Fireproof goggles

By InsaneKoalaCreations

5.5K 82 12

(New summary) A collection of stories featuring the the ASL siblings, getting into trouble as they tend to do... More

Together 2
Too young to drink

Dont burn the treehouse dammit!

1.2K 17 2
By InsaneKoalaCreations

As stated in the summary THIS STORY CONTAINS SPANKING.
It is an ASL story in which Sabo spanks both of the D brothers, if this offends you I have another story that does not contain any spanking on my page you may enjoy more.
Because I know somebody will try to fault me if I don't point this out there are a few changes. Luffy did not eat the gomu gomu no mi. Sabo also (somehow) got back to the island after his ship was destroyed, though his parents assume he is deceased. Sabo still joins the revolutionaries, but when he's 17 not when he's 10.
Sabo sighed as he looked at the two raven haired teens. Ace had the decency to look somewhat ashamed, gaze solely on his brown shoes. He shifted his eyes over to the younger of the two, who was giving him his largest puppy-dog eyes, in a futile attempt to sway him from delivering punishment. While he might have let it work every once in a while (ace claimed he was too easy on the 13 year old) he wouldn't get away with it this time. Thanks to the two troublemakers standing before him half of their tree house would have to be repaired. Not to mention their beds had been practically burnt to crisps. He has seriously only been gone for one day.
"Ace," he said the teens name softly, not really mad anymore just disappointed, but the raven jumped slightly anyways. "Go stand over there." He directed, pointing at what was literally the only clear corner left in the treehouse. The teen looked like he was going to try to argue with the blonde 16 year old, but closed his mouth with a small nod when Sabo sent him a small glare. It was a tactic Sabo had learned soon after he had begun disciplining the two Ds, back when they had been mere 11 year olds. It hadn't taken many spankings for him to figure out that if he punished Luffy first, especially where Ace could hear, then the elder D would be much more subdued by the time his turn came around.
When they had been younger, and him and Ace more evenly matched, it had been the only way to get the boy to take a punishment semi-willingly. He tried to use the fact that he was two months older as an excuse to get out of it, but Sabo had pointed out that nothing was stopping him from punishing Sabo when he did wrong. The Ravens only response was a childish whine that he never did anything wrong. Sabo had found this so amusing he had let the raven out of punishment just that once. Luffy had whined the rest of the day because Sabo had still delivered 8 swats to the seat of his pants, more than enough to have him whimpering and jumping around at that age.
Sabo shook his head to bring himself back to the present as Ace took his place where the two wooden walls met. Sabo pulled one of the stools they used to eat on out sitting down and motioning Luffy over. The thirteen year old's eyes were widened further than usual and his hands were behind his back as if to protect himself from across the room. If Sabo weren't about to punish the boy he would have chuckled at how cute it was. Instead he sighed and looked directly into the boys brown eyes with his own cerulean ones. "Luffy, if I have to go over there your not going to like it."
The boy pouted, bottom lip sticking out slightly. "I'm not gonna like it either way..." He mumbled.
Sabo couldn't resist the urge to roll his eyes as he held up a finger. "One..." He said the syllable slowly knowing his brother would catch on. The raven whimpered, taking a small step back, trying to be defiant. He didn't want Sabo to spank him, dammit!
"Two." The blonde stated without hesitation, lifting up another finger. When the boy didn't move he began to say three, but before he could finish Luffy had scuttled over beside him, glaring hard at the ground. Sabo shook his head, amused with the boys antics as he took his wrist, guiding him over his lap. He already had a number in mind (30 unless the teen thrashed around too much, as he tended to be over dramatic about the whole thing) and wasted no time in bringing his hand down on Luffy's shorts.
The boy squeaked, gripping Sabo's pants in a tight grip that was sure to wrinkle the fabric. Sabo ignored it though -his pants were pretty wrinkled already anyways- and wasted no time bringing his hand down again, alternating between cheeks as he laid down the first ten swats. Luffy whimpered and kicked his legs with each swat. Sabo found it somewhat amusing that over the five years he had been punishing the youngest boy, he still reacted the same way. He hooked his thumb in the waistband of the shorts being met with a "noooooooo!" And a hand reaching back to keep the article of clothing in place. Sabo simply seized the boys hand, pinning it against his lower back and tugging the shorts down the rest of the way. The teen whimpered kicking in protest, which only served to push them down farther.
