You + Me = ?

נכתב על ידי MonishShah

3.6K 81 27

The story may sound common but its not. Its different and fresh. Its also my first story, so I'm open to any... עוד

The Beginning
Oh Pasta
We Found Love
An Angel Passes Away
Big Jet Plane
Quorra, A Mistake ?

Will You Marry Me?

223 7 0
נכתב על ידי MonishShah

Sia and Brandon were leading very contrasting lives. While Brandon was having a tough time dealing with Meera's death and Quorra's departure, Sia's life was on a high note. Brad and her relationship was getting more serious day by day and eventually the two decided to get engaged.

Sia asked her group to meet at Tony's so that she could tell them the big news. That afternoon everybody were at Tony's except for Brandon. Peter asked Sia," You texted saying everybody is coming, so where's Brandon ?" Sia checked her mobile and said," I did text him, I thought he'll come. Wait let me call him." She called Brandon on his cell as well as at his place but the calls went to voicemail. Sia thought for a while and then started talking to the group," Okay guys, I'll talk to Brandon later. I called you all for this." She then placed the invitation card on the table. As soon as everybody read it they screamed and started congratulating Sia.

Uma Exclaimed," You're getting engaged ! That's great, that's super great! Congratulations!" Patrick quickly asked Sia," What's the menu ?" Sia laughed and said," Seriously? You won't even wish me?" Patrick also laughed and hugged her. They all spent few hours at Tony's talking about Sia's engagement party and also about Brandon. 4 months had passed away since Quorra left England and went to New York, But for Brandon, it felt like she had left just 2 days back.

"I don't know whether he has become weirder or better." Melissa said and continued to speak,"He has stopped his stupid jokes and pranks but its pretty weird, you know. He comes on time, he works and then, he just leaves. He barely hangs out with us at work. It's like he has no life at all. Now a days, he even seldom comes here, at Tony's. I guess he's pretty much upset about Quorra. He loves her a lot."

Sia shook her head and said,"Its kind of my fault too. The day Quorra left was the last time we met! Its been months and we haven't met, or even talked. I got busy in my work and then lately I'm busy with this engagement stuff. But last I heard from Pat-" Sia looked at Patrick and said," Didn't you tell me that Brandon and Quorra talk on phone daily?"

Patrick nodded and said," Yeah, but that was a month ago. Now even I don't know. But we do need to talk to him or else he may get worse. You know, I even asked him to come with me for a cricket match, and he said no. Can you believe it? He said no for a cricket match."

That evening Sia went at Brandon's place. Brandon opened his door and was surprised to see her. Sia exclaimed," Brandon! Hey, how you've been ? God, its so good to see you. And a beard?" And she started laughing. Moments after they hugged each other and Brandon invited her in. Sia promptly asked," Where's your phone?" Brandon looked around and replied," I actually don't know-" He suddenly stopped speaking scratching his head and just looked down.

Sia understood his feelings and said," Look, I'm really sorry about Quorra. I should've talked to you after that day. I got really busy with my work and then I had to go out of town to meet Brad's parents. I'm sorry." Brandon raised his shoulders and said," Yeah. Its fine. I'm fine." Sia gave her a weird look and said," I've known you since we were 8, and I can tell you're not fine. C'mon just let it out. Patrick told me you missed a cricket match. The only reason you would miss a match is because you have Diarrhea."

Brandon smiled and looked the other way and said," I'm not fine." Brandon finally was ready to share how he felt. Brandon started to tell Sia about the problems he was having with Quorra," First few weeks Quorra and I did talk on phone and sometimes even chat, but later on it got less and since past week it stopped completely. She says she's busy but I think-" Brandon took a deep breath and continued,"-I think she has started seeing someone else."

Sia surprisingly said," No.. No Brandon. C'mon, don't do this to yourself. I mean she loves you and I don't think so she'll be with someone else. As far as I know she loves you. And I still believe that she'll come back. You both were ready to get married, you're not married only because she left for New York. So she must really be busy with her work." Brandon smiled and held Sia's hand and said," I hope so."

