A Strange Situation

Von andygirl14

261 2 0

Annabeth Cozgarth was just an ordinary, living an ordinary life. She was the school nerd, and the hottest gir... Mehr

chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 16

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Von andygirl14

Jamie flew right into the window. Nani and Bonnie ducked, Jonathan, Alex and I jumped out of the windows. Jamie fell into the front seat and screeched the car to a stop. He jumped out of the car and ran towards me. He tackled me right to the ground. I pushed him off me and started to punch him. I swung left and right, all my anger went right to him. He was the cause of all of my anger! I hated him. Alex pulled me off of Jamie who was now bleeding from ear to ear. I tried to escape Alex's grip but Jonathan soon grabbed my other arm. Jamie stood up and wiped his face.

"What the hell Jamie!" I screamed, still bound by Alex and Jonathan

"You wont listen any other way. This is for your own good! Look, I was a douche to Joe, but I know that's not why you're mad. You're mad because I ruined your locker. Which is really lame by the way. I'm sorry, it was a prank, but you saw it coming. Oh and by the way, mind reading is very inappropriate. You should really learn who your friends are before you start to trust people. I bet you didn't know your little boyfriend here was already in a relationship with some girl named Alice. Yea, she goes to Morse Peak. Bet you didn't know Jonathan has been in love with you since the fourth grade? How about the fact that your only girl best friend has been trying to kill you for the past three months. How about how your own mother betrayed you? Letting a scientist into your own home and snoop through your stuff. Wow Annabeth you really need to keep up with your friends 'cause darling you are way behind." Jamie was standing about 20 feet from me. Nani and Bonnie were staring at him as if he was a new species. I wanted to cry, but I also wanted to beat the living hell out of Jamie.

"What do you mean 'My little boyfriend is already in a relationship?' Don't you think I would have found out?" I said getting out of Jonathans and Alex's grip stepping towards Jamie.

"Oh pretty boy didn't tell you? He's been in a relationship with Alice since they met on their test day. It was love at first sight if I remember Alex saying." Jamie crossed his arms and glanced over at Alex.

"Is this true?" I turned around.

"Yes, but it ended a long time ago. Anna I would never cheat on women, you know that. That's not me. I wish I could have told you, but I didn't want you burning me to a pit." Alex stepped forward, but I moved back.

"It's over?" I ask.

"Forever. I don't even talk to her anymore. You can check my phone; check social media, anything. I don't have any contact with her at all. Please, just trust me. I would never lie to you."

"Other than the fact that you were hiding this from me, hiding the fact that I had powers, how my test was going to go, how am I suppose to believe you after all of this?" I question. I am so mad right now. I am beyond pissed. Everything is going wrong. I just...I took off. I couldn't stand to look at anyone. My mind was flustered. I wanted to just cry. I did, the whole way home. I ran into a cloud of birds, but that's about it.

I flew right into my bedroom window. My room was trashed and I wasn't going to clean it. I couldn't bare checking if someone was in my room, I didn't care. They can take me, it would be better there than here. I wanted to die. I couldn't handle all this heartbreak. I lay on my bed and drift to sleep. A few hours past, I think, and someone had placed a bag over my head and was carrying me into a van. I could hear their conversation, even though they believe I'm asleep.

"So what do you think they will do with her?" One man spoke.

"I don't know, I don't want to know. You forced me to do this; I never wanted this. She is a good girl, never did anything wrong, but you...you're going to make her into a monster." Oh my gosh! I knew that voice. My mother. She helped kidnap me? I lay still in the back of the van and listened to the rest of their conversation.

"I'm not going to make her into a monster. I'm just going to make her strong. I do not intend to hurt her. You know that. I just want what's best for her. Nothing is going to happen to her, we all ready did tests. It works, that Jonathan kid and Alex, they proved to us that the tests worked. Why don't you believe me?" The man said. He was very hostile when he was talking. He didn't seem to care. I knew I heard the voice before.

"I don't believe you because that is my daughter! Born and raised. She's your daughter too. Why are you so cool about this? Don't you want her safety?" My mother spoke. She was rather angry with him; I mean I would be too. The man sighed. He pressed the gas pedal harder and started to speed.

