Tempt My Love - Book One (SYT...

By Lisadebells

184K 2.6K 193

Addison's career is her life, she travels to exotic destinations every other week. She thought she was fulfil... More

Chapter 3
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter 10
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Tempt My Love

48.1K 179 10
By Lisadebells

                                                                                    Tempt My Love

This is my first book, a love story that will Temp both characters until they both hopefully accept love and eachother.  I have written from the females angle, however, the First Chapter will be from his.

I have already written 21 chapters and will upload one a day until I reach all 21.  Then I will upload as I write them.

Also if at anytime the name Richard comes up in the story, please comment me to let me know as I changed the characters name to Ethan. Hopefully I haven't missed any.

Please vote, good or bad, hopefully mostly good.

Enjoy :)


Ethan Knight had just come down to eat dinner in the restaurant of The Grand Hotel.  He wondered with mild curiosity where all the gorgeous women and men were going. Then he remembered reading his information folder in his suite that tonight was a french themed singles party in the ballroom of the Hotel. 

He had no desire to go, even though he was offered a free ticket.  He was staying in the penthouse suite and naturally the staff wanted to give him the royal treatment.  

Technically Ethan had a girlfriend back in the US where he lived.  He and Angela had been together for 4 months and had a great chemistry for the first 2 months.  Both of them were happy with eachother, the sex was good not mindblowing but it kept him satiated.  

The last two months weren’t the same when Angela had realised that Ethan’s work took him away for weeks sometimes months on end.  She didn’t feel great about having a long distance relationship, wanting more of a trophy boyfriend that would take her to the finest restaurants and gifted her with tokens of highly sought after fashion...regularly.

Frankly Ethan looked forward to the travelling, loving the change of scenery and meeting new people.  His Company was his life and living life by a schedule was routine to him.

He conceded that one day he would met a woman that would make him want to stay in one place, afterall who needed a girlfriend when casual sex encounters were characterised as normal in this day and age.  

They were both using this time apart to decide whether they would stay together, it was a test to see if what they felt for one another was real.  Could they live apart?  He hadn’t spoken to her for three weeks as they decided not to have any contact until Ethans return to the US.   His decision was made by first weeks end when it became clear that he couldn’t be with someone that didn’t support him in his work.  Ethan already felt unattached, unfullfiled and single...in so many ways, might as well make it offical.

Ethan didn’t just have “a job”...he worked in the family business, with his father, two brothers and his sister. With that came alot of responsibilty that he relished.  His career

was his craft, he was so good at it and had been groomed by his father over the last decade to eventually take over where his dad would eventually leave off.

One more week and Ethan would be flying back home to his family.  He already felt apprehension knowing that he was returning to break up with Angela and then head to the UK for a six week stint.  Realistically they should have broken up before he left but she was so hard to hold down and have a serious conversation with.  Running from fashion show to the opening of an envelope he’d seen how shallow Angela really was.

She was still so young at only twenty-two and was living carefree and in the moment.  No doubt Angela wouldn’t take long to move on, heck she probably already had. 

After eating a delicious meal he decided to explore the huge hotel, maybe check out the gym.  He had been here for a week already sorting out the company’s problems and crashed every night.  Hopefully things should settle down this week.  Although he had managed some 6am laps in the hotel pool, exerting pent up energy.

He could feel the music before he heard it, felt the vibration in his taut belly.  Following the bass he got closer to the pounding beat until he turned the corner of the wide hallway. A lady sitting behind a desk with an ear piece on and looking very official was in serious conversation with someone on the other end of it.  

Her look started at his shoes and inched up his body quite obviously that Ethan was embarrassed by it. When he met her gaze her pink tinged lips went slack for afew seconds until she regained composure again.  Ethan was used to this reaction, although he thought quite ordinary of himself, yes he had a tight and toned body, thanks to his personal trainer, I guess that face was thanks to his Gene pool.

He flashed a friendly smile at her and she gave him a huge grin and finally asked his name.

"Ethan, what's yours", he spoke and smiled again.

Already she had his name tag written out "Anna, nice to met you", she grinned offering him the name tag.  Ethan had no idea why she had just assumed he was going into this event. 

