Worlds Colliding (Supernatura...

Von heartofice97

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Catty and Dean Winchester and Ness Singer have been out of the life for a year now. Catty had gone to her old... Mehr

character theme songs (main)
chapter 1 - Exile on Main St.
chapter 2 - Two and a Half Men
chapter 3 - The Third One
chapter 4 - Singers' Weekend
chapter 5 - Live Free or Twihard
chapter 6 - You Can't Handle the Truth
chapter 7 - Family Matters
chapter 8 - All Dogs Go to Heaven
chapter 9 - Clap Your Hands if You Believe...
chapter 10 - Caged Heat
chapter 11 - Appointment in Samarra
chapter 12 - Like a Virgin
chapter 13 - Unforgiven
chapter 15 - The French Mistake
chapter 16 - ...And Then There Were None
chapter 17 - My Heart Will Go On
chapter 18 - Frontierland
chapter 19 - Mommy Dearest
chapter 20 - The Man Who Would Be King
chapter 21 - Let It Bleed
chapter 22 - The Girl Who Knew Too Much

chapter 14 - Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

687 18 4
Von heartofice97

Outfits in the external link


From 5.22 "Swan Song", in Stull Cemetery, Sam grabbed Adam/Michael's arms, jumping into the hole, pulling him with him, both of them falling in the darkness.  

Dean: (voice over from 6.11 Appointment in Samarra) "Lucifer's Cage. Sam's soul is stuck in that box."

From 6.11 "Appointment in Samarra", in the grocery store, Death stood next to Tessa, looking at Dean. "Nasty, those memories."

From 6.08 "All Dogs Go to Heaven", in the warehouse, Sam stepped out from behind a partition, shooting the bald men.

Death: (voice over from 6.11 Appointment in Samarra) "You don't now what they'll do to him."

From 6.11 "Appointment in Samarra", in Bobby's Panic Room, Sam was handcuffed to the bed. "Don't do this."

 Death sat down on the bed with a briefcase, opening it to reveal a white glowing light. "Don't scratch the wall."

Death put Sam's soul into his chest, making him scream in agony.

From 6.12 "Like a Virgin", in the Singer Salvage Yard, Dean, Catty and Sam were sitting at the table.

"Sam, Death didn't just shove your soul back in, okay?" Dean asked. "He put up the Great Wall of Sam between you and the things that you don't remember. And trust me when I say that the things you don't know could kill you."

"But I have to set things right," Sam told them. "So I need to know what I did."

"But you don't know how dangerous that could be," Catty told him.

From 6.13 "Unforgiven", in the abandoned house, Sam fell to the floor, seizing.

"Sam?" Dean asked.

"Sammy?" Catty asked worriedly.

Dean and Catty ran over to Sam, kneeling next to him. Sam's eyes were open, but unseeing.

"Sammy, talk to us!" Dean told him.

Sam looked too far gone to answer.

From 6.13 "Unforgiven", in Sam's flashback of Hell, Sam was standing in the Cage, burning, screaming in agony.



 Same Day Day One

Day - Abandoned House - Living Room

Sam was still unconscious in the abandoned house on the floor.

Dean and Catty were still kneeling next to him worriedly, trying to get him to wake up.

"Sam?" Dean asked. "Sam. S—Sam? Oh, come on."

Catty shook Sam more forcefully. "Sammy! Come on, come on. Come on, damn it." Sam opened his eyes, groaning, exhaling sharply in pain. "Hey, hey, hey. You with me?"

Sam breathed heavily, groaning.

Dean helped Catty help Sam stand. "Come on. Come on. Got to get you out of here."


Paterson, New Jersey

Night - Great Falls Junior College - Science Lab

There was an anatomy mannequin in the room. A janitor was mopping the floor, walking past the mannequin, mopping, sighing. The mannequin looked toward the janitor. The janitor heard plastic creaking behind him, looking behind him, not seeing anything wrong, going back to mopping. The mannequin was no longer on its hook. Blood droplets fell to the floor in front of the janitor.

