Silence in New York City (tmn...

By rubeyred

74.9K 2.5K 1.6K

(Completed)Lilly Tara Connors is a 17 almost eighteen year old girl living in the big apple, New york city. H... More

The First Meeting
Where? Who? What? HUH!?
A New Day and New Friends
Some Good Times
Am I Important?
Coming Back
Getting Back To Normal
Something Fun and Something Interesting
Oh Hello!
Oh Boy
Will you please?!!!
A Little Cute And A Little Fluffy?
Red Minx
For My Readers!!
Puh-Leeze /;)
Um Okay Now WHAT?!
Donnie Get's It
A Few Adjustments
Again?! Are You Freaking Serious!!
Catch Up Chappy (Not really needed but still good) Backstories!!!
Into the night

The Big Chappy!

2.2K 97 54
By rubeyred

(Hey everybody!!! Here's the Big chappy!! Yeah you Guessed right the Big Dance!! Yay!! Oh and If the picture shows up, It is What Teddi's hair Is suppose to look like. BTW I have no idea Who that chick is at all, If it's you great hair style!!! I hope you all enjoy oh and as a small Spoiler: Donnies' Secret!! Okay If you want to know his secret you Better Read on ahead, Cause I ain't tellin ya!! Enjoy!!)

Lilly Pov

We all sat at the table and ate the pizza, laughing and telling one another jokes, It was lots of fun! Every once in a while I would look up and catch Raph's eye, but I would quickly look away. Teddi saw me do that once and gave me a playful kick and wink, before she went back to talking with Serina. I gave her a smile appreciatively, she was a good friend. After the pizza was all gone Mikey, Teddi and Serina went over to hang out by the TV while Sensei went to the dojo with Raph and Leo. All that left was me with a . . . nervous Donnie?!

Concerned I asked him, "Hey Don? Are you alright?"

He smiled, "I need your help with something, follow me?!" Curious I followed the shaking turtle genius in the lab. As soon as we were in he closed and locked the door, I raised an eyebrow at him as he went over and sat at his desk.

"Donnie what's going on?"

He shook his head and shuffled some things away and then handed me a piece of paper, I looked down at it, "Don't freak out! or else she'll hear you and become suspicious!"

Confused I looked up to find a very red Donatello holding a very small box, he flipped it open to reveal a RING!! Shocked I put my hand to my mouth and looked from Donnie to the box and back again. Trying to contain my excitement I asked, "Is that what I think it is."

He grinned shyly, "Yeah."

"May I?" He nodded as I took it out, it was beautiful. A simple silver band that had a five star flower with five small purple diamonds in the center creating a flower. It was so pretty, I looked closer and saw that the inside had an engraving, ~Love Is Forever~

"Oh Donnie!" I smiled up at him happy beyond belief.

"So," He gently put it back in the box and away in a drawer, "You think it's a good idea?"

I smacked his arm, "Oh Donatello! of course it is! Where did you get it?"

"Oh I made it."

"Shut up!!" I grinned at him,  "That is amazing Donnie!!" I saw that he was still unsure, I grabbed a piece of paper and started to write, "Don do you really love her?"

He looked at me indignant, "Of course I do!"

"Then what is the problem?"

"What if she says no?" He scribbled down.

"Oh Donnie, how could she say 'no' to someone she loves?"

"Well look at me I'm a freak! And not exactly prince charming!"

I stood up and snatched the note pad away and started to hit him with it. I was so sick and tired of hearing this! 

"OW! OW! Lilly?! OW! Stop!"

"Not until you stop thinking like an idiot and more like a genius!" 

"Alright! Alright I give!!"

 I slapped the note pad down and glared at the purple masked turtle, "You big doofus!"

"Shell! What was that for?!" He sat rubbing his head.

"You know what that was for! I am sick and tired of hearing that you guys can't do certain thing because your all mutants!! Well Bull! Turtle up Donnie!"

"Turtle up?! Really that's all you give me? And just for your information we can't do certain things!"

I glared up at him as he stood up, "Name one."

"We can't go out in public."

"That's okay people are mean anyways."

"You don't get it, I want to go out there and be able to help people with my inventions! I want my brothers to be able to do whatever they want whenever they want to! And because people are so judgmental we have to pay for it!" He sighed and sat back down, "The truth is that we really can't do to much, because. . . we're freaks."

