Immortal Love

By NicoleChristine1

17.1K 698 59

-- Sequel to 'The Wrong Brother' -- My life has changed so much over the past few years. I am a wife, mother... More

-- 1 --
-- 2 --
-- 3 --
Name Change
Author Note
-- 17 --
Epilogue: Forever


725 36 2
By NicoleChristine1

I groan as Jasper rolls off my and onto the bed beside. I smile at him, cuddling into his warmth. "I've missed you so bloody much," he whispers.

"I know Jasper, " I say kissing his chin. "I missed you too."

"How could you have? You didn't have you're humanity. You didn't feel anything. You looked me right in the eye and said you were leaving. I searched for you, looked for you. I even had Emmett and Rosalie looking," Jasper snaps. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Do you think I enjoyed being paraded around for 3 months, not being able to do what I wanted? Oh, and by the way, the second after she told me I could put my humanity back on, everything that I should've felt in those months hit me all at once. The pain, the anger, regret and guilt. It was overwhelming!" I push away from Jasper and roll off the bed. I put on some clothes before storming out of the room.

I groan when the familiar itching for blood returns, so I head to the kitchen. Pulling out a cup, I fill it with some of our stored animal blood, but I lace it with human blood. I drink quickly, moaning as the velvety blood slips down my throat.

Jasper walks in and sits at the bar stools behind the bench. I ignore him and continue drinking my red beverage. "Listen Isabella, I'm sorry. I didn't think about how this whole... Experience made you feel," he whispers.

I let out a sour laugh as I throw my, now empty, cup in the sink. "Well thats ironic. Isn't it you who has Pathokinesis?"

"You have to see it from my point if view Issy," Jasper says. "I didn't know if, or when, you would be coming home."

"Neither did I Jasper! I didn't know anything! I was forced to Fred in humans for months, and I couldn't do anything about it! I was forced to dance with strangers and then kill them. Innocent people Jasper! They were all innocent people! They had families and I killed them," my words turned into sobs as Jasper rushes to me, holding me in his embrace.  "I'm as bad as Victoria."

"No you're not. Don't think that. Victoria did it because she was evil, whereas you has no other choice," he whispers. I hold jasper close to me as I sob into his chest. "I will love you always."

"I will love you forever."


I run through the forest, enjoying the feeling of being free. I feel like a bird, who was finally let out of the cage. I laugh shrilly, as I leap over the lake that separates our territory from the wolves area. I run on their side of the river before leaping back. A scent reaches my nostrils, causing me to stop in my tracks. It is human blood. My throat burns with thirst, and I run towards the scent. A hiker is walking along a path and is oblivious to me stalking him.

I watch as he stumbles over a branch and his arm drips blood. I slowly walk behind him, clutching my stomach. "Help me," I groan. He jumps slightly, but turns to me.

"Are you okay Miss?" he asks in a British accent.

I shake my head, "I got lost in the forest, and I am so hungry." I fall to the ground and groan. He rushes to my side and holds my head up.

"I have some food in my bag," he says motioning to the place he dropped his bag. He quickly gets up and rushes to his bag, his fingers fumbling on the zip. In less than a second I am positioned behind him.

"I don't think that'll be necessary," I growl. Before I sink my teeth into his throat, I see the fear in his eyes. That fear relishes inside me and I mercilessly drain his body. I moan as the rich, metallic blood flows down my throat. Once the body is drained, I throw it onto the ground. I begin to dig, using my vampire speed to quicken the process. Once I am about 8 feet down, I dump the body, before filling the makeshift grave.

I go to the river and clean my face. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I open it to a text message.

Don't forget what you have to do.

I nod to myself before deleting the message, and rushing back to the house. When I arrive back at the cottage that my family gave me for one of my birthdays, before my children were born, the air is filled with the scent of 10 familiar vampires and hybrids.

I open the door, and I am immediately smothered in a bear-hug by Emmett. "Oh Bells," he sighs, burrowing his face in my neck. "I thought I would never see you again." I laugh slightly and wrap my brother in my arms.

"I miss you too Emmy," I say. He releases me slightly and kisses my cheek.

"I swear if you ever disappear on me again, I will rip of your legs and lock you up in a room for the rest of eternity," he says, smiling his goofy smile. I nod and he finally releases me.

Rosalie is the next to hug me. "I missed you Isabella," she says smiling. "I am glad you're home."

"Thank-you Rose," I smile. "I am happy to be home too."

She steps away from me and sinks into Emmett's arms. Esme hugs me tightly. "I am glad you're okay Isabella," she says. "I was so worried about you."

"Esme, thank-you, I am glad to have such an amazing mother-in-law," I kiss her cheek swiftly. As she releases me, Carlisle gives me a swift embrace.

"I am glad you're home," he says, smiling his charming smile. "Our family is now complete."

If I were human, my cheeks would've blazed red. "Thank-you Carlisle. Thank-you everyone, I am really glad to be home with my family."

As I turn, my eyes meet the familiar eyes that I had once fallen in love with, the only difference is that they are no longer chocolate brown instead they are a light gold. His face is lit up in a dazzling smile, and I feel myself smile. He moves forward and I run into his arms.

Jacob holds me tightly against his chest, holding my in the air. I let out a small sob, as I clutch my bestfriend. "Jakey," I whisper.

"Bells," he breathes my name into my neck. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too Jake," I whisper. "So much."

He releases me and puts me back on the ground. Amelia hugs me lightly and smiles. "I am glad you're home Isabella, I thought that I would never hear the end of Jasper's complaining," she smirks.

"It is good to see you two-"

"Mum?" I am cut off my a voice that I have treasured. I look up to see Darcie on the staircase, mouth popped open.

"Darcie," I smile. She runs down the stairs, tears streaming down her face, and throws her arms around me. I bury my face in the hair of my daughter.

"I missed you so much mum," she cries.

"I know baby girl. I missed you too! I am never going to leave you ever again," I say, my heart stinging. Oliver and Toby rush towards me and hug me tight. I hug the three of my children, and whisper sweet words into their ears.

For a moment, for a single moment, I feel that maybe everything will be okay. I forget the truth, I forget the reality. I am home, with my family. My children. My loves. And in this moment, nothing else matters. I am at peace.

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