Achilles (Wattys2015)

By Writer20161

3.4M 119K 14K

Every pack has an Alpha and Luna, all except for the Blackmoore pack. No, they only had a Luna. A strong she... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Rogue groups
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Can we agree on something?
Being Re-written

Chapter 22

64.8K 2.5K 70
By Writer20161

During the first day of Achilles being sick I decided to let his mother take care of him for the day. They needed to bond and this was probably the only way, if he refused to then she's staying with him until he does. However, I knew he would probably bond with her. He already forgave her and is talking to her a little, but I want him to actually start acting like a son.

Melissa is reluctant to tell Achilles who her second chance mate is, so I suggested we wait a week or until these Hybrids leave us alone. Speaking of which, Blake should be moving the pack here in an hour. Melissa sent over Reese, his brother, and the Gamma. His Gamma is a quiet guy, but once you get him talking he's the funniest man I've ever met.

His mate, Sierra, is a bitch though. She keeps acting like a jealous girlfriend whenever he's talking to me, which is mainly about pack business. Reese was in the middle of explaining the quadruplets to me when his sister asked him to help her find the baby bottles. Reese's sister is a nanny for the baby whenever his mate is showering or napping, she's very weak from giving birth since she's half human. Anyways, so Achilles' Gamma stepped in to finish explaining it.

Then walked in Sierra who didn't care that I was the Luna, she just told me Achilles and I aren't fully mate so I wasn't the Luna. I just laughed in her face and told her we are fully mated in fact, it ended with Melissa slapping her across the face.

Melissa explained to me that Sierra and the Gamma, Jay, are choice mates. Sierra's two mates rejected her, one was a warrior from Alpha Xander's pack and the second was a rogue. Jay's first mate was a hunter and tried killing him, so he killed her to protect himself. The second was a vampire who was already married to one of the vampire princes. Plus, she was cruel and ordered her guards to kill Jay right then and there. Their mate-bond is very strong, Sierra is terrified of being rejected a third time. She knew she wouldn't be able to handle it and that very thought scared her.

Even so, Melissa agreed with me that Sierra has no right to act like a selfish asshole. The rest of the time Jay explained the quadruplets Sierra glared at me. When Jay finished I smiled, thanked him, and walked away. I smiled when I heard Jay cuss at Sierra, telling her to show me some respect.


I smiled when I saw Sadie running over to me, her eyes bright as she threw herself at me. I looked up to see Reese's sister walking in with the first group from my pack. Jennifer grinned and sighed, looking at the thirty pack members. They all looked at me, waiting for me to explain why they were in Achilles' packhouse.

"Listen, Jennifer here will assign you your rooms. She has a list of who has a mate or not, just tell her your name and she will find you on the list. Once you're settled in I need you to meet me out back." I explained.

"Yes, Alpha." they all replied before shifting their gaze to Jennifer.

I sighed, I hated it when they responded to me like robots. I shrugged it off though, waiting for Henry to arrive with the second group. Jennifer finished assigning the last person's room when Sadie started sniffing the air, her eyes growing wide.

"What is that amazing smell?" she asked, practically drooling.

I furrowed my eyebrows, not being able to smell anything good. Well, except for Achilles' faint minty scent. I then smiled as it dawned on me, Sadie found her mate. I then frowned, if her mate is one of my pack members then how come she didn't know until now? She has met every single male in our pack!

"You idiot, Henry is leading the group in. Think about it." my wolf sighed.

I felt my face heat up, "Right, whoops."

Sadie then locked eyes with Henry, both of them freezing. After a whole minute Henry walked over and introduced himself, a sudden burst of confidence surrounding him. I smiled at them and asked Jennifer if she could assign this group their rooms. She was about to ask me, but I pointed over to where my sister and her brother were talking.

"Mates." I whispered.

Her eyes lit up, "Finally!" she beamed.

When the second group was finished Reese, Blake, and Ryan walked in with the third. Mona was pressed to Ryan's side, both of them holding onto each other for dear life. I chuckled, they're always possessive over each other, it's kind of cute. However, it's scary when Mona goes all feral on any girl that flirts with my Gamma.

Jennifer suddenly tensed up, scanning the crowd as she smelled the air. I gaped at her, damn, is everyone finding their mates in my pack? Blake suddenly froze, his eyes connecting with Jennifer's as they just stared at each other. Ryan grinned before pulling Mona over, both of them chuckling as Blake started to stumble over his words when they finally snapped out of it. Reese rolled his eyes at his blushing sister before explaining everything to remaining people.

"How come Blake is just realizing Jennifer is his mate now? Didn't Reese bring her the day Achilles, Sadie, and I left for the beach?" I asked Ryan as he stood beside me.

Mona looked at me, "Nope, some warrior guy came instead. Jennifer was in heat, so she was locked in a room with two she-wolf nurses." she chirped.

I smiled, "Well, I'm glad he finally found his mate. How have you been? I haven't seen you in a while!" I sounded, pulling Mona into a hug.

She laughed, "I've been great! How are you? Miss mate of Achilles." she teased.

"I'm doing perfect."

We all walked outside together, I took a deep breath and scanned my pack. I made sure everyone was here, including pups. I sighed in relief, we didn't lose anyone. I then began to explain everything to them, in which they hung onto my every word. After I was done they went to their rooms quietly, looking at the warriors that walked by them.

I tried explaining to them that Achilles' pack isn't aggressive, they won't murder them since they're part of their Luna's old pack. Even so, they continued to act alert and frightened around them. Except my warriors of course, they would only nod at them and even chat with them. I sighed in relief, at least they aren't arguing and threatening to yank each other's head off. Yes, my warriors have done that with a pack before.

"Ah, your warriors actually like the pack this time." Reese commented. "It's nice to not hear any threats of beheading each other."

Correction, it was this pack that they argued with. Great. Hopefully this goes by smoothly, but I knew it wasn't. I swallowed and walked back inside, needing to check on my mate.

Oh, Moon Goddess, please let this go over nicely.

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