Chapter 33

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Hey everyone, so! guess what I have for you now? a new chapter! yaay, I feel so proud- I'm not being lazy! anyways, enjoy!


(Alaska, 479 Pelican Aircraft)

I looked at all the freelancers one by one, before I knocked them out, for what was going to be, forever. "Alright guys, let's move out!", Carolina commanded. Everyone including myself nodded. I made a hologram and had it follow Iowa as I turned on the invisibility unit that I gained from the Equipment Bay a month or so back. Olivia had been ordered by Iowa to fly around the area for a quick evac. "Olivia.", I said as I let the unit turn off and sat in the seat behind her. She made a half-turn to the left and asked, "What are you still doing here, kid?" I said nothing as I gently grasped her helmet. 

After a pregnant pause I answered, "To keep you alive." Before she had a chance to say anything I slammed her head on her flight console and had Omicron fly the Pelican on auto-pilot. I said, "Keep it running, Omicron." Her holographic projection came up from the console and with a nod said, "G-good luck, P-partner." I had already turned around to jump out of the Pelican when I heard that. I half-turned my head to the right and stated, "I'm going to need it." After I said that I jumped.

(Alaska, Private Facility)

I landed on the concrete with a deafening crack and spiderweb cracks underneath my kneeling form. I lifted my head to see multiple hired mercs that worked for CHARON Industries. I immediately got my shotgun that was strapped to my back and blew a merc's head off in a shower of blood pouring from the neck. I ran in close and grabbed the dead body and used that as a literal meat shield as I took aim at the closest merc and riddled her body in bullets. I threw the body forward so that the guy charging me caught the body, and threw a backwards thrusting kick with my right leg.

 My foot went through the chest of the guy behind me and I swung my leg around back to the front to get the body off. I then narrowly dodged a right swipe and a left swipe of a female merc with a combat knife, kneeled and fired off another shot after I pumped my shotgun again. The female merc was blown backwards into the frontal charging guy from earlier.

 I pumped my shotgun only to hear a clicking noise telling me that I had no bullets- which I responded with shoving my shotgun barrel into his head and it coming out the other side in a blood covered mess. "Now, to get to Iowa and the others.", I muttered as I sprinted off to the room where they were. I re-strapped my shotgun and got out my combat knife as I ran. I left the messy bodies on the floor everywhere.

(South, with Iowa and the others, in the Alien Artifact Room)

South was looking high and low for that AI chip. while the others were taking a longer time than she was, Samantha couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. She was tapped on her shoulder, which she turned around and threw a punch. It was caught- by Alaska. South gave a sigh of relief. "Don't scare me like that, Alaska.", she said in fake anger.

 Alaska gave a small chuckle and his tone was sad as she heard him say, "I'm sorry, but it's time for bed for you and your brother." South turned around so fast that she was almost a blur. "What?", she barked out at Alaska as he disappeared. Suddenly, everything went dark as she felt herself falling backwards and being caught. 'Why?', was South's last thought.

(Alaska, table with York looking for AI chip)

I silently stalked York. I felt bad for him, because he and Carolina would never go on that date that he wouldn't shut up about. York hummed a happy tune as he turned around. I threw a nasty right hook that was sure to leave a headache. He crumbled to the floor as I walked away with a purple glow behind me taking York to wherever Olivia and South were. I made a mad dash over to where North was outside the building. 

Lucky for me, that both he and Wyoming were on a roof that was just below me. I backed up and ran full sprint through the glass and landed in between them, grabbed their heads, and slammed them on the concrete. A purple glow was given as I picked up their sniper rifles.

(Iowa, looking for the AI chip)

'Finally! I found it!', Iowa thought as she swiped a AI chip named 'Epsilon'. She turned around and ran off to get back to the Pelican. All a sudden, she had a migraine the size of Canada, and kneed. She got back up with a shake of her head, the pain long gone. 'For some reason, I feel like I should know more about that Agent Alaska guy that was sent on the undercover mission.', She thought as she stopped to take a breath from running so hard.

(Alaska, Mother of Invention after the Mission)

"I can't believe that there were two Energy Swords just laying there, Theta!", I said as I put them on a table. Theta tilted his head to the right as he pulled up a holographic console. He pressed a few buttons and the swords glowed before shooting off in different directions. He said, "So you've chosen Agents Carolina, Washington, and Iowa to not be put in stasis. A good choice." I nodded and asked, "So, what's gonna happen to me?"

"Outside help is no longer required in my Universe, Agent Alaska."

"So...I'm going to be going home then?"


There was a pause between the two of us. I looked around the AI Fragment Room. There were tools and memory units on the walls. A Tex Robot was in a corner, ready to start helping Fragment Alpha. I suddenly had a great idea. "Theta, I have a request.", I stated with no negotiation in my tone. Theta said, "Since you have helped me in my universe, I will grant two." I grinned behind my helmet. I said, "Let the Freelancer Imposters take the place of South and the others. That way, If things do go like the DVDs and Original Red vs Blue, The real Director and Freelancers aren't really dead." Theta nodded and asked, "Do you have any other requests?" I nodded. I said, "Bring me back when you need me."

"Directive confirmed. I will now take your Freelancer Armor and put it on Chorus.", Theta said as he pulled up another holographic console and my armor phased off, leaving me in my black shirt with a red 'X' in the middle of my chest, dark blue jeans, and my trademark flip-flops.

 I pushed up my glasses after I ran a hand through my short reddish-brown hair. Theta said, "Thank you for everything that you have been able to do...Although I am surprised that you were able to knock out Agent Texas." He pushed more buttons on his holographic console and I said, "I was lucky. Oh, Program Theta, Director-level Directive- put Program Omicron with the Agent Alaska Armor and do not let it go into rampancy. Second Directive, Put a Copy of Program Omicron with limited memory of her matched user into the Freelancer Base if everything happens like we think." Theta froze for a second before nodding silently. I smirked as I phased out of the Mother of Invention in numeric code.

 ' I'm coming home. That sounds so strange to think after all that's happened.', I thought as a great light filled my vision.

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