Chapter 10

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Monday. The most hated day of the week. I woke up and started the day really bad. I woke up on the ceiling! I was so startled I fell onto the ground. My mom ran into my room asking if I was ok. I nodded and she left. Then I got a text from Jonathan.

Jonathan: Hey! Training starts today. Test is Friday. They moved the date... They heard about your wings growing so fast. Meet ya at your house at 4!

Annabeth: But Friday is date night!

Jonathan: They don't care! Just be at the location at 7 pm or you'll die.

Annabeth: They wont kill me...

Jonathan: But I will...

Okay creepy. I got dressed and walked to the bus stop. The little kids were SO annoying. They have no manners and I wanted to punch every single one of them. Alex called me minutes before I got to school.

"Hey did you talk to Jonathan?" Alex questioned, even before he said hi.

"Hi to you too. Yes I talked to Jonathan. Was he serious about killing me?"

"No, wait he said he was going to kill you? When did he say that? What exactly did he say?" Alex took a deep breath and calmed down. He was at school so he couldn't make a scene.

"He said 'Hey! Training starts today. Test is Friday. They moved the date...they heard about your wings growing so fast. Meet ya at your house at 4!' I said 'But Friday is date night' He said 'they don't care! Just be there at 7pm or you'll die' I said 'they won't kill me' he said 'but I will...'"

"Wow. He really wants to get into this school." Alex murmurs. We said our good byes and I got off the bus. I walked into school with people, yet again staring at me. I felt so uncomfortable in these halls. I ran to my locker and it was covered in fake blood. A note was tapped on it: GOOD LUCK IN HELL MUTANT.

The note was disturbing and I didn't know the handwriting. I gasped in horror, backing away from my locker and ran to my next class with only my computer. I sat in the back of the classroom so no one would see me, but Alex did.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Alex questioned, kneeling by my desk. I shook my head and stared at my hands. "Something is wrong...please tell me. What happened?" Alex cupped my hands and moved my face so it was turned towards him.

"Someone...put blood on my locker." I attempted to get out. "They put a note.." I handed Alex the note not being able to speak anymore. Alex hugged me attempting to calm me down. The teacher walked in and Alex took the seat right next to me. I sat through the class with my head down and my eyes closed. I had no clue what the teacher was saying, not even when she announced the homework.

Lunch came around and I was at my locker, cleaning it. Jonathan came over asking what happened. I didn't speak to him or to anyone at least. I was so annoyed and irritated, I could trust my voice and I couldn't handle drama or nonsense today. Joe came launching towards my locker, studdering about her date with Jamie last night.

"Are you even listening?" Joe asked.

"Yes I am. Why would I not be listening?" I asked in return. She's very defensive, but I love her.

"Because of what Jamie did to your locker?" Oops.

"Jamie did this?" I nearly yell. Joe was telling me all about how Jamie was pulling the best prank ever and how he was only doing because I tricked her into going out with Jamie.

I am going to throw that kid through a window. I was pissed. I stormed through the halls to the cafeteria. "You did that to my locker?" I screamed in Jamie's face.

"Calm down. It was a joke." Jamie laughed.

"No it's not. Do you know most suicides happen when kids are in high school! Did you know most bullies are a person's best friend. Did you know-"

"Get to your point Annabeth, geez you have all this knowledge, but no one wants to hear it." Jamie interrupted.

"Fine, then let the battle begin." I smirked and walked away from Jamie's lunch table.

Alex ran after me and grabbed my forearm. "Hey, what was that about?" Alex turned me, attempting to talk to me.

"Your little friend, Jamie, destroyed my locker! He put that note on there, He has just started World War Me!" I tore my arm out of Alex's grip and walked away.

Let the games begin...

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