Sia also smiled and said," Remember this? How we used to sit just like this at Meera's place when we were kids. Whenever one of us had a serious problem we used to hold hands and sit this way and do nothing. Just talk." Brandon smiled and said," Yeah, but that time was different. Our "serious problems" were like we had no ice cream in the house or we missing our favorite TV show." Sia chuckled and said," Those were the good old days. We had no friends. Just you and me." Brandon nodded and continued," The funny part about my relationship is that I myself don't know my relationship status. We're still dating or its over."

Sia reassured Brandon," She'll be back. She will be. I know its been a tough year for you. Meera died and now few months back Quorra left for New York but it'll be good. everything will be good. And you do know that I'm here for you." Brandon nodded and said," Yeah." And the two stared at each other. Both felt differently with each other at that moment. Sia remembered about her engagement and quickly broke the eye contact.

While leaving Sia placed her invitation card on the table. She pointed at it and said,"I forgot the main thing. I'm getting engaged !" And Sia gave Brandon a huge smile. Brandon was surprised at first but then quickly congratulated Sia and hesitatingly said," I don't think I'll come." Sia was furious to hear this and blasted saying," What do you mean you can't come?"

Brandon replied," I don't think Its a good idea for me. I'm not really in a mood. I'll send you a gift though." Sia couldn't believe it. If possible she would've killed Brandon there itself only. She replied," A gift? You think I'm inviting you just so I'll get an extra gift? You know what, don't come! You are the second close person of my life who is not coming on my special day, first being my busy old father! You're becoming just like him!" And she left frantically. Brandon punched the wall and thought for a while.

Brandon regretted his declination and decided to go to Sia's party next week.

Sia was happy to see Brandon at her party. She left Brad to attend guests and went to Brandon to talk to him. "I am so glad that you came. I'm really really glad." Brandon smiled and said,"I had to come. Patrick texted me saying, pasta tastes great!" Sia laughed and said," Yeah. So anything from Quorra?" Brandon said," No. But I missed 2 calls from her yesterday. I've been trying to call her back but no luck."

Sia said,"Call her later. And look, there's Pat and others. I'll see you later." And she joined Brad. Brandon had a nice time with Patrick and rest of the group. After many weeks Brandon truly enjoyed himself.

After few hours Brad went on the centre stage and called Sia. They both kissed each other and exchanged rings. Everybody started clapping and wishing them. All this reminded Brandon about Quorra. He looked down and no sooner his smile faded. He left the place minutes later. Sia saw him leaving and wanted to go after him but she couldn't as she was surrounded by people.

Brandon drove off to his place. He got out of his car and started walking towards his building only to surprisingly see Quorra sitting at the entrance of his building, waiting for him.

Brandon's face carried a huge smile when he saw her. Quorra walked towards him, held his hand and smilingly said,"Beard looks good." Brandon smiled and said," You're pretty much the same. I think I'll have to adjust with that." Both smiled and Quorra said," Let's walk. We've got lot to talk about." And the two start walking in the midst of dark night.

"So you're back, did you get yourself fired?" Quorra smiled and said,"No, no. I quit. I'd told you that I always do whatever I love the most. Few months back I thought I loved my work more than anything else, but I guess I was wrong. I realized nothing ever stood a chance in front of you.There wasn't a day where I musn't have thought about you. I considered coming back many times but I don't know, I don't know why I waited for so long. But finally I'm here. I did call you yesterday to tell you about this but you didn't pick up."

Brandon said," Yeah, sorry. Anyway I'm coming from Sia's engagement party. Brad and Sia are officially engaged." Quorra smiled and said," Wow! that's great-" She looked at Brandon and said,"-so what about us? I mean the marriage offer is still up or I'll have to settle for only girlfriend thing?"

Brandon smiled and said," If it were for me, I would've asked you to marry me on the phone itself-" Brandon stopped walking and turned towards Quorra and said,"- I Love you." He then sat on his knees and continued to speak," I don't have a ring right now-" Quorra interrupted and said,"-Just say quickly!" Brandon smiled and said," Quorra, I love you and I think you love me too. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and you are one of the most beautiful thing that has happened to me. So would you like to marry me?"

Quorra laughed and said," This was lamest proposal. And yes, of course yes." Both hugged each other. Tears started rolling of Quorra's cheeks. Brandon wiped them and said," The last time we cried, you left me alone for 4-5 months. I don't wanna be alone again." Quorra smiled and both kissed each other.


Last Chapter : Quorra, A Mistake?

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