OTHERS (Formerly The Scarlet...

By alrains

382K 21.5K 4.2K

The pandemic was just the beginning. After an unknown virus sweeps across the globe, Aurora and two other sur... More

Author's Note - P L E A S E / R E A D
1 - R E A L I T Y / C H E C K
2 - D I S C O V E R I E S
3 - I M P U L S E S
4 - T H E / T R E K
5 - C O N F L I C T I O N
6 - R E T U R N
7 - D I S C L O S U R E
9 - P U S H I N G / T H E / L I M I T
10 - O N E - E I G H T Y
11 - R A N G E
12 - I N T R U D E R
13 - M O R E
14 - A B D U C T I O N
18 - A R R I V A L
19 - Sector A
20 - New Numbers
21 - Experience
22 - C O N F O R M
23 - H E A D / G A M E S
24 - H E R E / W E / G O
25 - T R A I N I N G
26 - New
27 - Recordings
28 - The Name
29 - Reconstruction
30 - More
31 - Green Light
32 - Reunited
33 - Renovation
34 - Under the Rock
35 - Transformation
36 - Blocked
37 - Trial and Error
39 - Confliction
40 - Fake You Out
41 - Redemption
42 - Lies from the Liars
43 - Termination
44 - Color Coated
45 - Release
46 - Liberation
47 - Too Close
48 - Ties
49 - Confessions
50 - No Pain, No Gain
51 - This Means War
52 - Options
53 - Resolution
54 - Bits and Pieces
The After Effect

38 - Interrogation

4.7K 282 68
By alrains

         I didn't sleep for a second last night. Sleeping seemed to be more of a waste of time than anything else. There's so much to do now. So much to prepare for.

My first interrogation is in two days. I need to practice more, hone the skills I've learned thus far. I study at the library and apply what I learn immediately at my training. Brink joins me for most sessions. Honestly, it's easier when he's there since he's the one who sets up the Programmables for me to practice on. No, playing twenty questions with a robot doesn't perfectly parallel what I'll be doing, but I think it will help. Each Programmable is slightly different, so I gain some experience in the means of diversity at least.

I insert physical training into my Training Center time slot also, in case action needs to be taken against my examinee. If there's one thing I've learned in cross-examination, it's that there is no such thing as letting up or going easy. Instead, I must intensify and crack down harder to get the answers I seek.

After Brink programs my obstacle course, he decides to leave me to myself. I am scheduled to meet him sometime before my first interrogation tomorrow. Apparently he is going to talk me through what exactly I'm to be divulging from Travis. Maybe I'll get some back story on who he really is and what his true motives are. As for now, I need to improve.

Meeting Brink the day of is nerve-wracking. Before I do, I ponder over my word choices for an hour in my room, sort my order of questions, and run through multiple scenarios in my head for the examination. Then, I attempt to piece together and predict what will be said in return and what the punishment will be if Travis chooses not to cooperate.

Before I over-think the entire thing, I exit my room and meet Brink exactly where he said he'd be. I've come to discover how the other Four are exceedingly punctual with timing; we all have an inner clock engraved in our brains ticking away. Only recently have I discovered it in myself.

I give him a semi-smile when I approach, but the notion seems to go unnoticed when I don't receive one back. He's probably still upset that I snuck in the Holding Room without his permission the other day.

"Okay now Aurora, do you recall the last time I discussed the Nazareth situation to you? How their leader, Kai, wants to exterminate us and gain power across the universe?"

I process his words and eventually nod. Does Travis have something to do with him?

"The man inside, Travis McCormack, is a part of their cause. He is a rebel we have managed to capture that originates from that planet. We need all the information we can receive from him, understand?"

"Yes, I understand," I confirm.


We step in together after Brink types in the entry code and scans his hand. I have to admit, I am faintly appalled by Travis's appearance, though I try to not let it be prevalent on my face. His jaw continues to dangle crookedly--still broken. Worse yet, it seems he's taken a beating since I last saw him. Bruises dot his skin in all sorts of places, but mostly cluster around his neck and face. Has Brink been trying to get information out of him as well--through force?