The janitor looked at the blood in confusion. A cut skidded across his forehead, more blood dripping. He felt the wound on his head, smearing the blood. "What the..." He exhaled. His breath was visible. Lights flickered, going off completely. The janitor started to breathe heavily, turning around to see a tray of anatomy tools fall to the floor. "Who's there?"

The janitor now had blood dripped down the side of his face, his cheek and his nose. He ran toward the door, stopping short, backing away in horror and denial. The anatomy mannequin was animated in front of the janitor, looking crazy enough to kill. The janitor screamed. Blood splattered onto a white board nearby. The janitor was lying on the floor in a pool of his own blood, anatomy tools stabbed into him, dead. The anatomy mannequin was back on its hook, no longer animated.

§ Worlds Colliding (Supernatural) §

Day Two

Morning - Roadside

The Impala was parked roadside. Sam groaned lightly, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"How you feel?" Catty asked.

"Like I got hit by a... planet," Sam answered.

"Well, lucky for you, I'm a doctor," Dean told him. "I got Joe, grub, and..."

Dean held up a bottle of pills, shaking them.

"What are they?" Sam asked.

"Effective," Dean answered.

"I'm okay," Sam told him. "Thanks."

"Suit yourself," Dean told him.

Sam sighed. "So, how long was I out, again?"

"I'm telling you, like two or three minutes," Catty answered. "Why? What'd it feel like to you?"

"About a week, give or take," Sam answered.

"You want to talk about it?" Dean asked.

"'It'?" Sam repeated.

"Yeah, whatever that was," Dean told him. "I mean, it was like you were freaking electrocuted."

"Look, I mean, it wasn't fun, but I—I'm... fine," Sam told them.

"Fine?" Dean repeated. "It was Hell, wasn't it? You got a big, fat face full of Hell. Ever cross your mind that you could've died?"

"Oh, come on," Sam told him.

"I'm serious," Dean told him. "And none of this 'It's just a flesh wound' crap. 'Cause we did it your way. We let you go explore, and every bad thing that we said would happen happened. So, guess what? Past stays past. We're not kicking that wall again."

"So, I'm supposed to just ignore it?" Sam asked.

"Yes," Dean answered.

"Dean..." Sam trailed off. "I might've done... Who knows what, and you want me to just forget about it?"

"You shove it down, and you let it come out in spurts of violence and alcoholism," Catty told him.

"That sounds healthy," Sam told her sarcastically.

"Well, works for me," Catty told him.

"No, it doesn't," Dean told her.

"Shut up," Catty told him.

Sam looked at Catty. "Why? I know that's what you did after Hell, but is that what you did after what happened with Brett?"

"I did a lot worse than alcoholism and violence," Catty told him honestly. "But, it was half a year ago, and I'm fine. Really."

Dean seemed skeptical but let it go, looking at Sam. "Stop trying to change the subject. It's not a joke. Your life is on the line here, Sam. This is not a debate. I mean, first you were a—a soulless dickbag, and now you're not. So, we good?"

"Yeah," Sam answered. "Sure."

"Good," Dean told him. "Well, let's get your mind off it, shall we? You, uh, up for a job?"

"Well, what do you got?" Sam asked.

"Janitor murdered in a college lab last night," Dean explained. "Doors were locked, nobody else in or out of the building."

"Great," Catty told them. "Where to?"

"Paterson, New Jersey," Dean answered.

Catty smirked. "Hey, maybe we'll have a Snooki sighting."

Sam looked at Dean in confusion. "What's a Snooki?"

"That is a good question," Dean told him.

Catty rolled her eyes. "How do you two even survive without me?"

Sam and Dean gave Catty a sarcastic look.


Paterson, New Jersey

Great Falls Junior College - Science Lab

Dean looked at the anatomy mannequin, starting to remove the pieces. "Check it out. This thing's freaking awesome." He handed Catty the plastic heart from the dummy. "Be my valentine."