My heart softened and I knelt down looking up at the tall turtle, "But that doesn't mean you can't do anything. Look at what you guys have done?! You have saved New York countless times, Shell you guys have helped even saved the world!" He started to smile, "Donnie just because you can't go outside doesn't mean you can't do anything. You can live, you can play, have adventures and more importantly, " I rested my hand on his, "You can love, with all your heart."

He grinned down at me his gap showing how happy he was. I smiled back and gave him a hug, "You are a wonderful person Donatello Hamato, and I know that by you doing this," I pulled away and looked him in the eyes, "Will be the best decision you will ever make!"

"Thanks Lilly."

"Your welcome." I started to the door but looked back before I went out, "And Donnie?"


"If you follow your heart, everything will be just fine." He smiled at me as I left. Once the door was closed I was ambushed by Serina on the right and Teddi on the left. They both grabbed my arms and pulled me away. "Umm. Hello to you too?" 

Teddi smirked down at me as Serina rolled her eyes, "Guys!! Will be back later!!!"

"Bye-Bye!!" Teddi said as she waved behind us. We walked out of the lair and started to walk, well Teddi rode her skate board in front of us as I just held mine. I looked over and noticed that Serina had on a pair of white knee length boots and was putting her hair in a ponytail. And let me just say that it was the most professional ponytail I had ever seen.

"Okay? What's going on?"

"Girl Talk." Serina mumbled with her hair tie in her mouth.

I looked at her confused, "Okay, but why the kidnapping?"

Teddi did a 'Ollie' and responded, "Oh that was just fer fun!"

I stared at them, "Really?!" Teddi nodded going around us, as Serina shrugged her shoulders smirking, "You both are all kinds of weird." I shook my head, "So why do we have to have a 'girl talk'?"

"Well, because me and Serina have been surrounded by guys and haven't really had any tine ta ourselves. I mean come on, I have three brothers and my dad, mom lives in Florida, and my sister in law is a regular soccer mom. Busy all the time." She hopped over a pipe and continued, "Not ta many feminine people ta talk ta."

"Yeah and I'm surrounded by guns, laws, and angry punks and parents. So everything relaxing goes right out the window." She rolled her shoulders, "I am in need of some serious normalcy." 

I looked at my phone, 7:34 pm, "Well if you ladies want to we could hang at my house, and make it a girls movie night instead."

Teddi jumped on a pipe and did a grind before doing a tight flip back down, "Really! Oh my gosh this is goin ta be so much fun! We can make Cookies and smoothies. . . . ." She went on rattling off more things that we could do, I tuned her out and looked over at Serina.

"That's a great idea, we were just going to the park but now we can make this official!"

". . . . . .We could even watch a scary movie!? No wait that ain't right, Oh maybe a romance. . . ."Teddi went on.

I chuckled, "You sound almost like Donnie, 'Official?"

She grinned, "Got to love a genius!" 

We grinned at each other before, "OMPH!! Clank, Knock, knock, knock." I looked over and saw that Teddi had hit a pile of loose bricks on the floor and was now upside down against the wall. A piece of her hair lay plastered across her cheek and under her nose, her lower body was to the side one leg up and both arms on the floor. Serina busted out laughing as I tried to contain my chuckles, we ran over to our funny looking friend. 

Teddi gave a corny grin as she flipped over and rubbed her head, "Opps."

I chuckled and we helped her up, "You alright Teddi?"

"Yeah, the brick just decided ta throw off my groove!"

Serina smirked and handed Teddi her board, "Right, Bad wall!" We all laughed and continued on, until we reached the man hole for my alley. I went up and tried to push the cover off and it barely moved, It took me and Serina to lift the stupid thing off! When we put it back on we went into the building and in my apartment.

Kicking off my shoes in a basket I turned to them, "Alright make yourselves at home," Teddi bounded away and sat on the counter, Serina started to pull of her shoes, "So what should we do first?" Serina's hair went down and Teddi swung her legs.

"Cookies! We need snackage fer the movie." Serina rolled her eyes and joined us in the kitchen. We made the batter and talked about everyday things. It was nice to have some girl-friends around. I was putting in a batch, Serina was leaning against the sink, as Teddi sat still on the counter eating a hot chocolate chip cookie,when she asked Serina how long she had been dating Donnie?

"Two years, since last month." Teddi chocked on her cookie and I paused to give her a glare.

