Freelancers watch Red vs Blue

By flag384

138K 480 115


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter: Reader Contest Time!

Chapter 31

2.3K 6 0
By flag384

Hey everyone- I'm baaaaaccccckkkk~! So, again, i was a lazy son of a bitch and haven't done anything for a while. No writer's block, no excuses. I. Was. Lazy. As. FUCK! I literally wrote is up abote few minutes before 10:41 P.M. Eastern Standard time Usa on 7/23/15! Also, thank you soo much! at this time I've got 378 or 9 veiws, but who cares about minor details? enjoy this chapter!


(Alaska, his room next morning)

The noise was blaring. Persistent, even. Knock, knock, knock. I silently groaned out my re-entry to the waking world. I got out of bed, and put on a pair of boxers and a pair of sweatpants that were red. It's not uncommon for me to sleep naked every once in a while, right? Knock, knock, knock. "Yeah, yeah, I'm comin' I'm comin'.", I said to the person on the other side of my door. 'What the hell, can't a guy get some sleep? It's, what-', I looked at the time on my phone as I thought apprehensively, 'Five minutes to four o'clock A.M.?'

I opened my door with a nasty look on my face as I asked harshly at being woken up so early,"What the hell do you want with me at such an ungodly hour as this?! I do not like being woken up at five to four A.M. without a damn good reason!" 'I am NOT a morning person damn it!', I thought with rage as I saw a Freelancer Grunt. She said with a respectful tone, "Freelancer Alaska, the Director wanted you to be notified of when Agent Iowa came back from her mission.

She is here and waiting to meet you in his office." She looked away, probably in embarrassment at my look and my tone. I sighed. "Christian, come back to bed...I feel a bit lonely without you here.", A familiar voice rang out from my room sleepily. Mine and the Freelancer Grunts' eyes widened and I turned around and beheld the glorious sight known as a nude South. My jaw hung wide open.

Her skin was that nice tan that she always had, and her breasts were slightly smaller than I want to say... high B-cup... low C-cup? I didn't know, but they were just big enough for my hands. Her nipples were a lighter shade of brown than her naturally tan skin, and below that was a flat stomach that led into wide hips. Now, no offense to any of the females, as they are all sexy in your own way, but when I say wide, I mean like, thick perfect child bearing hips wide. I couldn't fathom as to how she got her armor on with those hips. No comment on her area because I'm not a total pervert yet.

Her legs were very shapely, and I knew better than to piss her off because those legs could kill a elephant with a single strike... no fucking with anyone. Her ass, which has given me many a raunchy wet dream, jiggled with every step-almost like another set of boobs which,obviously doesn't make sense but it's just a description! Her pink lip gloss lips curled into a sexy smile as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

She said, "I had a great time last night, babe." I blinked. "What?", I asked confused as hell and processing what she said as I suddenly remembered what Tucker said to Caboose when Carolina took them to find the Director, "Caboose, never stick your dick in crazy."

South looked at me as she went back into my bed and answered with a smile, " I'm your girlfriend now." I nodded and said, "Right. Um, The Director wants to see me so I'll be back as soon as I'm able." She nodded as she closed her eyes again. I walked out with the Freelancer Grunt staring at me as if I was crazy and asked, "What the fuck?" I just said, "Just get me a Cherry Coke or a Wild Cherry Pepsi." She nodded and ran off to get one of the requested items.

(Lenard, Director's office)

"Jesus, what's taking this dumbass so long to get here?!", asked an irate Iowa. Lenard frowned and said, "It will take him only as long as he needs. After all, He knows more about the Program than the UNSC does." Iowa's helmet covered head snapped to the Director. "First of all, he comes in along with a bedroom in a Training Floor closet, Second he has these DVDs that Wash won't shut the fuck up about, and Last you recruit him to be a Freelancer out of nowhere- and you expect me to believe that He's not bat-shit insane?", Iowa growled out accusingly. Lenard Church sighed. He thought, 'Why did I take CHARON's offer again? Oh, yes, they promised me a way to bring HER back.' He looked at Iowa.

She had the brand spanking new UNSC Recruit Armor for beginning SPARTANs to get used to the SPARTAN suits. There was a scar on her armor, and on one side it was pitch black, but it quickly bled into red. Her arm accents were red spiraling down on her pitch black arm armor and gloves. Her leg armor was the same, only had black combat boots that bled into red at the soles and and the inscription in red script, 'I-1'. It was certainly unique, and the Director knew that it was because Iowa thought she could be replaced-no that wasn't it- that they all could be replaced. It saddened him. Her helmet was the same that the snipers or spies in the UNSC used- the Scout helmet, it has been dubbed by the general populus. The visor was a honey-orange color, the only non-custom addition that Iowa had asked for.

"You know, I'm not much of a morning person, Lenard. So, Ms.Iowa, I certainly hope you don't mind me saying this but fuck you and your bitch sideways you should've been a bit slower.", said the irritated voice of Alaska with a white sleeveless undershirt and a Wild Cherry Pepsi. Alaska's face was calm, and the Director gulped and said, "I thought I'd ask if she, Agent Iowa-" the Director made a waving motion to Iowa. He continued, "Was mentioned in any of the DVDs." Iowa snorted and crossed her arms and thought venomously, 'Again with the DVDs!' "Nope, she wasn't, which is good.", he answered after a moment.

Iowa countered Alaska's jab from earlier with, "No one will fuck my bitch, since that's South." She continued with a suspicious tone, "Nice to meet you, Mr.Alaska." Iowa smirked under her helmet as Alaska's smirk was predatory and stated, "Oh, this is the start of a beautiful friendship." Lenard Church thought almost feeling sorry for the enemies that Iowa and Alaska will no doubt have.

He thought, 'Serves you damn fuckers right. What the hell is with the personal army CHARON Industries?' Iowa and Alaska shook hands as Alaska said, "Actually, I apparently fucked your bitch last night. Says she had a great time last night." Alaska grinned at the Directors dumbfounded look and Iowa's helmet staring at him. 'Worth it!~', thought Alaska with a sing-song tone. He finally opened his Wild Cherry Soda and said almost smugly-with a small unrepentant smile, "Life is good."

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