Tokyo Mew Mew: An American Me...

By TheBlondeAdventurer

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Whenever Tokyo Mew Mew finds out about another Mew, they are in a panic. What if they don't get to her first... More

Chapter 1: Beating the Aliens to America!!
Chapter 2: Who do I trust??
Chapter 3: Decisions and Betrayal
Chapter 4: Back to Japan!
Chapter 5: Changes that come with a new school
Chapter 6: Promises
Chapter 7: Why me???
Chapter 8: Confessions
Chapter 9: The easy days
Chapter 10: Getting back on track
Chapter 11: Surprise!!
Chapter 12: Staying Alive
Chapter 13: Coming back to a scary situation
Chapter 14: Unexpected Visits
Chapter 16: A new ally?
Chapter 17: The First Fight
Chapter 18: Battling For What?
Chapter 19: A Deadly Encounter
Chapter 20: Fate?
Chapter 21: The Finale

Chapter 15: Getting ready for a fight

1K 51 16
By TheBlondeAdventurer

Hello cupcakes! This story has broken 300 views!! :D :D I'm crying right now because I'm so happy :'D thank you guys so much! You're all amazing! I hope this chapter lives up to your expectations, so here you go! Dedicated to @The_Muffin_Ninja for giving me a challenge and commenting on the story :)

