
By ellabella201

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After remembering her missing summer Ela finally understands why the Circle has been hunting her down. She an... More

The List Keeps Shrinking
Back Home Blues
Rescue Attempt
Coming Home
Prisons, Shootings, and Mental Breakdowns
An Assassination, Then An Invasion, Now Both?
Escaping the Career Fair
The Untold Story Of Alex and Ela
Prison Break
The Truth Hurts, Doesn't It?
I'm Trying To Fix It
And Everything Went Black
Until We Meet Again
Code Black
Go Be Happy
It's You

Long Live The King

690 46 10
By ellabella201

Becoming Victoria Porter again was so easy. It actually made me feel more comfortable than being Daniela White. Being Victoria kinda felt like crawling into a freshly spread bed after taking a long hot shower after coming home from a long, hard mission. I felt relieved, comfortable, relaxed being Victoria rather than being Ela. Being Victoria was so much simpler. Victoria was a high-class socialite. Victoria was engaged to an amazing guy getting ready to have the wedding everyone dream one in a French castle. Victoria had the greatest brother in the entire world that was basically her best friend. Victoria's life was simple, easy and perfect.

Ela's life, on the other hand, was not so easy. Ela had to choose between two equally amazing guys, who she was completely too lucky to even have in her life in the first place. Ela had to struggle between going back to the job she loved or staying at the school she loved. Ela has to save the world from basically going into world war 3 because of said job, because of a corrupt leader. Ela's life was a constant mission. It was complicated, hard, and seriously fucked up. I was seriously fucked up.

With Jerry, aka Vincent, by my side we walked out our limo and towards the doors of the event. Paparazzi took our photos as we walked down the makeshift red carpet. I wore a gorgeous, black, Chanel evening gown. I had always admired Coco Chanel. She had always be somewhat of an inspiration to me. Whenever I wear her clothing I feel just a little bit more confident, and confidence is exactly what I need right now. I looked down at my engagement ring that sat proudly on my left hand ring finger. I hadn't put in on in a while due to a plethora of factors, but it felt right being on my finger. Whether it felt right or not I knew I had to wear it, because everyone knew Victoria was engaged and would be wondering while she wasn't wearing her ring, if I had left it at home. I walked in, arm looped through Jerry's, into the event. I was slightly in awe at the amount of people in stunning dresses and dapper suits that flooded the exquisite ballroom.

"We're inside." I heard Jerry say into his Mic. The rest of the crew was sitting outside in a van listening to the entire event unfold waiting for us to grab the King and get the hell out of there. I'm sure they wanted up to get out of there as soon as possible. There were ways that we could mute our mic if we wanted to have a private conversation or something. Jerry and I kind of had a look we would give each other and we'd be able to read each other's minds. Jerry was giving me one of those looks. I turned my mic on mute before turning to him.

"Is it weird that I feel more comfortable as Vincent then I do as myself?" He asked looking at me. "I can't explain it, I just..." he started before I cut him off.

"No, I completely understand what you're talking about. I was just thinking that." I said nodding my head. "I was just thinking about how Victoria's life is so easy. It's so comfortable. Victoria has everything figured out. She has everything going for her." I said seriously. "I don't." I added shrugging.

"I know what you mean. I just feel like Jerry's life is so much more complicated than necessary and Vincent's life is just so simple. He's well set off. He has a good future. He knows what he wants. He's perfect. He hasn't had to go through this emotional rollercoaster that was my life these past few years. I feel like being him I can just forget about everything. I can forget about the past. I can forget about everything that has caused me pain and I can just think about the future. His future. You know?" He asked looking down at me.

"Yea, I know what you mean." I said glancing back at my engagement ring. We turned back on our mics. "No sign of the king. They must have him off in some room until he's scheduled for his appearance." I said into my mic.

"Alright, keep looking out for him." Jade said slowly.

"Vince! Tori! My bitches, where the fuck have you been?" I heard Gio's voice walking towards us but I didn't see him. I turned to my left and saw his smiling face and I smiled in return getting a little excited on the inside about seeing an old friend.

"Gio!" I said running up to him and attacking him in a large hug. I squeezed him tight before letting go of him. "My, my, it seems like you get handsomer every time I see you." I said patting his face. He laughed hardily before shaking his head.

"I would say that you get more beautiful every time I see you, but you've always been beyond gorgeous and for God to bless you even more would be unfair to everyone else." He said before kissing my cheek. "And you better stop calling guys handsome before your fiancé gets jealous." He added winking at me.

