By graphicop

481 78 7

This world is crap. I want something more. But maybe more is bad. I can see things others can't. I've hidden... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 18 [END]

14 5 0
By graphicop

We sent Devin to get some help, therapy and stuff like that. The public didn't remember who Zach, Francie, or any of the people who died in that dimension, even existed.

Although, we put up 4 graves for each of them near the school. Kylie Mann, the news reporter from before was our age and wanted to be a news report but wasn't yet. She kinda fell in love with Devin at first sight. How awkward.

The public took the event as only an earthquake. Time never changed there and we were never missing, just unconscious.

My mom and dad reconciled and are raising Devin. She regrets her actions, pleading me for forgiveness all the time. But I've already accepted it millions of times.

I take special training with Fosty now to learn how to control my full powers, and my wings.

I've learned that I could change people's fate, and I can now see purple auras. Representing Zodiacs to me, and blue auras for Treasurers.

Truth is learning and studying, on her way to be a scientist. I've decided what I wanted to be as well.

Mag and Troy are now dating, taking care of each other. And Zach? I bet he's watching over me like he promised before.

I entered Hikormi to meet Fosty. "Hey, how do I get here without teleporting me?" I asked. Fosty shook his head, "first of all, like I said, if you really didn't want to be teleported in willpower, I wouldn't have been able to."

I waved my hand, "okay, okay!" Fosty cleared his throat, "you have to clear your mind and imagine Hikormi, feel it, touch it, taste it, smell it, become it."

I breathed in deeply, relaxing my mind, becoming one with it. I teleported on a street then next to Fosty, "I did it!"

Fosty smiled. I cocked my hair, "hey, what did the first 13th zodiac seem like?" I asked.

Fosty signaled the come follow. We left the all white room to a nature filled world with clear water and colorful flowers and a colorful sky.

He led me to a gigantic statue. "That was him." I gasped, "oh my god.. he's amazing." He had gigantic wings and a manly presence, he looked up as if he was looking for something and was charismatic even when he was dead.

The world felt dizzy now. I collapsed and woke up on something hard. My eyes shot open. Deja vu? "Hello." Said a deep, manly voice. I looked up. It was the first 13th zodiac, alive and well.

"Did I die?" I asked. He chuckled, "no, you're alive and well."

I tilted my head, "so where am I then?" He eyed me, looking me up and down, as if he was evaluating me. "Somewhere and also nowhere at all, it has no name, it's a place, some see, some don't. Do you get it?" I nodded, "I guess in some aspect."

"So, why'd you bring me here?" I asked. He sighed, "to straighten things out with the legend of how the Zodiacs and Treasurers do what they do now."

I ruffled my black hair, "why didn't you just bring the 13th zodiacs before me?" His golden blonde hair shined, giving him a strong look, "I could only talk to the 13th zodiac with as equal power as I do or more. And uh - you're the first."

I smiled, "AHAHAHAHAHAH! Me? Okay. So what do you mean by straighten out?"

He shook his head, "the story's wrong." Hmmmm... do tell me." I said.

"One day, I wanted to visit Earth and so I did, meeting a wonderful girl. We fell in love and so I took her to see Hikormi. Everyone loved her. Who could resist her beautiful smile? She showed us beautiful things, the wonders to life, loving ourselves."

His face fell, deep, in dark or gloom. "But, the Guardian also fell in love with her. He was jealous of us, of me for having her. Jealousy took over him, filling him up with dark feelings."

He looked the other way, "he went crazy." He said softly. An image of Devin flashed through my mind. He continued on, "one night he tried to kill me but she was visiting me that night and jumped over me, getting stabbed instead. He was shocked, he killed the woman he loved."

"I went overboard and got angry, I ended up killing him, realizing what I've done, so I suicided to be with them and repent for my actions."

I rolled my eyes, my crimson red shined. "Really suicide? You should have repent your mistakes alive." He sighed, "I know. I know. I was a stupid kid back then."

