Resolutions (Harry & Ginny Fa...

By SuperMissA11

31.6K 450 90

This is going to be a the story of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince told from Ginny Weasley's perspecti... More

A Guest + A Phlegm
Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
The Hogwarts Express
Slug and Blood
Potions of Love
Dean Thomas
Quidditch Tryouts
An 'I love you' and Another Little Book
Gryffindor vs Slytherin
Late Night Wondering
Christmas at The Burrow
Christmas Sparks
Hermione's Helping Hand
Common Knowledge
Our Hiding Place

Falling For Ya'

2.6K 40 7
By SuperMissA11

Bliss. That's what the next few days were, true and utter bliss. I was enjoying myself, hanging out with Harry, Ron and Hermione, playing quidditch and just acting like a normal group of teenagers but with You-Know-Who around it isn't going to last very long therefore I am making the most of it. I normally acted as Chaser with Ron, who was alright but I would much rather have been with Harry, then we would have undoubtedly won! But he had to team up with Hermione so that the teams were more or less even.

All in all it would have been a very peaceful time was us at the Burrow, if it wasn't for all the mysterious and unexplained disappearances that were now appearing in the Daily Prophet at an alarming rate! Bill, my oldest brother, and my dad Arthur often brought news too. I was really enjoying myself despite the obvious reasons.

Ron and Hermione were inside bonding or whatever. They totally like it, but neither of them will accept it because they are so stubborn. They bicker and argue but you can just tell. So, me and Harry were outside playing quidditch. I loved the sport and have been playing it for years with my brothers, apparently its similar to the muggle sport "football" but me, I've never heard of it so can't be that good. I think Deans mentioned it a couple of times though and something called a "West brum" whatever that is?

Anyway, I was on my broom, its only a comet and therefore no-where near as good as Harry's Firebolt which is the faster broom ever! Comets are very old and slow so not as reliable and there we were enjoying our game in the sun when....

The old broom suddenly shot out from underneath me, the noise if made was similar to an old coil turning and I knew I was going to fall. The ground loomed below me like a ginormous weight pulling me down to my death. The drop seemed to be going very slowly and I saw memories flicker in my mind, Hogwarts, Quidditch, family and all my favorite things. Falling excruciatingly slowly was prolonging the inevitable, I just had to accept it. I was going to fall and hit the ground with a ferocious bang!

I was going to break a bone, my arm or leg or feet, no matter what the body part would ultimately render me immobile if I hit the ground at the rate at which I was currently falling. What would be the impacts on my future, job, family if I was injured beyond repair. I would however not die. I was Ginny Weasley and I was going to die flying not falling. That is one subject I would not touch on. One with which I would not be considering for a long, long time. I would hope but with the looming threat of You-Know-Who I know the death toll will be high, I am just holding onto the hope that this number would be without any Weasley, or my friends as these were just as much my family as those in my blood. 

Yet there was one factor which I did not consider while I was plummeting to my death , and that was the possibility of being caught like a snitch. And that I was. Harry Potter. Like always he is there to save us, whether from You-Know-Who or my idiocy of falling of a broom. Great going Ginny! He swooped underneath me on his broomstick and saved me from dropping to my doom. My heart skipped a beat, as I was sat so close to Harry, perched on his knee. Before he or I knew what was going on we stayed there frozen to the spot, it was like everything else in time stopped. It was just him and his glistening emerald eyes looking into my hazel ones. Being so close my one desire was to kiss him but I knew I couldn't, I mean he might not even feel the same way. Does he? Will he ever? But in that moment I believed that anything was possible and without planning it, without realizing it we were both slowly but surely diving into the depth of the other eyes. I could see the courage, bravery, friendship and love swimming, a jumble of emotions swirling in an emerald circle. As for me, mine were more than likely showing my passion and love for Harry, erupting from the pits of my heart, even in the utmost corners, I loved him. But yet he did not love me. Did he not? 

This was it, the moment I had been waiting for, the moment I had dreamed about, the moment that was finally here. Subconsciously, Harry and I were coming together and I closed my eyes waiting for the sensation of our lips to touch.  

BANG! We were interrupted. We sprang apart quickly, zooming to the ground at a lightning pace. "Ginny, what were you doing on Harry's broom?" Ron asked. Ron the interfering git, of any moment he could have come out of that door and he chose that one. "Um... we were know" Harry stammered. I knew that we could never tell Ron what just happened as he would kill Harry. I know he's his best friend and all but he would more than likely curse him into the next century. Harry may have survived the killing curse once but I don't think he would be able to withstand it again. "I fell of my broom and Harry caught me!" I replied quickly, the truth, nothing but the truth but not the whole truth.

Hermione approached and stood next to Ron. She had a strange glint in here eye and I did not like the way she was smiling at me and Harry, looking between us in turn like her head was stuck doing the same thing, over and over again. "Ginny, shall we have a talk? Inside perhaps?" Oh gosh, she knew, of course she knew this was Hermione we are talking about. The brightest witch of her age.

A/N: Sorry it took so long to update but I had a problem with Wattpad as it was only publishing one paragraph of this part hence why this is the same chapter. I am currently on holiday but I am back on Saturday so I will try and upload then :)

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