"That, my friend, is a very true statement." I said giggling.

"And Vince, my man. I missed my partying buddy." Gio said punching Jerry's arm causing Jerry to chuckle.

"Sometimes people need to take breaks from partying." Jerry said teasingly.

"Bullshit. There is no break. We're only young once, this is the time to party." Gio said using wild hand gestures.

"This is true. You are right my friend." Jerry said nodding.

"I am always right. You should know that by now." Gio said smirking. "Come comrades. Let us go somewhere more private to chat, ey?" Gio said suggestively.

"Let's." I said following Gio through the ballroom and out into a secluded garden area outside. We sat at an outside table looking at each other.

"Ok serious shit right now. Alex told me you guys left. What the fuck?" Gio said looking at both Jerry and I. Jerry and I shared a look. "Don't look at each other like that! I swear, if I didn't know any better I would very much believe that you guys were twins who can telepathically speak to each other. I still think you guys can communicate through your minds, so no looking at each other. Straight up tell me what the fuck happened. Alex said you up and left." Gio said seriously. I sighed before nodding.

"We did leave, but we didn't just up and leave. It took a lot of thought and planning. It was hard getting the will to leave you know?" Jerry said slowly.

"You guys had everything going for you here. You guys had steady, well paying jobs. You had friends. You had a life. Ela, you were engaged to be married. Are you telling me Alex and you broke up or something? It can't be, you're still wearing his ring. A ring I helped him design for you by the way." Gio said as his eyes settled on me.

"I can't really explain it Gio. We had unsettled business to finish at home. I mean I knew my dad was alive so that case was closed, but there were things we needed to do at home. First of all we couldn't just sit and let our friends and family go on believing we were dead. We needed to finish school. It didn't feel right staying, but it sure as hell didn't feel right leaving either. Nonetheless we had to do it. I don't regret leaving." I said looking at him simply.

"Are you saying you regretted being here?" Gio asked sounding kind of shocked.

"No, no of course not. We have not once regretted being here. But we haven't regretted being home. I can say that leaving has been quite the journey. It's been hard, and weird. There have been times were I wished that I could come back here and there were time that I was really happy to be home." Jerry said cutting in.

"It's been a constant back and forth. Believe me Gio it has not been easy." I said shaking my head.

"Alright. So what happened?" Gio asked looking between us.

"Well first we lost all our memories." Jerry said simply.

"So we had to fight to get them back. Which meant scavenging all of Europe." I said simply.

"And Quinn came to our school to become our therapist. But she was slowly hypnotizing us or some shit like that to aid in our memory gain. She tried to stimulate the parts of our brain that was hiding all of our memories of this place. And she had made the anecdote into a type of liquid of some sort and would spry the room with it before we came in, as a type of air freshener. But slowly we were starting to regain our memories from her and that." Jerry added.

"Yea, no hard feelings or anything but the bitch almost made me jump off the top of my school." I said shrugging.

"You what?" Gio said shocked.

"Yea, she was telling me how heartbroken Alex was over me leaving and how I should just off myself. It was complicated. " I explained shaking my head.

"He was, you know, heartbroken. I had never seen him. He was going through some deep shit when you left. It was hard just being around him sometimes because it was like you could feel the heartbreak radiating off his body. You know?" He asked looking up at me.

"I know." I mumbled before looking down. Except I don't know. I don't know how much pain I caused him because I wasn't around. I couldn't see it. I'm only told what I did to him and it breaks my heart to have broken his heart like that. I never wanted to hurt him like that. I feel like I'm still hurting him. I don't want to hurt him. A small tear slipped down my cheek.

"Oh Ela, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you..." He started before cutting him off. I didn't want my friends to know I was crying.

"I know. You would never intentionally hurt me." I said wiping away the tear and smiling at him.

"Well you know what? Enough with the interrogation, I'm just glad you're back. Even if only for the night or however long you plan on staying." He said smiling and getting up. We followed suit.

"Just for the night. We're here on strictly business." Jerry said fixing himself.

"Well, please try to tell me goodbye before you leave. If not, then goodbye my friends." He said beaming at us.

"Goodbye Gio." I said giving him a tight hug. I knew in the hug the mic would be muffled so they wouldn't be able to hear me.

"I hope to see you glowing in your white dress over looking the ocean with your newly wed husband in a couple months Ela." He whispered in my ear.

