By Pegasaz6371

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If a Queen of Changelings gets fat from the memories of Rainbow Dashes love affairs, then how well could this... More

Insane Love: mlpwattys2015!
Chapter 1: At flight camp
Chapter 2: Memories
Chapter 3: Not getting unfucked
Chapter 4: Outbreak
Chapter 5: Dying Young
Chapter 6: Love Me
Chapter 7: My Lies Go Far
Chapter 8: It's coming after you
Chapter 9: You won't sleep
Chapter 10: Who are you?
Chapter 11: I ship it
Chapter 13: So many time skips
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15: Monsters lying here
Chapter 16: Dreaming of an Insane Love

Chapter 12:

83 1 5
By Pegasaz6371

Greta wiped her eyes and stared down at the angry Gilda. Suddenly, Gilda shrieked and fell over. A white van drove up out of nowhere and two small, grey people jumped out and loaded Gilda's limp body into the back. Greta jumped and flew down onto the now moving van, scraping the roof with her steel-like nails. But it wouldn't give and outdrove the slower griffin.
* * * * *
Fluttershy whimpered as the two small changelings pushed her towards the large bath. She dipped one toe in to find it was icy cold. She pulled her foot out, slipped on the wet floor and plunged headfirst into the cold water. She spashed and gurgled till she was upright. She looked around the pool size tub. She began to swim around slowly, pretending to ignore the changelings as they sniggered at her. She plunged her head under to see a large square of thick glass in the floor. She took a huge breath from the surface and dove down to the very bottom. She stared through the glass in shock, seeing Rainbow Dash sitting on the same chair in the same room with that, that, that evil griffin. She swam back to the top to see a now sympathetic looking Metamorphia holding out a thick mallet. Although slightly apprehensive, Fluttershy grabbed the mallet and sank back to the glass. She swung it slowly through the water, hitting the glass. She repeated this action 15 times, with no success. Suddenly, she heard a swoosh noise and minutes later, the bathpool was empty. Metamorphia smiled at the shocked Fluttershy and left. Shy regained focus and swung her mallet down repeatedly. First and white hairline crack. Then another. And another. Gilda left the room. Minutes passed. 1 hour. Suddenly, the giant crack that had formed smashed and Fluttershy fell through, landing directly on Rainbow's lap.
* * * * *
"I do"
Twistron smiled softly as he slipped a thin gold ring onto the finger of his sweet bride. He planted a gentle kiss on her lips and after he pulled away, she gave a weak smile.
That evening as they lay in his chambers, they sat on the bed and discussed baby names. Applejack seemed troubled. "Applejack? You know we don't have to name it Hector, right?, " Twistron said jokingly.
(I have nothing against the name Hector, it was just a joke for my friend!)
AJ sighed, "It's nawt that. It's Fluttershy. Ah'm worried 'bout er". Twistron smiled as he stroked the blonde hair of his new bride. "Don't worry. I made sure that Chrysalis would give her a room to herself. I'm sure she'll be fine ". AJ shook her head, "No, ah'm scared bout what that girl would do ta herself. She cuts, Twisty, she cuts her thaghs, her wrists, anything. She's hurt. Dashie don't know her no more. She loves Dash. They got engaged! Ah'm just scared bout Flutters ".
* * * * *
Fluttershy whimpered at the pain of the glass shards digging into her bare skin. Rainbow's eyes were unrecognising and faraway. She loved Gilda. Fluttershy grabbed her face and kissed her passionately. She cried and her tears stung more than the glass. Dash pushed her off with a look of disgust and stood,walking into a room behind. Fluttershy screamed at the pain of the shards cutting at her naked body. Chrysalis walked in and grabbed her by the wrist. That's when Shy blacked out.
* * * * *
She woke up, still naked but without the glass. Chrysalis stood advice her as she lay on a cold sheeted bed. "Oh Fluttershy! You are so ridiculous! Rainbow doesn't love you so why torture yourself? Though, self torture is something common to you. " With that, Chrysalis threw a sharp knife onto the bed next to Fluttershy. "Stupid, worthless weakling ".

As she sat up, she looked around the room. She saw a black curtained door frame. She stood and walked through it, instantly burning her bare feet. She recognised that it was the cage, and ran back to the bed. On top of the locker next to the bed was a box of unlabelled white pills, a selection of blades, a rope with a hook to the ceiling and a gun. She picked up a blade and began to cut her hair even shorter, practically a buzz cut. As she cut and cried, an old song from when she got bullied as a kid popped into her head.

They think you're crazy
An image popped into her minds eye
Dumbbell and Three Pointers smug faces as they beat a crying Fluttershy

They think you're mad
Rainbow Dash singing to the green pegasus

They call you stupid, worthless
Chrysalis, minutes before, using the same insult

Say you're not worth it
Her best friend, Pinkie Pie, raping her, plunging the knife

With that, she took the knife and began to slash wildly, making jagged cuts along the insides of her thighs, all down her arms. Her blood stained the once pristine white bedsheets. As she began to feel light headed from blood loss, she wondered why she kept trying. With that, she took the gun and placed it to her head.

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