Love Differences {under const...

Od That_Fan_Girl_

13.2K 502 54

Join blossom, bubbles, and buttercup while they face their greatest challenge yet! High school. With the rowd... Více

Powerpuff Girls in Highschool
New kids or new toys?
BubbleV is back
Wait what?
Now what?
Textes and Questions
I need you
Good and Bad
Plays and Confessions
Quick Note
The Brute a Brat and everything Berzerk
I Hate You Please Love Me
Say Something
Over and Over
Locked Away

Born This Way

270 13 1
Od That_Fan_Girl_

She needed to get drunk. A thing she rarely did. And, she needed a drinking buddy. She dialed the number and waited for an answer. "Hey Robin, come to the bar with me today?" "Yeah, you're my drinking buddy I'm not gonna cheat on you like that." "No I don't plan on having sex." "Fine I'll wait." "Ok thanks, bye."

Bubbles sipped her beer bottle while Robin rambled on and on about who's dick would be bigger. "I'm serious Bubs! I mean I know Jake has a pretty big one, but Brick. Oh I wish he'd fuck me hard." Brick was the worst topic right now. Bubbles couldn't stop herself from spatting out, "Enough about that ginger Rob, just decided who to fuck already." she scowled as Robin rolled her eyes and toke a shot. "Excuse me for having standers. A little virgin like you wouldn't understand." the brunette snickered as the blond ignored her and drinking her beer again. She could feel herself getting tipsy. "Heads up Bubs. I see someone staring at you." Robin whispered giggling. Bubbles followed Robin's line of sight and saw someone who looked almost exactly like Butch. Except his dark hair was like wings and a warm smile plastered his face. He had a neon white bracelet, a black shirt with a green strip, and white pants. His green eyes weren't emerald like Butch, they were like the sea, sparkling in the bar lights. "Who's he?" Bubbles asked giggling, shit she was already drunk. "Why don't you ask? Unless of course you rather have me nab him away from you." she giggled winking. "No fucking way you slut." "oh shut up you whore. Now go before I change my mind." Bubbles got up, with out tripping this time, and walked bravely toward the male. The music was loud and the lights were blinking like a fire alarm. "Hey~" that slick voice sent shivers down her spine. "Hey." she smiled waving. "What's a pretty girl like you doing in a whore house like this?" He asked as Bubbles stuck out her tongue, "This pretty girl needs a good time, even we have a shitty problems." The green boy chuckled and stuffed his hands in his pockets. "May I join you?" Bubbles looked back to see Robin already gone with some brunette guy. She scowled and rolled her eyes. "Fine but you're paying."

Brute stared for the longest time, Blake wasn't kidding, "any idea where he could be?" The red head thought tapping his chin. "Well he did say once he got here he'd do everything in his power to find her." Brute scowled, over her dead body. She grabbed Blake's hand marching towards her motorcycle. "Where the fuck are you taking me?!" He yelled as she glared at him. "Shut your pie hole and get on." she passed him a black helmet and buckled her owe green with spikes helmet. "I am not riding that." he growled as she pointed to the seat behind her. "Don't make me make you, we both know you don't have powers." Blake scowled and sat behind her holding her waist. "At least tell me where we're going..." he pleaded as the punk smirked, "Shopping Blake. You need a change of wardrobe."

Brick stared at the man in front of him. Boomer had a cigarette in his mouth as it burned sending ashes to the ground. "Boomer..." he said as the emo scowled folding his arms. "We need to talk." he repeated as Brick looked away. "about?" He asked making Boomer snap. "Jesus Christ Brick! You know what! Why the hell would you tell Bubbles?! She has enough fucking problems with her sisters and the fucking punks!" He yelled making Brick flinch. "She deserves to know." he exiled as Boomer growled and flipped him off. "Deserves to know my ass, you aren't getting him back." he yelled back. Brick scowled and glared at Boomer long and hard. "What's it to you?! You don't even care about Bubbles knowing how you used her for Blossom!" "Don't you dare pin this on me faggot!" Brick's eyes turned red and eye blasted the wall behind Boomer. "Get out!" He yelled floating up and pissed as hell. Boomer grinned and glared, "You're pathetic." with that he walked out. Brick yelled again and dropped to the floor creating a crater in his bedroom floor. Again. "Fuck you Boomer." Brick decided. He was going to go to the club, get drunk, and get laid. By another male.

Brat woke up with a start, she had that nightmare again. She looked around seeing the walls were painted pink, and photos of the puffs were on the desk. She almost pinched herself. This was Blossom's room. How did she ever get here? Brat didn't remember much, she was drunk. She leaped out of the bed and tip toed downstairs. "Oh you're up." Shit. Brat turned seeing Blossom emerge from the bathroom. "Are you alright?" Brat glared at her and scowled, "Since when did you care pinkie? I'm perfectly fine and I don't need someone of the likes of you fussing over me." Blossom rose a brow, 'obviously she doesn't remember.' "Well you're the one I found passed out on the ground." Blossom lied putting on a pissed face. Brat blushed and looked away. "Sorry, I don't remember much alright? Just forget this ever happened." she turned to leave but Buttercup walked in as soon as Brat reached for the door. "Buttercup?" "Blossom?" "Brat?!" The three names flew around the room. "What are you, how are you... what is she?" Buttercup rambled as Brat twirled her hair nervously. Blossom explained quickly, "I missed you, I missed Bubbles. I just thought... well I heard about you and Brick I-" she said as Buttercup ran to hug her tightly and said, "Don't ever go away again! I swear I'll find you and tape you to the floor it you do." Blossom let out a sigh of relief. "Now... don't take this wrong way, but what is she doing here?" The green girl asked as Brat waved annoyed. "This she has a name." She grumbled as Blossom faked laughed. "Oh, that's easy to explain, Brat and I were going to the club right Brat?" She said as the punk looked back and forth from the puffs and nodded. "Yeah." Buttercup nodded not caring, her sister was back at that's all that really mattered. "Want to come?" Brat asked not knowing why the hell she said that. Buttercup rose a brow and nodded. "Um sure..."

