Her Royal Pen Pal

By Candle_Ice

9.7M 143K 14.9K

When Elise Van Hastening got a request to chat with 'prince_charming01,' she never expected him to be the rea... More

Chapter 1 [Making a Move]
Chapter 2 [An Eventful Meeting]
Chapter 3 [The Unusual Proposal]
Chapter 4 [Not Only In Dreams]
Chapter 5 [the Phone call]
Chapter 6 [Everyone's Talking...]
Chapter 7 [First Date!]
Chapter 8 [The Front Page Picture]
Chapter 9 [Everyone's talking... Again]
Chapter 10 [Dinner and A Ball Gown]
Chapter 11 [His Royal Evil-ness]
Chapter 12 [By King's Decree]
Chapter 13 [Meeting His Family]
Chapter 13.5 [a Slight Case of Melancholy]
Chapter 14 [The Meeting With Randolph]
Chapter 15 [Protocol and Family Secrets]
Chapter 16 [An Unexpected Turn of Events]
Chapter 16.5 [Explanation about Leah]
Chapter 17 [The Ball: Part 1]
Chapter 18 [The Ball: Part 2]
Chapter 19 [Doubts and Surprises]
Chapter 20 [Confessions]
Chapter 21 [A Week of Confinement]
Chapter 22 [This Betrothal Issue]
Chapter 24 [A Nicer Elder]
Chapter 25 [Erland's Visitor]
Chapter 26 [Three Month Mensiversary]
Chapter 27 [Bye, Bye Erland!]
Chapter 28 [The Royal Girlfriend]
Chapter 29 [The Third Wheel]
Chapter 30 [An Invitation to (Re)Treat]
Chapter 31 [3 words, 8 letters... 1 meaning]
Chapter 32 [Young Love ;)]
Chapter 33 [An Eventful Afternoon]
Chapter 34 [Speculations!]
Chapter 35 [A Pleasant Surprise]
Chapter 36 [Celebrations]
Chapter 37 [Minor Details]
Epilogue [Ever, Ever After]

Chapter 23 [Prison Break]

194K 2.7K 338
By Candle_Ice

(Copyright) © 2011 Candle_Ice

* * * * *

[A/N: Didn’t get to edit, may have a few typos, will edit later! =) Please ignore for now!]

Chapter 23

Usually, someone crawling into her bed meant that either Helena or Jared had had a bad dream and now needed some company. So when Elise turned to face the intruder, the last person she expected to find was Leonidas!

“Leonidas? What the..? How did you…? Where did you..? Am I still sleeping?” she asked dazedly, turning to put on her bedside lamp.

The soft glow illuminated Leonidas, whether real or fake, as she was yet to determine, as he chuckled at her.

“I sure hope you’re not sleeping. After all the trouble I went through to sneak in here,” Leonidas chided.

Sitting up Elise touched the figure next to her and realised that it was in fact the real life Leonidas.

“What are you doing here?” she asked in a rushed whisper.

“Is that all you can say, after a week in confinement and not having seen each other?” he scolded playfully.

“Well forgive me, Highness, but I’m not really good company at 1o’ clock in the morning,” she retorted, glancing at her bedroom clock.

“I can tell,” he responded in a teasing tone.

Elise was still a little clouded by her sleepiness state, but she was warming up to him. It was nice to see him in person, and not just talk to him over the phone. But how did he end up in her room?

“How on earth did you get in here?” she asked.

“Details, details,” Leonidas shrugged as fixed her pillow how he wanted it and lay back.

“Leonidas, I’m serious. Prince or no Prince, if my father catches you –“

“Relax, I came in through the balcony, and I’ll leave through the balcony, so I’ll be gone before he wakes up,” he explained to her.

Elise looked around her room, to ensure she remembered every detail of it.

“I don’t have a balcony,” she informed him.

Sighing, Leonidas sat up back and stared at her, “You’re not going to rest until I tell you how I got in here, are you?”