"Dude, we're working," Catty told him. "Put it back."

"Have a heart," Dean told her. Catty didn't answer, giving him a look. Dean smirked, knowing the problem, making the mannequin move, tilting it back and forth. "You still have a problem with any type of dolls, don't you, Cat?" He mimicked a voice for the mannequin. "Catty! I'm completely inanimate."

"Dean!" Catty told him in annoyance.

Dean chuckled, putting the heart back into the mannequin's chest. He chuckled, looking at Sam. "Damn, Sammy, we really scarred Cat for life."

Sam chuckled.

Catty pushed past Dean and Sam in annoyance. "You smell sulfur?"

"Yeah, we're in a science lab," Sam told her.

"Right," Catty told them.

Sam's EMF went off. "Hey."

"Whoa," Dean told them. "Ghosts gone wild. Something's up in here."

"Question is, 'What?'" Sam told them.

"Sam, Dean, good news," Catty told them, gesturing to the security camera. "Big Brother's watching."



Sam, Dean and Catty were watching the security footage of the night that the janitor had died. The camera malfunctioned, staticking. When the picture came back to focus, the janitor was across the room, lying on the floor in the pool of his own blood, dead.


House - Outside - The Impala

Dean was waiting outside in the Impala. Sam and Catty walked outside, getting into the car.

"Hey," Dean told them, clearing his throat. "So, what'd you find out from the, uh, mop jockey's girlfriend?"

Catty sighed. "Nothing. Just how great he was. Went to church, donated to charity, rubbed her feet during 'Glee'."

"I just threw up in my mouth," Dean told her.

"Good," Catty told him. Dean gave her a look. "Anyway, I checked his record. Spotless." Catty looked at Sam. "What about the science building? Anything?"

"Built in '05," Sam explained. "Nothing weird about the land. Before this, the biggest mishap was some genius accidentally spilled sulfuric acid on his crotch. They don't even dissect anything good in there. Anything bigger than Kermit, they use an iPad."

"So we got nothing?" Dean asked.

"Yeah," Catty answered. "A big steaming pile of it."


Passaic, New Jersey

Night - Mannequin Factory

A security guard was looking around with a flashlight. He turned around, walking toward the door. He stopped when he heard something, turning back to look over the factory only to see nothing unusual out there. "Hello? Who's there?" He smiled. "Johnny?" He chuckled. "Is that you?" He turned around to see a faceless mannequin standing behind him, gasping, backing away. "Okay. Ha ha, very funny." He exhaled. His breath was visible. A cut skidded across his forehead, blood dripping. He felt the wound, smearing the blood. "What the hell?"

The security guard turned to see another faceless mannequin. Faceless Mannequin 2 turned his head to look at the security guard, having a pair of scissors in hand, raising them over his head. The security guard backed away, into a cart of mannequin parts, falling to the floor. Faceless Mannequin 1 raised a pipe over his head, driving it into the security guard's stomach, killing him. The faceless mannequins went back to their usual places.


Day Three

Morning - Mannequin Factory

Sam, Dean and Catty were involved in the crime scene, posing as FBI.

Sam held his EMF next to one of the faceless mannequins, making it go off. "Guys?"

"Yeah?" Catty asked.

"This thing's humming," Sam told them.

"Hmm," Dean hummed.

"Wait," Catty told them. She looked at Dean. "That anatomy dummy you were molesting at the lab."

"Excuse me?" Dean asked.

"What if that's what this is about?" Catty asked.

"What exactly are you accusing me of?" Dean asked.

"I don't mean that," Catty told him. "I mean, there was an anatomy dummy there, and here..."

"You're joking," Dean told her. Catty didn't answer. "You're not joking. Okay, uh, so, what? We've got—We've got a bunch of killer dolls like... Chucky? I mean, come on that's—that's just..."

"Freaking creepy," Catty told them.

"I'm sure you're thrilled about that," Dean told her sarcastically.

Catty hit Dean on the chest.

"I mean, if Ghosts posses Humans and—and move objects, why can't they possess this?" Sam asked.