"Anyways, the Zodiacs and Treasurers decided to help humans to thank her for what she did for us, giving us a reason to live." He said, smiling so pure, his eyes twinkled.

I smiled gently, "is it alright if I take this story public?" He grinned, "that was my goal. I'll talk to you again Zodiac, in the future."

I waved, "you too old man." He grunted then smiled, "nice name, you're special." Then I was sent back to Hikormi in front of his statue. I know I am, I've heard that a lot.

I was too lost in my thoughts, I forgot Fosty was right there. "AHEM!" He cleared his throat. I whipped around. "Where'd you go Zodiac?"

I smiled, "to go meet him," pointing to the statue. He blinked then rolled his eyes, "stop playing around Zodiac. You could have told me at least a better lie." I pouted, "aww but Fosty, I'm telling the truth."

Fosty looked at me then crossed his arms, "mmmm yeah, and I'm the president." I put both my hands up, "alright! I give up then. Just don't believe what your pupil says!" I sighed dramatically. "I'm going to go now okay?" Fosty nodded, not really paying attention to what I said. "Go along son."

I teleported out of there and outside the therapy Devin was in. I knocked on the door twice. "Come in!" Said a confident voice.

It was Devin, his brown hair glittering in the sun and deep blue eyes that looked like the ocean twinkled.

I clapped my hands together, "so..... you feeling better buddy?"
"Ehhhh..." He said, shaking his hand side to side.

Devin looked down, "sorry for what I did. I didn't know you went through those bad things too." He said softly. I shook my head, "I'm sorry I didn't know you were being abused by that rich family, you were so playful!"

We both looked up at each other and laughed. "Guess we were pretty good actors." I agreed instantly.

The therapist came back. "Okay son, you are good for the day. You can go home now." Devin thanked the man and shook his hand.

The sun shined brighter the moment we stepped outside. I walked over to my black ferrari and told him to hop in. Devin went towards the side door and jumped in. I started the car. "Vroom... V-Vrrrooommmm."

I took a left into the crowded street. "Hey Zodiac....?" He trailed off. I looked out the window, "yeah? What's up?"

"Do you... never mind." He turned. "What? Come on tell me." He shifted in his seat, "um okay, do you think the people I've killed would be mad at me. I mean like the public forgot them so it's not a crime. I just feel guilty." I laughed. "What?" He asked.

"That's fear eating you alive." I said. "Well last year I told Zach if he was murdered, I'd avenge him, and I am." Devin looked at me and I stared back. "How? I'm still alive."
"I avenged them all."

I smirked, "I already did, by making you carry those burdens and guilt alive everyday, helping the humans, doing your job."

Devin looked confused. "Doing that is repenting enough. Zach told me he'd watch over me. I think this is what he wanted, not for you to die. That's just running away. You got to man up." I smiled.

Devin sat there in silence. Probably thinking about what I said. He groaned, "I guess you're right."

I grinned, "right! So get your butt out there and save the world!" I stuck my tongue out. He glared at me, "AHAH very funny. What can you do with your powers Zodiac?"

I shifted my eyes, "what can you do?" He shrugged, "limited things I guess."

I chuckled, "I can do everything." I turned up the music full blast enough to make my ears go numb. That's my hidden power.

We arrived at my mom's house. They're now taking care of us, including Devin. And by they, I meant my professor also guest surprised dad and my abusive now turned to be sweet mom.

I opened the door. "Welcome back." My mom smiled. "Yo." I threw my jacket on the couch. She practically let me do whatever now because she felt guilty and treats Devin like a child.

I went upstairs onto my computer, typing down my new story. I powered it on and saw my galactic screen.

I moved my smooth mouse over to Text Edit.

Typing in I put the title: The Legend of the Zodiacs and Treasurers, putting in the details that the first 13th zodiac told me.

After a few hours, I opened up my file named KILLUA after writing my new book. I clicked towards the end of the book and typed:

You may be a Zodiac too. And I may be looking for you, right this moment.

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