The Vikings Payment

By War_Goddess_Nae

540K 15.9K 1.2K

I was no longer safe in my own I no longer have a home, I am nothing but payment to these monster to protect... More

Not So Happy Ever After
The Voyage
Mind Me
My heart
Take My body not my heart
New Day
The First Night On The Ship
Author Question
Arrival Of Secrets
Monster in Human Form
Flattery Gets None
New Affairs
Standing For Death
Innocent Death
Run Rabbit
Lord Aku's P.O.V
Waiting Game
Passage Of Time
A Change In Heart
Wake Up... YOUR DREAMING !!!
Author's Note
The Wedding Preparation
A Dark Time Ahead
The Angel of Death
A Wind of Sorrow

A Twist Of Heart

12K 463 43
By War_Goddess_Nae

This chapter is Dedicated to Two of My fellow Readers ! Thanks for being amazing and much more also for helping me open my minds to new idea's.



Life is Hard because Death is so Easyl -Unknown-

I looked out into the meadow watching my son play with a dog, I watched him like this for days now it seems. His beautiful face being all I know he looked just like his father beside his bouncy curls that matched mine in every way. My sons beauty was un earthly his face looked like his father but it was as God himself made him in his image as I felt. I looked out as I have done for now a long time but I was too happy something had to be wrong something wasn't right and I remember giving birth to my child and falling asleep , I must be dead because everything was peaceful here. I watched as the vision of my child playing with the dog slowly was gone.

I started to hear this panic weeping, someone was crying.

"What happen ?" I heard a familiar voice say sound weak and weeping for me.

"I had to cut her open or she would of died." ! I realized the voice was Aku's voice and he was holding my child.

With every force in my being I opened my eyes and looked at him blood covered his furs and I was wrapped in the body of fur he uses when hes cold riding. I tried to lean up but the side of my stomach was hurting I cried out in pain.

"Please Neania do not move." Lillth rubbed my arm and wiped her face so the tears weren't visible.

"Where is my baby ?" I whispered trying to gain control over my voice as it was not their.

"Neania please calm yourself, they are fine !" Lillth said pushing me back down on the bed.

"Wait what are you talking about they ?" I was confused I had only given birth to one child.

"Neania please you will damage yourself further. " Lillth said pushing her hand against my shoulder pushing me back

Taylin came in the room and she was holding something in her hands a small cup. She glared at me and handed Aku the small cup and walked right back out the room. Aku walked it to Lillth and she looked at me

"Neania, I need you to drink this it will help you rest." Lillth said trying to calm me but it furthered my anger

"NO I WANT TO SEE MY CHILD OR CHILDREN NOW !" I screamed causing Lillth to back away. I lifted up holding my lower stomach that was burning with pain and was wet.

"Neania stop this now, you want to live then I suggest you drink this and heal or other wise I will be rising our children alone." Aku said looking at me with anger and worry in his eyes.

"You do not speak to me." I said glaring right at him

"YOU WILL STOP ACTING LIKE THIS AND DRINKING THAT DAMN DRINK NOW OR I WILL FORCE IT DOWN YOUR THROAT !" he yelled right back at me causing Lillth to start crying, me on the other hand didn't care this wasn't going to work on me at some point I needed to start being a pain in his ass if I wanted freedom and I would take it if I had to.

"NO" I screamed and Aku knew what it meant no longer nice and easy pushing Neania.

He reached over me trying to hold me down and I brought my knee up to his other arm as he held me. He didn't loosen his grip instead Lillth pinched my nose so I couldn't breath and I held my breath for a few moments as soon as I open my mouth she poured it down my mouth and after that they both moved back away from me quickly. I looked at Aku and moved to stand but my eye sight started to go hazy and I felt my feet touch the ground but I didn't stand long Aku reached me right before I fell and laid me back on the bed.

"I hate you." I cried before I fell asleep.

Lillth P.O.V.

I stood by the front door waiting from word of Aku about Neania I have been like this all night and day I had became so worried I slept in the main area of the home. A big black horse came riding fast threw the forest and it was Burj. I grabbed my cloak and met him right outside the house

"Lord has requested his sister to come lady Neania is having her child but I think their is a problem." Burj said breathing hard and raspy

"Go and get Lady Taylin and I will meet you back at the path." I said quickly

I ran into he house and grabbed my boots, Krista was drunk standing at the doorway.

