My Sasaeng Fan «yyqx» | ✔

By bearhug-

14.8K 854 210

❝He's cute. And he's mine.❞ --- ❝She's weird. And she's crazy.❞ --- Liu Zhang Xing's life take a turn of even... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Author's Note

Chapter 5

1.1K 73 21
By bearhug-

That was five years ago. I'm 21 years old now, and I've totally changed.

I mean it; inside and out.

I told my parents the truth and they disowned me. I understood why they did that so I'm living with some friends now.

To be honest, I'm happier like this. I've also stopped cutting and I'm more cheerful. I smile more often.

Also, I went under the knife to change my looks. I didn't want anyone to remember me and I just wanted to forget the girl called Liu Zhang Xing.

I changed my name to Luo Chan Zhao.

It's a pretty name and I like it.

I'm working as a part time waitress and a part time model. Yes, apparently, after my plastic surgery, some entertainment scouted me. Star Entertainment.

"Chan Zhao!" someone called loudly.

I continued wiping the table, waiting for someone to reply that person but no one replied.

"Hey, Chan Zhao! Oi! Luo Chan Zhao!!"

That was when I realized the person was calling me. Oh god, I'm still not used to the new name.

"Ah..yes?" I asked as I quickly stopped wiping the table and walked over to my boss.

He was a nice 25 year old man, who had a beautiful girlfriend. He saw me five years ago, outside, in the cold, when I had nowhere to go, and offered me a home.

His father had passed away when he was 19 and his father had given him this coffee shop I am working at.

He offered me a job and here I am, making a living for myself.

Till this day, I'm still working for him, and I'm glad to say he was like a father I never had. Though we were only a few years apart.

"What's happening to you, Chan Zhao? You seem to lose concentration a lot." my boss, Zuo Hu, asked. He pushed a cup to my side.

I smiled as I took it. I was about to drink it when he put a hand on my head, "Ah Ah Ah. That's for table five."

I glared at him as he snickered. I picked up the cup and walked over to table five and served it.

I returned to the counter and there was another cup ready.

"Which table?" Hah! I'm not so stupid this time!

"It's for you."

I looked at him in surprise, "For me?"

Zuo Hu grinned, "You've worked hard, Chan Zhao. You can rest now."

"Oh...okay. Thanks, boss." I grinned.

"Don't call me boss! It makes me sound so old!!" Zuo Hu whined.

I snickered, "Payback." I winked at him, and went to the staff room.

Xuan Xuan, Zuo Hu's girlfriend, was already there.

"Hi, Xuan Xuan jie." I smiled as I sat down beside her.

"Hey. Sorry I had to rest earlier than usual. My asthma wasn't giving me a break." Xuan Xuan apologized.

I frowned, "Asthma again? Why don't you go to the doctor?"

"All of them gave me these insulin that aren't helping. Whatever." Xuan Xuan rolled her eyes as I hugged her sideways.

Suddenly, Zuo Hu entered the staff room with an excited look on his face. His eyes were glinting brightly- it always is- but more than usual.

"Chan Zhao! Your manager is here to see you! I think she's got good news!" Zuo Hu winked.

"Manager? Oh..okay." I said. I left the room in a hurry to find my manager- I'm a part time model, remember?- sipping a cup of hot coffee.

When she saw me, she jumped up from her seat and grabbed my arms excitedly.

"Chan Zhao! The CEO is raising your pay!"

I looked at her dubiously, "CEO is a stingy man. Are you sure you heard right?"

My manager, Bech, started to stutter, " course he wants you to do something before raising your pay.."

I sighed.

Of course CEO has something planned.

I groaned, "What is it?"

"You know TF entertainment? The all boys entertainment?" Bech asked excitedly.

I froze when I heard the entertainment's name.

TF... huh?

I nodded in response as she continued, "Well, Star Entertainment is going to be collaborating with them!"

"So? What does that have to do with me?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Bech looked like she could murder me in my sleep, as she said, "You're our best model. You'll be working with TF's artists."

"W-What? I just started my c-career! This i-is going too f-fast!" I stammered.

"You're not the only one working with them. There will be three other models with you." Bech said.

"Who are these three models?"

Bech grinned, "Xuan Xuan..."

My ears perked up.

Zuo Hu's beautiful girlfriend will be working with me?

Yes, Xuan Xuan is a beautiful young lady who is also a co-model. My first meeting with her was at my first photoshoot.

"The other two are?" I asked.

"They're not revealed yet. You'll know soon. So what do you say? Are you up for this?!" Bech clapped her hands excitedly.

TF.. I'm not so sure. I've gone through many things to forget about TFBoys and...him.

If I were to work with them... old memories and feelings will come back.

They might realize who I really career in itself will be ruined.

Zuo Hu and Xuan Xuan will hate me so much- I will lose their friendship.

No...I can't do this.

"I'm sorry. I can't." I apologized, and bowed politely.

Bech looked at me with horror as she said, "B-But..why? This is your chance to get known!"

Xuan Xuan appeared at my side and said, "Chan should do this. You don't need to be nervous because I'll be there with you. Okay?"

I sighed, "I...I can't."

"Why not?" Xuan Xuan demanded, putting both her arms on her waists.

"I just can't, okay?" I snapped.

By now, some of the customers had turned to look at us.

Blushing, I whispered, "Stuff happened in the past, stuff I don't want to remember."

Xuan Xuan grabbed my shoulders and shook me violently, "Dear, please. Past is the past. You only have one chance at this. Forget the past, let it go. Concentrate on the future. Okay?"

I stared at her as I let her words sink into me.


"Chan Zhao, I'll let you think of this. Tell me your answer tomorrow." Bech said as she gathered up her things from the table.

Shooting a grateful smile at Xuan Xuan, she left the coffee shop.

"Think about it." Xuan Xuan said as she left me in the coffee shop, with most of the customers staring at me.

Only this time, I wasn't aware of their stares as I remembered what happened five years ago.

Hi! I hope this chapter doesn't bore you! Please VoMmEnT! Thank you!❤️

Down to business; again I need someone to make a cover for me. Is there anyone who can do it for me? Please?

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