
By Typteen12

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Zoey thought she was living pretty good. She had just started her senior year of high school, she had an amaz... More

Zoey (Chapter 1)
Chris (Chapter 2)
Zoey (Chapter 3)
John (Chapter 4)
Chris (Chapter 5)
John (Chapter 6)
Zoey (Chapter 7)
Chris (Chapter 8)
Zoey (Chapter 9)
John (Chapter 10)
John (Chapter 11)
Chris (Chapter 12)
Zoey (Chapter 13)
John (Chapter 14)
Zoey (Chapter 15)
Zoey (Chapter 16)
Chris (Chapter 17)
Zoey (Chapter 18)
John (Chapter 19)
Chris (Chapter 20)
Zoey (Chapter 21)
Zoey (Chapter 22)
John (Chapter 23)
Zoey (Chapter 24)
John (Chapter 25)
Chris (Chapter 26)
Zoey (Chapter27)
John (Chapter 28)
Chris (Chapter 29)
Zoey (Chapter 30)
Chris (Chapter 31)
Zoey (Chapter 32)
John (Chapter 33)
Zoey (Chapter 34)
Zoey (Chapter 35)
John (Chapter 36)
Chris (Chapter 38)
Zoey (Chapter 39)
Chris (Chapter 40)
John (Chapter 41)

Zoey (Chapter 37)

42 4 0
By Typteen12

He did not.

He did not just do that.

I stared down from the vent watching the scene unfold; John was going to give in. I knew damn well he had seen me, so he knew I was there. Maybe the little bastard didn't trust me to get them out of there. Whatever, now what?

Then an idea hit me as I watched most of the bad guys follow Alicia and John out. What if this was a plan? What if he was distracting them for me to strike? I wasn't sure, but it looked like it so I knew I had better be moving.

I moved as quickly and quietly as I could backwards to where I had entered the vent. I paused a minute to make sure I didn't hear anyone before I kicked the gate out again. As soon as I was sure no one was there, I kicked the gate and wiggled out. I looked around to make sure no one was coming, and then turned to enter the room.

I thought about how I was going to pull this off on my way down, so I had a pretty good idea of what I was going to do. I opened the door, trying to look like I completely belonged here. The looks on the agents faces were priceless, especially Carson's. I wasn't sure if he was mad, happy, or scared to death. I shut the door behind me, and the guards looked at me, not sure.

"You three," I said to the three guards. "I've been sent to relieve you. I'm not sure what the plan is, but you guys better hurry because it sounds important."

One of them looked at me skeptically. "They only sent one relieve for the three of us?"

"Yeah, it's not that big of a job, they're all half dead anyway," I responded feeling less sure of myself. I hadn't wanted to take out my gun but...

"Why do I doubt that?" the guard asked. I noticed he was going for his gun. Now I didn't have a choice. I quickly pulled mine out and fired a shot at his chest. I then turned to the other two guards and did the same, but not before one managed to fire a bullet of his own. I gasped as I heard it hit the wall behind me; that was too close and far too loud. My gun may have had a silencer on it, but his didn't.

Shit, anyone could have heard that!

"Zoey!" Daniel said, astonished. "What the hell...you just...?"

"Ask questions later," I said running to untie them. "Are you guys alright...at least ish?"

"We're fine," Carson said, looking at Michael and Chris. "It's them we really need to worry about.

Looking at Michael and Chris myself up close for the first time, I knew he was right. Chris looked horrible, and Michael had obviously lost a lot of blood. Daniel and Carson looked beat, but not as bad. However, I was still worried about them.

"How about you?" Carson asked after I had untied him and started working on Daniel. "Are you alright?"

Absolutely not, I've shot four people in one hour.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's get going."

Carson went to go untie Michael while I finished with Daniel. Daniel and I then went to go help Chris, and I felt horrible even untying him because I saw how much discomfort it brought him.

"John..." he gasped weakly as we finally finished untying him. He had to lean heavily on Daniel.

"I know," I said trying to comfort him any way I could. "I know. Trust me, we'll get him." I looked back and saw that Michael was standing, but also needed heavy support, even more so than Chris. I really hoped John wasn't too bad off because I didn't think I would be much help to him.

Now, we had a small problem; we were a big group, and two of them at the moment couldn't even walk on their own, and that wasn't even including what condition John might be in. There was no way we were making a "smooth" escape. Carson seemed to have the same opinion.