"Found her did he ?" she asked leaning on the door way

"I don't have time for this, move.!" I said rudely

"Once she comes home things are gonna change, you will fade into the background as I have and she will curse your child to die." Krista said with venom in her words but I have grown to love Neania and I wanted her to be here with us to be a family.

"Move." I pushed walking past her towards the front door when I came to the door a small carriage was waiting.

"Lady Lillth, Lady Taylin said to ride in the carriage she will meet you at the gate." The man said moving to open the door

After he help me we rode to the main gate. I looked out and Burj and Taylin were riding in front we rode for what seemed like forever but we stopped two shades to night time. I heard a baby's cry and I moved to the carriage door and came out looking around at the grass around us and trees. I looked at the stream and Neania was laying in it with her body propped against the bank and Aku was holding a child. I ran to him and reached for the child, Aku looked at me in confusion but handed me the child while holding Neania up.

"She is passed out but there is another, we must cut her open." He said to Taylin.

She walked to him and grabbed Neania by her upper arms and pulled her from the stream. Neania's stomach was still large with child and I backed away as Aku pulled out a small dagger and cut Neania's dress around her stomach. Once the material was moved we could see that a child was still inside her, He grabbed his leather armor strap and cut it. He handed it to Taylin she open Neania's mouth gently she laid it in her mouth. He nodded towards Burj and the other man, they walked over to Neania and held her arms down then Taylin rubbed something white over her stomach and Aku sat on her legs. Neania still didn't move this whole time as if she was in some deep sleep. Aku rubbed her stomach in a small spot and with one movement he gently pushed the dagger in and started pulling it across the bottom. Neania bit down on the leather strap and started to thrash around but they held her down soon Neania stopped moving. Taylin then bent down and put her hands inside the large cut that Aku made and pulled out a small foot. Soon Taylin had the whole baby out so small I smiled as she washed it off in the stream and held it close.

Aku washed Neania and Taylin started to sew Neania's cut so that it was a long bright line under her now smaller stomach. Aku picked her up and carried her in the carriage laying her on the opposite side of the carriage I got in with Taylin and the carriage took off.

I was so worried about Neania that I didn't even really look at the child I was holding. He looked just like Aku everything about him screamed Aku's child down to his color. Only thing that the child had received from Neania was her beautiful brown curly hair, for a new born child he sure had a lot of hair.

"Twins" Taylin smiled

"What ?" I asked confused on to what Taylin was saying

"I cant believe that she has given birth to twins a male and female." Taylin said smiling holding the little girl in her arms. I didn't see the female child yet but I knew beauty was her.

Three Days have passed everything around Neania has been set forth in motion. The children have been well cared for and loved while she sleeps to get better health. Neania hasn't stirred or woke in three days it is as she has been in a long sleep, Between me and Taylin we take turns caring for Neania also. Aku has spent all three days with his children loving them and caring for them in their mothers absent. Me and Taylin also do the night care for the children so that Aku may get all of his rest.

Neania P.O.V

I slowly open my eyes adjusting to the little light in the room due to the candle that was lite. I rubbed my eyes my whole body was numb and everything hurt ed but my stomach hurt ed the most once I got up into a comfortable position I looked around I was in an unfamiliar room. I lifted the furs that were wrapped around my body only to see I was naked as the day I was born. My once large very pregnant stomach was now just a fleshy skin. I rubbed my hands over my stomach to feel a large scar, I quickly threw the blanket and looked at it. The scar was bright pink color and clean cut, I looked around the room for signs of my baby but their was nothing but a small cup on a table where the candle was at. I grabbed the furs and wrapped it around myself, I slowly stood up which caused me more pain I cupped my stomach to hold my stomach from moving and I walked to the door.

