My boyfriend's dad {ON HOLD}

Por loveabby

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What happens when your boyfriend's dad is perfect for your dad? Well that's happening to Niall Styles 17 . Hi... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Not an update A/N
Chapter three
Chapter four
Not an update
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Not update really really sorry
Important news
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Character ask
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
The reason why
Chapter 17
My Apologize
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Christmas special
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 8

84 3 3
Por loveabby


Previously on 'My Boyfriend's Dad'

" promise you won't tell anyone especially Zoe" he says

"I promise" I say

"Ok i'll tell you but you swear and prmise not to tell Zoe, cause she will ruin my life." he says

"Ok I promise and swear" I confirm

"Ok well..." he starts off
"I just feel that your gonna become mean to me like Jo-Joey is" I say worriedly

"Well two things. One why would you think I would be mean to you? Second, why is he even mean to you?" He asked me

"Well first I thought you and Joey would become friends. Second they're mean to me cause..."
"Oh well I'm not dating and I do fancy someone" she tells me making me worried

"Oh ok who is it do I know them?" I ask her

"Yea you do its..."
Liam's POV

"Well Liam who is it?" Perrie asked me

"You know Zayn Malik right?" I asked

"Zoe's big brother right?" She asked

"Yeah...wait how do you know Zoe?" I asked

"Who doesn't know Zoe. She is the best she is so sweet, but anyways what about Zayn?" She asked

"Um well Zayn said he likes you and wondered if wanted to go on a date one day?" I tell her

"Sure just tell him to call me."she says

"Ok can I get your number so I can give it to him?" I asked

"Oh Zoe has my number just tell her to give it to him cause I never remember my number plus my phone is in my locker dead, sorry." She tells me

"It's ok don't worry but I will" I tell her walking away waving. I pull my phone out walking to science class to text my baby.

(Baby💕=Niall, Me=Liam)

Me- Hey babe where are you?
Baby💕- I'm walking to with Amy, Timothy, and Zoe-Zoe to bring them to maths class. Then going to English class why?
Me- Why I can't know where my hot, sweet, always hungry boyfriend is?
Baby💕- Well ok that covers it up. So you're coming to my house right?
Me- Of course anyways my dad is still at your house.
Baby💕- Really! Do you think our dads are gonna become friends?
Me- Maybe I hope so. Anyways I actually texted you for a reason.
Baby💕- Ok what is the reason my love?
Me- Can you please give me Zoe's number please?
Baby💕- Ok 203-555-0819
Me- Thank you I love you so much❤️
Baby💕- Why did you need it?
Me- She has this girl's number that I need to give to Zayn
Baby💕- Who is the girl?
Me- sorry can't tell you Zayn's rule number one rule is not to tell you the girl's name
Baby💕- But I thought you love me
Me- I do love you your my love
Baby💕- Then tell me
Me- Nope I have to text Zoe
Baby💕- Fine😔
Me- I love you forever my love❤️
Baby💕- I love you to❤️😇

I type in Zoe's number while walking to science as the bell rings.

Me- Hey Zoe its Liam do you have Perrie's number
Zoe- Hey Liam it's Amy I took Zoe's phone but I'll give it to her.
Me- Ok thanks.
Zoe- Hey Liam what do you need.
Me- Hey do you have Perrie Edwards' number
Zoe- Perrie Edwards of course I have her number but what for?
Me- Your brother he likes her and they are gonna go on a date and he needs her number and she said you had it so yeah that's why I'm asking you.
Zoe- oh ok well here 203-555-7890
Me- Thanks so much
Zoe- Yep now the bells about to ring so get to class then tell my brother about Perrie ok
Me- Alright thanks again bye
Zoe- Bye

I walked to science and sat down. Couple seconds later here comes in the famous Zoe Malik's big brother Zayn Malik. He sees me and his face lights up. He comes and sits down next to me "So what did she say"he asked

"She said ok but you-" I was interrupted

"Thanks so much mate did you get her number?" He asked

"Yeah but-" I was interrupted again

"Give it to me"he said

"Oh but Zayn you don't-" I was again interrupted

"Here write it here" he gave me a piece of paper and a pen

I wrote down her number.

