Will You Make Me Fall In Love...

By DomoLynchR5

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A story about a Chicago girl who moves to Cali with her best friend. Lilly is scared to fall in love. When sh... More

Will You Make Me Fall In Love-Riker Lynch FanFic
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5-Riker's P.O.V.
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9

Chapter 8

519 9 6
By DomoLynchR5

I smiled toward Riker slightly. He returned the smile.

"You have an amazing voice" he said and I blushed a little.

"Nah not really" I said looking down. I never sang in front of anyone before and I really don't know why I sang with him today. It just happened.

"You really do though" he laughed a little

"Whatever makes you sleep at night" I said getting up and grinning" I'm gonna go downstairs now are you coming?" I asked him walking toward the door.

"Nah I'll stay here for a bit" he smiled and started playing his guitar again.

I like him more then the others but I don't wanna fall for him. Nothing good comes out of relationships. I walked downstairs and sat down. Everyone was staring at me and not saying a word.

"What?" I asked them confused

"What were you and Riker doing??" Kate asked with her evil smile plastered on her face.

"Nothing. He played guitar and sang that's all" I replied sitting on the couch. "I'm kinda hungry maybe we should order some pizza or chinese?" I asked the rest of the crew. They all agreed on Chinese do that's what we decided to order. We know for fact that we ordered way more then enough but we really didn't care. When the food got here we literally jumped on it in the dining room. Riker came down few minutes after we started eating.

"Thanks for calling me down" he said sarcastically

"I texted you bro" Ross said with his mouth full.

"Whatever" Riker said and sat on a free chair next to me grabbing a plate and putting some food on it. We are quietly.

"Who ants a red bull?" Kate asked and everyone wanted one do she took out everyone red bull and sat back down. I just smiled a little inside. I liked this group of people. We all got along perfectly and had a lot of fun together and we enjoyed each others company. Few seconds later I got a little bored. Ratliff was sitting across from me. I laughed quietly to myself and grabbed a handful of chow main. No one even noticed what I'm doing because they were even too busy eating or too much into some random conversation. I looked at Ratliff who was on a deep conversation with Ross and I just threw all that chow main on his head. All the conversation stopped for twenty seconds and then everyone bursted out laughing. I was laughing so hard that I closed my eyes and a second later I felt some liquid dripping all over me. I looked up and Ratliff was there smirking at me with his now empty red bull in his hand. All of it was on me and my shirt. And since I was wearing a white tank top my sexy white bedazzled bra from Victoria Secret was showing. I grabbed some of Mongolian Beef and threw it at him but he dodged it and it hit Ross what caused even more laughter. Ross grabbed his cup of sprite and soaked me even more.thats how our food fight started. Later on everyone was laughing while cleaning the kitchen.

"I'm gonna go home shower and change"I said after we finished cleaning.

"I'll come with you" said Riker who already took a quick shower.

"Bring me fresh clothes ill shower here I'm too lazy to walk to out house"Kate said sitting exhausted on the kitchen chair

"We live next door" I said rolling my eyes and everyone laughed a little. I walked out the door with Riker and walked into my house. He followed me into my room and I just found some cozy clothes I can change into since we were sleeping over their place tonight.

"I like your bra" I heard Riker say while chuckling under his nose.

"I noticed. You've been staring since the food fight started" I replied smirking at him slightly

"Well it was and still is a very good view" Riker smiled at me. I laughed and walked into my bathroom. I took a quick shower and when I got out I noticed I brought my clothes but I didn't think of bringing any undergarment.

"Shit" I said quietly wrapping myself in a towel and I opened the door and walked out. Riker picked his head up and certainly didn't expect to see me like this. My towel wasn't the longest, it literally reached right below my butt. I felt myself turning red.

"I forgot few things" I mumbled quietly and quickly walked up to the drawer where I kept my bras and underwear. I picked a red shiny bra and matching lacy thong. I turned around and while walking to the bathroom I looked at Riker from the corner of my eyes and I saw him stare at me the whole time. My cheeks turned red and I put my head down and walked into the washroom. I quickly changed and did a little make up. My hair was up the whole day so now I decided I will leave it down to dry into its natural waves. I walked out of my washroom and saw Riker laying on my bed on his back and playing with his phone. He looked at me and chuckled.

"You look comfy" he said smiling. I smiled toward him too. I had short shorts on and a big blue t-shirt for men from Hollister. It looked like I wasn't wearing any pants but I had shorts on.

I quickly put my flip flops on.

"Let's go?" I asks him smiling and walking up to him. He stood up from my bed and suddenly we were really close to each other. He was a lot taller then me so I had to look up to look at him and he was looking down. Suddenly I felt this need to kiss him. I wanted to kiss him, but I knew I won't do it first. I quickly looked down and stepped back.

"Um... Uhh... sorry" I said blushing a little. He laughed and just grabbed my hand and we walked out of my room.


Hey hey xD

This was already a second chapter today so I hope you like it I hope you enjoy reading this. I promise next chapter will show up before Thursday (4/11/13) please comment and vote. I did not proofread this so I know there might be some mistakes so please forgive me. Let me know what you think lovies <3

Love Ya, Domo ❤💙💛💜💚💗

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