Once I made it to the door I slowly opened it and knew right away where I was. I was at Aku's home I looked around the room one last time before shutting the door. I walked lightly down the hall until I heard a small cry I smiled to think it was my child, I followed that sweet cry until I came to Aku's door. I frowned I couldn't possibly wake him, he would make me go back to my room and most likely drug me but I wanted my child nothing will stop me from protecting him or her. I pushed the door open and Aku was laying sound asleep he wore no shirt but he was along. I walked to the small crib with in seconds and reached down pulling the small child in my arms. The child stop, I moved the blanket and to my surprise small brown eyes sparkled right into my eyes. This was my child mine , I pulled the blanket away from my baby's body and moved the small cloth pamper away from the child a boy a small boy. I held him to my chest and kissed his small head, every feature he held reminded me of Aku but his eyes were mine.

I kissed him again and moved to sit in the small chair that was placed by the fire place that lit the room. Aku didn't move or stir so I just held my child until he fell asleep I was so in love with him that I soon fell asleep with him wrapped in my arms.

It seemed as time had slipped my mind as I was still sleeping in that chair when I hear Aku's voice whispering to me to wake up. I fluttered my eyes open as the rush of day light hit me no longer lit by the fire place but by the sun itself my small child still in my arms. I took no pleasure in seeing Aku's face but my own child's has brought me much joy.

"Neania ! " He said my name again still bent on his feet in front of me

I looked at him and he smiled as I just glared

"I knew you would find your son when you woke but I have to tell you Neania he is not our only child." Aku smiled rubbing my knee

It all flooded back to me before I was forced to drink that tea what he was talking about. I also had a daughter, Two children I carried Aku surly couldn't want anymore children with me two one of each sex, male and female. I kissed my son as Aku was looking at me.

"Lillth" he said in a slightly loud tone

The door came open to the room and I looked as Lillth came walking in but she was no longer the fat Lillth we all know her stomach was rounded with child sticking out from her front. She smiled but I just stared I never knew this is what she wanted.

"bring us our daughter." Aku commanded and she went out only to be gone for a few to bring back a small female child crying.

"Lord it is time for Eerika's feeding." She looked at Aku

"Neania, we have been feeding Eerika and Eerikki from you while you have been asleep a mothers milk is what is best for a small child, I want you to feed your children." Aku said very sweetly trying to win me over so easy but that wouldn't work.

I handed my son to his father as Lillth gave me Eerika, she looked like me her skin and features she was a truly beautiful. I have seen feedings done many times nothing to it.

"Will you hand me the fur." I asked pointing to the small fur blanket on the side of his bed.

Aku quickly grabbed the fur blanket and gave it to me I threw it over my shoulder and I held my child with the other hand then I laid her flat against my lap as she sucked on her small finger. I untied the front of my gown and pulled the top down my breast sat on top of my dress as I covered myself more with the blanket. I turned her over and held her close as her little small pink lips latched on to me. The pain it caused was well worth feeding my child. She suckled for a while and Aku took that time to ready himself for the day. He changed quickly and kissed my head.

"I have some things to attend to, Neania take this time with our daughter to understand that this little game you and Kai play will cost you more dearly then it will him." Aku kissed my head again and left leaving me and Lillth alone.

"I am glad you are home." Lillith said which startled me

I looked at her and frowned I wasn't going to speak to her how can she be happy I am here when I do not want to be here.

"Neania, you couldn't expect him to only have children with you when he has three of us." Lillith said anger and upset

"What are you talking about ?" I was confused she couldn't possibly think that I am jealous of her and her bearing

"You look at me as if I have angered you !" Lillith said sitting next to me I rubbed my daughters foot and she was suckling while sleep.

I sat deeper into the chair and looked at Lillith "No I am not angry at you, I am just confused as to why you would want me here."

She looked confused and didn't understand what I was saying, I smiled and lifted up so the I was holding my child closely.

"With my child gone, your child would rein in his place but now that he has his first or well first living son what will happen to your child ?" I asked with worry I didn't want to have to watch my children's back every moment but also with Krista here I would.

Lillith smiled and started to giggle some " My son will be one of the sons of Aku that is all that matters to me, he will be placed second to son but Gods forbid something happens to Eerikki then this child will fall in line for being King." Lillith said rubbing her round stomach.

I pulled Eerika from my breast and wiped the milk from her small chin I laid her on my lap and fixed the front of my dress so my breast were covered again. I removed the fur blanket and laid Eerika on her stomach and gently rubbed her back.

