A Beautiful Nightmare •A Kai...

By Mellianna92

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In every family's history book there has always been that one dark chapter that no one wants to talks about... More

Entry One... Attic Surprises
Entry Two... There's A New Girl In Town
Entry Three... Guess Who's Coming Home?
Entry Four...A Hit And Run
Entry Five... Missed Me?
Entry Six... You Win Some. You Lose Some...Funny Thing Is, I Will Always Win
Entry Seven...Billiard Magic
Entry Eight... Skinny Dipping & Taylor Swift
Entry Nine... Welcome To The Corn Maze...
Entry Ten...Mind Your Business Bon Bon..

Entry Eleven... Just Another Face On The Milk Carton..

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By Mellianna92

•Andy's Pov•

The next morning I woke up and just felt that something was wrong.

I guess Julia felt it too because when she woke up she looked right at me with a scared look on her face.

We both hear a crash down stairs and we run out of the room.

We find Nana holding Mrs. Bennett and see a broken dish on the floor.

"Girls, have you seen Bonnie? She hasn't came home."

"No, last we saw her was when we dropped her off after the library."

"Yeah and I was going to come over but I got side tracked." I say feeling more dread coming.

"Sarah, I'm sure Bonnie didn't run away. Have you tried a locator spell?" Nana asks.

"I did and it keeps spinning on the map. Betty what if something happened to my baby? What if someone kidnapped her or she ran away?"

"Don't think that nonsense. Now where is your husband?"

"He's out looking for Bonnie. But-"

"No buts. You go home and wait by that telephone. I'll do my part and try a stronger spell to find her."

"Thank you Betty." As Mrs. Bennett leaves I look at Julia and we move down the hall so Nana can't hear.

"Have you heard anything since last night?" Julia asks.

"No, I did try calling her last night but her phone went straight to voicemail. What about you?"

"Same and I even text her but she didn't text me back."

"Come on let's go track her phone."

"Good idea." We run up stairs and we both grab our phones.

"That's weird."

"What is Jules?"

"I had a signal on her phone but then it went out." I walk over beside her and sure enough she couldn't track Bonnie's phone.

"Try calling it, Andy."

I dial her number and it goes right to voicemail.

"This isn't like Bonnie to just runaway I mean if something was wrong at home she would've told us, right?"

I nod and feel this sick twist in my stomach.

"Julia, what if-"

"Don't say it. I'm going to keep faith and believe that Bonnie is going to walk through her front door at any minute, her parents ground her and we all laugh about this when we all in our forties." Julia puts on a brave face and says she'll meet me down stairs.

As I hear her footsteps leave I go to my window and look across the yard at Bonnie's place.

I want Bonnie to be okay.

I want Bonnie to just all of a sudden walk up the steps of her house and everything goes back to normal but I have this gut wrenching feeling that something bad happened to Bonnie.

"Please be alive..." I whisper as I look at Bonnie's window.

It's been another two hours and still no word on Bonnie.

For some reason it just felt like all sound had stopped for those two hours.

No sounds of kids were playing.

No sounds of cars passing by the house.

Everything was just completely silent.

Julia and I were sitting on the front porch just staring across the street.

"...Do you think it's going to get up to the nineties today?" Julia asked as she bounced her flip-flop up and down on her skinny foot.

"I don't know but I heard there was a chance of a rain storm..."

Both of us were talking about the weather but neither of us weren't interested in it.

But talking about that was easier than talking about the elephant in the room.

"Wanna go get some ice cream?"

I shake my head and just keep staring across the street.

"I'll go make you a bowl okay?" Julia gets up and I curl my knees up to my chest.

I'm not much of a praying person but I did ask for an answer as in where Bonnie could be.

I look up from across the street and catch a glimpse of a girl with a short bob and clothes just like Bonnie's.

"Bonnie?" I get up from the steps and walk across the street so I can follow the girl.

"Bonnie? Bonnie wait your moving too fast." I call out but she keeps walking further and further.

"Bonnie you're parents are worried, let's go back." I get these sudden goosebumps all over my body when the girl turns and I can't see her face clearly.

Then it hits me.

"You're not Bonnie are you?" She just turns around and keeps walking further and further down the street.

A part of me is telling me to go back home and tell Nana what I saw. But another part of me is telling me to follow her.

I listen to the other half and keep following the Bonnie look a like.

I don't even have the slightest clue as in where she's leading me but something tells me that it's important and it will lead me to Bonnie.

I pick up the pace and begin to run.

"Wait you're going to fast!" I yell after her as I run in the street.

I suddenly feel someone grab me and I hear a car honking their horn.

"Andy what the hell were you thinking!"

"Let me go, she was going to show me where Bonnie is!" I try to jerk away but I look and the girl was gone.

"Andy, Andy look at me." I finally look up and I'm in Isaac's arms.

"Where did she go?"

"Who? Andy talk to me." I hold onto Isaac because in all honestly I think I'm losing it...

•Kai's Pov•

I was watching tv when an Amber Alert came across the screen.

"Aren't they suppose to wait like twenty four hours to do this crap? I have morning cartoons to watch."

I see Bonnie's picture then and decide to get more cereal.

I open the cabinet and grab the lucky charms and get some more milk.

"Kai, that girl is missing. Please tell me that she'll go back to her family tonight with her memory erased." My sister says as she walked into the living room holding her cast.

"You know me Jo. I don't like happy endings, they're so boring." I make another bowl and my sister turns up the TV.

On the screen was Bonnie's mother and father.