Though it was hard for him to, he hated seeing his younger brother in any sort of pain, he continued on. The next ten swats were spread over the boys black boxers at the same pace as the swats before. The boy wiggled around in Sabo's grip, though the blonde had to admit he was being slightly more subdued than usual, and by the tenth swat he was crying.
"G-gomen'nasai..." He whined burying his face in Sabo's pants, nearly braking the elder teens heart.
Sabo sighed rubbing the younger male lower back softly. "Last ten, alright?"
The boy gave a small whine of protest as Sabo lifted one of his legs slightly higher. The last ten were delivered to the sensitive under-curve of the boys bottom, quicker than the others had been, so as to get it out of the way. Each swat was met with gasps and cries, and when he released the boys wrist and began rubbing his back, the raven had gone limp over his lap.
When his cries were stifled enough to form words he immediately began apologizing and giving ludicrous promises to never be bad again. Sabo smiled, bringing the boy to sit with his bottom between the blondes knees, his head resting right over his elder brothers heart. "It's alright Luffy, your forgiven." He rocked the boy back and forth until his cries were reduced to sniffles, humming slightly. Finally he had the small teen stand up, adjusting his shorts.
"Go switch places with Ace." He directed the raven, who nodded. He shuffled over to the corner, and Ace moved quite a bit slower than his brother over to Sabo. Again Sabo was met with the realization that, we're he not punishing them, he would have found their behavior positively adorable. (Not that he would ever say that to them, for fear of his life.)
As soon as the elder D shuffled within reach he took his wrist, guiding the boy over his knee. He was thankful that the boy was a few centimeters shorter than him, because he was sure that if he were any taller he probably wouldn't fit over his lap, though he knew if that were the case he would still find some other way.
"Sabo," the raven started, only to be cut off by the blonde.
"Your not getting out of this Ace. I'm really disappointed in you. You should be setting a good example for Luffy." He knew saying something like that would get to the raven, and used that fact to his full advantage. Unlike with Luffy where silently delivering a set number worked best, Ace responded best to lecturing. He never had a set amount for the eldest boy, basing it more off his reactions.
The way Ace had already buried his face in the blondes pants, one hand on the floor to steady himself, Sabo knew this wouldn't be a very long affair. He brought his hand down on the teens arse a few times before resuming his lecture. "Your sixteen Ace. You should know better than this by now. You should be teaching Luffy how to protect himself, not how to set his house on fire." He landed a few particularly hard swats on the teens upper thighs before pulling his shorts down as he had with Luffy's.
"Ah! I'm sorry Sabo, it was an accident!" The teen said desperately, legs kicking out slightly with each of the swats now being delivered to his boxers.
Sabo ignored the elder boys exclamation focusing his efforts on the raven's 'sit-spots'. The teen whimpered pitifully with each hard swat, burying his face in the blondes pants once again.
Sabo knew he was close to being done and lifted the leg that was supporting the teens butt a little higher to give him better access to his sit spots and thighs. "How do you expect to be a good pirate if you keep setting things on fire? One day you'll end up setting your ship on fire, and then where will you be?"
This seemed to be the last straw for the raven, who began crying. "Gomen'nasai!" He sobbed out, reverting to what Sabo had learned to be his and Luffy's first language. Sabo landed five more swats before letting the teen up, leading him to sit carefully in his lap as he had done for their youngest brother a few minutes earlier. This was one of the few times Ace would accept any form of comfort, and the blonde was more than happy to oblige, holding the raven boy to his chest and running a hand through his wavy hair.
"Luffy?" He called softly to the boy in the corner, who immediately turned around running over to them. Sabo quickly found himself with two armfuls of brother, one struggling to get his cries under control and the other sniffling lightly as he clung to the blonde boy.
Sabo, being the patient brother he was, sat there until both had calmed down considerably. He let Ace up, who immediately blushed jerking his shorts up with a hiss, and chuckled lightly. He stood up lifting Luffy and going over to where a pile of blankets had been laid out on the floor, clearly where the two brothers had slept the night before. He set the raven haired boy down before laying next to him. Luffy curled into his chest, content, and before Sabo could think to call out to him Ace had already settled on the boys other side, sandwiching him in between his older brothers.
They drifted off like that, wrapped around eachother in the middle of the floor.
So... That happened. 1,748 words this is officially not only the longest thing I've ever posted, but the longest thing I've ever written that wasn't for school. Damn. Hope you enjoyed :D

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