Attachment (AKA: Tamaki's Sis...

By heck-boi

111K 3K 1.7K

Title Credit: @ Listen idk where the hell this story is going to go, it wasn't even going to be Oc x Kyoya, i... More

The Start of it All
Getting to Know Her
The Sleep Over
An Engagement
Dinner with His Family
Movie Night
The Beach
Lobelia Girl's Academy
A Day with Haruhi
Cavities and Dead Mothers
To Hell With the School Newspaper
Alone Time
The Stuffed Bunny
A Birthday Party
Summer in Karuizawa Part One
Summer in Karuizawa Part Two
Summer in Karuizawa Part Three - Stormy Days
A Day Out With The Bois (And A Dog)
Walk Around The Park
First Day Back And French Lessons
Yeah, A Bitch Beat Me Up
Ditching the Host Club + Chika
Lobellia Girl's Academy
Sick Pt. 2

Break Up and the Resort

4.7K 128 29
By heck-boi

Hikaru's POV
Kaoru and I are just about to leave when Mother calls for me.
"Coming!" I say and go into the other room where Mother is.
"Hikaru sweetheart. I need you to break up with that Rose Souh." She says. "But Mom-" I starts then sigh. "Yeah okay Mom." I say sadly and join Kaoru in the limo.
"What did mom want?" He asks. I sigh.
"She told me to break up with Rose." I say and run a hand through my hair.
~~~~time skip the the resort thing~~~~~
Rose's POV
I step, well I'm shoved, out of the dressing room. I have on a black one piece (see pic at the top) and my hair in in a french braid. I quickly slip on a large black hoodie as a cover up.
"Hey Rose." Hikaru says walking over to me.
"Hey Hikaru." I say smiling.
"Well, um, we're over." He says and walks away.
"W-what?" I say quietly even though he's gone. Why? What did I do wrong? Tears brim my eyes but I wipe them away. H-he isn't worth it. I go and sit down in one of the lounge chairs and just stair at the ceiling/sky. After a little bit I take out my sketch pad and pencils. I imagine the New York sky line. How I miss New York. I went there a few summers ago and fell in love with the city. Soon I'm done except for coloring it in.
"You're a very good artist." Kyoya's says next to me.
"Thanks Kyoya." I say.
"New York isn't it?" He asks.
"Yeah. I went there a few summers ago." I tell him.
"You sound sad." He points out.
"Yeah." Is all I reply with.
"Why are you sad?" Kyoya's asks.
"It's not important. I promise." I say.
"Rose it's important to me as to why you're sad." He says.
"I-I don't feel like talking about it right now." I say.
"Okay I won't pry." He says and adds. "I've told you I'm here for you and I mean it" he says.
"Thank you Kyoya." I say and Honey walks over.
"Want to come swin with me Rose-chan?!" He asks.
"Sure." I say and follow him into the wavr pool after taking off my hoodie. Shortly After Tamaki runs into a totum pole. Before I knew it a giant wave had washed me and Honey away from everyone else. Honey Helps me to sure because I'm not the best swimmer.
"Well this is unexpected." I say.
"Let's try and find our way back!" Honey says and starts walking through the forest.
"Wouldn't it be batter if we just stayed here?" I ask hopefully.
"But where's the fun in that!?" He says and grabs my hand so I'll follow him. As we walk it starts raining.
"We'll be able to see more if we gain higher ground." I say.
"Alright!" Honey says. We both club a tree and honey spots a clearing where Mori and Haruhi are surrounded by police men. He grabs a vine and Tarsan's over there. I hop down and walk over. When I get there all the police men are nocked out or recovering. Tamaki runs over and hugs me.
"Are you okay!? Any scratches, bruses? Are you bleeding?!" He asks in a panic.
"I'm fine Tamaki." I say and he released me from the hug.
"I was so worried about you! So was Kyoya." He says and I look past him to look at Kyoya. Why was Kyoya worried about me? I walk over to Kyoya.
"Tamaki told me that you were really worried Kyoya. Is that true?" I ask him. I swear for a second there I saw him blush.
"Yes." He says simply. I give him a hug.
"Thank you for worrying, but I'm fine. No need to worry." I say and he hugs me back.
"I'm just glad you're okay." He says. I look up at him and kiss his cheek.
"That is for everything." I say.
"Oh. Is that so?" He asks with a smirk. I blush a little.
"And I like you." I say looking at me feet. He lifts my head up to look up at him and kisses me.
"I like you too." He says and we both smile.
"My baby sister's in love!" Tamaki says happily.
"Shut up Tamaki!" I say blushing and Kyoya chuckles. I feel his arms wrap around my waist.
"You're adorable when you blush." He whispers in my ear making me blush more.
"Kyoyaaaaa!" I say.
"I thought you were dating Hika-chan though." Honey says.
"We broke up." I say glaring at the ginger.
"Oh. Okay!" Honey says. We all walk back to where we started and collected our things. I pulled on my hoodie and got the art supplies. Kyoya got his little book. Hikaru and Kaoru got their water guns. And Tamaki and Huruhi just talked.
"We should go-" Hikaru starts.
"-To the beach next." Kaoru finishes.
"That would be fun." Haruhi says.
"We have to go to the beach!!" Tamaki says.
"That sounds okay. Is it in the budget Kyoya?" I ask knowing that there are good chances we be bringing some guests along.
"Yes." He says. I glance at him and notice that he's smiling down at me.
"What you looking at?" I ask him and he smirks as he puts an arm around my waist.
"You." He says and I just smile. He kisses the top of my head before walking to his limo and me and Tamaki go to ours.
"You know what's funny Rose?" Tamaki asks half way home.
"What?" I ask.
"You and Kyoya were both kind of distant from other people. And then you two were arranged to marry and both of you aren't very distant anymore." Tamaki says.
"Yeah. I've noticed that too. But it's a go thing. Right?" I say.
"Of course it'sva good thing! It's a wonderful thing!" Tamaki says and hugs me. I smile. We arrive home and I go straight up to my room and go take a shower. 25 minutes later I step out of the shower and wrap my towel around me as I look through my drowers trying to fine my favorite pj pants. After a minute I find them andbI take out a huge sweat shirt much like the one I wore today only it's white. After I get dressed I grab The Mark of Athena off of my book shelf and sit criss-cross-apple-sause on my bed.
Then next morning Piper woke up to a different ships horn-a blast so loud it literally shook her out of bed. She winded if Leo was pulling another joke. Then the horn boomed again. It sounded like it was coming from several hundred yards away-from another vessel.
"Rose can I come in?" It's Tamaki.
"Yeah." I say and sigh as I mark my page and close the book. He walked in and had on a white t-shirt and white sweatpants.
"How are you not upset about Hikaru breaking up with you?" He asks sitting across from me.
"Why do you ask?" I question.
"Well it doesn't make since. You 2 seamed close and really happy. Why aren't you upset?" He says. I am upset, but I'm not going to show it.
"Hikaru doesn't think I'm worth anything. So why should he be worth me being upset?" I say.
"I can tell your upset." Tamaki says with a sigh he kisses my forehead and stands up.
"Well I'm off to bed. Love you Rose." He says.
"Love yeah Tamaki." I say and turn off my light going to sleep as well.
A/N: this chapter is barely 1000 words! WHATS WRONG WITH ME?! I used to be really go at writing longer chapter and I feel like these are so short! >-< anyway love you guys!

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