"It's a singles dance," she blinked he too made up eyes, holding the name tags to him once more which he took and slid into his pocket.

Do I look single? He thought...yes absolutely he did, no rings, no wrinkles and no grey hair at the spritely age of twenty-six.   Yes I think I will go for a chuckle, doubtful there was any woman of substance here, he had been to singles nights in the past and the outcome had never been pleasant. 

He thanked Anna, and he walked into what could only be described as a huge French boudoir, with waitresses wearing lace corsets and hot pants, legs long and shiny in black lace topped stockings.  Each girl wore a short black bob wig. The waiters in black pants and vests, shirtless with bow ties and bowler hats looked to have eyeliner on...how odd, but effective. 

Surveying the room, carpeted black floors and walls lined the room. A hundred stainless steel cocktail tables surrounded a huge dance floor that was bustling with bodies. 

Ethan walked further into the ballroom, for some reason he felt comfortable here, safe in the darkness of the outskirts of the room. A waitress spotted him and started to slink over to him. 

"Drink sir?" she purred and stood so close that Ethan could smell her cheap perfume.  It made him wince as the fumes engulfed his nose and burned a little. She was gorgeous but really needed to visit the perfume section at any big department store in the city.

"Absolutely, gin and tonic please," Ethan smiled and handed her some money.  

Ethan didn't have to wait long for his drink, even though the two bars that stood at each end of the room were three deep. He was used to being treated well both by women who wanted to please him and executives that that admired his business savvy.

Deciding to make a loop of the room he starting to walk slowly, careful not to bump anyone. There had to be at least 400 people in here. Once he got to the back of the room there was an area of about ten lounges that faced each other with coffee tables in between. On the tables sat large white candles of varying height burning and producing a sultry light. 

They were quite popular, girls giggling with their friends while pointing to someone that may have caught their eye. Some couples already talking intimately to each other whilst sipping on their drinks. 

An MC’s voiced boomed to life as the music was turned down. Well lets hear what he has to say, he thought to himself and leant on one of the tall tables.  Resting his elbows and tuning out to the loud voice, he looked up as instructed. The floor show was about to begin, or rather the ceiling show. 

At that moment  two amazingly fit women's and a very athletic male dropped from the ceiling on long red silk ropes that unfurled and touched the dance floor. Ethan was mesmerized watching the well executed routine in the air.  They all moved effortlessly swinging, twirling and tangling their bodies in dark red silk ropes. 

Raucous laughter caused Ethan turn away from the floor show to see who owned the lively sound. 

Sitting on the lounge with legs neatly crossed at the knee, one of her elbows resting on her knees as she waved her other hand in the air in a descriptive manner, inserting humerous conversation that had captured the attention of her guets. Ethan could only see the profile of a petite yet strong nose, cherry lips and a mass of dark hair sitting artfully on top of her head. Afew tendrils floated around her face, he wondered what it would feel like to push them behind her ear...

Instinctively the dark haired girl turned and caught Ethan off guard and staring at her unabashedly. She looked him straight in the eye and didn't look away, he wondered if he should do the polite thing and break contact first. After all it is rude to stare, but his eyes were held, more than held but captured. What a serious look she wore, as if she didn't want to be here but had been made to come with a friend that needed the moral support company of a wing man or wing woman. 

As he was the one caught staring Ethan decided to give in first, but not before producing a sexy lopsided smile. He was rewarded with a small regal tilt of her head and then she turned her back on him and went back to the conversation she was having. 

The rope swingers had lowered themselves to the floor and received cheers and admiration at their spectacular display.  Another gin and tonic had been supplied to him and he also sent a cocktail to the mysterious woman wearing a midnight blue dress. 

As soon as he ordered the drink he decided to leave but had a long walk to the exit door. The drink he sent to her was not to soften her up, merely to say he appreciated her beauty and wanted her to know someone was impressed by her. Ethan got the feeling she would not be lacking in the men department, with those innocent eyes and ruby red lips, beckoning and slaying any man that came her way...seriously he did let his imagination run a little too crazy sometimes. 