"I suppose," Dean told them. "But riddle me this. Ghosts aren't exactly known for hopping county lines, right?"

"True," Sam told them.

"This one hits up a college, and now a factory, what, three towns over?" Dean asked.

"Doesn't add up," Sam told them.

"So we dig," Catty told them, looking at the mannequin nearby. "Over there." She waved her hand in front of the mannequin's face. "I don't like the way Kim Cattrall's looking at me."



Sam, Dean and Catty were looking up the security guard.

"Well, this dead guy's as squeaky clean as the last dead guy," Dean told them. "I can't find a speck of dirt on him?" He looked at Sam and Catty. "You?"

"Nothing," Sam answered, sighing. "Hmm." He looked at an article on the computer. "Well, here's a speck. Uh, seamstress named Rose Brown went missing over a year ago. Uh, cops just gave up on her. Last seen at the factory, presumed dead. Survived by sister Isabel."

"50 bucks, Vengeful Spirit," Catty told them.

"Pay sis a visit?" Sam asked. Catty nodded. "All right."

They stood.


Apartment - Living Room

Sam, Dean and Catty were talking to a young woman.

"So, you and Rose were close, huh?" Catty asked.

"Very," the woman answered. "Our parents died when we were little, so we had each other."

"Isabel, what was she like?" Catty asked.

"Um, kind," Isabel answered. "Giving. She had the biggest heart. But people gave her a hard time."

"How come?" Sam asked.

"She was shy, a little awkward," Isabel answered. "I guess that made her an easy target. I feel like I've been defending her my whole life."

"I'm sure she appreciated it," Sam told her.

"Well, it went both ways," Isabel told them. "She did more for me than anybody else ever could. I just miss her."

Dean pointed at a photo album on the coffee table. "Um, may I?"

"Sure," Isabel answered. "Please." Dean looked at the picture of a staff party at the factory. "Oh, it's a company Christmas party a couple years back."

The picture included the janitor from the college, the security guard from the factory, Rose and Isabel.

"Wait, you work at Salzman & Sons, too?" Dean asked.

"Well, everybody works at the factory," Isabel told them. "That's Rose."



Dean, Sam and Catty walked toward the Impala.

"So, the college janitor worked at the factory, too, until last year," Dean told them. "Apparently, he quit right after Rose's disappearance."

"So, fair bet something happened to that girl around that factory, so let's call that joint Ground Zero," Catty told them.

"Right, but it still doesn't explain how a Ghost ended up at a college in another zip code?" Sam asked. "It's not like she hopped the blue line."

"Why don't we head to the factory now?" Dean asked. "Get the whole scoop on Rose."

Dean, Sam and Catty got into the Impala.


Mannequin Factory

Sam, Dean and Catty were back at the factory, talking to an employee with a name tag that said Johnny.

"So, how long have you been here with the company?" Sam asked.

"I've been here about three years now," Johnny answered. "I'm sorry, w—what's this got to do with me?"

"Relax," Dean told him. "Just a routine questioning."

"Oh," Johnny told them. "Okay."

"Uh, did you know Rose Brown?" Dean asked.

"Uh..." Johnny trailed off nervously. "Maybe. Uh, the name sounds kind of familiar."

"She was a seamstress here," Sam told him. "She went missing about a year ago. Here. You mind taking a look?"

Sam pulled out a photo of Rose, handing it to Johnny.

"Uh, yeah, I s—I saw her around," Johnny told them.

"Anything you can tell us about her that might help?" Sam asked.

"Uh, look, I'd love to help, but I don't know anything," Johnny told them. "And, uh, I'm about to be late back from break, so..."

"You seem nervous, Johnny," Catty told him.

"Well..." Johnny trailed off. "Those guys that died were my friends. O—Of course I'm gonna be upset."

"I didn't say, 'Upset'," Catty told him. "I said, 'Nervous'." Johnny didn't respond. Sam looked at Dean curiously, gesturing to Catty with his eyes in confusion. Dean shrugged slightly. Catty handed Johnny a business card. "In case you remember anything."