"Me too Gio." I whispered back before pulling out of the hug while more tears escaped my face. While Jerry and Gio exchanged their goodbyes I fixed my make-up.

"Ela, you okay?" I heard Jess ask quietly.

"I'm fine." I replied confidently even though I'm falling apart on the inside. Jerry rejoined me and we walked back into the party. We looked around there still was no sign of the king. Which was good because that means he was still alive. Then I spotted it. A guard. Not just one, four. Guarding one set of doors. I tugged Jerry over there with me.

"Excuse me, Mr. Ms. You are not allowed to go in there." The guard said stopping us.

"We don't want to go in there, we want the King not to come out here. There is a security threat. The king is in grave danger. His life is at stake right now sir. You can't let him come out here. You cannot or he will surely die." I said seriously.

"We've scanned the perimeter 20 times and checked the ballroom twice every 30 minutes. If there was anything that was threating the King's life we surely would have found it already. Thank you for the concern but you should leave it up to the professionals." He said dismissing me. He didn't understand that I was a professional. I did know what I was talking about and the King's life was very much in danger right now. Jerry pulled me away from the door.

"Stay close to the stage just in case anything happens." Jerry whispered in my ear pulling me towards the stage. I nodded as I got drug along. We stayed in the front of the stage.

He took in a deep breath before looking at me. And he gave me that look. I turned off my mic just as he turned off his. "Daniela, what if we talked to them? What if we tried to convince them that this isn't a good idea? What if we tried to stop them before this all went to shit?" He asked seriously.

"Then we could save a life today. Maybe, if we can get them to actually listen to us." I said before taking out my phone from my purse. I called Alex and waited for him to answer.

"Ela?" He asked slowly.

"I know you're here." I said seriously.

"Why are you here?" He asked with the same level of severity. "You need to leave." He added.

"No, I need to talk to you." I rebutted.

"Meet me by the side door." He said defeated. I hung up the phone.

"I'm meeting Alex." I said turning to Jerry.

"Let me come." He said eagerly.

"No, he'll listen to me. I'll come and get you when I hear something... as soon as I have a good plan." I said placing a hand on his shoulder and squeezing it. He nodded and I hurried off to meet Alex. I saw him on the outskirts of the crowd wearing a very expensive looking suit. His hair was a kind of neat that was still messy. He's definitely tanned since the last time I've seen him. It feels like I haven't seen him in months. It's because I haven't seen him in months. My heart felt like it had stopped beating and I felt complete once again laying eyes on him.

"Victoria, you mustn't wear that dress. It's unfair to the stars in the sky to have something more gorgeous than them." Alex said beaming at me. He actually looked at me like I was the most precious thing in the world. Like I walked on water.

"Alex, you mustn't wear that Tux. All the sunsets in the world will be jealous that there is something more breathtaking than them." I said sweetly reaching him. A couple photographers took our pictures while we were like this.

"Come my love, let's go talk." Alex said grabbing my hand and leading me out the side door. We walked out to where I met Gio.

"You have to make them stop. You have to stop this right now Alex." I said frantically.

"It's not up to me." He said shaking his head slowly.

"Like hell it isn't." I said rolling my eyes.

"No! You don't understand, I have no control anymore. They've freaking lost it. Jesse and Mr. Greyson have literally going crazy. I don't know what they are planning anymore. They're always paranoid. Some serious shit is about to go down and I don't know what it is. I'm practically the only one keeping everything together and with you coming after them I'm you're only connection to them." He nearly yelled. He held his head before looking up at me again. "They've gone rouge or some shit. I don't know. I don't know. I've tried so many times to talk to them and nothing works. I..." He continued before I cut him off.

"Let me." I butted in.

"Let you what?" He asked slowly.

"Talk to Jesse. We were friends. I can probably get him to listen to me." I said hopefully.

"No way." He said shaking his head. "No fucking way. He's crazy. There's no way I'm letting you talk to him. I can't. As of right now he has no idea that you're after us and I plan on keeping it that way because I don't want him to kill you." Alex replied with a level of severity I've never heard before.

"He's not gonna hurt me. We're friends. We had a kind of connection. I'm gonna be fine. I promise." I said convincingly.

"I swear on everything if he lays a finger on you I will kill him slowly and incredibly painfully." He said through gritted teeth.

"I will be fine." I said gabbing his hand. He laced our fingers together and I kissed his hand.