"We just need to run like hell," he said looking at the door. He looked at me, and I could tell he was debating whether he wanted to say something or not. "Zoey, lead the way. You've been out there, and you have the guns; you're our best option."

No pressure there, again.

"Okay, but what about John? We need to get him first."

"I know, I-"

He was cut off by the sound of voices in the distance. "We need to move now." He continued sternly. I didn't argue.

I went out the door first and cleared the hallway; no one was there and no one was coming. I motioned for the others to follow.

We moved as fast as we could, but I didn't feel like it was fast enough since two of us were injured. I began to panic; what if we were all caught? There would most likely be no escaping if that happened. I shuddered to think about being tortured. I knew for a fact I couldn't handle it. Just being stabbed once was horrible enough.

As we turned the corner, I heard voices yelling. We were now in the room where I had killed the first guy, and we hid behind the crates that the men had brought in off the plane.

"Jim's dead!" one man shouted.

Oh, yeah, that would be me; sorry...

Carson looked at me, a questioning look in his eyes. I nodded with my eyes cast off to the side. I certainly wasn't proud of killing the man, so I found it hard to look someone in the eye and say that I had. I felt Carson grab my hand and squeeze it before letting go. I smiled inwardly, knowing he was trying to comfort me; something a real father would do.

"Alright," Carson whispered after the men left the room in hunt of me. "It won't be too long before they realize we got out. I'll head back in and look for John. You guys look for an escape route..."

"Wait," I cut him off. "You can't seriously go in there alone."

Even Daniel looked uneasy. "Dad, that wouldn't be the best solution..."

Carson shook his head. "Daniel, you need to stay with them and get them out and..."

"Great," I said. "So I stay."

"No," they said in unison.

"I'm sorry, who got this far without help? Not you guys. I can handle myself. Daniel, take Michael and Chris out."

"How..."Carson started, but he was interrupted again.

"I'm okay now guys," Chris said. "I can help Daniel with Dad, and we can find the way out. Just go get John."

Carson hesitated, and so did I. I couldn't tell if Chris was "okay" enough to help, and I wondered if Carson could tell. Chris would only hold them back if he wasn't well enough to assist. I was really worried he was going to make me stay, especially when he asked for my gun. "Leave one with them," he instructed me. That meant he was taking me! I handed Daniel the other gun I had taken from the first guard. "We should have taken the other guard's guns," I heard Carson mutter under his breath; too late now.

"You three find a way out of here," Carson said mainly to Daniel and Chris, though he included Michael. "If you find one and we take more than 15 minutes from there, just leave. Got it?" Daniel nodded.

Carson looked at me. "Do everything I say." I nodded as well.

Before we parted ways, we all shared "be careful-s" and "we will-s" Carson and I went back down the hall, this time with him leading the way. Instead of going all the way down this time, we turned the first corner we came up to. Every noise I heard made me jump, which made me happy I wasn't happy the one with the gun; I probably would have fired a few accidental shots.

I nearly screamed when I heard the door to my left open. A man walked out and I saw the surprise in his eyes to see me. He opened his mouth as if to call for help, but I heard something very different; a gun shot. I looked behind me and saw Carson with the smoking gun pointed at the now dead man. He grabbed my arm. "We need to move faster," he said. "Grab his gun."

We began opening every door we came across. Most were empty, and the ones that did have people in them only had one or two, so they were easily taken care of. However, every gunshot we fired, we were helping the bad guys narrow down where we were.

"Damn it," Carson cursed. "Where are they keeping him?"

We came up to the last door in the hall. I John wasn't in here, I wasn't sure we were going to be able to get him out. By now the place was crawling with people, and we probably wouldn't make it to the next hall. Hell, I wasn't sure if we were going to make it out of this one.

We opened the door; he wasn't in there. The damn room was completely empty.

Carson didn't miss a beat. "Let's go,"

"Go where?" a voice from behind us asked.

Uh oh.

I turned around. There was only one man, but he had his gun pointed right at me. I noticed how Carson was keeping his gun shielded. Okay, I could work with this.

I pretended to faint. The guy jumped back in surprise, and Carson fired a shot. I watched the guy's body land next to me; gross. I quickly stood up. Carson looked surprised. "Are you alright?" he asked.