Heirii’s Point of View

I stood in front of Jake as he had a sickly smile plastered on his face. “It’s good to see you again. I recall that we weren’t finished where we left off.” His voice made me shiver, and I glare at him repulsively. “No, we are quite through. So either order now, or I’ll have my boss kick you out.” He looks at me with a serious look on his face, and I feel very uncomfortable. “What?” I mutter, and he just stares. “Why don’t you like me?” he asks, and I laugh at him. “Are you really asking me that question? Do you not remember everything you did to me in the past, and what you did to me today?!” I whisper yell to him, and he looks down. “Like I said, I’m not very good with confrontation, so I took the easy way out: bullying. But I really do like you Heirii, I just wish you would feel the same.” His voice sounds weak and helpless, and for a moment I feel a pang of guilt, but I shake it away. “What are you trying to pull?” I hiss, and he looks shocked. I caught you red-handed. “I’m not pulling anything!!” he says, and I roll my eyes. “Sure, then explain to me why you do what you do. And don’t say you aren’t ‘good with words’ because I’m not buying it.” I say, and he sighs. Before he can speak, I hear Lettuce calling me to the back. “Sorry, I’ll be leaving now.” I mutter to him, turning on my heel and walking away. When I reach the back, I look to see Lettuce smiling at me. “What did you need Lettuce?” I ask her, and she giggles. “Well, Shirogane said you looked like you were about to kill that boy, and he didn’t want that much trouble, so he sent me to take you back here. I’ll get Pudding to handle him.” She explains, and my mouth drops. “He what?!” I yell, and she giggles again. “Yeah, he said it’d be too much of a bother if they got a lawsuit for you killing him, so he said to take ‘the killer’ away.” She says, putting quotation marks around ‘the killer’. “That rude little-” I start, but I’m stopped by someone walking into the room. “I’m a rude little what?” Shirogane’s voice calls out, and I spin around to face him. “Jerk.” I growl, not knowing what else to call him. He gives me a half-smile, coming to me and patting me on the head. “Well, don’t let the ‘jerk’ get to you runt.” When he calls me a runt, my mouth drops and I glare up at him. He’s smirking now, and I narrow my eyes. “Runt??? I’m no runt!” I yell at him, and he just looks away. “Runts usually get angry too quickly, and look at you, fuming like you’re gunna kill someone.” I stop glaring at his words, and I know I’m caught. Huffing, I fold my arms across my chest and look away. “I’m still not a runt.” I mutter, and he chuckles. “Keep telling yourself that. Lettuce, can you go get someone to wait on the boy over there?” he asks her, and she nods her head, exiting the room. “Why did you want to kill him?” he asks me bluntly, and I scoff. “I wasn’t going to kill him.” I say, and Shirogane cocks one of his eyebrows. “Really? Than what was with the death glares and all that?” he asks, and I look down. Was I really going to tell him, of all people HIM?? “He’s an obnoxious jerk who thinks he can mess with people, and I got mad.” I say slowly, trying not to let more information out than necessary. “Is that so?” he asks me, and I nod my head, looking up at him. He looks serious as he stares at me, and I feel my heartbeat start to speed up. Why am I so nervous? “I know you’re holding something back.” He states, and my eyes widen. “How do you know?” I ask him astounded, and he gives me a smirk. “One, you are a horrible liar, and two; you just told me.” He says, and I’m stumped by this, knowing he’s absolutely correct. “Shut up.” I mutter, and I feel him grab my hand and lead me away. “Wha-what are you doing?” I gasp, shocked by his actions. “You need to know something.” He says, dragging me downstairs and into the basement. “What?” I ask him as he lets go. He just crosses his arms, looking at the screen. “You may not like him very much, but there may be a reason he’s acting like this.” His words confuse me, and I give him a look that explains it all—he’s lost me. He sighs, turning towards me to face me. “You know there is an enemy out there correct?” he asks, and I nod my head. “Well, I’ve recently learned that either the person the aliens call Deep Blue is here in Tokyo, or that he has an inside source feeding him information about us.” He explains, pointing to the screen, and I see different dots glowing across the map of Tokyo. “And?” I ask, willing him to continue. “And it may be someone we know.” I’m stunned into silence as he tells me this, because I realize what direction he’s headed with this. “Yo-you think that…Jake i-is Deep Blue?” I stutter, and he shrugs. “He may be, and maybe that’s why he’s trying to get so close to you and bugs you so much. He wants to know your weakness.” He tells me, and I look down, tears forming in my eyes. “Why does everyone use me?” I ask him, and for once he’s completely silent. After a while, he finally speaks. “I’m not sure how to answer that, but its our job not to let that get in the way. We have a huge fight ahead of us, and a battle that decides the earth’s fate, and ours as well.” He explains, putting a hand on my shoulder. Is he being…nice? I fight a strange feeling from the pit of my stomach and look him in the eyes. His bright blue eyes are serious and true, and I sigh. “Thanks Shirogane. I’ll do my best to figure out who Jake really is.” I say, and he gives me a grin. “Great, if you do that, we may be on the upper hand of the battle to come.” He claps me on the back and starts walking towards the door. “Oh and Heirii?” he asks, turning back towards me. I raise my eyebrows at him. “What?” I ask, and he gives me another grin. “We’ll have training to do soon, so we can be ready to fight. I don’t want my runt to be unprepared.” With that he turns around, leaving me there with my mouth dropped. “WHAT??” I yell at him, but there’s no answer. I run to the door, looking out to see he’s gone. “Where the heck are you?” I mutter, trudging up the stairs. I see Ichigo and Zakuro talking quietly, so I decide to go talk to them. As I approach them, Ichigo jumps in surprise and Zakuro just takes a step back. “Where have you been??” Ichigo yells at me, pouting her lip. I giggle at her, “I’ve been talking with Shirogane about Jake.” I explain, and she widens her eyes. “And you didn’t kill the guy?” I laugh at her, and she joins in with me. “No, no I didn’t.” I say, clutching my sides. Zakuro even breaks a smile, amusement lighting up her eyes. “Well, that’s something new.” She says, and I finally stand up straight, grinning. “Yeah.” I answer, and just like that, I’m back on track and forgetting Jake’s confusing demeanor. When the café closes, we all go to sit down and enjoy a new cake Keiichiro has made us. He really was an amazing cook. “Wow, this is amazing!!” Pudding claims, stuffing her face with the cake. I chuckle at her, and she gives me a goofy grin. Shirogane comes up to us, staring us down. “What’s with the face?” Ichigo asks him, and he just sighs. “The enemy is moving closer, and is believed to be someone we know. Or an inside source is feeding it. We need to start training now, so we’re ready for whatever we face.” He explains, and everyone is silent. “What kind of training?” Mint asks lowly, and he’s quick to respond. “Not much, just fake fighting. You will be attacking and working on combos on our fake Chimera Animals. It won’t be hard, but it’s tedious work. We need to know all the ins and outs of our strengths and weaknesses.” He explains, and we are all nodding our heads. “All right! Sounds like fun!” Pudding’s excited voice seems to put a smile on everyone’s face. “Well then, we start tomorrow after the café closes.” He says with a smile, and we nod. “Okay!” we reply simultaneously and he leaves us be. As Ichigo and I walk back to her house, I’m hounded with questions. “What happened today? Why were you so late?” she fires at me, and I laugh nervously. “Well, I kinda…ran into Jake today.” I say, and start explaining everything that happened, including Pai and Kisshu. “Dang, that’s a bunch of drama.” She says, and I nod, sighing. She stays silent the rest of the time, and I’m getting anxious. Why is she being so quiet? Should I not have told her everything? When we get into her room, she sits down on her bed and stares at me. “What?” I ask nervously, and she suddenly has the biggest grin on her face. “YOU AND KISSHU KISSED!!!” she screams, and I run to her and clamp my hand over her mouth. “Shhh!!” I tell her, not wanting her parents to hear her. I was blushing like crazy, and she removed my hand, laughing at me. “It’s adorable!!” she coos, and my cheeks heated up even more. “Sh-shut up.” I mutter, and she snickers. “I can’t believe it! My little Heirii is finally growing up.” She mocks, and I stick my tongue out at her. “I’m older than you are!!” I protest, and she just laughs even more. “You don’t act like it!” she retorts, and I open my mouth to say something but stop. She was right. “Whatever.” I say looking away, and she giggles, knowing she’s won. “Don’t worry, I have a feeling Kisshu enjoyed it just as much as you did.” She says winking, and I put my hands over my ears. “MY INNOCENSE!!” I scream, and she doubles over in laughter, and I follow her. We are both crying and laughing on the floor when a knock sounds on our door. “C-come in.” Ichigo says trying to catch her breath. Her mom opens the door and gives us the strangest look. “What on earth are you two doing up here??” she asks us, and we both try not too laugh again. “Umm, just being ourselves?” I offer, and her mom smiles. “Oh sure, I know what you’re talking about. It’s about boys, isn’t it?” she asks, and both our jaws drop. “How did you know?” we both ask, and she laughs. “I was a teenager once too you know. Oh Ichigo how is Aoyama-kun? I haven’t seen him in a while. Nothing bad has happened, has it?” her mom asks, and now it’s Ichigo’s turn to blush. I snigger at her as she tries talking to her mom. “He’s fine, and nothing’s wrong!!” she rushes, and her mom just smiles. “Alright, just making sure.” With that, she leaves us to ourselves. I smirk at Ichigo, “Yeah, and I’m the immature one.” 

So, how was it? Did you guys like it, or was it too expected? Leave your comments below please :D I hope everyone has a great weekend!! Comment, Vote, Fan?


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