Sam, Dean and Catty walked toward the Impala.

Sam looked at Catty. "What was that about?"

"What was what about?" Catty asked.

"I... I just never saw you like that before," Sam told her.

"Oh, what, with Johnny?" Dean asked. Sam nodded. "Oh, yes, you have. You just don't remember it. Let's just say our little sis changed even more since before you died, Sammy."

"And it has nothing to do with..." Sam trailed off.

"It has everything to do with Brett," Dean answered. "Not sure what else it has to do with, because we both know that Cat lost a lot and never went to this depth, so it doesn't make sense that it's just what happened to Brett or his family that got her like this. There's gotta be something else going on there besides Brett, but she won't talk to us about it, as usual, so we can't figure it out."

Catty seemed annoyed, sighing. "It's fine. Not important. What's important is that Johnny in there was lying, and we'll be here when the past comes back to bite him in the ass."

Sam nodded once, still slightly confused.


Night Mannequin Factory

Johnny was on the phone. "Why am I flipping out? I—I don't know. Maybe 'cause of the Feds. Maybe 'cause Dave and Steve are freaking dead. Look, no. No. Just... Call me later."

Blood dripped down Johnny's forehead. He took off his hat to reveal a cut skidding across his forehead, blood dripping. He felt the wound, smearing the blood.


Johnny exhaled, his breath visible due to the sudden drop in temperature. He turned toward the door to see a mannequin standing in the way.

Sam grabbed Johnny's shoulder. "Come on."



Sam and Johnny walked in. Catty and Dean were already here, spreading salt around the doors and windows.

"What's going on?" Johnny asked.

Catty tossed a cloth toward Johnny. Johnny put the cloth to the gash on his head.

"That was a Ghost trying to kill you for being a dick," Dean answered.

"What?" Johnny asked.

Dean spread salt in front of the doorway.

"You know what?" Catty asked. "You're lucky you are the most suspicious interview of all time. We figured something like this would happen."

"Figured something like what would happen?" Johnny asked.

"Buddy, look, we don't have time for the big speech, all right?" Catty asked. "So, brass tacks. Rose is back."

"That's crazy!" Johnny told them.

"Look you're gonna end up like your friends, unless you tell us what you did to Rose," Catty told him. "Do you want us to help you or not?"

Johnny hesitated. Sam and Dean turned toward them.

"It was just a stupid joke," Johnny told them. "You know, I mean, you—you—you play jokes." He sat down at the table. "We didn't think it was that big of a deal."

Sam sighed, sitting down across from Johnny. "What did you do?"

Johnny hesitated. "We made Rose think she had a secret admirer."



Night - Mannequin Factory - Locker Room

Rose opened her locker, smiling, taking out a rose, smelling it. Steve, Dave, Johnny and two others were at a table behind Rose, watching her reaction, smiling and laughing.



Night - Mannequin Factory - Office

Johnny looked at Sam, Dean and Catty. "I don't think the girl had ever been asked out in her life."



Day - Mannequin Factory - Locker Room

Rose opened her locker to reveal a present inside.

Johnny: (voice over) "Honestly, we just thought she was kind of pathetic."

Rose took out the present, smiling, opening it to reveal a box of chocolates with an invitation that had a rose on it: Meet me xo. Apartment B. 426 Maple Ave.

Johnny: (voice over) "So we knew she'd take the bait."

Rose smiled.


Night - 426 Maple Ave. Apartment Building - Hallway

Rose walked down the hall, dressed for the date. She found the right apartment, knocking.

Johnny: (voice over) "She was so excited."


Apartment B

Rose walked in, closing the door behind her, looking toward what appeared to be a man dressed in a suit at a table with candles and China dishes.

Johnny: (voice over) "The poor girl never saw it coming."

Rose walked toward the table, smiling excitedly. She turned the chair slightly to reveal the man was a mannequin. The mannequin slipped down further in the chair limply. Johnny, Steve, Dave and two others walked in, laughing.

