Back To You

By ShortandSweet01

484K 14.1K 2.6K

#144 in Teen Fiction 4/8/16 Ten year old Natalia Johnson was the shy girl who usually kept to herself. The on... More

Old Town, New School
More Than A Memory
Lost My Appetite
Not the Only New Kid
New Neighbors
Little miss popular
So, You're A Whore?
Oh Fudge
Playing Cupid
BAD Things Come To Those Who Wait
Time For Revenge
Keeping Secrets
Jealousy Isn't Always Ugly
You Haven't Seen The Last Of Me
So Close Yet So Far
Making Amends
Night of Surprises
Night of Surprises: Part Two
Memory Lane
Blast From The Past
Author's Note
Vacation For A Day
Left In The Dark
Catch Your Breath
Much To Learn
Game plan
No Social Ladder
Movie Night
Home For The Holidays

Return of the Beast

6.2K 210 22
By ShortandSweet01

I collapsed onto my couch with a sigh. It was Sunday night and we were no closer to finding out who the prankster was than we were a week ago.

We had spent the remainder of the week investigating. Well, somewhat investigating. Andrew spent some time going around to Rebecca's friends, trying to get them to spill any information we had. Trent and Chase questioned the girls who were in the educational clubs, like the mathletes and the robotics club.

Meanwhile, I tried helping Robyn figure out how to get her test records back. We ended up getting her teachers to agree to let her re-take them. She had re-taken some of them already, but she still had a long way to go before she got her GPA back to where it was.

I couldn't understand why anyone would do this. Robyn was one of the nicest people I have ever met. It wasn't fair that she had to redo everything that she worked so hard for.

I wasn't sure when I fell asleep, but all too soon I was waking up on my couch with the sun shining in my eyes. It was Monday and I knew I needed to get up and get ready for school.

I sat up with a groan and tried to rub the sleep from my eyes. Normal people would make coffee, but I hated the stuff. It was a little too bitter for my taste.

I took a shower and dress in jeans and a plain black shirt. It looked cold outside, so I slipped on my converse and pulled a sweater over my head before making my way into the kitchen. I decided to skip breakfast when a car horn sounded outside.

I grabbed my backpack and walked out to where Andrew's car was stopped in my driveway. He had been driving me to school instead of Cole lately, who didn't seem to mind.

I waved at Cole as he walked out of his house and to his own car. He grinned and waved back at me while I got in and closed the door.

"Hello there, beautiful." Andrew leaned over and pressed his lips to mine.

My heart rate accelerated and my stomach fluttered.

I grinned as he pulled away. "Hi."

His warm chuckle filled the car as he began driving towards the school.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked.

I threw an amused glance my way. "Because you're adorable."

I didn't answer and we were quiet for the rest of the ride. We walked into the school together and I walked with Andrew to his locker.

I looked around the hallway as people walked past to their own destinations. A couple of freshman ran by and I stepped back quickly to avoid getting hit by them. I leaned against a locker.

Someone walking in our direction caught my eye. My eyes widened slightly when I saw Rebecca enter the hallway. She walked with an air of confidence in her skinny jeans and knitted sweater. Her long brown hair flowed behind her and I noticed that her eyebrows had, in fact, grown back.

Her brown eyes met my blue ones and she held my gaze as she got closer. I couldn't hide my surprise when she broke the eye contact and continued down the hallway without a word.

"Well that was unexpected." Andrew said from beside me.

I nodded. "Yeah it was."


During first period I had told Robyn about Rebecca's return. She was as surprised as I was that nothing happened.

We didn't get much of a chance to talk about it though because class had started and we had endless notes to take.

It was lunch now and I closed my locker after putting my text book inside. I was starving since I hadn't eaten anything for breakfast, and I was eager to get to the cafeteria.

"So where you been, Becca?" A voice asked and I turned around.

It was coming from down a different hallway and I walked towards it.

"None of your business, Jack." Rebecca's bored tone answered.

"My name is Jake."

"I don't care." I heard her walking closer and I dropped back a little bit to keep from getting caught.

Eavesdropping seemed to have become a habit of mine.

"Stop playing, let's finish what we started before you left." He sounded persistent.

"Whatever delusion is going through your head, started and ended when you tried to kiss me. Now get out of my way." She said angrily.

I took a couple of steps forward until they were in view. I stayed back slightly so that Rebecca wouldn't see me.

"Don't act so innocent, you've put out to pretty much every guy that's tried something with you. You're no saint Rebecca."

My mouth popped open. He just indirectly called her a slut. I may not be Rebecca's biggest fan, but I knew that no girl deserved to be talked to that way.

"Get out of my way, asshole." I heard someone hit the lockers and my eyes widened. I was about to come around the corner when someone ran into me.

Rebecca's eyes were rimmed with tears and she looked at me in surprise before pushing past me.


I was shoved out of the way and I watched as she rushed down the hallway and into the nearest bathroom.

I bit my lip and looked down the other hallway. Jake, or Jack or whatever his name was, was gone. I turned back and let out a heavy sigh. As tempted as I was to just ignore what just happened and go to the cafeteria, I couldn't just leave Rebecca in the bathroom by herself.

Taking a deep breath, I made my way to the bathroom door. The hallway was empty and quiet and luckily, my converse didn't make any noise as I walked.

I stood in front of the door trying to convince myself to enter. It was harder than I thought it would be, what with my internal battle.

Rebecca has never been nice to you.

But she obviously needs a friend right now.

She got you arrested.

But I shaved her eyebrows off.

I shook the thoughts from my head and pushed the door open before I could change my mind. Inside the bathroom it was cold and every sound echoed off of the tiled walls and floor. There were three stalls and only one of them was closed.

I pretended not to hear the sniffling coming from behind the closed stall door. I walked over to the sink and looked at my appearance. My dark hair was a slightly messy and my blue eyes had tiny bags under them.

With everything going on lately, I hadn't had an easy time sleeping.

The sniffling had stopped and I knew that it was because Rebecca was too proud to let anyone know that she was crying. I sighed and sat down against the wall next to the stall.

"Rebecca, I know you're in here." I said quietly.

She didn't say anything.

"I know I'm probably the last person that you even want to see right now, but if you need someone to talk to-"

The stall door swung open and I looked up in surprise. Rebecca stepped over me and made her way over to the mirror. I stood up quickly and watched as she re-applied her makeup.


"I don't know what you think you saw, but you need to just drop it." She cut me off.

"But what he said-"

"I said drop it." She emphasized each word. She finished off her eyeliner and turned to me. "We aren't friends, Natalia. You need to remember that."

She strutted out of the bathroom without a second glance.


Hey guys!

So the update spam is coming to an end and I think this is the perfect time to tell you that we are also nearing the end of the book!

Only a few chapters and an epilogue left!

Thanks so much for reading!

Until Next Time...


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