Travis squints at me as though I'm shining a flashlight in his eyes. "I was right. Your eyes are different," he grumbles, pain existing in his voice. "What the hell happened to them?"

I hold back any response showing that he's sparked my curiosity, but can't help to wonder why he points it out.

Are my eyes...red?

My thoughts must be pushed aside for now, as drastic as that reality is. Brink has to believe I am not currently concerned about anything other than Travis. I have to prove that I am capable of carrying out an investigation solo. Besides, I'd rather not have him here watching over me like a child. So even though Travis brought up an odd topic, right now, I can't care.

"This is not about me. This is about you," I declare.

Brink's voice enters my head without being spoken aloud. "Remember the focus, Aurora. Discuss his relations with the rebels and their plans. Find out as much information you can about their doings. I trust you."

Based on Brink's words, I know I said the correct reply. I turn my head and give him a nod before I step over to the wall of controls and shut off the security cameras. If I remember right, Brink had done the same last time we were in here, and if he trusts me like he claims, then he should have no problem allowing me to shut off his only live input.

Brink departs without any romantic gestures and I am unsure of how I feel about it. He's hardly touched me in two days. It brings me to wonder if our relationship will ever rise up again.


When Brink completely vanishes from the room, Travis chooses to speak. "So how are they treating you here? They aren't still hurting you are they?" he questions, his voice deep and hoarse as always, but altered due to his injured jaw.

I narrow my eyes, and for a fraction of a second I see him flinch, though I'm not sure why. Am I that intimidating? I scan him from head to toe, taking in his anxious eyes and weak standing position. In fact, he hardly stands but rather leans against the wall behind him as though he's far too exhausted to bear his own weight. He's fragile. And vulnerable.

This should be easy.

"Let's start with simple questions," I begin with a snicker. "Like your name, for example. What is it?" Of course, I already know the answer, but I'm asking to observe his facial expressions to differentiate his lies from truths.

He rolls his eyes. "Why are you doing this? You already know my name, Aurora. Quit playing games."

My lips pucker at his stubbornness. "Just answer the question. I didn't give you a choice," I sneer, squinting my eyes again.

He dips his head low to the floor and remains absolutely silent. His breathing is rough and intervallic, but I try not to let it distract me. Same goes for the oxygen whooshing in through the ceiling vents. Both are loud and put me out of my comfort zone.

"Just to inform you, I am fully prepared to use force if you do not respond," I warn.

He scoffs and his lips form a smile. "Oh like that will scare me. Can't you tell I can take a hit? Besides, I was able to trap you in one of my chains last time without hardly trying."

To show him I'm not playing around, I jam my forearm into his neck. His entire body goes rigid and slams against the wall with a smack. "Are you sure you want to test me? Now what's your name?"

His Adam's apple bobs beneath my arm and I release him so he can get a second attempt at speaking. My task isn't to kill him; it's information I seek. "I'm Travis." He's telling the truth. I try to pinpoint his features when he's speaking. Steady eyes.

"Last name?"

His eyes sluggishly roll around again. "Seriously?"

I bare my teeth.

"McCormack. Travis James McCormack. Got it?"

My eyebrows sink toward my nose and I release him. He inhales a few large breaths before he's back to emphysemic breathing.

"I do want to personally thank you for getting my jaw broken. I enjoy drooling all over the floor, just to let you know," he says after a while, huffing after each word.

"You deserved it. I still can't believe you tried to kiss me."

He sighs. "What happened to you?"

Now that Brink is gone, I can't help but let my curiosity slip in. "What are you talking about?" I ask, though I know I shouldn't let him lead me off track.

"Have you seen yourself?" He winces as if he's disgusted by my appearance. My entire body has sculpted into something far beyond what I knew I was capable of. Is that what he is referring to? If so, why does it matter how fit I am?

Perhaps my body shape has nothing to do with this. It's my face. My eyes. He won't stop staring at them.

Don't get off guard. You're here for a reason. Concentrate.

"How old are you?" I turn away to move my eyes elsewhere as I switch topics. I've got to isolate my focus before I can progress to harsher questions.