"And he hasn't *Cough* Popped the question?!" I rolled my eyes and slapped her back as she hacked some more.

"Sheesh woman, breath!!" What a nut! I rubbed her back as her coughing stopped.

Serina rubbed her head making her hair bounce, "We talked about it but, when it comes down to it. . ." She looked at us and gave a sad smile, "It's not like we could have a big proper wedding or anything."

I smiled, "Oh Rina, every girl dreams of her wedding day and her future husband whether he be human or hansome turtle." I winked at her causing a smile, "Besides you were the one that told me, 'If you really want something you'll find a way to get it, don't ever lose hope' And if you really wanted a wedding me and Teddi would gladly help you out!"

"Absolutely we will, we got yer back!"

Serina blushed happy, "Thanks you two but I don't think that will happen any time soon." She sighed, "I love Donnie, but one thing about loving a genius is they think way too much."

Teddi jumped off and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "Come on girly, cheer up! I'm sure he'll come around soon enough. I mean It has been two years, I betcha he's just nervous." Teddi winked at her, I grinned and went to check the cookies, if only she knew.

"Thanks Teddi! So how are things with you and Mikey?" They weren't done yet so I turned back to the girls, Teddi stood there looking like a love-struck Idiot. A big grin stuck on her face as she fluttered her eyes dramatically.

"He's so sweet and fun, I can be myself with him, and I really like him. But he gets really distant when it's just me and him, or if we start talkin about anythin close to datin. Like I mentioned how cute you and Donnie were when he went stiff and scooted away from me." She glared at the floor, "I just hope he doesn't see anythin wrong with us datin."

I looked at her confused, "Wait I thought you two already went on a date?"

"Well ya we did. We met at the skate park on accident and he offered ta take me home. On the way we grabbed some pizza and hung out on my roof top. That was really it, Although. . ." She started to blush and smile, "He did call me beautiful."

"How Cute!" Serina gushed.

"I know right?!" Teddi giggled, "And he even got me some of my favorite flowers, sunflowers. That's when he called me beautiful. It was super cheesy but so cute! He said, 'Beauty fer the Beautiful.' And gave me a hug before leaving."

"That is adorable!" Serina smiled

"Oh Teddi!" I pulled the cookies out, "Mikey has a crush on you! That is so cute!"

"You two really think he likes me like that?!" Teddi squealed.

"YES!!" We both told her, we giggled and I started to take the cookies off the pan.

"So Lilly?" I glanced over and saw that Serina was speaking.

"Yes?" I grabbed another cookie.

"A little birdy told me that you have a crush on a certain hot head?" Shocked I almost dropped the cookie, How did she. . . TEDDI!! Fuming I turned towards the 'innocent' girl.

"You said you wouldn't tell!" I pointed my spatula at her.

She held her hands up and hide behind Serina, "Hey it was the ferst thin that came ta mind when I was checkin ta see how far away Serina could hear, Accident!"

Serina giggled as I turned back to the cookies miffed, "So it is true! Now all I have is one question. . . what on earth do you see in him?"

"Other then the fact that he has the 'hot bad-boy' tude!" Teddi smirked.

And image of Raph flexing came in my brain, I blushed and put the last cookie on the cooling rack. I looked at the two girls waiting for my response, "Well," I took a breath and started to sign to myself nervous, "I really like how loyal he is, He's so strong and confident and he makes me feel safe." I smiled and looked at the floor, "And in his own way I find him quite hansome."

"Oh wow you have it bad!" Serina smirked.

Teddi jumped forward, "Yeah apparently cupid is still workin on ya!" She started to fire pretend arrows at me I threw a cookie at her.

"Shut up!" We giggled and I looked back at the ground, "But It's not going anywhere."

"What why?!" Serina furrowed her eyebrows, Teddi nibbled her cookie already knowing why. I told her about the moments me and Raph had had and how he had reacted. I sighed and stopped signing to myself, "I don't think he thinks of me like that. . . and he's had plenty of chances to tell me."

"She's gotta point there Rina." Teddi said eating another cookie.

"Yeah but you two don't have hearing like me."

"What does that have to do with anything?" I looked up at her.

Serina huffed, "I told you that I could hear a rapid heart beat a floor away, and let me just say that when your around him, his escalates up really fast."

"That-that could mean anything." I looked down again.

"Your right it could, but what do you think it means." I glanced up and started to smile, but quickly shoved it down.