"Oh spare me the tears." I comment.

"....Bonnie is 5'4, short hair, brown eyes brown skin and...and..." Her mother breaks down crying.

"Just please Bonnie if you're watching this. Please come home. We won't get mad we just want you home." Her father says as he holds his distraught wife.

"What no reward money? They must not care about their little Bonster."

I flip the channel and stop it when I see that some Saturday cartoons are on.

"Kai, please tell me the girl is at least alive." My sister states as she stands in front of the TV.

"If I say yes will you move?" I ask as I eat my cereal.


"Jo!" I say in a mocking tone and smile.

"Now this is entertainment."

She storms out of the living room and I shrug then throw a marshmallow up and try to catch it in my mouth.

"Yes!" I cheer as I get a marshmallow in my mouth.

•Andy's Pov•

I was sitting on the couch with Isaac and Julia.

Nana came back and handed me a cool cloth to place over my head and I did.

"You don't go running off now. Especially in this heat. You're lucky Isaac got to you before that car did."

I don't say anything, I just sit there and let her scold me.

"Nana, do you think Bonnie saw the news?" Julia asked.

"I hope she did. Now you three sit tight, I'll be back. I need to make a few phone calls." Nana walks out of the living room and we sit there quietly for about five odd seconds.

"I need to get back out there." I say as I try to get back up.

"Oh no you don't. Didn't you hear what Nana said? Sit tight, now I know I'm the last person who would follow the rules but I can't have you out there too. Not while Bonnie's out there."

I feel my throat slightly close and I'm then crying.

"I was so close to finding her Julia. I--I was so cl--clo..."

She holds me and rocks me.

"Shhh, I know, Andy. I know.."


Isaac and I were sitting on the couch while Julia was in the kitchen making something to eat.

"We'll find her, Andy. I just know we will."

Hearing him say that just make the knots in my stomach twist harder.

"Will you stay here while I sleep?"

He nods.

"Of course..."

He lets me lean on his shoulder and somehow I manage to fall asleep...


I'm standing in the woods and I hear Bonnie's voice.

"Bonnie? Bonnie, where are you?"

I turn around trying to find her but all I'm seeing is woods and more woods.

"Andy...help us..."


I turn and see a dark figure walking out of the woods.

I gasp as I see that it's Bonnie but her throat is slashed wide open.

"Andy...." She sounds like she's trying to breath and talk at the same time but it sounds painful.

"Bonnie, ho-"



She points and all of a sudden I start to see more dead people, even children and I feel the bile in my throat and step back.

"Andy, he's...he's a murderer...and...and.."

I look at Bonnie and I see her holding her throat.

"Bonnie!" I run to her and hold her as she bleeds out in my arms.


"Bonnie, Bonnie where are you?"

She leans up close to my ear and I hear her shallow breathes.

"He'll kill them all for you..."

I suddenly feel a scream crawl out...

I wake up and feel my scream about to burst through me but a hand clamps over my mouth.

"Andy, don't." I look and Julia was there with terror in her eyes.

I try not to scream but it feels like it's about to spurt out of me.

"Shhh, shhh." Julia holds me as she keeps her hand over my mouth.

I start looking around for Isaac then.

"He went home. His aunt needed help at the shop. But are you okay? I mean I really don't think Nana wants to come back and has to deal with you screaming along with broken windows."

I nod and she carefully moves her hand away.

"She's dead..."

Julia just sat there staring at me as I look out the window.

"Andy you don't know that."

I nod and look at her as I pull in my bottom lip.

"Bonnie's dead...and I think it's my fault..."

She's dead...

My friend is dead and I just know that her death has to do with me somehow.

But maybe..

I hear Nana come in the door.


"In here Nana." I say softly.

She walks into the living room and see that I'm staring out the window while Julia was just sitting on the other couch.

"The search party is going on tonight. I want you girls to stay in tonight."

"Don't worry, Nana. We won't go out.." Julia says.

I keep looking outside and feel cold.

"Andy? Dear are you all right?"

I turn and look at her and blink.

"Nana, she's-"

"Coming back I just know it." Julia interrupts.

She shoots me a glare but I ignore it and look back outside.

"They won't find her...alive." I whisper more to myself.

Later that evening Julia was in our room while I was in the attic trying to think about other things than the obvious.

I look through Nana's boxes and find an old mirror.

I place it face down because I just don't want to look at my face right now.

I then see an inscription on the back.

To Lily, with love from your big sister Olivia xoxo

I then start to look through more things and find one of my moms old coloring books.

I look further into the box and find some crayons and decide that I'll spend some time coloring.

As I walk down the steps I hear a knock at the door.

I hear Nana's voice and I just knew.

"She's in her room. I'll go get her. Andy?" Nana calls out to me and my legs feel like two cinder blocks.

I slowly walk down the steps and see Nana had tears in her eyes.

The last time I had seen her cry was when Papa passed away.

She walks past me and I see that Isaac's eyes were red.

"So...the search party is over.."

I spoke before I even knew what I was asking.

"Isaac, what's wrong?"

You already know the answers Andrew don't hurt yourself..

"Andy...Bonnie's dead.."


Reality kicks in.

"They found her body..."

I no longer hear him.

Instead all I feel is my chest staring to hurt.

My dear friend is dead. I knew this but there was a small measure inside of me that thought that maybe she's alive and that I saw what I saw was because it was hot.

I fall to my knees dropping the coloring book and crayons.

I see Isaac about to reach for me but I let it out.


I scream...

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