"Yeah," I smiled. "I saw that in a movie once. I always wondered if that would work."

He shook his head incredulously and chuckled. "Come on," he said. "We need to find John."

We ran down to the next hall. I was getting more nervous by the second. We opened the first door. I sent up a silent prayer. He had to be in here.

The room was completely dark, and when we turned on the light, I was happy and horrified. John was in there, which obviously made me happy. But he was...I don't really know how to put it into words. He was strapped to a table and gagged. He looked like the Wolverine had attacked him, and like a whole gang had beat up on him. He had lost and was still loosing a lot of blood. I ran up to him and realized he was unconscious, but breathing. I looked around for something that could help stop the bleeding, but there were so many sources where it was coming from, I wasn't even sure where to start.

Carson walked to the back of the room where he found small rags. He began working on untying John while I was working on trying to stop the rivers of blood flowing from his veins. They had even cut his wrists and one cut one his right wrist had clearly hit a vein. I quickly wrapped it, but even as I did so, the blood started seeping through.

"Carson," I said starting to panic. He was almost done un-strapping John.

"He's going to be fine," Carson said. "Here," he said handing me his gun. "Lead the way again."

"Where? I don't know where Daniel went."

"Just go outside. If they found a way out, they'll be looking for us," he said lifting John. Well, he tried to lift John. He had barely lifted John's back off the table when John suddenly came to life. He cried out in pain.

"Okay, okay," Carson said gently putting him back down. John squeezed the sides of the table, his face twisted in agony. I was still applying pressure to his wrist, and him squeezing the table wasn't helping stop the blood flow. The already soaked towel was dripping.

"John," I said putting my hand over his right one. "You need to let go of the table."

"Zoey?" he asked weakly.

"Yeah," I said forcing a smile. "Yeah, it's me. We're trying to get you out of here. Okay, but we need you to relax. Carson has to get you up like now if we're going to get you out." Carson handed me another rag for John's wrist from the back. John slowly let go of the table.

He was breathing really heavy. I felt me breathing start to quicken as I freaked out a little more.

"Kid," Carson said setting his hand on John's shoulder. "I know this hurts, but you have to bear with me."

John nodded. "Just do it," he said between breathes. He coughed and a little blood came out. I inhaled sharply. We needed to get him out of there now.

Carson picked him up. I saw in his face that he tried, but John couldn't keep it in. He cried out in agony and Carson cringed. I wasn't sure if it was because of John's out cry, or the fact that he had to lift someone John's size; John certainly wasn't a small guy, and I really hoped Carson's back didn't give out; oh god, that would be the last thing we needed. I wrapped John's wrist as tight as I could and then set it on his stomach. I wasn't sure how much pressure he could apply on it, but he grabbed it with his other hand and held it.

"Alright," I said mostly to myself as I walked over to the door, gun ready. I tried to slow my breathing down. This was not a good time for a panic attack.

We had hardly walked three feet out the door before I had to open fire on two men coming our way. I was trying to walk fast, but then I realized that my companions would be having a harder time with that. Carson was trying to at least jog, but he was having a hard time, and the look on John's face told me he didn't appreciate being bounced so much. I shot three more men. I felt almost like I was playing that "Whack a Mole" game; hit, or in my case kill, anything that moved.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I realized that our backs were completely undefended. I turned and saw two men trying to sneak up on us. I quickly shot them both and made eye contact with Carson. This wasn't going to work. I couldn't man both sides alone. On the plus side, the fact that those men were trying to sneak up on us and didn't just shoot us in the back said something; maybe they were under orders to take us alive. But I didn't think we should take that chance.

"We have to run," is all I said shaking my head, feeling defeat. We weren't going to make it out.

"Right..." Carson said looking extremely skeptical. We weren't far from where I had come in, but it was still a long way to run for someone carrying another person. And I had to keep reminding myself that Carson himself was injured, and I wasn't sure how much farther he could physically go. We only had about another two minutes before we reached our 15 minute time limit.

We were so fucked.

I looked at Carson and he nodded. We were going to make a run for it and I was going to shoot up a storm until I ran out of bullets.

Yeah, this was going to go so well...not.

We were fucked.


Heck yeah! Three chapters up!!!!! Just a few more to go and then revising time! (I'm not overly looking forward to that part, but oh well.) Sorry if the cussing was too much in this chapter, but for some reason, I was feeling it. :P

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