"Look, Rose, I think he likes you," Steve told her tauntingly.

Rose looked as if she would cry.

Johnny: (voice over) "It was mean."



Night - Mannequin Factory - Office

Johnny looked at Sam, Dean and Catty. "But, you know how it is when a group of guys get together. They—they act like jackasses."

Sam shook his head in disapproval. Dean scoffed. Catty seemed disgusted, looking away.



Night - 426 Maple Ave. Apartment Building - Apartment B

Rose looked away.

"Aw, don't be like that," Steve told her.

"Come on, Rosey, it's just a joke," Johnny told her.

Rose looked at them angrily. "Go to Hell."

Rose walked toward the door.

Johnny: (voice over) "It happened so fast..."

Steve grabbed Rose's arm to stop her. "Hey, take a joke, Rosey. Seriously."

Rose pulled her arm out of his grasp angrily, slipping, falling to the floor, hitting her head on the corner of the coffee table, falling to the floor. She had a skidded cut across her forehead, just like the ones that Steve, Dave and Johnny had gotten. The men stopped in shock. Steve knelt next to Rose, feeling for a pulse. He looked at the others, shaking his head.

Johnny: (voice over) "We didn't mean for it to happen. And then it was too late." 

Steve stood. Johnny pulled out his phone.

Steve took his phone away. "What are you doing?"

"I'm calling the cops," Johnny answered.

"Are you crazy?" Steve asked.

"It was an accident," Johnny told them.

"We tricked her here," Steve told him. "I grabbed her. That's involuntary manslaughter at least, and that's if they even believe us. You understand?"



Night - Mannequin Factory - Office

Johnny looked at Sam, Dean and Catty. "Steve said there was only one option."



Night - Woods

The men pushed Rose's body into a grave.



Night - Mannequin Factory - Office

Johnny looked at Sam, Dean and Catty. "I wish I could take it all back."

"I'm sure you do," Sam told him.

"I didn't kill her," Johnny told them.

"Okay," Catty told him. "Look me in the eyes and tell me none of it's on you."

Johnny didn't answer.

"Look, we're not saying you deserve to die," Sam told him, sighing. "We can help you."

"How?" Johnny asked.

"You have to tell us where she's buried," Dean told him.

"In the woods, a clearing off Canyon Run Road," Johnny answered, walking toward the door.

Catty stepped in his way, putting a hand on Johnny's chest. "No, no, no. You're not going anywhere."

"But I—" Johnny started.

"You need to stay inside the salt until I tell you you're safe," Catty told him. She looked at Sam and Dean. "You go. Take care of Rose. I'll stay here."

Sam and Dean nodded, walking out of the room, leaving. Catty watched Sam and Dean go.

"You're just gonna baby-sit me all night?" Johnny asked incredulously.

Catty looked at Johnny, shrugging. "Consider it getting off easy."



Sam and Dean had dug up Rose's grave. Sam salted the bones.

Dean poured lighter fluid, tossing it aside, taking out a matchbook, lighting a match. "This one goes out to the ladies... that never got laid."

"Dude," Sam told him.

Dean smirked, letting the match fall. The grave caught fire instantly. Sam and Dean watched the bones burn.


Mannequin Factory - Office

Catty was on the phone. "All right, thanks, Sammy." She hung up, turning to face Johnny. "So, it's over. You're safe." She used her foot to break the line of salt. Johnny stepped out into the hall. "And, Johnny?" Johnny turned to face Catty. "Look at this as a new beginning. Lot of chances not to be a jackass."

"Yeah," Johnny agreed. "Thanks."

"Have a nice life," Catty told him.

Johnny turned around, walking away, leaving. Catty watched him go.


McOwen's Bar - Outside

Isabel and two of her friends walked into the bar. A truck pulled up to the bar. Johnny got out, walking into the bar.



(Song:) Love Hurts - Nazareth

Johnny walked through the bar, up a set of stairs.



