinely cared. "Yeah she told me. You wanna come in?" I asked him. I moved the door open as wide as it went so he could step inside. "Yeah it would be kinda nice." He chuckled. As he stepped past me I could smell the sent of laundry detergent and Axe. I don't know if it was just him or the fact that it was allergy season, but those that fragrance didn't leave my nose for a good minute.

Vic turned around to face me and set down the brief case I only just now noticed he had. "Would you mind getting your mother for me?" He questioned. I gulped and nodded. I tore my eyes away from his body and made my way upstairs to my mothers room. I knocked softly at the door. "Ma, the new teacher is here. He wants to meet you." I raised my voice so it would carry through the wood. I heard some shuffling and the door opened, revealing my mother in a purple floral blouse and tan slacks. "Thank you, Jaime." She said firmly and began to walk down the stairs. I trailed behind her slowly. She always hated when I walked right behind her.

As we got down to Vic I noticed he was still standing in the same spot as before. His hands were clasped in front of him and he was rocking back on his heels. Although he didn't seem nervous, his smile didn't quite reach his eyes when he saw my mother. "Hello, Mrs. Preciado, correct?" Vic lifted his hand out for my mother. "Ms., and yes that is me. You're Mr.Fuentes?" My mother quickly shook his small hand and retracted it back to her side. She was never a fan of small talk. "Yes that would be me." Vic smiled at her and I could sense my mothers snide thoughts rolling in. She was never a fan of humor. I don't know how I'm her son. "This is Jaime. I assume you've already met." My mother gestured to me and Vic just nodded. "Well he is who you're hired to be teaching. You have weekdays on the job from 8:30 to 3:30. You will have weekends and evenings off. You teach him every subject and have an hour for lunch a day. I won't be home for most of the day seeing as I have work but I will trust you with protecting the house and my son while I am gone. Your room is in the basement and you will have everything you need down there with you. Any questions?" My mother went right to the point. "Do I begin lessons today?" Vic asked. "No. Today I'd like for you and Jaime to get acquainted. It'd be better for his education." I rolled my eyes at that one. She really never would stop trying. "Okay. Thank you ma'am. My moving van should be here tomorrow." Vic announced. My mother nodded. "Help yourself to any food or drink. Jaime, I'm going to work now. I'll see both of you later." My mother looked between both of us and nodded again. Her heels clicked all the way to the front door. As it shut and the lock clicked from the outside silence filled the house.

"So...where are you from?" I asked Vic. If my mom was giving us the day off to get 'acquainted' I'd at least give it a shot. I didn't want Vic to stay a stranger forever. "I've always lived here. Mostly in the outer parts of San Diego. Have you always lived here?" He questioned me. "Here, let's sit down and talk." I gestured to the couch behind me and he nodded. As we both sat down and turned to face each other I had to force myself to try not to kiss him. "As I was going to say, my family's been in this house since I was a kid. My dad left it to us after he passed away." I looked around as I explained. My dads death never really affected me. I was little when it happened and me and him had never really been close. "I'm sorry for your loss." Vic said and I just nodded. "How old are you?" He asked after a few seconds of silence. "18, you?" I asked him. "23." He said. I glanced over at him. "You're pretty young to be a teacher." I stated. He let out a short laugh and I swear I melted.

"I graduated early from high school and got my teaching degree last year. This is only my second job." Vic shrugged. "Ah. What was your other job?" I asked. "I taught 9th grade. Most of them were too much to handle though so I had to quit that job." Vic gave a sad smile. "Yeah. Sorry." I said trying to sound as genuine as possible. I really wanted Vic to like me. He turned his head to me and gave me a small smile in return. "It's okay. I'm glad to be here." He said. I felt a small pang in my heart. Even though I know it wasn't because of me, it still made me feel special. He was in my house and he was glad to be there. I smiled back at him. "Can I ask you something personal?" I blurted out. He raised his eyebrow in curiosity. "Sure, go for it." He said.

I sat contemplating my next words. What would I even ask him. He is my teacher for gods sake. And 5 years older than me. But he was so god damn attractive. Just the way he sat so casually right across from me. The way his white shirt stretched across his arms and chest. Anyone would be lucky to have him. Did he have someone? I bet. No one that attractive was single. "Are you seeing anyone?" I asked. I mentally slapped myself as soon as the words came out. Now it sounded like I was trying to pick him up. I mean I wanted to but, once again, he was my teacher. "No." He laughed. He was amused. Probably because I sounded like a dorky 18 year old wanting attention from some older guy. Well...let's ignore the fact that thats true and move on. "Well now you need to ask me something personal. I feel awkward being the only one to ask something like that." I crossed my arms over my chest. Just because he's older doesn't mean he gets the last word. He seemed to think for a moment. "I got one." He said with a smirk. "What is it?" I asked slowly. That innocent smirk made me want to to not so innocent things to him.

"What's your sexuality?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow. I felt my eyes widen at his question. Why would he ask that? I mean it's something you find out eventually but not on the first day of meeting each other. He took one look at my reaction and his face fell. "If you're not okay with telling me I under-" he tried. "No!" I cut him off rather loudly and his lips closed. "I'm gay." I sighed. Now is the moment of truth. The moment when I see if my gay crush is really my gay crush.


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