Powerful Alpha (Completed)

By SarahlovesNiallH

1.1M 39.2K 1.5K

Emma Flum is not your average 19 year old girl. You see she's a werewolf. Emma enjoys nature a little to much... More

Powerful Alpha
Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty (Final Chapter)

Chapter Seventeen

33.7K 1.3K 48
By SarahlovesNiallH

1 month later...

Tom's POV

I've been really busy with pack business lately. We've had 8 rouge attacks, luckily no one from the pack has been seriously hurt.

I don't really get much time at home, it's like every time I think all is done I get called to help someone. I hate seeing the disappointment in Emma's face when I leave but I need to stand by my pack. When I'm done with these rouges I am going to make it all up to her.

Emma's POV

I hate rouges. I never have any time with Tom, I understand that he's the alpha and he needs to protect his pack but sometimes it's just to much to take in.

I've been feeling sick for a week, but tonight its a whole different thing, I've been throwing up for hours now, but it's probably because Tom hasn't come back home for two days. I hate that sometimes he over works himself and just falls asleep in his office, I wish he'd work in the office in the house but he says it puts me in danger if I'm around all the packs work.

I think I'm going to stop by doctor Evans tomorrow. Before I fell asleep I looked out the window and saw Lucas and Stan standing in front of the door, they've been guarding the place whenever Toms not home. When I finally fell asleep I was hugging Tommy's pillow hoping that all this could just be over and I could enjoy the feeling of him being close to me.

I woke up and looked at the clock. It was 4:30 AM, I had a weird feeling like I was worried, and my heart was hurting. What the hell? It's very rare for me to wake up in the middle of the night. Something's wrong, I walked over to the window but didn't see anyone, Lucas and Stan were both gone, now I was scared, I quickly mind linked Tom asking him if everything was okay, he answered right away and said "they tricked us to get Lucas and Stan away from the house, we're on our way now, Emma you need to stay inside the house." I didn't know what to say, all I could get out was "Tommy I'm scared" not a second later I heard the door on the first floor hit the ground. I was shaking, I quickly closed the bedroom door and locked it, I was going to jump out the window but there were Rouges surrounding the house, I began to panic and yelled for help through mind link "Tom they broke the door down and they're surrounding the house" "Fuck" he cursed and started to talk again, "Emma baby we're almost there, lock the door to our room, and what ever you do, don't shift, they will try and attack you if you shift now." I felt the tears in my eyes and I couldn't stop them from coming down. I made sure the bedroom door was locked and I ran into the bathroom in our room, making sure that was locked too, I sat down and waited for Tom but didn't feel him close by, the last thing I heard him say before the bathroom door was broken down was "stay strong, we're not to far" I looked up at the wolf standing in the door frame and replied to Tom "they found me." The wolf made his way closer to me and shifted to human form, I ignored the fact that he was naked and just looked at his face, he held his hand out for me to take it but I looked at it with disgust, he chuckled and said "later you're going to be touching more then my hand," I wanted to shift and attack him, but Tom made it clear that I shouldn't. I stood up on my own and asked "what do you want? why won't you leave us alone?" His face was full of anger he grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the room and down the stairs, I tried to run but his grip only hardened, I was thrown on the ground and he sat on top of me, he tied my hands behind my back and threw me into a black van. The car started moving while I was trying to mind link Tom but I couldn't, when the guy noticed the confused look on my face all he said was "your mate is probably dead right now, I sent my best fighters to get him, they probably killed him hours ago." Hah this prick doesn't know that I was talking to him just minutes ago. I laughed in his face and said "you're going to need more then a couple of trained fighters to take Tom down, especially if they're a bunch of rouges." This caused his face to turn bright red, he grabbed me by my neck and squeezed hard, then yelled "you better watch what you say you little bitch, I won't hesitate to kill you." As if Tom felt that I couldn't breath, his voice rang in my head saying "I'm sorry, but we're going to find you, just tell me your surroundings." The man removed his hand and I quickly answered Tom saying " don't be sorry, this isn't your fault, and I'm in a black van were passing a bunch of trees, there's a sign that says 44th street ahead, shit! This guys grabbing a blindfold I won't be able to tell you anything." "Don't worry I'm going to find you no matter what" was all I heard before I passed out.

I woke up in a dark room that smelled like shit. I was sick to my stomach, I yelled a few times but no one came in. I felt the urge to throw up just like I've been feeling this whole week, I looked at the ground and it was filthy, I started to puke and when I was done I looked up to see two men standing over me. They were whispering something, I perked my ears up and listened, one of them said "we need to get the skank a doctor." Well it's nice to know what they think of me. Note the sarcasm. The other one nodded and said "I'll go talk to one." When one guy left, the other stayed and in a second his fist collided with my face, I winced in pain and looked up at him "don't listen to other peoples conversations" I tried to hide the fact that he really hurt me but I couldn't I just started crying, that's when another punch was thrown at me, "what the hell was that for" I yelled but this cause him to laugh and say "just for fun." He turned and started walking away. I was glad he was gone.

A little while later there was a doctor here, he asked the guys to untie me and step out but they didn't listen, he told me to lift my shirt because he was about to check my stomach I looked at the guys practically begging them to leave but they just had smirks on their face, one of them answered, it was the only who took me out of the house he said " don't worry baby girl we'll both be seeing more of you later. The doctor lifted my shirt and examined my stomach, he looked up with a smile and said "congratulations you're pregnant." I could no longer control myself, I just burst into tears, the doctor looked at me and said "I'm sorry" right when i heard the news of becoming a mom there was a loud noise outside of the room I was in, it cause both guys to run out, they were so distracted they didn't even hear the news about me being pregnant. It was just me and the doctor, I quickly said to him "they took me away from my mate, please find him and bring him here, he won't let them hurt you I promise, his name is Tom, Alpha Tom, oh and please don't tell them about my pup, they will just try and hurt it." The doctor smiled and said "Tom did me a favor a while back, I guess it's time to repay him" just then the guys walked back in and tied me up again, they asked the doctor what was wrong with me, he told them I was just home sick, they laughed and told him not to say anything or they would find him, the doctor nodded and said "no worries, I don't even know this place" the guys walked in front of him and he walked out, but not before turning around and giving me a wink.

He's going to bring Tom here, then I can tell Tom that I'm having his pup! I just need to make sure these rouges don't find out about this.


Sooooo what do you guys think???



Love you all ❤

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