"Thanks, but I still don't want to get my hopes up to high. If he just wants to be friends then I don't want to ruin that."

"Really the friend card?" Teddi said.

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up Karebear." She just chuckled.

Serina pushed off the counter, "Now that that's out of the way let's watch a movie." We went to the living room and watched movies until 3 in the morning when we decided to call it quits. Serina texted Donnie and in 10 minuets he was at my window.

"Hello ladies!" He grinned.

"Hey Don! How are ya?!" Teddi asked as he helped her out the window.

"Doing great now that I'm closer to my Sunshine!" Serina blushed as she took his hand.

"Aw Don that was really cute!" He smiled at me before bending over and giving Serina a small kiss on the lips, and then one on her forehead, she giggled.

"Shall we go love birds?" Teddi grinned at the two, we chuckled and I waved them off into the blanket of the night. I closed the window and cleaned up before going to sleep.


The next few days I just worked and then went to help with the dance. I would come home exhausted every time. Soon it was Wednesday the day before the dance and the entire day was practice and making sure everything was working correctly. At the end It was almost midnight. I took a cab home, got in my pj's and crashed face first on my pillow. I was trying to sleep but I had to take my glasses off first. Groaning I got up and saw that my phone was flashing.

T: Hey L.T!! You coming over ta hang?!

LT: Nope, I have to get some sleep, I have my dance production tomorrow! sorry.

T: OHMYGOSH!!! I totally forgot!! When is it, me and Serina would love to come!?

I smiled: I would love to have you there, 7-9 pm at the Red Carpet Theater, thank you!!

T: no problem! We could come early and help you with your costume and stuff?!

LT: I'd appreciate it.

T:Great well see you tomorrow!!

I smiled and fell asleep, excited for the next day.


I woke up and had breakfast with mom at the cafe she works at before leaving to the Red Carpet Theater, and pretty soon it was time to get ready. 6:12 and I was in a small 'extra' dressing room when I saw the door move. I put my glasses on and called out, "Hello?"

Teddi poked her head in, "Oh good yer dressed!" I chuckled at her as three people came in, Wait three? Teddi was in a one strap blues dress that went just above the knees, with black heels her hair was up in a spiky ponytail of blue and purple. Serina had a yellow orange sun-dress that bleed into a red color, she also had on tan boots her hair down with a headband. The third person was had a long baby blue skirts with white flowers and a nice zip up dark blue jacket with a hood. I already had my first dress on.

Teddi closed the doors and the person lifted the hood up to reveal, "Venus?!" I wrapped her in a hug as she giggled.

"Hi Lilly! It's nice to see you again!!"

"Yeah she just came in tonight!" Serina grinned.

Teddi jumped up and dropped a black bag on a chair, "Alright let's get this party started!! I call makeup!!"

They sat me down and did my hair in a bun with a fancy braid wrapped around it with a small golden flower in it. Teddi put some silver eyeliner and smokey black eye shadow with green, yes green mascara, I didn't even know that there was green mascara?! She also applied a darker pink lipstick. They turned me around to the mirror and I gasped, cause I wasn't looking back. Instead of the caramel hair light green eyed Lilly, a sophisticated dark beauty started back.

I looked good, the dark bright makeup made my eyes look darker. I smiled and my teeth looked whiter too, I also noticed that I had black glitter in my hair making it look darker too?! I was Odiel now, "Wow!"

Venus smiled, "You like it?"

"It's amazing!! Thanks girls!!" I gave them each a hug grinning.

"Yer welcome, and we'll be coming back at intermission too, good luck!!" Teddi smiled holding the door open.

"Yeah and please don't brake a leg!" Serina smirked jokingly.

"See you later Lilly!" Venus smiled and flipped her hood up joining the girls. I looked in the mirror one more time before going out. I went to get my bracelet that tells me the beat, even though I didn't really need it, it was a nice reminder. I put it on when I realized that I still had my glasses on! I took them off and put them on a shelf, hoping they wouldn't get smashed. 

I walked over to Elton who was Rothbart, we gave each other grins before stepping out with our cue. The play went on as planned and I even managed to slip the girls a smile and wink in second row. The dance went on until Odette and the Prince said 'good-bye' time for intermission. I walked back and shoved my glasses on.

 As I was about to go in my room Annalysse slammed my door closed, "Do you think you can out shine me at my own play?!"