She feigned consideration for a moment, “No, I’m not. Especially since you told me earlier today or yesterday rather, that the King suggested you keep a low profile for a while longer.”

“The King doesn’t know I’m here,” Leonidas said to her with a smile.

At Elise’s confused look, Leonidas recalled his escape tactic.

“Thane got me some clothes the Royal Guards wear, and I joined the patrol stationed outside your house, incognito, while Thane covers for me at the palace. I called Helena, who allowed me to scale the balcony outside her room on the second floor, and checked the hallway to ensure that your parents don’t see me as I made my way to your room,” Leonidas finished.

“I guess you inherited your mother’s scheming mind,” Elise teased after she took in what he had done.

“Better than inheriting my father’s snoring, it’s loud and obnoxious,” he countered with a smile.

Laughing Elise lay back on the bed and Leonidas did the same, but they turned on their sides to face each other.

Elise was thankful she wore her purple pajama pants and top, instead of her Mickey Mouse one, as she looked into his hazel eyes.

“I’m glad you’re here,” she whispered softly.

“Me too,” he returned in kind.

“How much did you have to pay Helena,” she asked him.

“Nothing,” he said too hastily.

She gave him an unbelieving look. She knew her sister, and for assistance in a scheme like this, he’d have to buy it.

“500 Euros,” he admitted finally.

“You gave her 500? Are you crazy? … I’ll get it back for you,” she promised.

“I don’t want it back, Elise. I figured I owed her anyways, the whole confinement thing and reporters and all,” he told her.

“She loved the reporters! She dressed up every time she stepped out of the house; she smiled and even posed on a few occasions. Daddy had to put a stop to it,” Elise laughed, remembering how much her sister had like the attention, before the confinement made her crazy.

“Yeah, I caught a couple of those shots on the television,” he admitted.

“What a nightmare that was. I’m glad it stopped. And I still can’t believe the decree is broken,” she commented.

“Yes, it is, and the best part is that Erland lost” he replied.

 “What is it?” He asked when she lowered her gaze.


“You might as well tell me, or I’ll not be able to rest,” he alluded in reference to how she pried his escape tactics from him.

“I was just wondering about your relationship with your grandfather, is all,” she disclosed, but hastily added, “But I understand you don’t want to talk about him.”

“No, I don’t really. But I think I should let you know anyways, you should know what you’re getting yourself into,” Leonidas said to her.

Reaching to put a stray strand of hair behind her ears, Leonidas began to explain about who his grandfather was, and what really happened to the late Princess Leah.

“That’s too horrible for words,” she sniffled when he told her about Erland’s part in Leah’s depression and the reasons behind it.

She reached for his hand and was squeezing it, biting back tears that threatened to fall, but when Leonidas told her of the medication dosage that resulted in her death was all due to Erland, the tears could no longer be held back.

“No wonder you and your family hate him,” Elise said between sobs.

“That’s not the only reason. A couple of years ago, when Ari was younger, she wanted to know why we all treated Erland the way we did. Of course, to this day we never told her the truth about Princess Leah, but back then she was curious to find out the facts.

“Being Princess allowed her access to files, and information, the public wouldn’t be able to get. So when it got out that she was snooping around, Erland was furious with her. He tried to hurt her the way he used to hurt Leah.

“I always wondered if I didn’t come in when I did, if he would have killed her too. I was just glad that he wasn’t able to put a single bruise on her. But by the menacing look on his face, I’m sure he wanted to use her as a pawn to control Father, and me, to some extent. It’s no secret that both Stefanos and I love our little sister,” he related.

“The same love he used against King Grisham,” Elise said with a bitter laugh.

“Yes, that cold, calculating bastard made my father feel guilty for loving his own sister,” Leonidas said in a frosty tone.

“But didn’t she have body guards? Or someone to protect her?” Elise asked after everything sunk in.