The crowds were heading back to the dance floor and Ethan being the man that he is did get afew offers of a dance, signaling to the men's room he kept on walking. Stopping ten metres or so he heard the sound of faint squeals coming from behind him on the dancefloor. Something told Ethan instinctively to keep walking, don't turn, don't look back, but that voice, be felt he knew it and even though his brain was telling him to walk out of this place, a force, a voice...her voice was calling to him. 

"Put me down, put me down you brute", she yelled at the big burly face that was looking up at her. He had her clasped around the behind with both arms hoisted above him and jumping up and down.  

Ethan watched her in amusement for afew moments as she met his eyes from across the dancefloor. He was quite amused by the look of wrath on her face. Surely a face as pretty as hers could not hold such a hatred and Ethan honestly didn't know if that look was meant for her kidnapper or for himself. 

Giving in to his better instincts, Ethan strode over quickly, it took him 20 paces that he made in ten. Ahhh a damsel in distress, he was a sucker. 

He tapped the gorilla on the shoulder and he turned to receive the filthiest look he could muster on his strong face. 

"I'm pretty sure the lady wants down", Ethan growled looking down at the dweeb in front of him. 

"Really she looks like she's having fun to me", the dweeb spat back.

"If you don't put her down security will kick u out and I doubt you would want to waste your ticket money", with a deeper growl than was probably needed.

Brutus the gorilla finally relented and put his prey down on the floor and Ethan gazed at him until he could no longer see him in the crowd.

Without even feeling it had happened her hand was in his. Ethan looked down into foreboding eyes whilst her look bore into his daring him to do or say something. 

"How did we end up holding hands?" Ethan held his hand up with hers still in his.

"You were afraid and grabbed on for dear life", the voice with no name responded in gleeful relief.

"The least you can do is stay for one dance, just until I compose myself," she asked.

Ethan laughed throatily at her comeback and decided yes, one dance could not hurt.  He hadn't laughed like that in the whole two weeks since he had arrived. She deserved a medal much less a dance. 


And just like a knight in shinning armor, he was looking at her... midnight blue eyes regarded hers for the second time that night.  Addison wasn’t sure how it came to be but as she was being holstered into the air, quite unwillingly, he was there.  Laughing with his eyes and a slight smirk on his face, to my rescue he came as if on cue.

The sexy stranger and my kidnapper were in a heated discussion for afew seconds as I was, reluctantly on his part and williingly on mine,  placed firmly back on the dancefloor.  Reaching my hand out I placed it in the kind knight’s hand and felt his thumb lightly brush at my fingertips as if to confirm that all is as it should be, comfortingly strange, yet so needed.

Looking at him up close, surrounded my the pumping music and pulsating bodies I was feeling a little selfconcious.  I owed him a thank you.

"Thanks, you can let go of my hand now", I said not really meaning it.

"Your welcome",my Knight said back.  "But as I have just saved you from the Beast, I believe you are indebted to me at this moment," he said leaning closer to my ear.  

Not sure I heard him correctly as the music was very loud.  He pulled my held hand to his chest, in turn my body was pulled closer to his and our other hands met as well. 

"A dance?", he questioned raising a well shaped eyebrow.  His voice was commanding, deep and raspy and sexy all rolled into one.

"As you wish", I was transfixed...he took control of my body with expertise.

My stranger pulled my held hand to rest on his shoulder whilst still holding my other hand to his chest.  His placed his hand to my hip and slid it slightly lower bringing my body nearer to his.  All the time he never broke eye contact with me.  I doubt I have ever been looked at quite so intensly as right now.  In all my years I have never felt such attraction to the opposite sex before.  I felt hot where ever I was touching him.

I gasped as he pulled me flush against him and started to sway us both to the music.  This is not the kind of dancing that suited this music, the bass was loud and fast and here we were dancing intimately, slowly....sensually as if it was a ballad that blasted from the speakers.

I didn't care, right now I was in another place, as if every person and sound in the great ballroom had never existed. It was I and my dark Knight that saved me and now held me with his body and still those eyes.  I felt exhilarated and smiled at him, laughing, why was I laughing, there was nothing funny about this situation.

This was so foreign to me and I threw my head back and laughed.  He was watching me with strange amazement.  One minute I am being held against my will, worried that I would he thrown about the dancefloor by an Ogre and the next minute I am in a beautiful strangers arms and all I can do is laugh.