"God, Ela I miss you." He said causing me to look him in the eyes. "I miss you so fucking much. When you first left I couldn't function properly without you. And now I only see you in the midst of a war. Everyday I pray that you'll come back to me. I know Tyler has the upper hand because he's always around you and I'm the enemy..." He said causing my heart to brake a little with every word that he spoke.

"You are not the enemy." I said placing a hand on his cheek.

"To you." He replied simply.

"And babe, I'm all you need." I said with a slight smirk. He laughed before nodding.

"You have a possible assassination to stop." He said getting up. "He's at Gio's table." He added giving me the whereabouts of Jesse. I gripped his face and made him look at me.

"No matter what happens. No matter what, I love you. I do. Don't you ever forget that or think differently. I love you and even through this time. Even through this shitty circumstance I still dream of our wedding. I still dream of my outside that castle in my white dress overlooking the ocean and saying I do to you. I don't know how this is gonna end but I want you to know that through it all I still love you." I said before placing a kiss on his lips. He kissed me back and though I knew I had to go I didn't want to. I pulled back. "I gotta go." I said taking a step back.

"I know." He said looking down.

"Bye Alex." I said rubbing his cheek.

"Goodbye my love." He said smiling weakly.

"Why do you make it sound like we're never going to see each other again?" I asked biting my lip.

"How do I know we wont?" He replied simply.

"You're just gonna have to trust me." I said before pecking his lips and rushing my inside. I grabbed Jerry and drug him to Gio's table. Gio wasn't there, but Jesse was. He was there talking to some man I've never seen before.

"Excuse us, we're so very sorry, but we need to borrow him for just a quick second." Jerry said with a sweet smile. The guy nodded and we looked at Jesse.

"Can we have a moment, please?" I asked and Jesse stood up. We walked to into an empty hallway.

"Jerry, Ela, so nice to see you guys!" Jesse said smiling. "I didn't think you guys were going to show up. Since you left and all of that. Never mind that. I'm just glad you're here. What can I help you with?" He asked fixing his tux.

"You have to stop all of this." I said seriously. "You can't do this." I added shaking my head.

"This is a horrible idea. Think about what you're doing here." Jerry said pointing to his head.

"We have put much thought into this. You guys don't understand. This is much bigger than you can ever imagine." He said moving his arms around enthusiastically.

"So you have a good fucking reason to start World War III? I would love to hear the reasoning behind that because nothing is making sense to me." I said sarcastically.

"It's much more complicated and bigger than that. And you guys are much more apart of this than you think." Jesse said pointing at us.

"Oh we know exactly what you want to do with us. And you just expect us to run back to you guys after you've done all of this. We're just gonna be like 'you know what starting World War III was actually a wonderful idea and I would be more than honored to be the poster kids for this revolution'?" Jerry asked with a mixture of sarcasm and anger.

"Not in so many words but we do expect you to at least try to understand what we are trying to start here. At least consider this. I can't disclose with you everything because you are not longer with us. If you come back, that's a different story. If not, we'll just have to try to find other people to fulfill what we had planned for you guys, but it wont be easy since we crafted you for this exact purpose. But if you decide this is not what you want we won't force you guys to come back to us. We won't force you to participate in this. And about the King, I can assure you what you think is gonna happen is not gonna happen." He said and I felt more relieved except I shouldn't. I knew he was manipulating me with his words, but I still couldn't help but feel a little relieved. "You guys should probably leave, wouldn't want you guys getting hurt or anything." Jesse said smiling before walking back in the ballroom. Jerry and I looked at each other before going back in there. Right as we opened the door there was an explosion. I was thrown back into the wall hitting my head pretty hard before landing on the ground and hitting my head again. I stood up and my vision was kind of blurry. I looked around and saw Jerry next to me trying to get up. Since he was behind me I took most of the impact from the explosion.

"Hello? Can you guys hear me?" I asked trying to turn my mic back on.

"It seems like the explosion fucked up the headsets." Jerry said taking his off. I did the same before walking back into ballroom and full on panic broke out. There people running around like crazy trying to get out of the building. Jerry and I ran up to the stage, but there was no one there, only blood. A lot of blood. We were too late. He's gone. He's dead. 