“She didn’t want anyone to know she was looking around, so she did it in secret. An informant of Erland’s learnt of it, we don’t really know how, and he was able to corner her.

And I honestly can’t say what I was doing there that morning. I never visited that part of the palace, ever. Then, I swear, I heard someone calling for me, and I followed the voice, but Ariel swore she was too shocked to even utter a scream, much less to call out for someone. I thought she was too scared to remember the details. Later, I realised that there was no way she could’ve known that I was anywhere near her to call out to me, even if she did scream out,” Leonidas confessed.

“That is a bit odd, but Thank God for small miracles,” Elise shot him a small smile.

“Want to hear something real crazy? I think it was Princess Leah who was calling out to me, leading me to Ariel so Erland wouldn’t be able to harm her also.”

“I don’t think that’s crazy, I think it fits perfectly well with the events,” she told him softly, as she moved in to hug him, “Princess Leah, may her soul rest in peace, wanted to save her brother the heartache of losing his daughter, and prevent her nephews from facing what King Grisham dealt with for his brotherly love.”

Her drew her into his embrace, and held her as she shed silent tears. She wasn’t sure, but she could’ve sworn she heard him sniffle a few times also.

They stayed like that until they both fell into a deep slumber. Taking comfort in each other’s presence, neither noticed the darkness fading to light over the horizon.


Elise slowly came back to consciousness and felt Mr. Whiskers, her cat, curled up on her stomach. The heat emanating from him though was too warm, but she pushed that thought aside and stretched her tired muscles.

Almost as if the stretching cleared her mind, Elise suddenly remembered, Mr. Whiskers had died 4 years ago!

Looking down to her stomach, Elise realised that it was a hand on her stomach, following the hand she saw Leonidas’ body. She looked cute when he slept, his forehead all scrunched up, as if he was thinking about something.

Staring at him, the events of the night before came rushing back to her: Leonidas sneaking into her room, his confession about Erland and falling asleep in each other’s arms.

The things he confessed to her were disturbing to say the least, but she knew that any sympathy she had for His Royal Elder was gone now.

As she watched him sleep, she wondered if she could sneak out of bed without waking him, so she could wash the sleepiness from her face and fix her bed head. There were girls who could look like a million bucks anytime of the day, unfortunately, Elise wasn’t one of them.

Her sleepiness cleared up some more, and she realised that her look was the least of her problem right now. Right now her problem was that it was morning, more than likely her parents would be up by now, and her boyfriend was still sleeping in her bed!

Trying not to panic, Elise quickly shook Leonidas to wake him up. The guy didn’t budge. She hit him with a pillow, and all he did was grumble something incoherent and turn onto his stomach, drawing his hands together under the pillow his head was on.

She was beginning to panic now. She couldn’t get him to wake up. The subsequent knock on her bedroom door did nothing to ease her dilemma.

What to do? It was probably her mother. Once in a while, she would come and check on her. But did today have to be one of those ‘once in a while’?

What to do?? Ignore the knock? That would only make her come in and check on her, because she was normally up by now. That would be a major problem. It’s not like she could hide him under the blankets, the bulge would be too obvious.

She practically leapt over Leonidas in her haste to get to the door, still the guy didn’t budge. She reached the door just as it was opening.

She stood by the crack of the opening and looked at her mother, blocking the view of her bed.

“Morning mom, I was just about to come downstairs.” She smiled brightly, trying to walk through the door.

Her mother stepped back and Elise stepped into the hall, closing her door behind her.

“Are you alright, dear? You overslept, its half past eight already,” her mother informed her.

She didn’t even realise it was so late in the morning, “Just tired, is all.”

When her mother made no move to leave, Elise prompted, “Shall we get breakfast then? Can’t start the day without the most important meal of the day, now can we?”

“That’s right,” her mother said, turning to go back down the hall.