"Look I understand you are upset, but you and I agreed this thing would not come between us," This thing? What? "Come on Colleen don't be like this. You know I'm only doing my job. I don't want to do this; I want to keep her safe just like you. I just don't want them to hurt her in the process. They said if we proceed with the kidnaping then she will be fine, if we don't then she's screwed. They will just control her; put a chip in her and watch her every move. I just want what's best for our little girl."

So I do have actual parents; I've been living with my actual mom this whole time, but whose is the man talking. Oh I so badly want to see his face. I want to see how much we look alike. I know I cant but I so want to. I lay stilly in the back of the van carefully listening to the environment around us. Then I realized, they are taking me to the warehouse. The bag was pulled off my head and mom brushed my hair out of my face. I took in a breath and turned, making her think I really was asleep. She kissed the top of my head and went back to the front. I knew I had to do something. I noticed the latch on the door and began contemplating what to do.

The radio was playing and no one was talking. I took a moment to observe my surroundings. The van had tinted windows in the back and no seats. The only seats available were in the front, where my mom and a man sat. The back door was an easy open door. I took the opportunity to kick the door open, spread my wings and flew away. I flew as fast as I possible could. I wasn't paying attention to where I was flying and crashed into an object.

Shit it was Alex.

"Anna. What happened, I saw you in your room, and then two figures took you. I thought I lost you. I'm so glad you're okay." Alex pulled me into a hug, mid-air. I hugged him tightly and took in his scent. He smelled heavenly, just like he always does.

"I'm okay. Let's go before they see us." I pushed Alex off of me and started to head home. I knew I couldn't go home, but Alex didn't.

"So do you know who took you? You're mom is going to be scared to death." Alex spoke over the wind.

"Actually her and my dad took me. She let him into the house and they kidnapped me." I spoke softly.

"Whoa. Anna what? You were going to go back home! They could have gotten you again, with more guys! Anna you can't go home. We can go somewhere else, like Montana or something. I don't know somewhere else." Alex was scared, I could tell. Not even reading his mind this time. I didn't know he cared this much. "I so badly want to turn around and beat them. But I wouldn't hit a girl out of anger, well unless she was trying to kill me. But other than that, I would never hit a girl. Boy would I hit your father all right. He's an arrogant S.O.B. God, why did you say it so casually." Alex yelled.

"I didn't know how you would react. I had to just say it, in order to know your reaction. I was trying to come up with different scenarios in my head, but I couldn't pick one...obviously you're pissed. So save your breath, I know how this is going to end." I flew faster, Alex pushing to keep up.

"And how will this exactly end? I'm not mad; I'm scared. I don't want to loose you. You know that. Why do you not see that?" Alex pulled my arm; we both stopped, floating in mid-air again.

"I see it Alex; I don't want to get hurt either. Why do you think I got out of the van? Why do you think I did barely any work with Bonnie? Or why do you think I'm with you right now? I killed six guys yesterday for you. I didn't want you hurt, or Nani. So if I can't see that you care, than no one can." I was mad now; I hate fighting with him. It's like trying to put a fire out with another fire. Alex sighed and spoke again.

"Look lets not fight okay. It's been a long couple of days. No need for this, we both hate fighting with one another, so lets just call this one off okay? Good, lets go home. You can stay with me tonight. It'll be like our old sleepovers, sound good?" He held out his hand, waiting for my response. I nodded my head and took his hand in mine. He was right; this fight was stupid. I'm so glad that he was here. I didn't want to lose him, or be left behind. The thought hit me then; how did he feel about the Alice chick? Does he still love her? I wanted to ask, but I didn't want to fight again.

We got back to his house at around four pm. His mom was in the kitchen cooking dinner and his father was in the basement. We were just about to walk upstairs when his mom walked out of the kitchen. She exclaimed when she saw me. She said she was so worried about me and asked if I was okay. I lied and said I as fine. Alex had mentioned that I would be staying here for a little bit because I couldn't go home. She understood and told me I was welcome any day. Then she mentioned something about how Alex and me should get married and give her grandchildren, but that's when Alex pulled me upstairs. I giggled as he pushed me into his room, for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"Wow, you cleaned." I giggled.