"You know your sister had her number the whole time?" I asked

"Who Sheala?" He asked

"No Zoe" I answered

"That was going to be my second guess" he states

"Well that will be your only other guess cause you only have two sisters" I say

"Well anyways Zoe has like all the girls' numbers so" he says

"True anyways when do you want to go on the date with her?" I asked her

"Maybe this Saturday" he answered

"Ok well you better tell Niall who the girl is cause he might ask me for the name" I tell him

"Okay I will" he says annoyed

"Are you coming to Niall's house after school" I ask

"Um are my sisters coming?" He asked

"Duh Zoe is by the hip with Niall so yeah she coming I don't know about Sheala though" I tell him

"I'll text her to see if she is going" he says

Right after that Mr. Smith came in the classroom as the bell rang.
He starts to write notes on the board. When he turns round Zayn pulls out his phone.
Zayn's POV

I pull out my phone when Mr. Smith turns around so I don't get caught to do two things. First I put Perrie's number in my phone. Then I text my young sis.


Me- Hey young sis

YS- Hey big bro why are you texting me in the middle of class?

Me- I need to ask you a question

YS- Shoot!

Me- Are you going to Niall's after school?

YS- Yeah I guess. I got to go before the teach takes my phone. Ok bye big bro 👋🏼

Me- Bye

I put my phone away. I turn to Liam.

" Yeah she's gonna come." I tell him

"Okay" he says
Amy's POV

I'm in math class next to Zoe. Timothy is in the other side of the room. When me and Timothy were talking he told me that he fancies Tristan. TRISTAN! I hope it means he likes him then I am going to be so happy. They would look so cute together. I told him to tell him since he was right next to him right now. But he said he will invite him to Niall's house after school. I can't wait till he tells him. I going to be around the corner. But he has to tell me when he is going to do it so I can be there. Around the corner of course.

"What'chu thinking about love?" Zoe asks me

"Nothing really babe" I tell her

"You sure?" She asks

"Yeah I'm positive" I tell her sneaking a kiss on her cheek

She starts to blush and muttered an okay.

"Babe what does fancy mean in the British language" I asked her

"It means 'like' what?" She asks

"Cause Timothy asked me if I fancied you or love you." I tell her

"Oh and what did you say" she asks

"That answers for another day" I tell her

"Fine" she says while pouted

I kissed her cheek and she stopped pouted.
Tristan's POV
I told Timothy I get bullied for being gay. He told me he would never bully me ever. I was happy about that. But now every once in awhile I feel like someone is staring at me. I look around and everyone is looking bored. So I shrugged it off.
Timothy's POV
I can't believe Tristan gets bullied cause he's gay. Even if he wasn't gay why would anyone want to bully him he is cute and fragile. I swear if someone lays a finger on Tristan I'm going to make sure they don't do it again. If you ask why I would do that is two reasons. One I didn't like bullying and second I fancy him. Yep you think the boy that seems straight is gay. Well your wrong I'm not gay nor straight I'm bi.

Anyways Tristan said he will come to Niall's after school I am so happy cause I want to tell him that I like him and I want to go on a date with him.
*fast forward to lunch*
Niall's POV
We are all in the cafeteria.
"So Zayn are you going to tell me who this girl you fancy is?" I ask him

"Nope" he says smirking

"Why not your my best mate I deserve to know" I wine

"Well my sister is your best mate that's a girl and she didn't tell you who she fancied" he says

"On the contrary I did tell him who I fancied you dumbass" Zoe-Zoe interrupts

"Babe don't swear like that to your brother" Amy says while playfully hitting her side

"Thank you Amy. But really you told him lil Z" he says

"Yea of course he's my Ninall" Zoe-Zoe says and I smile

"Wait who was the person she liked?" Amy asked

"Well she still likes them" I say

"Who is it so I can show them what they missed" she says proudly

"Babe why do you want to show you what you missed when you didn't miss anything" Zoe-Zoe admits

"Oh it was me?" She asked shocked

I nodded my head yes.