Elise was about to breathe a sigh of relief when her mother turned back, “Why don’t you have Leonidas join us for breakfast? Like you said it’s the most important meal of the day, and we can’t have our Crown Prince starving, no can we?” her mother threw at her cheerfully as she turned and walked away. 

Elise stared after her mother as she realised what she just said. She braced back against the door, but it probably wasn’t locked properly because it didn’t support her weight as it opened and she ended up falling down with a loud thump and a surprised yelp.

“What the..?” was the groggy response from her bed.

Great, now he awakes, when she’s a graceful mess on the floor.

“Ellie? You okay?” Helena asked as she came up to her from the door way.

Her sister was already dressed for school as she helped her up. The two girls turned to see Leonidas looking around as if he couldn’t remember where he was.

“Nice room,” he said at last.

“What is he still doing here?” Helena asked her hurriedly.

“We fell asleep.” She told her.

“Well you better hope mom and dad don’t find him,” her sister warned.

“A little too late for that,” she confessed.

“I beg your pardon?” Helena asked.

“Mom invited you to breakfast,” she said to Leonidas.

“Oh, that’s very nice of her, I do feel rather hungry. Breakfast would be a good idea,” Leonidas replied standing up and running a hand through his hair.

Even though he just woke up, he looked perfect, Elise thought fervently, while she looked like the bride of Frankenstein.

Looking at the pair as if they had gone mad, Helena called out to them.

“Hello! Do you two not get it? Oh, never mind! If mom and Dad asked, I was never a part of this,” Helena said as she flounced away.

 “How do your parents know I’m here?” he asked, coming up to her.

“I don’t know, mom probably came in while we were still asleep,” she related, but it was getting hard to think as he invaded her space.

He was so close to her now; she feared if he got any closer, he’d be on the other side of her.

“You look cute when you’re all sleep tousled,” he told her, then kissed her cheek, and whispered in her ear, “Good morning.”

She smiled, to afraid to open her mouth in fear of morning breath.

Stepping back, Elise put some distance between them before she talked again.

“Why don’t you freshen up, and I’ll meet you in the kitchen. Bathroom’s right across the hall,” she informed him.

When he left, Elise made a mad rush to her parents’ room, and used their bathroom. She brushed her hair, gargled mouth wash and washed her face.

Looking more presentable she then made her way to breakfast, hoping against hope she wasn’t in too much trouble.

Even though nothing happened last night, she could still be in a whole lot of trouble. 

When she went into the kitchen, she saw that Leonidas was there already, along with her parents, Helena and Jared, and Thane.

Okay, she was majorly confused now, what was Thane doing there?

“The King found out about Leonidas’ little prison break, when he found Thane, instead of his son, in his chambers this morning,” her father explained, “It appears as if you all overslept.”

“Nothing happened!” Elise rushed to say, feeling the need to defend herself.

 “We never said anything did happen,” her mother told her, and Elise felt her cheeks flame in embarrassment.

Dropping her head to her chest she took a seat at the breakfast table and spared a side glance at Leonidas, who sported a big smile.

“His Majesty was kind enough to call and inform us of his son’s escape, and implored that we not hold you accountable,” Karin said to Elise, “But he said we could blame the Prince here, but he’ll deal with him when he returns to the palace.”

“Yes, I was sent to fetch the escapee Prince,” Thane related.

“I see. You’re a man of many hidden trades, Thane. Personal assistant, decoy, confidante, friend, trouble shooter, now driver,” Elise listed off on her fingers, “very impressive.”

“What can I say? I lead an interesting life,” Thane joked with a wink.

She smiled back at him, but was still unclear as to whether or not she was in trouble.

She turned to her parents, “So I’m not in trouble?” She asked hopefully.

“We’ll think about it,” Randolph said lightly to her, but shot a glare at Leonidas.

“In the meantime, breakfast!” Karin said, placing a stack of pancakes on the table, followed by hash browns, scrambled eggs, bacon and toast. Coffee was already in circulation.