"Is that what you think of my dancing skills," he smirked.  

"I am sorry, its absolutely not your dancing skills", I said and looking deep into those dark mesmerising eyes I realised I hadn’t asked his name.

"Whats your name?” I asked still swaying in his arms.  Turning me expertly around so that my backside was at his front he spoke his answer, hot and tingly, in my ear and I felt  my pulse in my throat.

"Ethan Knight, the one and only, " He said as I could feel the grin on my cheek that was very playfull indeed.

"Hmmmm...well Ethan Knight, thank you and thank you", I said and meant in both times as he spun me swiftly back to met an endearing lopsided grin that did great things for his dimples.

"I’m assuming the first one is for the drink?" 

"No the first one was for saving me, which I am very grateful for, although I was working on digging my nails into him so he would have eventually put me down", I said quite seriously.

"You don’t look like the type of lady that would resort to physical violence, much to sweet and petite looking", Ethan said his eyes widening slightly.

"Ah Mr Knight, its the little ones that can often be the deadliest," I said seriously.

"And now that this song is finished so is our dance," I said not quite believing I was about to walk away from him..."I really meant it when I said thank you," I said as I leaned into his chest and stood up on my tip toes and pressed my lips to his, I kissed him chastely and slowly not wanting it to end.  

I pulled away slowly peeping up into midnight blue orbs,  adept arms encircled me yet again.  Both of my hands were resting on his chest, it was broad and hard and I could tell this man worked out to gain such an impressive physic.

One of his hands rested on the small of my back the other snaked up to the back of my neck, looking at eachother we both knew it was going to happen...How could I resist those eyes and lips so soft. Yes I will allow myself this, one more kiss, it couldn't hurt, not from this stranger.

Meeting one another half way, him leaning down and me on my toes I rounded my arms behind his neck and we kissed...properly this time, tilting our heads I felt his tongue on my mouth wanting access to my own. Absolutely, tonight I could kiss anyone I wanted and I needed this kiss right now.  Falling deeper into his arms, he kissed me with so much passion.  

Ethan’s tongue swirled provocatively around mine and I lightly bit his tongue, I heard the hearty groan in the back of his throat, felt it vibrate through his chest.  How long did we stand there is this steamy embrace? I didn’t know, time just stopped...I had to stop this now or there would be no going back.  I was getting hot in places that had been dormant for a long time.

Pulling back we were both breathless.

"Mmmmm...your quite the kisser," he grinned with wet lips that were stained from my lipgloss.

"Thank you kind stranger, I have said that alot tonight....I must get back to my group", I said quite unconvincingly. Not wanting to leave but turning anyway he held my hand, the only part of us that was now touching.

"You never said your name?" he said questioningly with raised eyebrows.

"Addison Bates," I stuttered, and with that I gave him my biggest smile, turned and walked away, weaving through the dancefloor and away from my Knight.  I had to look back, just once and for only one second.  Yes our eyes locked again.  I looked at him for the last time and ran from the ballroom, past the front desk and security.

My heart was pounding in my chest, I walked quickly to were I knew the lifts were. Willing the doors to open and engulf me. I pressed the button for floor 22 and swiped my card.  I was staying in the penthouse suite for this assignment.  I had afew more days here and I had a feeling I was going to need them.  Tomorrow was a new day and all of tonight will be forgotten....I leaned back on the lift wall resting my head and closing my eyes.. all I could see was those sizzling midnight blue eyes.  I felt the emptiness at the thought of not looking into them again.  

I could have had him, I know I could, men were so easy, an innocent little smile a light touch on the arm, maybe even the way I moved my hips towards him could have landed me up against his hard body.  But I was with my friends, I would never ditch them for a man, especially after being away for so long.

Ethan Knight would definately make the top of my list of the most gorgeous man I had ever seen.  I wonder if he was as good in the sack? Probably not and now I would never know, out of the 400 people that attended tonight why did I have to met someone that awoken a huge burst of attraction that I had never in my life ever felt.

The doors to the car opened and I walked the short distance to my door.  I headed straight to my mini fridge and popped the bottle of Christal.  I would drown my thoughts of those midnight blue eyes and hope not to remember their searing stare straight into my soul by morning.

Yes I was going to need afew days....


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