"Oh" she blushes

"Zayn don't think we are not done with this conversation so you better tell me who you fancy" I say to Zayn

"No but what are we going to do at your house?" He asks me

"Well anything mine and Liam's dad are going somewhere and I don't know where. I think it's dinner and a movie but my dad would say that I would be a friend date so they would go as friends" I tell them

"My dad said the same thing to me" Liam said

"Ok" the group said in unison

"So is everyone coming ri- Zoe-Zoe why are the girls all looking at you besides the table over there" I say point to the table on the far left of us

Well all look around and when Zoe-Zoe turns and sees the girls. Some of then either turn away from them or waves, or blushes, or giggles. We turn to look at her. She shrugs.

"I don't know two days ago girls just came up to me and gave me their number and told me to call them one day" she says

"Did you keep them" we ask her besides Amy

"Yeah did you keep them all?" Amy asks

"Not all of them just the girls you are ok with my love" she says going to kiss Amy's cheek but gets interrupted by Liam

"So that is why Perrie told me that you would have her number" Liam blurts out

"Perrie as in Perrie Edwards?" I ask Zayn

"Yeah I fancy her" he says

"Oh my gosh let me call her over here" I tell hime

"No don't do-" he says


She put her hold on finger up.

After ten mini she still doesn't come.
"Zoe-Zoe since your good with the girls now can you call Perrie to come here?" I ask her


"OK" She yells while getting up

"Wow" I say

"Yeah Zoe?" Perrie asks

"Um did yo-" she says

"Did you know that Zayn fancies you?" I ask her

"Um yeah Liam told me" she says

"Oh ok so"I ask

"So what?" She asks

"Do you fancy him back?" I ask her

"Yeah you could say that" she says

"Oh ok well thanks Perrie" I tell her

"No problem bye guys. Um Zoe?" She says

"Yeah" Zoe-Zoe says

"Um my friend wanted me to give you this" Perrie give her a purple gift bag

"Um ok tell...?" Zoe-Zoe hesitates so Perrie can give her the name of her friend's name

"Jesy her names Jesy" Perrie says

"Tell Jesy I said thanks" Zoe-Zoe adds

"Ok and um text me" Perrie adds

Zoe-Zoe nods. And Perrie walks away. We all look at her.

"What!?" She says

"A girl just gave you a gift bag an who knows what's in it." I say

"What's in it?" Amy asks

"Um candy and a piece of paper" Zoe-Zoe says

"And what does the piece of paper have on it?" Amy asks

"A number" she says while folding the piece of paper and putting it in her front pocket which is for junk. She gets up as does Amy.
She walks to the table where Perrie is at.
Zoe's POV
Me and my love walk over to the table where Perrie is sitting.

"Hey" I say
The all look at me and smile.

"Hey Zoe" they say in unison

"Hey um which one of you is Jesy?" I asked

"Um that would be me" A girl with a round face and long brown hair with some make up on her face said

"Oh um thanks for the candy. Wait excuse me for a second" I say
I turn around.


"FINE WE WONT TAKE ANY" They yell back

"Sorry about that um anyways thank you for the candy again" I say

"Your welcome" she says I smile at her and she blushes

Me and Amy walk back to our table.
"They should have known that you hate purple and should have gotten you a hot pink color bag since its your favorite color" Amy says and all the girls start writing something either on their hand or a paper.When we sit down the guys look at us.

"What?" I ask

"How do the girls-why are they so interested in all of a sudden Lil Z?" Big Z asks me

"I don't even know Big Z" I tell him "Do any of you know why" I add

"Well when I asked Perrie knew who Zayn was she said 'is that Zoe's big brother' and then I asked her how she knew you and she said 'who doesn't know Zoe? She is sweet' so that's all I know" Liam said

"Ok well thanks Liam now all I have to fi-" I say before I was interrupted by my phone. I pull out my phone and open my text messages

Panda🐼=Zoe's friend

Panda🐼- Hello koala 🐨

My face lights up and I move my hand from Amy's waist.

Me- PANDA OMG how are you? It's been a while where are you? Are you gonna come and visit us?