"Don't be so surprised. I clean once a week, you just happen to be here when I have cleaned and didn't get a chance to dirty it up." Alex grabbed his remote and both of his Xbox controllers and sat on the top of his bed. "I thought you needed to cool off a bit, lets kill zombies." Alex threw the controller at the end of the bed where I was standing. I grabbed the remote and threw my bag on the floor.

"You're on loser," I laughed and sat next to him. Alex was very shocked at my choice of words. He shrugged his shoulders and made the game begin. Alex looked very concentrated at the game, I didn't know what I was doing, but I think I was winning. Or maybe I was just killing Alex the whole time, I don't know. The game went on for about three hours or so. Alex was pretty mad by the end, but I guess that happens a lot. He was pretty mad that I beat him in his own game. We went down stairs to eat dinner with his family, well his mom and his dad. Alex was an only child. I found it cute. His mom was a doll; she was so adorable and old fashioned, I wanted to just hug her all the time. Alex's dad, Richard, was hilarious. I use to see him every Sunday, but he started working on this huge project that still isn't done by the way. He was very nice, much like Alex. I could tell, well actually I knew, Alex was raised right. Just knowing his family was comfortable with me; comfortable enough to let me stay over, was very warming. My mom never talked to me like Alex's parents do. I felt like I was finally home; not living by myself at the moment. I couldn't help but think that Alex has this everyday. I was so lucky to find someone who can share this with me. I've never had this before.

"Well get use to it Anna. You deserve all of this. Not how your mom raised you."

"Alex get out of my head. Why are you even reading my mind right now? Shouldn't you be focused on what your parents are saying?"

"Nope, they know I can read minds, they know I have super powers. They are the ones who told me I had powers. I was five. They love me for who I am. And I love you for who you are. No one can change that."

"Not even Alice?" Crap what did I just do.

"Not even Alice. I told you she is the past; you are my present and future. She will not change that. We broke up 4 years ago. It was a bad one too. I broke up with her. I fell madly in love with you; I couldn't be with her when I felt this way about you Anna. Please don't beat yourself down with this. It's over, nothing is going to change how my heart feels." Oh my gosh, I just want to kiss him right now.

"What are you two talking about?" Kristine asked. She was grinning from ear to ear. She knows her son so well.

"Alice mom, we were talking about Alice." Alex answers. Wow he's honest with his parents, more than I am at least.

"Oh? Have you talked to her lately? I haven't seen her around. Has she been well? I do hope she can visit and meet Anna one day soon. She was such a lovely girl, very polite. Not very determined though, I don't know maybe I didn't get the overachiever vibe that I get when I'm around Alex or you." Kristine went on a rampage about Alice. This soothed me more than I thought it would. Alex begged his mom to stop. She didn't listen. His father remained silent for this part of the conversation and ate his dinner. He excused himself to go back downstairs and work again. I felt bad; he is always working. Kristine started cleaning up dinner; I offered to help but she told Alex and I to go back up to his room and hang out. I did as I was told and Alex chuckled.

"What is so funny?" I turned looking at Alex in the middle of the stairs.

"You are. You're adorable. You offer to help my mom clean up or cook every time you come over. It's just so adorable." Alex grinned.

"It's adorable having your mom reject me from the kitchen and send us to your room. Tell me I'm adorable one more time and ill believe you." I said sarcastically. I began to walk up the stairs again but Alex grabbed my waist, spun me around and threw me over his shoulder. I screamed and giggled at this. He ran into his bedroom and threw me on the bed. He lay right on top of me, not moving. I was being squished. Alex bit my ear, I laughed harder. I pushed him off of me and he landed on the floor. He started to cry because of how hard he was laughing. He got up, finally being able to breath again, he plugged in a movie and turned off the lights. Oh how romantic. I thought. I laughed and Alex grinned. I was happy again. I had forgotten about what happened yesterday and what happened today. I couldn't believe that I was actually this calm. His mother came in and told us good night and went to bed. The night was peaceful and relaxing. I snuggled onto Alex's bare chest and drifted to sleep. I knew Alex wasn't going to sleep much, but he stayed with me all night. Never leaving my side.


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