Four Boys & The Batmobile

By PrinceJai

35.7K 934 462

*Narrator Voice* Confined to the Batcave after failing to stop a robbery, Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian Wayne s... More

Episode Two
Episode Three
Episode Four
Episode Five
Episode Six
Episode Seven
Episode Eight
Episode Nine
Episode Ten
Episode Eleven
Episode Twelve
Episode Thirteen
Authoress Note
Bonus Chapters
NekoNightwing II
NekoNightwing III

Episode One

3.4K 85 27
By PrinceJai

Gotham City
The Batcave
0700 p.m., Eastern Time Zone.

The normal quietness of the Batcave was broken by the Dark Knight as he yelled at the four boys sitting down in front of him. Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, and Robin. Former and current protégés, sons of Batman. Currently being scolded as the four irresponsible boys they had proven themselves to be.

"It was a simple mission and you managed to screw it up!" Batman yelled, making even Jason cringe. "I expect such behavior from Damian because he's eleven, but not from a twenty-one year old!"

He directed the last of his sentence towards Dick who was fidgeting with his gauntlets. With visible effort Batman calmed himself as he took a deep breath before continuing.

"You four stay here. And under no circumstances are you to leave the cave." Batman whipped around and stalked up the stairs leading to the mansion above the Batcave, leaving the cave in utter silence again.
The four boys leaned forward in their seats watching Batman go up the stairs. As soon as he was out of sight the silence was broken by an eruption of arguing between themselves.

"This is all your fault, idiot!" Damain shouted, hitting the back of Tim's head.

"Ow!" Tim exclaimed. He retaliated by grabbing the boy's foot, pulling him out of his chair.

"Knock it off, Tim!" Dick yelled.

"HE STARTED IT!" Tim and Damian shouted back.

"Did not, you little demon!" Tim yelled, tackling Damian.

"Feel free to help, Jason." Dick grumbled as he tried to peel Damian off Tim.
Jason crossed his arms and huffed loudly.

"Why? We wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for you." Jason retorted.
Dick let go of the back of Damian's Robin suit and stalked over to Jason, ignoring the sound of his little brother hitting the floor.

"My fault?! This is your fault!" Dick said, pushing Jason in the chest.
Under his red helmet Jason growled as he was forced back a couple steps.

"Yeah? You're the oldest! You should take the blame for everyone!" Jason said, his voice escalating.
Dick was about to yell a response when a gagging sound behind him distracted him. He turned and saw Damian wrapping Tim's black cowl around his neck.

"DAMIAN!" Both Dick and Jason shouted at the ten year old.
Damian stopped mummifying Tim's neck and dived underneath the enormous desk behind him.

"Get back here, you little twerp!" Jason hollered, diving after his little brother.
Dick unwrapped the cape from Tim before helping him into a seat. Jason screamed as he came out from under the desk with Damian firmly biting his arm.

"GET OFF, YOU LITTLE FREAK OF NATURE!" Jason screamed, shaking his arm.
Damian bit down harder as he was swung around.

"DICK! GET HIM OFF!" Jason screamed louder.
Dick left Tim, still choking in the chair, and hurried over. He grabbed Damian's legs and started pulling.

Suddenly, an all too familiar shadow covered them and they froze as though zapped by Arendelle's Ice Queen. Cringing, they looked up to see Batman glaring down at them. Dick gulped and let go of Damian's legs just as the boy released his death bite on Jason's arm, causing him to fall hard on the floor of the Batcave. Everything grew still in the cave, except for Tim's gagging sounds, as Batman glowered down at them.

"You're all grounded for a month!" Batman finally growled.

"WHAT?!" The four boys shouted. "GROUND HIM, NOT ME!" They shouted pointing at each other.
Batman continued to glare at them, secretly wishing they would suddenly go mute.

"Until you four can go five minutes without trying to kill each other, you're going to stay down here." Batman growled, stalking back up the stairs.
Regretting he had come down at all. Thinking his dad couldn't see him Damian opened his mouth, ready to clamp down on Dick's leg when Batman shouted down the stairs.


Damian's mouth closed so quickly it made an audible snapping sound. Dick and Jason snickered at him. After a moment it finally dawned on them they were stuck in the Batcave with no food until Bruce decided to let them go up to the mansion. As if on cue Jason's stomach growled loudly.

"I'm hungry." He said, looking down at his stomach.

"You're always hungry." Damian said. "It's amazing your suit still fits you properly.

"Shut up!" Jason growled, tossing his helmet at the boy.
It hit Damian's head with a thunk and bounced off. Damian picked it up and threw it back at Jason, hitting him in the stomach. Dick rolled his eyes and walked off as the two began to fight with each other. Again. He went over to the far side of the desk and played with the keyboard.

"You shouldn't mess with that. We are 'grounded'." Tim said in a raspy voice.
Without looking, Dick used his foot to turn Tim's chair around and kick it away. Ignoring the sounds of glass breaking and Tim's shout, Dick typed furiously on the keyboard. Unsatisfied with the results, Dick wandered off from the computer. He walked over to the Batmobile and looked at it as if considering something. Rubbing his nose gingerly, Tim shuffled over to his older brother.

"This is boring." Jason said from over by the desk.
Tim looked over and saw Jason flopped on the floor with Damian jumping on his chest which didn't do him much good due to the armored shirt Jason was still wearing.

"Well, cheer up 'cause I have an idea!" Dick said happily as he spun on his heel to face the two.

"It better be good." Damian said as he did a backwards somersault off Jason's ribs.
The latter flipped himself up and walked over to Dick.

"What is it?" Jason asked, looking uninterested.
Dick held up one of Batman's gauntlets, smiling brightly.

"A glove?" Damian scoffed, raising an eyebrow.

"No, you idjit." Dick replied with a frown. "It's our 'key' to the Batmobile." He pressed a button on the gauntlet, bringing up a holoscreen with the Batmobile on it.

"Wait, wait, wait." Tim said, waving his hands. "We are not breaking into the Batmobile and taking it for a joyride."

"Oh, we're not." Dick replied. "We're unlocking it and then barrowing it."

"I. . ." Damian swallowed hard and shuddered. " I agree with, Tim."

"What was that? I didn't quite hear you." Tim said smugly.

Dick pressed another button on the gauntlet and the Batmobile doors opened.

"Haters get backseat!" he hollered as he jumped into the driver's seat.

"Shotgun!" Jason shouted, leaping into the passenger seat, forcing Tim and Damian to scramble into the backseats.

"Move over!" Damian fussed. "You're too close!"

"There's an entire five inches between us!" Tim said in an exasperated tone.

Damian grumbled as he crossed his arms. "Not good enough."

"Knock it off, you two!" Dick shouted, sticking his head out of the top of the Batmobile.

"OR WHAT?!" Tim and Damian shouted back.

"I'LL LET JASON DRIVE!" Dick hollered.
The two boys in the back piped down and shut the back of the Batmobile. Dick nodded in satisfaction.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." He muttered to himself.
Dick started he Batmobile and began backing it up.

"My driving is perfect." Jason retorted.

"Ha!" Dick exclaimed. "Yeah, sure. And I look great in a hot pink bikini."

Jason scrunched up his face, making gagging sounds. Dick slammed his foot down on the gas pedal and the Batmobile shot out of the Batcave so quickly the two older boys were snapped back against their seats.

"YEEEEEEEHAAAAAW!" They shouted.

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