"Oh now you can't look at me, Aurora?"

I exhale, and spin back around slowly. "Your age, Travis McCormack."

He scoffs. "Twenty one. I'm also six foot one, weigh who knows how much now, and have blond hair and blue eyes in case you can't see properly anymore. And hmm...what else do you already know that I should tell you again to waste time?"

Obstinate. His appearance comes off so weak, and yet his words are ruthless. His mind is sharp. I should have assumed he'd act this way based on my last visit alone. This is going to be more difficult than I planned. If I'm only allowed to be here an hour a day, this investigation is going to take me days, if not longer.

"What was your mission for coming here?" I ask.

Travis's entire body sags and he crumples along the wall for support, making it obvious to me he has no desire to resume questioning. This means war.

I grab a fistful of his grungy black shirt beneath his jacket and yank him forward so we are mere inches apart. His breath rushes out at me, his eyes close. Too close. The only other person I've willingly neared at this distance is Brink; it feels strange with someone else.

To my disappointment, Travis doesn't attempt to tug free of my grasp. His face is alarmed but the fright fades out. For some reason, he isn't terrified at all like I'd anticipated. He almost comes off as interested.

Ugh, how I wish I could read his mind.

After a moment of silence, I realize I've held him too close for too long. I know I must strike. Let go. Scream at him. Slap his cheek. Break away. Do something.

"Why have you come?" I press through my grinding teeth.

"I was captured," he huffs, and surveys my face. "Looking for you."

"You're one of Nazareth's people, aren't you? You came looking to kill me!"

I rip my arm from him and lean away, only to draw it back and slap his face. The sting is hot through my gloved hand, but the sensation hardly lasts a few seconds. I watch as his face reddens and a vague handprint forms near his cheekbone. He achingly sighs in response; I expected a scream. A cry. A yelp. Any sound that emanates from weakness. He displays nothing of the sort. His mentality is impressive. Nonetheless, it can be demolished.

"Tell me they haven't completely brainwashed you, Aurora."

I avoid his endeavor to get into to head. "I want answers. Tell me what the rebels have ordered you to do here! What was your mission? To kill all of us?" My voice rises, frustration spewing out.

He shakes his head. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't make me hit you again," I say neutrally.

"Does it hurt you to cause me pain? Are you scared? Or are you just doing all this because that colored freak tells you to? Aurora, who are you? What have they done to you here?"

I cross my arms and growl. "You don't know me, rebel. But I know you. You're against us. And since you're here, you're going to tell me everything or I will hurt you. It's really quite simple."

He shakes his head incredulously. "Listen, I don't know any of this rebel business you keep bringing up, but you can cut the crap whenever you please. Your guys captured me from Earth and brought me here to test you. I'm a fucking experiment for you! Your people ruined our world Aurora. You were with me before--"

"I would never associate myself with a rebel. Ever. Quit making things up! Now tell me where your base is."

His foot moves rapidly but before I have time to process his action, I'm on the floor. He tripped me up.

"I'm not one of them. Come back when you have a valid argument." His eyes are hard and unwavering. They darken when he says that, and I don't know how to take his words. It looks like the truth, but it can't be. I wouldn't be interrogating him if this was a false pretense.

Tick. Tick. Tick. The internal clock in my head has one minute left until I am to leave this place and record my discoveries in the lab. I may not get him to crack now, but I've got time. Tomorrow, the next day, we'll just have to see.

I get to my feet and sock him in the stomach with my right fist. It was harder than I intended, but decide not to care. He lets out a groan and hugs his middle. "Want the pain to stop? Speak up next time. I'll return to you at noon tomorrow." As I turn and leave, I spot a needle filled with clear liquid perched on a small glass table near the exit. Pure adrenaline.

Brink's instructions were clear when he told me to inject it in the examinee before my departure, so I snatch it and casually walk back over.

Travis eyes it worriedly, more scared now than he's been all day. "Don't. Please. Plea—"


He screams like he's being burned alive. I don't wish to watch him rip away at himself, so I leave without meeting his eyes again. I'll be back tomorrow.


What do you guys think will happen next time? Share in the comments!

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