Panda🐼- KOALA TO MANY QUESTIONS first I'm good. Second I know I'm here in the state, third maybe

Me- OMG um can I text you a bit later I'm with my gang and they are looking at me really curiously?

Panda🐼- Sure but you have to remember ok and promise me

Me- Got it and I promise bye Panda🐼

Panda🐼- Bye koala🐨

I put my phone away as I put my arm arm around Amy's waist. They look at me weird.

"As I was saying all I have to do is fi-" I say before I was again interrupted

"Talk about that later who was it?" Nianall asks me

"Oh it was just Panda" I say casually

"PANDA REALLY?" Big Z, and Ninall say in unison

"Yeah it was Panda" I say

"So she decided to text you instead of texting u-" they got interrupted by their phones. They take their phones and their faces light up.

"Panda?" I ask

"Panda" they say in unison

"What did she say?" I ask

"She said 'don't look at koala in a confusing look' and it was her who was talking to you" Big Z said

"Same here" Ninall said

"Good now you guys slash baby" I say "I'm guessing your wondering who we are talking to about huh?" I ask

"Yes" they say in unison

"Well Panda is my best friend in the world. Her real name is Alexis. Her nickname before was Al. But then I started to call her Panda and she called me Koala. So yeah that's why they said Koala and since Big Z is my Big Z he knows that we called eachother Panda and Koala. Same with Ninall she knew he is my best friend that is like my other brother. So any questions" I say

"Yeah I have one" Ninall and Big Z say in unison

"Ninall your question" I say

"Yeah is she going to come and visit me- I mean us?" He asks

"I asked her and she said maybe so I'm not sure when or where" I say

"Big Z your question"

"Yeah where is she?" He asks

"Well she said she is in our state that's about it really" I say

"Ok well we have to go to class in like five minutes so I want to ask who is coming to my house?" Ninall asked

Me, Amy, Timothy, Tristan, Big Z, Liam raise our hands and we all look at where Sheala and Pedro would sit.

"Where are they" I asked motioning to where Sheala and Pedro would sit

"I don't know but Sheala is coming I asked her so I'm guessing Pedro will come to" Big Z says

"Oh ok anyways lets go to fifth period and two more period after that" I say
We all get up to go to fifth period.

Me, Amy, and Timothy are walking to fifth period writing class which is my favorite. While we are walking down the halls a girl came up to me who had a dirty blonde hair

"Hey koala its Panda" she said

"Hi if your Panda then when we met what was the thing I kept making fun of you about?" I asked knowing that she wasn't even Panda

"Me...still having stuffed animals?" She says as a question

"No why would make fun of you about having stuffed animals when I like stuffed animals not trying to say it in a mean way sweetie" I say and I feel Amy flinch

"Sorry I thought that I could see if you would fall for it" while blushing

"It's ok by the way what's your name?" I ask

"Ashley" she nervously say

"Nice to meet you Ashley" I say

"Same even though I know you. But you don't know me well I, going to leave before I keep on rambling." She rambles

"Ok bye" I say and she walks away smiling. Constantly girls say the same thing. Me asking them the same question and getting ridiculous answer and me saying sweetie and Amy flinching each time. We finally get to writing class. When we get in the classroom all the girls stop what they are doing and look at me. All he boys look at me and one mouthed 'how?' And I look at him and shrug. We sit down we sit down near eachother. Amy is in the desk next to me and Timothy is behind her. I lean over to Amy and put my hand on hers.

"Why were you flinching every time I said sweetie?" I ask her

"Cause your supposed to say that to me"she says sadly and and put her head down

"Aww baby" I get up and walk around and pick her hand up so she is standing. I sit in her seat and put her on my lap.

"Baby I called them sweetie cause they are sweet. Also sweetie is what old people say to their old husband or wife" I say whispering the last part.

"Also I don't want to call you sweetie I want to call you my love, love, and baby cause your my baby okay so don't worry" I tell her

"Okay" she sadly

"Come on can you please smile for me?" I ask kindly

She gives me a fake smile and then back to sad.

"Now that wasn't a smile I want a smile smile the smile I love"

She shakes her head.

