Chapter 7

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I'm feeling good today people! So, how about another chapter, eh?


Agent Carolina was the careful one of all the agents. That's why she was the Leader of those on the Leaderboard. She analyzed a situation, and made decisions that had the greatest impact on what her team did. she made sure that everyone had the greatest chance of survival. "I say that we do it Director", she finally said, making her decision known to the other two in the room. Christian nodded, he wasn't going to deny her what she wanted...most of the time. The Director kept thinking for a moment before calling out "Alpha." the holographic A.I appeared and said "Yeah, boss?" Christian looked at the A.I with a look of... sadness? Greif? Carolina didn't know, but her eyes narrowed at him.

He knew something about Alpha. the Director's voice broke her out of her thoughts. "I want you to design something that of an home theater for the DVDs in the box, understood? I'll have some men build it A.S.A.P." Alpha muttered, "Don't mention the damn box, Director. I still don't know how to get the fucking thing open." Christian, Carolina, and the Director blinked. Then Christian busted out laughing.

They all looked at him with confusion. He seemed to notice the looks because he explained "I haven't taken the plastic wrapping off!"

"... ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME, HOUDINI!", Alpha yelled at Christian angrily.

"Nope! Sorry Alpha!", Christian said chipperly. Alpha, it seemed, didn't know how to respond to this. Alpha just shook his head in response.

Carolina and the Director was surprised at how Christian was able to... adapt so quickly. Carolina sighed. This was, officially, the weirdest meeting that she'd ever had. The Director said "alright, that's enough you two. Mr.Brackenridge, Agent Carolina, you are dismissed." They both nodded and was walking out when she heard him say "Excuse me, Carolina? Could you take me to the Mess Hall or at the very least show me the way?" She sighed again. Today was a long day indeed.

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