A Beautiful Nightmare •A Kai...

By Mellianna92

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In every family's history book there has always been that one dark chapter that no one wants to talks about... More

Entry One... Attic Surprises
Entry Two... There's A New Girl In Town
Entry Three... Guess Who's Coming Home?
Entry Four...A Hit And Run
Entry Five... Missed Me?
Entry Six... You Win Some. You Lose Some...Funny Thing Is, I Will Always Win
Entry Seven...Billiard Magic
Entry Eight... Skinny Dipping & Taylor Swift
Entry Nine... Welcome To The Corn Maze...
Entry Eleven... Just Another Face On The Milk Carton..

Entry Ten...Mind Your Business Bon Bon..

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By Mellianna92

•Andy's Pov•

It's been a week and a half and Nana has been asking me weird questions, like headaches, sudden mood swings, or here the kicker if I had started to hear voices.

"Nana, I'm fine, really." I wave her off but she she keeps bothering me.

"You don't look too good, and have you called your mother?"

"Oh, no I almost forgot." I jump down from the stool and run up stairs to get my phone off of the charger.

I dial my mothers number and it rings two times before she picks up.

"Happy birthday mom. I'm sorry I'm not there to help you celebrate."

"It's okay, sweetheart. I know you're here in spirit."

"So what is dad doing for your big eighteen?" My mother giggles and sighs.

"Thank you for that sweetheart. But I'm not ashamed of my age. And your father is closing the bar. He won't tell me anymore than that but Mason told me that I'm going to have a surprise party. So I'm going to make sure I'm surprised."

We both laugh at that and she ends up coughing again.

"Mom, why haven't you gotten that cough checked out?"

"I'm just a little under the weather that's all. So Nana told me that you girls have been having a good time."

"Yeah, we are. Some weird things happened but nothing we can't handle. Oh before I forget your present is in my room in a box on the left side of my closet. I really hope you like it."

"I'm sure I'll love it. Thank you."

"Again happy birthday mom."



"I'm just curious, how have you been feeling lately? Any headaches or strange dreams?"

Yes...and yes..

"No, nothing like that. Well I did have a dream about gummy bears but that was cause I was reading a strange book before bed."

My mother was silent for a moment and I thought that she caught me in my lie.

"...Well, if you do have that sort of thing happen. Tell Nana. Be good and I love you."

"Love you too, enjoy your day." We hang up and I look across the room out the window.

I then think about the diary and decide to read an entry or two...

•Kai's Pov•

It was a little after five in the afternoon as I whistle down the street.

I walk to where that kid works.

As I walk into the little shop a little bell goes off.

"Hello, I'll be right with you." A woman came from the back and she greets me with a smile.

I smile back at her and my eyes wonder behind her.

"I was wondering is Ishmael here?"

"Ishmael?" She asks with a frown.

"I mean Isaac, sorry I always get those names mixed up. Is Isaac here?"

"Might I ask who are you?"

"I apologize, I'm Jason. Isaac and I have a mutual friend between us. I wanted to ask him a favor."

"Well, alright I'll go get him for you." She leaves and I look at few items in the store.

I pick up a candle shaped like a star and frown.

I've been gone for a few decades and all America has to show for its talents are star shaped candles?


I look up and see Isaac coming from the back.

He gave me a funny look and even looked behind me.

"I'm here to talk to you. In case you're wondering. As a matter of fact lets talk outside."

"No, I'm fine talking right here." He says as he crosses his arms over his chest.

The smug son of a bit-

"That's fine, I'll get straight to the point. You need to leave Andy alone."

He chuckles at that.

"Listen, uh, Jason. I know you think that you and Andy are a thing but I hate to break it to you. Andy and I are more close."

Just snap his neck Kai, no if you do then you have to kill the woman and then they'll be an investigation and it will lead right back to you.

Then Andy will never speak to you again.

"I'm trying to spare your feelings."

"Really? By coming to my aunts shop, giving off a threatening vibe?"

I place my hand on my chest.

"Me giving off a threatening vibe? I just came here as a friend. I mean we are friends right?"

He goes to answer but I place my hand up.

"Wait, before you answer that let me tell you why I'm here. Look, I didn't want to say anything but, you and Andy will never be compatible all because of what she is."

He gives me a furrowed brow look. "A girl? I think we would be perfectly compatible since I'm a guy."

God he is so fucking stupid.

"Andy is a witch." I simply put it.

"Wow, you reach far just to make sure you get Andy. Nice try." He chuckles but I don't, which makes him swallow hard.

"You don't believe me? Here let me show you why Andy and I would be a perfect match."

I grab that stupid star shaped candle and bring it back to the counter.

I then take out a blade from my pocket and slice my palm open.

"What the hell?" He backs away from the counter and I let my blood drip over the wax of the candle.

I chant and the candle catches on fire.

When I look up at Isaac he had a scared look on his face.

"Rad isn't it?" I say with a smile.

"You're a...a witch?" I grab a Kleenex from the box on the counter and wipe my blade off.

"The correct term is warlock. But can you see why you and Andy aren't compatible?" I show him my now healed hand.

"Wh...how is this possible?"

"Look, I honestly don't feel like giving you the whole witchy warlock 101 story. Just remember I'm telling you this as a friend. Imagine if you had pissed Andy off she would just put a hex on you or kill you and make it look like some freak accident."

He swallows hard and I smile even wider on the inside as I slide my blade back in my pocket.

"Sh..she wouldn't do that...would she?" He stammers.

