The window of HOPE...

By juliejones-333

3.3K 945 419

I am just a girl... a helpless, worthless girl. I don't have any hope for tomorrow, or the day after that... More

The window of HOPE...
Chapter - 1
Chapter- 2
Chapter - 3
Chapter- 4
Chapter - 5
Author's Note
Chapter- 7
Chapter- 8
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 12

107 34 19
By juliejones-333

                  Has anyone ever realised how ever hard we wish........we could choose the memories we see..... Every, single damn time that we close your eyes........but we always fail. Our mind has a sadistic tendency to recall one of 'those things' which we always want to forget. Jenny's mind was no different; it was still hung upon the events of that fateful day. She could still hear his voice......his warnings..........feel his abuse on her skin. Even though it had been over a week but it still feel as if it all happened just the other day. His psycho laughs, evil smirks.......and her helpless cries always echo within her and made her insides tremble violently. Though she tried her best to appear normal and cool in front of others, but she was failing miserably in her act as everyone could see that she wasn't okay. She didn't know whether it was her dullness towards everything, her haggardness or maybe they realised that she was just the husk of her former being, her inner little girl was now anaesthetized. Nights frightened the living shit out of her........because she always woke up in the middle of the night screaming her head off from a nightmare. She knew everyone was worried, they even tried to talk with her, but it was all hopeless. She had successfully erected a wall within her where she was all alone. It was fair enough, whenever she had ever let anybody come near her...........they all had hurt her and then left her.............her mum was one of them, she had pleaded, begged and cried for taking her along with her but she had refused, gone alone to peace and left her alone with her heartless of a stepfather, her aunt had left her once..........what's the guarantee that she won't do it again. Nope she was fine by herself. She didn't want any more pain from anyone.

        Yesterday, she was discharged from the hospital, and was given the allowance to travel after the coming three days. It was Tuesday on Saturday, she will be leaving this town with her aunt for New York. According to her aunt and the doctors, 'A change in the scenery will do wonders for her' but she highly doubted that............... because she knew she was damaged inside. She was no longer a normal sixteen year old girl, would never be. She knew what most people can't even imagine..........she had suffered what most people only read about in some dark twisted novels. But she didn't say anything. She saw Juliet, her friend, who had saved her, from the claws of death. She thanked her and gave her a hug. She was thankful to Juliet for saving her life because she didn't want to die that day. It was, as if, there was an invisible force around her on that fateful day which kept on persuading her to not go down so hope for better. Jenny realised, what a waste it was.....considering that there is no such thing as 'hope' in this world. It's a sham concept created by some perverse people to enjoy the despair of the weak. They say that every day is a new beginning.......but it's all bullshit because she was sick of getting her hopes up for nothing. She promised herself that she will never ever let anybody hurt her again, with that in mind, she closed her eyes, she was so tired within that she barely registered the softness of the bed and the smoothness of the blanket, which her aunt deliberately covered her with.

      Chloe sat beside Jenny, she traced her ashy sleeping face with her index finger...........and saw what no one else could see. She noticed the way her niece was giving up on life.........she was trying to appear strong but inside her little heart had taken too many injuries, to heal at once. They will have to take baby steps with her. Tears pricked the corners of her eyes when she recalled how Jenny had rejected her in the hospital, had refused to speak with her. Chloe could never forget the hunted look in her eyes when she had seen her the first time after the surgery. It was as if Jenny expected that she too will hurt her. At that moment, she had realised that her little niece no longer had the capability to trust anyone. Chloe knew that a lot of problems can be solved in this world, if people just talk to each other instead of keeping it in their minds. And she was going to do just that, Jenny will have to hear her.............She will make her listen and also talk about everything.......from the most unimportant details to the things that are slowly killing her inside. Reynolds maybe in jail today but he will still win if her niece will stop living her life because of that contemptible foul man, and she will die before it happen. She will make her see that she isn't alone.........there are people out there who had suffered this and had come out being a winner.

Heyyy Guyssss......................... Please Read, vote or comment!!!

Another thing.......... anyone who feels like giving up on life must know that there are very many people in this world who had fought for so many things in life................, things which we get pretty easily.......We have got just one life so give as good as you get...........forget the person who is trying to hurt you instead love the person who smiles for you............:))

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