Scared to fall in love Love...

By matt_espinosalover

13.3K 324 38

Zoey is a 16 year old girl who does not believe in love ever since her dad left her family 4 years ago. But w... More

Scared to fall in love Love. A Mathew Espinosa Fanfic
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 15

449 13 3
By matt_espinosalover

Matt POV

"you" I heard Zoey

"You do?" I asked her

"Yes, and it's freaking me out, how can I like someone so fast" she said laying back on my bed.

"Well when you find the right person, love can happen quick." I told her

"I'm scared" she said

"I know, I can help you Zoey, love is not supposed to be scary" I told her

"It is for me, I have never seen love, I have only seen love break" she said with her head in her hands.

I hugged her and she hugged me back. I leaned in and kissed her. She kissed back but only for a minute then she pulled away.

"I'm sorry Matt. I can't do this, Bella is going to make my life awful" she said

"What why?" I asked

"She calls me a slut and a whore and she threatens for me to stay away from you" she said

"I did not realize how evil Bella could really be" I said. After I said that she got up and left.

** 4 Weeks Later **

Zoey POV

I have been volunteering at adopt a pet for about 3 weeks. Matt and I have not gotten anywhere I'm still getting bullied and now Cameron is being mean to me cause he heard about Matt and I. So my life isn't the greatest right now. I was interrupted by my thoughts when a man walked in he was holding a kitten.

"Hello can I help you?" I asked the man

"Uh yeah I bought this little demon a week ago, I would like to return him!" He told me

"I will go get Tiffany" I told him

And went and grabbed my boss, she came out, her face went to a smile to a frown.

"Here give him to me" she told the man she gave him his money back and he left.

"I don't know what to do with him, this is the third owner that has returned him" she said

"What's his name?" I asked her

"Night" she said

I went up to the kittens cage and started talking to him. Once he got comfortable with me I picked him up he started to purr.

"I have an idea, you can have him!" She said

"What!?" I asked

"Yeah he will only let you hold him, and you are a great help and I don't have room for him." She told me

"Uh I guess so, yeah I would love him" I told her.

"Great thank you" she said

I grabbed Night put him in the passenger seat but he just ended up on my lap which I am fine with. I went to Pet Smart to go pick up a bed, toys, and food. Then I was on my way home.

Matt's POV

I needed to figure out a way to have Zoey being my girlfriend. If only Bella would leave me alone. I heard the door bell ring, I went downstairs and opened it, great it's Bella.

"Hey Matt, I was in your neighborhood and I thought I would stop by, we have not hung out in while and I miss you." She said

"That's nice Bella, but it's over" I told her

"What do you mean?!" She said getting upset.

"Look, I have moved on" I told her

"If your talking about Zoey, trust me it's never going to happen" she said while she walked in my house

"You never know" I told her

"Trust me I won't make it happen" she said clearly upset.

"You need to go" I told her

"Matt you will regret this" she said.

"I don't think I will"

"Not unless I do this" she leaned in and kissed me.

I kissed back.  Shit! I can't let my hormones get the best of me. So I stopped kissing her. "You need to go now!" I told her.

She left clearly upset. I need to talk to Zoey.

Zoey POV

I came home and set Night on the floor he explored his new home. Checked my phone I got a text from Matt

M: Hey, can I come over I really need to talk to you.

Z: Sure, is everything. Alright?

M: no, I'm on my way

That's weird, I changed because I probably smell like dog. I changed into some yoga pants and a Nike tank top and put my hair in a messy bun. I sat on the couch on my computer I went in Netflix and watched Greys Anatomy. I was half way through my show when the doorbell rang I paused it and opened it.

"Hey Matt come on in" I told him

Night greeted him "awe who's this little guy?" Matt said

"This is Night, so what did you want to talk about?" I asked him

"Zoey, please be my girlfriend, I can show you that love will last and that it is beautiful and it is worth taking risks for" he said

"Matt, I'm terrified but how about we get to know each other first? Like I don't even know your middle name" I told him

" alright my full name is Matthew Lee Espinosa" he said bowing which made me laugh.

"Well hello Matthew Lee, My name is Zoey Sofia Williams" I told him

"That's a beautiful name" he said

"Awe thanks, Sofia is my great grandma name" I told him

"So what's Teddy's middle name?" He asked

"Ryan, I was wondering do you want to come to the mall with me I have to pick up a few things?" I asked him

"Yeah, I need to pick up a few things too" he said

"Great I will change"

I changed into a navy blue flowing top with grey jeans and put on my white Keds. I left my hair how it was.

** At the Mall **

Matt and I walked into Pink I had a coupon for a free sports bra, yeah yeah I know it's a little weird but he's right with it. I picked out a plain black one. "Paid" for it and left.
We stopped by American Eagle Matt needed to pick up some things there. When he was done we were going to grab something to eat from the food court on while we were waiting in line I saw someone I know.

"Oh my god, I can't believe it" I said

"What?" Matt asked

"That's Brandon my ex boyfriend!"

Yay an Update! I apologize for not updating I finally got settled in my new home so I will be updating very often I promise! Thank you for all the reads! I love you!

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