"Ela. We have got to go." Jerry said as I felt the blood running from various places on my head. I started walking but I started feeling super dizzy. "Wow there." Jerry said stabilizing me. "Yea, you can't walk." Jerry said before picking my up bridal style and carrying me out of the building. Jerry carried me to the van and we got in. They started driving and Jerry laid me down with my head resting in his lap. He gently stroked my hair trying to soothe me. He started searching for the wounds. Questions started spewing from every direction but I couldn't register any of them. I heard Jerry say something in response and then all the noise just stopped and I was out cold.

I woke up in a bed. I was wearing a simple t-shirt. I heard someone furiously typing. I lifted my head and felt like all the blood was rushing out of it and to the rest of my body.

"Easy." I heard Tyler say helping sit up a little bit.

"Morning." I said looking at him.

"Good morning. You gave us quite the scare last night." Tyler replied smiling at me. It felt wrong. This felt wrong. After everything that happened last night I don't feel like I should be waking up in bed with Tyler.

"Where are we?" I asked looking around.

"A safe house in London." He replied setting his computer next to him.

"When are we heading home?" I asked getting the strength to sit up even more. I was beginning to feel much better.

"Today." He said. "Tonight." He added clarifying. I nodded in response.

"I need some fresh air." I said getting out of bed.

"You need to stay in bed. You have a head wound." He said grabbing my arm. I pulled my arm back from him a little too harshly.

"I can't stay in here. I need some air." I said getting up.

"I'll come with you." He said making an effort to join me but I stopped him.

"No, stay. Please. I'll be fine." I said before walking out of the room before he could respond. I closed the door behind me and bolted straight for the back door. Out on the patio I saw Jerry sitting with a cup of coffee. I realized that this wasn't a house in the middle of nowhere its was a house in the middle of London with a balcony over looking the city. Hiding in plain sight. Typical.

"I see you have the same idea." Jerry mumbled causing me to look at him.

"Yea." I said before running my fingers through my hair. It was significantly longer than it was before but the same color as when they genetically modified it. I should think about getting it cut again.

"Here. You look like you need this more than I do." Jerry said offering me his nearly full cup of coffee. I took it graciously. It was still steaming which means he hasn't been out here for very long. "I sat in the chair in front of him and held the coffee close to me. I sat and mindlessly looked out at the city below me. I finished the coffee and placed on the table.

"Ela, what's wrong?" Jerry asked worried. "You're crying." He added. I hadn't even realized that I was crying. I wiped away the tears and looked over at him.

"I don't know." I whispered weakly to him before beginning to sob.

"Oh Ela!" He said before getting up and walking to me. He lifted me up. Sat down and pulled me into his lap. I curled up into a ball before crying into his chest. He stroked my back and just waited as I let it all out. Eventually I stopped crying and just sat there looking at the city again.

"I don't know what's wrong with me." I said softly. "I feel like I'm using both of them and then slowly ripping them apart in the process. This morning I couldn't even look at Tyler. I wouldn't let him touch me." I said shaking my head.

"I told him to give you some space but he wouldn't listen. After what happened last night and then you seeing Alex for the first time in months I knew that you'd be very vulnerable right now. He claimed he knew what was best for you. If he knew what was best for you, you wouldn't be here crying right now." Jerry said aggravated.

"Thanks for trying, but don't be mad at him. He thought he was doing what I would want him to do. It's just that I don't know what I want him to do. Frankly, I don't know what I actually want. I don't know what I want and I'm here dragging Tyler and Alex down this shitty path along with me. I should just give them both up. I don't deserve either of them and I can't stand hurting them anymore than I already have. This is seriously fucking me up Jerry. I seriously can't handle this anymore." I said before beginning to cry again.

"It feels horrible and heartbreaking right now, but I promise Ela, it will get better. When the time is right, when everything has settled down. You'll know. You'll just know. It won't be confusing, it won't be complicated. One day everything is just going to be clear and you'll just know." Jerry said still rubbing my back. I didn't respond because I knew he was right. He was usually right. I felt my phone vibrate.

One New Message from Hubby <3

They took him. We have the King.

Well, yea. Um. Yea. I don't know what to say after that. I'm pretty proud at myself for writing this in 2 days. So there's that. I'm in a bit of a time crunch so I'm finding chances to write whenever I can, which is not very often. So please just stay patient. I'm writing I promise. 

I'm also pretty sure that we didn't reach the vote and comment requirements last chapter. So let's try this again. 

20 Reads

5 votes


I hope you guys have a spectacularastic week. I love you guys so much and I can't wait to hear what you guys think and stuff. 

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