"What has happen to Kai ?" I asked Lillith, she stiffened and looked away

"Neania do not ask about Kai every again, you have children now and Kai is no longer of your interest. Aku will take your children away if you say Kai's name, Kai is safe but he has been well placed out of any place you will ever see him and as your friend for your safety don't bring him up again." Lillith said walking to the door she open the door and left.

I fixed my baby until she was in a comfortable  spot and picked her up, I went to Aku's bed and laid the baby down and climbed right next to my small child. I kissed her leaning my face closer to her head smelling her wonderful smell. I loved my children so much my heart loved none as I loved them besides my parents, I wish my mother and father were still alive.

I laid there for what seemed half the day until the door opened it was Aku covered in blood, I knew better then to ask for it was not his. I watched him with a steady eye as he started to remove his armor along with furs. He didn't acknowledge me at first but he moved around the room in a wind along with lots of noise that would surly wake our daughter.

"Shhhh." I whispered putting my finger to my lips as I looked at him

He stopped and looked at me with wild eyes but they seemed to soften as he looked at me. "Have you been here this whole time ?" He asked me in a whisper

I picked myself up until I was sitting I pulled my knees up and folded them across each other nodded my head yes.

"Have you not spent any time with our son ?" He whispered removing his shirt which revealed his massive chest that was covered in blood.

I shook my head no as I leaned in sniffing my child wonderful smell, I lifted up to see Aku moving closer to me I looked at him carefully as he moved to my side as I stared up into his eyes. I looked away quickly to break what was deep inside of us that stirred a feeling of lust came over me and heat but I do not want Aku. I picked up my daughter and moved to the side of the bed I pushed past him walking quickly to the door as I open the door his large hand pushed it back closed.

"Do you love our children ?" He whispered in my ear standing over me from behind

"I love my children dearly !" I whispered threw my teeth

I felt his body come closer to mine until I was touching his chest he wrapped one arm around my waist and kissed my head.

"OUR children my love Our's." He repeated and moved away

I quickly opened the door and walked out heading to the main room Lillith was walking around the corner and she smiled greatly.

"Your room has been prepared everything you will need for the twins are ready." she said smiley widely

I followed her until we came to a large room she pushed open the massive door and the large room was filled with things for the baby's and also a large bed for myself with chairs that move. I kissed my baby and entered the room that was our's it was beautiful and lovely it smelled of wild flowers and honey. I knew that all my troubles were not over but my children seemed to be the only peace I would have in this world.

I settled into the room as Lillith brought me my son she laid him in the crib and I placed Eerika along side him. I became hungry in such little time but I didn't want to leave my children, so I didn't leave for lunch but the time was well into night and I had feed and changed my children who were soundly asleep so peacefully like angels and all I had did was watch them and care for them today. I silently crawled into bed and started to read a book that was in my language which around here is very rare when there was a knock at the door.

"Enter." I said softly as I sat up on the bed

The door open and Aku stood there with a large tray in his hand, but something about him was different. He seemed massive like his size had somehow doubled he walked in shutting the door behind him walking to the table placing the large tray down.

"You have spent the whole day admiring what we have created, you didn't show up for lunch of dinner ." he stated as he removed the lid from the tray which held meats of different king fruits from my homeland and different sweets that were from my people too. I stood up quickly and looked at him in shock.

"How did you quire such things ?" I whispered scared of waking my children

"Parisa knows of you being back and that you have spent a great amount of time with our children, she seemed you might still be upset with her so she made you food. I don't trust you to eat from anyone's hands unless it is mines so I will brought you your food." Aku said moving to the cribs were are children slept peacefully.

I walked to the table putting down the book and begin eating silently as Aku took pleasure in watching our children. I had only ate a little when I started to feel tired I was no longer hungry Aku turned around quickly and helped me from my chair,

"Lillith has placed something to help you rest easy in your food do not fight this Neania, a new mother must have lots of rest if not she will wear herself down love come lets get you into bed." Aku whispered as he picked me up caring me the rest of the way he gently laid me in my bed and started to remove my dress.

I put my hands up quickly pushing his hands off but I didn't have enough strength, I started to cry knowing what Aku wanted it wasn't to help me sleep easier but to take advantage of me while I am weak.

"Stop Neania, you must rest." he whispered loudly

Once my dress was off my vision had gave and so did my mind I was out like a light. 

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