Johnny walked into the apartment, walking toward the bed. "Jenny? Hon..." He sat down on the bed. "We're leaving." He took off his head, revealing a bandage over the cut on his forehead. "Tonight. So, pack up. Just the essentials." Jenny was a Real Doll in a pink robe. "All I want is for us to move on with our lives. I love you. You know that. It's been... it's been really hard, Jen."

Jenny turned her head to look at Johnny, frowning. Johnny looked at Jenny in terrified denial.

(Song Ends) 


Day Four

Morning - Johnny's Apartment

Sam, Dean and Catty were at the crime scene, seeing Johnny's body being taken away and the Real Doll.

"Why isn't it over?" Sam asked. "We burned the remains."

"She's got to be hooked to something else," Dean told them. "You know, we should head to the sister's after this."

"Yeah," Sam agreed.

Catty watched Johnny's body being taken away, sighing, speaking to Sam and Dean. "You know the last thing he probably heard anyone say is 'Have a nice life'."

Sam smirked in curious confusion. "Cat, let me get this straight. Even if you're a changed woman, more blunt than ever and more angrier, you're still beating the crap out of yourself over things you can't control?"

Dean nodded. "Yeah, pretty much."

"Bite me," Catty told them.

Sam chuckled. "All right. Let's go talk to Isabel."


Isabel's Apartment - Living Room

Sam, Dean and Catty were sitting in Isabel's apartment, going through a box of Rose's things.

"So, um, this is it?" Catty asked.

"I gave most of her clothes to Goodwill," Isabel explained. "She didn't have much."

Catty pointed to the college books nearby. "Those yours?"

"Yeah," Isabel answered.

"Are you in school?" Catty asked.

"Mm-hmm," Isabel answered. "Yeah."

"Where?" Catty asked.

"Uh, Great Falls," Isabel answered.

Sam, Dean and Catty exchanged a look.

Catty looked at Isabel. "So, let me guess. Um, you were at the chem lab and the factory this week."

"Well, yeah," Isabel answered.

"Did you happen to stop by a bar call McOwen's last night?" Dean asked.

"Everybody from the factory goes there," Isabel told them. "I stop in maybe three times a week. Why?"

Sam stood, turning away. "That's it. So this is all about you."

"What?" Isabel asked. "What is?"

"The murders, your coworkers, your college janitor," Dean answered.

"What you—you think I could do something like that?" Isabel asked incredulously, offended.

"No, no, no, no, no," Sam answered. "But—But we think you're at the center."

"Me?" Isabel asked. "How?"

"What are you wearing of Rose's?" Dean asked. "A ring? A bracelet? Her baby teeth in a locket? What?"

"You're scaring me," Isabel told them.

"Just think, please," Catty told her. "What—What do you have of Rose that you carry with you?"

"I—I'm..." Isabel trailed off.

"What?" Sam asked.

"Well, the only thing I have of hers is a part of me," Isabel explained. "When I was 16, she gave me one of her kidneys."

"Her kidney?" Sam repeated.

"Yeah," Isabel answered.

Dean sighed. "You're kidding."

"Will you please tell me what this is about?" Isabel asked.

"Yeah," Sam answered. "Um... But we're gonna need you to come with us."


Night - Abandoned Store - Outside

The Impala was parked in the abandoned parking lot. Isabel was in the backseat. Sam, Dean and Catty were standing outside, in normal clothes.

"So, that the girl with the haunted kidney?" Dean asked.

"Yeah," Sam answered.

"Well, just when you think you seen it all," Catty told them.

"Right," Sam agreed.

"What do you want to do?" Dean asked. "Can't exactly burn the thing. I mean, she kind of needs it."

"Well, she can't just walk around with it," Sam told them. "The Spirit's attached. It's gonna use her to get close to anyone it wants revenge on. It's not gonna stop killing."

"Okay, so what are you suggesting, that we cut it out of her?" Dean asked.