"Fine then I'm gonna have to tickle you and I know your tickle spots" I say

"No babe please no I'm not in the mood" she says

"Well ok then" I say then I start to tickle her.
She starts to laugh and smile.

"There's the smile I love. You forgive me" I ask her

"Yeah your forgiven" she says smiling

"Yes!" I say and peck her lips

"Awww" some girls says " Zoe your so sweet" another girl said

"Zoe no kissing in class. And Amy off of Zoe" Mr. Michaels says while walking in

"Thanks Mr. Michaels" Timothy says

"Sorry teach and Timothy shut up" I say while picking Amy up so I can get up and sit in my seat

"What I thought you two were going to snog in class" he whines

"Oh shut up I know who you want to snog with Timothy so" Amy says to Timothy

"Babe what do-" Amy says before I interrupted her

"Make out baby it means make out" I say

"Oh ok thank you" she says and leans over to kiss my cheek
*skip to after school in the parking lot Zoe's POV still*
"So Timothy your mum said you can come over to Niall's?" Leeyum says

"Yeah she said she was going out with someone named Patrica or Tricia something like that" he says

Everyone except Timothy and Tristan look at me, Big Z, and Sheala.
"WHAT" We all say in unison

"Timothy ask your mum what's the person's last name" Sheala told Timothy

"Okay" he asked while typing on his phone we here the text noise

"She says her last name is Malik, why?" He asks

We get looked at then we look at eachother.

"Timothy you do you know what Zoe, Sheala, and Zayn's last name is?" My baby asked

Timothy shakes his head no.

"Our last name is Malik" Sheala says

"Okay- Oh OHH" Timothy says realizing

"And you guys say I'm slow" I say under my breath

"Babe we don't say your slow we say you get the information to your brain late" my baby says trying to make it sound nicer

"Baby that is saying that I'm slow in a different way" I tell her

"Well I like you and your that means your slowness to okay" she says

"Ok" I say leaning down to kiss her lips.

"CAN WE GO WE DO NOT WANT TO SEE YOU TO SNOG" They all say in unison
I pull away. "Later" I say pecking her lips one more. Then wiping her bottom lip. She then blushes.

"Ok babe" And pecks my lips once more

"UGHHHHHHH" I here Sheala, Timothy, Big Z, and Tristan say. I look to see the niam couple kissing full on. I hit Ninall's arm. He pulls away from leeyum.

"What!?" Ninall says

"We are going stop kissing leeyum Ninall" I say

"Fine and did you just say Leeyum?" He asks me

"Yes is there a problem?" I ask

"No but why did you just now give him a nickname?" He asks

"Cause I've know Liam for three years and it's time I give him a nickname so I thought hmm a nickname that he doesn't have yet and then Leeyum was born" I say

"Ok are you ready to go?" Big Z asked

"Yep I'm re-wait" I say taking my phone out

"What now?" Big Z asked me

"I have to text Panda I forgot to text her and I promised to texted her after school" I said

"You better text her you know sh doesn't play with her promises" Ninall says while I open messages

"So who is coming in my car since I brought it?" I asked

Timothy, and baby raised their hands

"Baby put your hand down I know your coming" I tell her

"Sheala did you bring your car?" Big Z asked

"No I brought my turtle"she says

"Wait you have a turtle where is it?" I ask looking around

"Babe, babe there is no turtle" she says

"I knew that" I say

"Yes I brought my car" Sheala said

"Ok so your going to drive you and Pedro are going to Ni's house or?" I ask

"Well me and Pedro are actually gonna go on a date" she says

"Ok well then Big Z who's car are you going in since your dumba-self forgot your car at home" I say to him

"Well no matter which I go in I there is gonna be a couple so I'll go in the.......Niam car" he says

"Ok Tristan which car do you want to go it?" I ask him

"I'll go in the-" he says before interrupted

"The Zamy car ours cause it's a better car" my baby says

"Um yeah I'll go in your car" Tristan says

"Ok well let's go" I say

"LIL Z don't forget to text back Panda ok" Big Z says

"Yeah if anything happens like she gonna come or something text me" Sheala said

"Got it, got it speaking of me texting baby do you want to drive or do you want to text her for me" I ask

"I'll text for you" she says and I hand her my phone.