I glared at her, "Your play!!"

"Yes my play, don't you think that for one second that just because you have a main part and look like mud instead of garbage that you are a somebody. Cause your still a loser and nobody cares about you." I was about to throw a punch when more words went across my lenses.

"I care bout her!" Teddi yanked Annalysse around and glared at her with anger. Venus came around and wrapped an arm around me, as Serina helped Teddi glare.

Annalysse scoffed, her bright hot pink lips sneering, she had so much make up on she looked more like a manican then an actual person, "What? Garbage-girl actually has friends?"

Serina fumed and stood next to Teddi, and slightly in front of me, "Not just friends!" Annalysse took a small step back.

"Sisters, which is more then you could ever hope to have." Venus said.

I started to smile, Annalysse was taken aback before she gave me one more glare and stomped away. "Thanks girls!" Venus gave my shoulder a squeeze.

"What a freak!" Teddi cocked her hip out still glaring, "Can't believe you have ta deal with that!?"

"Those people always bug me, she's just lucky I'm off duty." Serina scoffed.

Teddi smiled and turned to me, "At least she knows not ta mess with ya, huh L.T?!"

 I smiled and Venus asked, "Why is that Teddi?"

Teddi grin proudly, "Cause she's the one that got a beat down."

"By Lilly?!" Serina turned to me grinning, "You go girl!" 

I giggled, "Thanks girls, your the best!"

Teddi jumped up and started to push us all in the small room, she started to pace in front of us looking serious, "Alright ladies we have 10 minuets to make Lilly drop dead gorgeous! No one tells our friends thin's like that and gets away with it! Let's make Lilly 'out shine' her!"

The next few minuets were hectic and chaotic but in the end I came out looking as Teddi said, 'drop dead gorgeous!' The front of my hair was swept up in a bun with the rest of my hair laying down my back in lazy waves. My make up was very fierce with silver, gold and black eye shadow, with the same green mascara making my eyes literally pop out. Instead of pink lipstick I had deep cherry red lips making me really look like a black beauty!

Venus put the black feathered crown in my hair, "Perfect!"

"You look beautiful Lilly!" Serina smiled.

"Ladies," Teddi wrapped her arms over Venus and Serina as they stood behind me in the mirror, "We're awesome! Now go out there and show them all the Lilly Tara Connors we know and love! Show them who's boss!"

They smiled and left to get seated as I got into position to dance with the prince. Elton came over and stared at me his mouth open wide. It was too bad I didn't have my glasses on. I chuckled and pushed his jaw closed, I winked at him. He grinned and then went serious as our cue came on. We stepped out and I danced with an also surprised Prince. I felt really good about myself and it showed in my dancing.

Soon it was all done and we were bowing to the audience, I stood up and saw Teddi jumping up and down yelling with Serina and Venus as they cheered. After we said good-bye to the audience and signed some autographs I headed back to my room. Before I got there I was engulfed in a hug by Teddi, "Oh My Gosh!!! That was so good!!! Even the little girls behind us liked ya more then the freak snob!"

I grinned at them all, "You girls have made my night, I'm so glad you came! Even April sent me a text wishing me good luck!"

"It was very enthralling and beautiful how you danced, you did such a great job!" Venus said smiling.

"That was amazing Lilly!" Serina hugged me.

Serina and Teddi wanted to go out and celebrate but Venus must've seen how tired I was and helped turn the idea down gently. They all left saying good night and saying that they would see me later. I smiled and waved them off before going into my dressing room and changing into a pair of sweats and a tank top.

I was about to leave when I saw something on the ground. Curious I bent down and picked up a red rose with a note. I smelled the rose, the sweet scent making me smile, I opened the note and started to read it, 'Lilly, you looked so beautiful out there and happy! I enjoyed seeing that gorgeous smile on you. Just thought you should know.'

It wasn't signed, I giggled and read it again blushing at the cute note. I gently put it in my bag and hauled a taxi. I sat in the back grinning and smelling the sweet rose. I went home the happiest girl in the world, not noticing the pair of smiling green eyes from the shadows.

(HAHAHA!!!!! How'd ya like That Chappy!?!?!? I thought that was Fun!!! Oh and I have a Quick question, See I got a Request For mutation And I Wanted to know Your thoughts on it?! I thought about it and I Think I just might do Something like that. . . Just wanted your Opinion! OH and have a great Day!!!)

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