"And then what?" Catty asked. "Leave her in a tub of ice with a phone taped to her hand?"

"Maybe we should call Dr. Robert," Dean told them. "Might have some leads on some non-haunted, black-market replacement kidneys."

"He works out of a butcher shop," Catty told him.

"It's pretty clean," Dean told them. "You'd be surprised."

"No," Sam told them. "I think we have to go hoodoo."

"Hoodoo?" Catty repeated.

"Yeah, hoodoo," Sam answered.

"That's more of a band-aid, not really a cure," Catty told them.

"It buys us a minute," Sam told them.

"All right, Louisiana it is," Dean told them.

Isabel had been close enough to hear. "Voodoo? What the hell are you talking about?"

"Actually, it's 'hoodoo'," Dean told her. "It's a little different."

Isabel started to walk away.

"Hold on, Isabel," Catty told her.

"You're not Feds," Isabel told them.

"Just let us explain," Sam told her.

The Impala revved up. Isabel, Sam, Dean and Catty looked at the Impala, seeing no one inside.

"No," Catty told them. "No way."

"That's impossible," Isabel told them.

"No, no, no, no, no, no," Dean told them. "She possesses sex dolls! This—This is not a sex doll!" The Impala's lights turned on. "Hey, you leave my baby alone! She's got nothing to do with this!"

The Impala drove toward them.

"Go, go, go, go, go!" Catty told them. They started to run. Catty ushered Isabel into a car. "Okay, here, here, here. Get in."

Isabel got into the car. Catty closed the door, looking toward the Impala as it drove toward Sam and Dean. Sam and Dean ran away from the car every each way, only to have the car follow them.

"Son of a bitch!" Dean said, stopping in front of a store window. Sam stood next to him. "I'm so sorry, Baby."

The Impala drove toward them. Sam and Dean ran out of the way. The Impala crashed through the storefront.

Catty ran toward them. "Okay. You all right?"

"Yeah," Dean answered. "Yeah, I'm good. You guys?"

"Yeah," Sam answered.

Isabel walked closer. "Yeah, I'm..."

Blood dripped out of Isabel's mouth. She looked down to find a giant glass shard impaling her stomach.

"Isabel?" Catty asked. Isabel fell to her knees. Catty instantly walked closer, kneeling next to her. "Hey, hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey."

Isabel breathed shakily, weakly, looking behind them. They turned to see Rose's Spirit.

"I'm sorry," Rose told them. "I didn't mean for this."

Isabel laid back on the ground, dying. Rose's Spirit went up in flames, burning out of existence. Dean, Sam and Catty looked at each other in regret.


Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Day Five

Morning - Singer Salvage Yard

Dean was repairing the Impala. Sam and Catty were standing nearby.

"How's it look?" Sam asked.

"Well, considering she got carjacked by Poltergeist, could be worse," Dean told them. "I mean, what exactly did we do back there, guys?"

"Yeah, I'm not putting it in the win column, either," Sam told them.

"We saved a few dicks, a—a—and we killed an innocent girl," Catty told them.

"Catty," Sam told her.

"I mean, all we do is make a mess," Catty told them.

"That's not true," Sam told them. "We do save lives, now and again."

"Yeah, I guess," Dean agreed. "I'm just... I'm just tired of all the bad luck, you know?"

"Well, you know, number one, bad luck is kind of in the job description," Sam told them. "And two, it's not all bad. Really. Look at me. I mean, at least Satan's left the building."

"Yeah," Catty agreed. "It's the little things."

"And I have a soul because of you," Sam told them. "I never thanked you for that, did I?"

"That's all good, man," Catty told him.

"Well, thanks," Sam told them.

"You'd have done the same for us," Dean told him.

"I mean it," Sam told them. "Look, we keep our heads down, keep swinging. We'll lose some. Hopefully, we'll win more. And... I don't know. Anyway, for what it's worth, I got your guys' back."

Catty smiled a small, sad smile. "Yeah, we know."

Catty chuckled sadly, glad that they had this Sam back.


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