Death's Stigma (NanoWriMo14)

By JordanMonske

1.6K 163 72

(Very Rough Draft)The human world has become so corrupt that death can no long hold back the tide of creature... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 29

26 3 2
By JordanMonske

"Inform Lady Skyra that we have captured the Reaper." Varyn said to his sister. A fist hit his ribs and the demon laughed. Grim felt himself slip under and into his own mind.

"It's over." He muttered as Myst floated around aimlessly.

"You are truly a pathetic Reaper." Corvenia chuckled.

"A reaper who can't even use a Shadow Rune, pathetic indeed." Sedrin agreed.

"A what?" Grim said standing up.

"A Shadow Rune, he doesn't even know the basics of being a Reaper." Lilith said mockingly.

"Talk!" Grim said tightening the chains wrapped around their bodies.

"We will never betray our master."

"Fine, then we do it my way." Grim lengthened one of his fingers into a claw and grabbed Lilith. "If you won't tell me, I'll make you." He carved a rune that Nadia had taught him into her head. She screamed as her eyes where flooded with white light.

"The Shadow Rune is an ability unique to each Reaper. Each allows a Reaper to manipulate the shadows around him in different ways."

"Thank you. Myst make them tell you everything."

Grim finally opened his eyes and shook the cobwebs from his mind. He was dangling from the ceiling by his arms. It looked like he was in an old rusting warehouse. The piece of rebar was still painfully present in his chest and he felt an ache in his leg. He looked down and silently screamed. His left leg had been cut off just above his knee.

"Look at the pitiful little insect. You humans break so easily." Varyn teased.

"Brother, the Master wants us to soften him up a little before Venom collects him." Tyrium said chuckling.

"The honor is yours sister, he did harm you after all.

"Thank you brother." Tyrium sauntered up to Grim and slowly dragged her claws down his chest.

"Why don't you beg me for mercy Reaper? I can make you feel so nice, you don't need to be our enemy."

"And you can suck my dick." He said spitting blood in her face. "But I don't think either of those are going to happen."

"You insolent bug." Varyn bellowed. Tyrium grabbed his arm as he went to pound Grim.

"It's alright brother." She sank her claws into his gut and ripped her hand across his stomach. "He will be in Lady Skyra's hands soon." They both left the room together.

"You fuckers are going to pay." Grim sputtered as he grabbed hold of the chains and started to climb upwards. He climbed to the rafters and slung his body over a beam. Every movement sent fresh agony in waves from his chest and leg. Varyn walked into the room and reeled.

"Where are you Reaper?" He took a step forwards and Grim launched the chains from his hand. They stabbed into the giant's neck and Grim fell off the beam. The chains yanked him a few feet into the air as Grim fell back down. He looped his remaining leg around Varyn's neck and grabbed the rebar in his chest. As the demon pawed at the chains around his neck Grim pulled the steel free from his chest. Screaming he plunged the makeshift sword into Varyn's head. He twisted it around and let the demon drop.

He could hear Tyrium screaming as Varyn lay on the ground twitching. Grim saw her bolt into the room and he twisted around. As her claws stabbed into his side he looped the chain holding his wrist around her neck.

"This is for cutting off my leg." He looped the other chain around and pulled. The chains crushed her neck as she squirmed. He felt her tail whip wildly behind him. With a shriek it sheared through the chains holding him. They hit the ground and rolled apart.

"You disgusting human, you killed him."

"Yeah, and you're next." He drew a curved knife from his ankle.

"Looks like we should have removed that leg instead." She spat.

"Actually I keep one on each leg, so you're fucked either way."

He was kneeling with the blade tucked against his arm. Tyrium dashed forwards and swatted at him with her tail. Grim deflected it and slashed her along her side. She side stepped to his bad side and knocked him onto his side. He rolled away and tangled her legs in chains. She dragged him towards her and stomped on his stump. He screamed in agony and the chains released Tyrium.

"You can not kill me that easily Reaper." Varyn said standing and pulled the rebar from his head.

"Grim, use the shadow rune." Myst said urgently. He felt a shiver run up his spine and a black plane of glass formed. The elongated diamond ran along his arm and he placed it over his chest as Tyrium jumped on him. Her claws met the shield and she jumped away screaming. Her claws were melting from the green flames that clung to her hands. She swung her tail and Grim batted it away with his shield. Using his good leg he lunged forwards and tackled her. The shield lit her body on fire and he used it to pin her arms. With a single stroke he buried the knife into her eye. Grim rolled off of her exhausted as her body was consumed by flames. Varyn grabbed him by his leg and flung him into the wall.

"I will avenge you sister." Grim started to crawl away but Varyn pinned his arm to the concrete with the piece of rebar. Varyn grabbed his axe from the table beside him. He raised it to chopped and Grim ripped his arm free of the rebar. He sank his knife into the giant's knee and shoved the shield into his face. He dropped the axe and collapsed clawing at the flames eating away his face. Grim grabbed the axe and use his chains to lift it above the screaming demon.

"Not so tough by yourselves are you." He dropped the axe and it severed Varyn's head.

Grim used a workbench to lift himself to his remaining leg. He scooped up the two demons masks from the ground and looked around.

"Now I just got to get out of here." Myst materialized next to him and he leaned on her.

"I got it from here hero." She supported him and helped him to the exit. The made it to the street and the coast was clear. Grim let the spirit guide him through the city he clutched his trophy from the generals.

"Grim, can you hear me?" He heard Selena calling out in the distance.

"Here!" He called out, his voice hoarse and strained.

"Nadia, I see him!"

"Grim!" Nadia yelled as she leaped over a burnt out car. He collapsed into her arms and she cradled him to her chest. "I'm so glad your okay." She said through tears.

"Come on." He croaked. "I don't die that easily."


The girls had taken Grim back to the sanctuary and laid him out on the couch. The wound on his leg had finally sealed but even Reapers couldn't regrow limbs.

"What can we do?" Nadia asked Death.

"He'll need a new leg similar to his hand."

"What do we need?" Selena asked.

"You need to capture a demon, the more powerful the better quality the prosthetic will be."

"Let's go." Nadia said. She took one last glimpse a Grim's battered body and went back out onto the streets.

"What's a good demon to capture?" Nadia asked.

"Remember that tar creature that attacked the day you came."

"Yeah, that thing took a direct hit from Elizabeth and it only cracked the surface."

"Can you think of anything else that could stand up to the abuse Grim puts his body through?"


Bet none of you were expecting another update so soon. No more month long waits. The last couple chapters will come with no more delay I swear. As always please leave a comment, your guy's support helps me more than you guys know and I really appreciate it.

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