What Happened To Us? | Sequel...

By cupcakebasher105

573 5 2

After running away with Michael, Luke starts to develop feelings for him. One drunken night starts all the co... More

1~ Safe
2~ That One Night
3~ Voices
4~ Dates & Mates
5~ Unexpected Events
6~ All Bout Cash
7~ No Words
8~ Moving On
9~ The Beginning
10~ How It All Starts...
11~ Am I Safe?
13~ Taken
14~ Torture
15~ Time Is All We Have
16~ Hope Was All We Needed
17~ Back To Normal Yet Not Normal
18~ The News
19~ Date Night
20~ Goodbye
21~ "He's Mute"
22~ My Sunshine
23~ The Wedding Day
24~ Runaways/ Epilouge

12~ All About You

18 1 1
By cupcakebasher105


"Michael?" Luke asks softly into my chest once the songs over.

"Yea?" I ask.

He tilts his head up and looks at me for a while. "Can you sing to me?"

"Anything for you." I kiss his temple and start singing.

"Sunshine, you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy, when skies are Gray, you'll never know dear, how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away..." I sing softly to Luke.

"I love you" Luke blurts out snuggling more into my chest.

"I love you too kitten. More than you can imagine" my lips curve into a small smile.

"Come on. We are taking your mind off of this once and for all" I sigh.

"But why?" Luke whines.

"Because it makes me sad to you see you scared or sad" I say.

"Just cuddle with me. You make me happy" Luke frowns.

"Okay" I give in. "But what do you wanna do?"


"Besides that" I chuckle.

"Um, watch a movie?"

"Oooo I have a good one!" I remember.

I grab the control and cuddle Luke in my arms.

I click on Netflix, my profile and then the movie.

"I love this movie!" Luke smiles at me.

"I thought you would" I kiss his nose.


"So what now?" I ask once The Nightmare Before Christmas is over.

"Wanna do a cover of a song or something? I'm sure we can head down to the studio" Luke perks up smiling.

"I love seeing you like this" I smile caressing his cheek.

"And I love you." Luke kisses me for while before pulling away. "Now let's go" he pulls me out of the room.

"Ash cal, wanna do a cover?" Luke squeals.

"Sure" Calum responds.

"Alright" Ashton shrugs.

"Yay!" Luke cheers.


As Luke talks with our manager I stare at him. I admire his features. His gold locks, piercing blue eyes, sexy ass lip ring, a smile that can make me fall in a coma, and his laugh. Damn that laugh.

I bite my lip and try to hide my smirk. I stand up and walk towards my boyfriend.

"Babe, follow me" I whisper in his ear swiftly before walking away normally.

"Be right back" I hear Luke say to John before following close behind me.

Once we make it to the roof, Luke asks.

"Why are we here?"

"I love you." I smile widely.

"I know. I love you too" Luke giggles.

"No I wanna shout it. From the rooftops" I continue smiling.

"Cliché" he laughs.

"But romantic" I smirk smugly.

"Touché" he kisses my lips. Soon We pull away.

"I love you, I love you, I love you! I love you!! I LOVE YOU!!!" I scream scooping up Luke bridal style and spinning him around. He squeals and wraps his arms around my neck while buries his face in my shoulder.

I stop spinning and smile widely seeing Luke happy.

Luke looks up and laughs.

"I love seeing you so happy" I kiss his forehead.

"Come on. Let's go do the cover." He says.

"Of what song tho?" I ask walking back to the elevator.

"What I like about you" Luke giggles.

"You. Are. So. Frickin. Clever." I smirk stepping down on each step.

"I know" he laughs.


"You know what I like about you?" Luke asks me sitting on my lap and wraps his arms around my neck.

"What's that kitten?"

Suddenly, Pierce The Veils, Caraphernelia starts playing in the distance.


I see Luke scoff and rolls his eyes. He shakes it off and smiles at me.

"Everything. Your smile. Your voice. Your laugh. Your eyes. Your hair. Your tattoos. Your personality. Completely everything. Even your small things." Luke smiles resting his forehead on mine.

"You. No one else. Just you" he lets his eyelids shut.

"Kitten?" I ask closing my eyes and start rubbing his thighs softly.

"Yea baby?" He responds.

"I love you so much" I open my eyes and so does he.

"I love you too"

I sniffle and smile, staring into his beautiful blue orbs.

"Why are you crying?" Luke asks concernedly.

"I just love you so much and I'm afraid someone will take you away from me. Honestly, I have this feeling that someone's gonna take you away from me. I don't wanna let go. I never do. I want to love you. And I do. But I wanna continue loving you. I'm not ready to let go, Luke. I-I'm just not ready" a tear falls down my cheek as I hug Luke tightly, stuffing my face in his chest. I look up at him and continue.

"You have no idea, how much I love you. I-I just-" Luke cuts my crying mess, by attaching our lips. He cups my cheek and moves slowly into the kiss. We pull away after a while and he stares at me.

"I'm going to be yours Michael. No ones gonna take me away. Not while I'm with you" Luke gives me another short kiss and stands up.

"Stand up" he tells me.

I do so and get on my feet. He sits in the place I was on hold out his arms.

"Come here, baby. You need some love" he pouts.

I curl up in his arms and snuggle in his embrace.

"Michael?" Luke asks stroking my hair.

"Yea?" I respond looking at him.

"You wanna go to sleep early? It's no problem really" Luke flashes a small smile.

"Can we stay like this a while longer?"

"Of course" Luke kisses the top of my head as I go back into my snuggled up position.

This chapter sucked and took forever for nothing. Sorry.

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if youre going to read this good luck not gonna spoil it for u but so many feels :))))