Chapter 22

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hey everyone, another chapter off the press! Well, I feel like this one's a bit rushed, BUT, you let me know, mmmkay? In any case, enjoy. By the way, the alien tech is the guns that carolina used at that shipyard place... the one where C.T. died. I can't spell "assualt" at all. it suck the biggest donkey balls. ever. of all time.


(South and the other Freelancers, the next morning in the Mess Hall)

"Are you sure she'll like this as a gift kid?", asked Tex. Alaska sighed and muttered "Yes, I'm sure- it seems to be her favorite gun type, anyways." South glanced over from her seat next to Alaska- the right of him to be exact. The gift in question was a pair of alien tech, but it looked like it was slightly modified. The pair were different colors- one aqua blue and the other a tan brown.

 'Must be to represent Carolina and York, after all they are practically dating in all but name.', thought South a bit irritated. She didn't really like to mention love lives- North made it annoying enough when he said that their mom was worried that she wouldn't be getting grandchildren from her daughter. It got quite irritating after the first time. She shook her head of that line of thought. 

The alien tech were definitely guns- assult rifles by the looks of them. Plasma, the works. The guns looked a little bulky, almost like they were made to take hits. What surprised South was that the guns seemed to have some newly discovered tech from Polar Incorporated...why did that sound so familiar? They had Plasma Scopes. "Where and how the hell did you get Plasma Scopes, Texas?", asked South. It came out ruder than she'd meant. Tex's head snapped to South. 

Alaska immediately got in between the two mega-bitches, took off his helmet and said eerily calm and with a small friendly smile, "Now, now, I don't think you two are going to fight on such a... special day, am I right?" Everyone in the Mess Hall stopped what they were doing and froze. South and Tex gulped soundly and stuttered "N-no, we're not." Christian stopped smiling and picked up his cherry flavored Coke-a-Cola, "That's what I thought. Ah, excuse me, can I get another Cherry Coke please?" everyone except the Freelancers scrambled to get Alaska a new soda. Alaska smirked as he put his helmet back on. South looked back at the alien rifles. One the left side of the aqua gun was a orchid purple Siberian Tiger. On the right side of the of the tan brown gun was a snow white Polar Bear. The images looked like buttons. "So you never told me what the buttons did.", stated Texas in a matter of factly tone. 

Alaska looked at Tex and shook his head while saying, "That'll ruin the surprise." He winked in South's direction, or at least her general direction. South wasn't sure because it happened so quick and she was now blushing a bit. Carolina came in before South could examine the newly acquired guns. "Why are there so many cherry flavored sodas on the table? Better yet, why is there an shrine next to Alaska?", asked Carolina confused. South looked at Alaska. 'Holy shit, he scared the grunts into making a shrine?!', thought South bewildered. Alaska looked behind him and saw the shrine. "Huh. Well, that's new.", was his intelligent answer. South rolled her eyes. "Hey you're wearing the gloves!", exclaimed Wash. Every Freelancer, and Olivia, smiled under their helmets.

 "Yeah, thanks guys.", said Carolina. Tex got the two alien tech from the table and handed them to Carolina. "Wha-" was all Carolina was able to get out before Tex mumbled "Happy birthday, Carolina." and rushed to god knows where. "Well, that went about as expected.", stated Christian. South was confused. "What do you mean?", she asked.

"Texas isn't, at social things like birthdays."



Carolina was absorbed in her new alien tech. Oh, what Carolina liked, Carolina got.

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