"This is ridiculous Brute." Blake blushed as he tried on clothes. "No it's not! If you really want to start over-" "I don't" "As I was saying, you have to start over or you'll never get laid. Come on, a couple a drinks would be go for you." she smiled folding her arms as the boy scowled. "Why do I have to get new clothes?" He asked as the raven scowled. "Because you aren't wearing that shirt and white pants. it makes you look gay." Blake growled and snapped. "So what if I am?!" Brute's eyes widen in shock as Blake blushed cursing at himself. "No fucking way. You're a rainbow?!" She smiled fangirling a bit. "Go ahead laugh." he scowled as Brute hugged him. "I have a gay best friend!!!" She squealed as the red head blushed. "This changes EVERYTHING." She giggled grabbing new clothes and stuffing them to him. Next we're gonna get you're hair done and some piercings!" Blake's face paled and gulped. He just dug his own grave and might as well bury himself. Brute felt like she was dressing a doll. She felt so happy, more than she'd ever admit. But she found someone like her! All the rainbow! Blake was also starting to enjoy himself. He'd never admit it, but he LOVED to be fussed over. He loved attention and Brute gave him a lot of it. "Try this." she tossed him a blood red shirt with the words in black 'Senpai notice me', "And this." she threw him black skinny jeans with a chain on the pocket. He groaned but inside giggled like a school girl. In the dressing room he twirled around and flipped his hair like a girl. He even toke off his ponytail letting the red hair flow. He felt so free and happy. Not only was he gay... Blake was transgender. He wants breasts, he didn't like his male genitals. One things for sure, he crossed dress from time to time. But let's not tell Brute shall we? "Get out of there I wanna see!" Brute yelled outside as Blake put in his poker face and walked out looking annoyed. "I look stupid." "You look fabulous!" "At least can I have a jacket?" Brute rolled her eyes and tossed him a black leather jacket, "I thought you'd like it." she snickered and he smiled at himself in the mirror. "Now, I love your hair, so let's just skip to the piercings." she grinned as he gulped at followed her to pay for the clothes.

Berserk smiled holding hands with Dexter, she was actually happy for once. "Hey Berserk?" Dexter asked blushed lightly as she turned to look at him. They were walking around the park. "Yeah Dexter?" She responded as he blushed more. "I was wondering, since it's Friday and all... do you want to... go to a bar or something later?" He asked as she thought. "Sure why not?" She smiled as the redhead's eyes lite up with excitement. "Awesome! I'll meet you there then! I have to get home to help my sister with her ballet." he laughed as Berserk envied Dexter's sister. She was normal, Dee Dee was her name. She loved ballet and was almost as pretty as Bubbles. They were both angels, except Dee Dee was a bit more stubborn. But non the less, she was envied by everyone around her. Maybe they'd meet soon. The power punk wanted to regain the trust she lost. Because she was truly sorry about what had happened.

"That hurt like hell." Blake grumbled sucking on his new lip ring and stared at his eye brow piercing. Brute rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue where a shiny new piercing sat. "Mines cooler." she smirked as something caught her eye. Blake looked and saw two pretty girls talking and giggling while looking at him. Was Brute... jealous? He thought staring at her as she looked away from the girls. "Come on Blake." she whispered as he glared at the girls and jogged up to Brute. "You alright Brute?" He asked confused. Brute smirked and faked a laugh, "Are you worried about me?" She asked as he scowled and folded his arms. "No. Not one bit." "Better not." Blake mentally facepalmed, he played right into her hands. Typical Women. "Now come on, let's blow this place and hit the club." Blake huffed and nodded. "alright Brute."

Where were his brothers? Fucking some girls? No.. that was impossible. For One thing, Breaker only wanted one girl, and Blake? He was gay as fuck. Bash scowled looking around the mall. 'if I was Breaker I would've found Bubbles by now... so where would a blondie like that go on a Friday?' Bash thought long and hard. Nobody is that perfect and stress free. He snapped his fingers, 'oh course! The bar!' he smirked and walked cockily. "Watch it." scowled a voice as Bash bumped into them. "Oh a thousand apologizes your highness." Bash snapped turning to face the person. He had an emo look with black highlights in his hair. His blue eyes were bright and he looked like Bash except his features were more sulked and pissed. As Bash, look healthy, composed, calm even. "Shut up nerd, now leave before I Chang emu mind about soaring your life." Bash rolled his eyes and walked away from the brute. 'Damn asshole needs a chill pill.'

Boomer smirked as he saw the male walk away. "So my plan did work. How interesting..."

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