"Ok TO NINALL'S HOUSE WE GO!!!!" I scream

We all get in the cars.

*in the Zamy car*
"Ok baby now look for panda in my contacts and just text her hi panda and a panda emoji ok" I say while starting up the car

"Ok babe" she says as I'm backing up and driving towards the street.

Panda 🐼 = Al, Me = Amy typing

Me- Hi Panda🐼

Panda🐼- Finally koala🐨 what took you so long to text me back

Me- Sorry the gang was talking and I ended up having a make out session with my girlfriend and then Ninall started to make out with his boyfriend

Panda🐼- Whoa koala you got a lil G

Me-😂 I mean she's little but you know I like shorter girls

Panda🐼- Trueee plus Ninall his boyfriend is Liam right

Me- Yeah they are cute together

Panda🐼- I bet they are anyways where are you gonna be today

Me- Ninall's house why

Panda🐼- Just wanted to know what your gonna do today

Me- oh ok

Panda🐼- So how is my famous Uncle Harry

Me- Good I guess you got ask Ninall cause I have been over before today in a while I was trying to win someone's heart

Panda🐼- Who your lil G's heart

Me- Yeah

Panda🐼- What's her name

Me- Amy

Panda🐼- Is she cute

Me- No

Panda🐼- Oh she is gorgeous

Me- Yep

Panda🐼- Alright my koala 🐨 I have to the store

Me- Alright my panda🐼 I have to go in Ninall's house anyways

Panda🐼- Alright bye luff ya💘

Me- Luv ya to💖

We all get out the car and my baby is blushing. So I go to her.

"Baby why are you blushing" I ask smirking

"Nothing really just that you said I was not cute but gorgeous" she says

"That's cause you are" I say kissing her temple

We all walk in his house and everyone sees that my baby is blushing. So they all come to me.

"What did you say to Amy that she is blushing?" Big Z asks me

"I said that she wasn't cute that she was gorgeous" I say

"Typical LIL Z always making girls blush" he tells me
We all go into the living room and my baby is already there. When she sees me she gets up. So I know where my seat is. I walk and sit and then she sits down on my lap.

"Speaking of the the girls if a girl comes and says one of your nicknames so that means you Ninall or you Big Z have to open the door and if the girl has dirty blonde hair and she says your nickname that panda knows then ask her this question 'when me and her met what was the thing I made fun of her for' and you guys know the answer right?" I ask

"Yeah for her not have a door." Ninall says

"Yep every dirty blonde you see EVERY ONE" I said

"Got it but what if we don't feel like getting the door?" Big Z asked

"Then I have to answer the door and that means. My baby has to get up then I have to get up. Answer the door, ask the question if its a dirty blonde, then they would get it wrong. Then I have to close the door, then my baby has to get up so I can sit down. Lastly then my baby has to sit back down. And I don't want to do all that work and I don't want my baby to do all that work." I say

"Then Amy can go to the door with you so you both can come back and sit down together" Ninall suggests

"Baby do you want to come to the door with me" I ask her

"Ok I don't mind" she says

"Ok back to the question, what if the get it is there gonna be a second questions?" Big Z asks

"True ok then this question 'what show did Panda get me hooked on' now you to come whisper it in my ear" I tell them

They both get up and whisper supernatural in my ear.

"Oh and you guys just telling you panda is coming here." I tell the

"Babe no she's not she said she is going to the store" baby says

"Exactly" I say

"Yeah she is coming YESSS WOOOOOO" Ninall says

"Alright babe come sit down calm down" Leeyum says
Ninall calms down and sits down on his lap

"Tristan and Timothy why are you so quiet?" Big Z asks

"Well I don't know what to talk about" Timothy says

"How about talk about what movie to watch?" Ninall says

"I know let's watch 'insidious 3'?" I suggest

"Yeah let's watch it" me, Timothy, Big Z, and Leeyum say in unison.
That was a long chapter I will write another chapter today cause I got some ideas anyways thanks for reading it btw Larry will or might be in the next chapter ok

Word count: 5,129





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