“Eat up, Crown Prince,” Thane said mockingly, “I have a feeling this is the last meal you’ll have in a long time.”

Elise figured out that the two friends were always ribbing each other, and through breakfast Thane told them about their childhood adventures.

After breakfast, Thane left with his ward, in an unmarked car, to return to the palace. Helena and Jared had already left for school, since before Thane and Leonidas left, leaving her alone with her parents.

Normally, she wouldn’t be nervous about being alone with her parents, but after they found out about Leonidas’ midnight visit, she couldn’t help a little apprehension.

She stared at her parents as they drank their coffee, chit chatting about something, seemingly oblivious to her apprehensive state.

Not being able to take it anymore, Elise spoke to them.

“Are you guys going to ignore me whole day?” she asked them.

“I’m sorry dear, I didn’t realise you felt we were ignoring you,” Karin said sincerely.

“Yes, normally after breakfast, you kids tend to go off and do whatever it is you do, and leave us without a word, so we didn’t think you were waiting to talk to us,” her father related.

“You guys don’t want to give me talking to or punishment for …what happened?” she questioned.

“You said nothing happened,” her father reminded her.

“It did! I mean, nothing happened, ‘it’ was supposed to mean nothing,” she lamely explained.

“Your father and I have talked about it,” Karin started, “We had time to cool down after the King called, and though we were in dissatisfaction with the situation, we realised that it was probably hard for both of you to be confined to your homes for more than a week.”

 “In other words, seeing as nothing happened, we’re willing to let this one time slide,” Randolph said, “But only ever, this one time!”

She was never one to push her luck, so she assured her parents that it’d never happen again, and went to shower before she began her workload.

Thankful she got off easy, she wondered if Leonidas was as lucky as she.


“But no one saw me. The guards didn’t even recognise me,” Leonidas told King Grisham when he was summoned to his parents’ chambers.

King Grisham turned to Queen Lucilla, and declared, “Handle him, he’s your son.”

“Oh, so when he sneaks away in the middle of the night, he’s my son, but when he’s Crown Prince he’s your son?” she teased.

“No, he’s your son, because he got the scheming part from your side of the family,” he expressed, “I don’t think you realised that he could have been spotted by anyone, we need the bad publicity from this betrothal thing to die out first before he can progress in a relation with Elise. If the reporters got wind that he sneaked into her house in the middle of the night, now that would be new headlines!”

“But he wasn’t seen, Grisham, so all is well. Come on, sit down and relax, before you have a heart attack,” Lucilla implored.

Leonidas laughed at the banter.

King Grisham knew it was pointless to argue with them, so he conceded. There was no report of the Crown Prince’s rendezvous, so indeed, no one saw him.

“Now, we have other matters to attend to, if you’ve stopped grilling my son,” Queen Lucilla sassed.

“What matters, mother?”

“Well, Erland for one, what are we going to do about him?” She asked the two.

“Can’t we just ignore him for the rest of his life?” Leonidas offered.

“Tempting, but no,” Lucilla replied.

“Forget about Erland for now, we’ll let him sit in confinement and stew over the broken betrothal for a while longer. I haven’t decided what to do about him yet,” King Grisham said to them.

“I could live with that,” Leonidas accepted.

“Now I suggest we work on your public image a little, and get you back in the country’s good graces. Most still like you, but that’s because your royalty, let’s make them like you for you,” Queen Lucilla said.

“What do you suggest, Mother?”

“A shower, first off, would be nice,” King Grisham suggested.

“Yes, I concur,” his wife said.

Leonidas left his parents’ chambers to return to his own. His foul mood from the past week was all a memory now, as the new week was already off to a good start.

With the betrothal matter behind him, Leonidas could now focus on getting how to woo Elise and get her to become his bride. Judging from last night, he was off to a good start, but his work had only just began!

Yes! It was going to be a beautiful week!

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