I shrug putting my hands in my pockets.

"She did put her cousins boyfriend in the hospital and she didn't even know he was there. But hey that's your risk. Well I gotta go and do some spells, make a few potions. Maybe even make a voodoo doll or two. Nice talk, right bud?" I fist bump his shoulder and walk out of the little shop.

The smile I had on my face disappears as I continue walking.

If he doesn't take my hint then the next thing I'll have to do is scoop his eyes out with a melon ball scooper and bury his stupid ass alive.

I take out my phone and dial Andy's number.

She picks up on the second ring.

"Hey, Jason."

Her voice sounds so sexy when she answers the phone.

"Hey, what are you doing tonight?" Going out with me, then letting me fuck your brains out..

"Well I wasn't planing anything..."


"...But Bonnie asked Julia and I if we could spend the night at her place."

You've got to be kidding me.

"Maybe I can make a special appearance." I ask with a tease in my tone.

"Sorry, but this is strictly a girls night. No guys and I'm pretty sure you're a boy."

I take the phone away from my ear and curse then I bring it back.

"Well maybe tomorrow then?"

"I can't make any promises, I'm going back to school shopping soon."

"How much longer are you going to be in town?" I ask as I pass by the library.

"I believe about two more weeks. I want to go back early to surprise my mom and I'm kind of home sick."

No, no, no, you can't leave Andy.

"Well then it's settled you and I need to have a date before you leave. But this time I want to cook for you."

"I guess we could do that. My grandmother is letting us off the leash more and more..."

Oh I'll smother her for you baby, just say the word...

"...Also I'm sure Isaac wants to hang out too."

"Don't talk about him when we're talking." I say in a cold tone.

"I'm sorry. I won't. Look I-"

I speak before she thinks ill of me.

"I'm sorry, I can't help I'm jealous. But I'll let you go. Have fun with the girls and I'll text you the details of when we can have that date."

"All right. Talk to you later, Jason."

"Later." We hang up and I walk up to my car.

After I start it up I decide that since Andy is going to have a good night with the girls, I'm going to have a good night too, with Isaac..."

•Andy's Pov•

I guess I was wrong for mentioning Isaac to Jason.

After we had hung up I look back over at Aunt Olivia's diary.

The last entry I had read was when she had started school. The only subject she actually liked was English which I was happy about since that was my favorite subject too.

But the next entry she had, Kai had walked up to her and her friend who had happened to be a guy and he knocked the guys tooth out.

I don't know if I could ever handle a jealous boyfriend like that and I hope I never do.

I lock the diary back and place it under my pillow.

When I get up I stretch and Julia came back into the room tossing her bag on her bed.

"How is he?"

"He's fine, his dad says that he can now eat solid foods."

I look away feeling guilty.

"Jules, you know I didn't mean it. Like he scared me and the next thi-"

"Andy, I forgive you. But if I find out that it was Jason who did it."

"He didn't." I snap at her.

"Whatever." She rolls her eyes at me and goes to her dresser.

"Can you believe Nana is letting us go spend the night at Bonnie's?"

"No, but to be fair Nana and Bonnie's parents said something about a meeting with the elders." I reply.

We both do a mock shiver.

Ever since we were little we would always hear about those "meetings" and the hairs on the back of our necks would stand on end.

"Let's just have a good night at Bonnie's, watch some scary movies, stay up late and talk all night."

"What are we Andy? Middle schoolers? I got something planned and don't ask, it's a surprise."

Great Julia and surprises.

I'll make sure I bring the bandages and rubbing alcohol.

About an hour later we were in front of Bonnie's door walking inside.

We say night to Bonnie's parents as they walk out and close the door behind them.

Bonnie then hugs both of us then let's us go.

"Thank you guys so much, I don't think I could sleep in this house alone."

"I see why, this house is so creepy. How do you even stay in this place?" Julia asks as we walk up the stairs.

"My parents keep saying that the house is cleansed from all of the bad spirits but what happened in this house was big. It was a slaughter."

I swallow hard and follow right behind them until we get to Bonnie's bed room.

"Please tell me your room is that one place in the house that wasn't messed up."

"You don't want to know, but I light candles and keep my windows cracked so that the sadness floats out side. Other than that my room is pretty normal."

We set our things down on the floor.

"Well, I guess watching scary movies is out since you live in the house of horrors."

"Julia." I give her a look and she shrugs.

"Well my mom cooked some chicken so we can make sandwiches with those and have some chips."

"That sounds good. Let's go I'm starving." We head out of the room and I feel a chill go up my back.

Memo to self, make sure you pee while these two are still around...

As we make the sandwiches Julia decides that we should play truth or dare.

"Andy don't wimp out either you're playing."

I roll my eyes and take a drink of my peach tea.

"Bonnie, since it's your house how about you go first."

"Alright, let's see..." She taps her chin and looks at me.

"Andy, truth or dare?"

I know if I pick truth Julia will say that I'm being a wuss.


"Oooooh look who ate their wheaties this morning." Julia comments. I ignore her and Bonnie thinks.

"I dare you to go outside and run up and down the block, while screaming, I have lost my voice, please help me find it." We all laugh and I nod.

"You got it. How long?"

"Ten minutes." We all get up and step on the front porch.

"Here goes nothing..."

I run off of the porch and run up and down the block while yelling that I've lost my voice please help me find it.

My cousin and Bonnie were both laughing their butts off as I came back on the porch.

"Did you see the neighbors? Oh god I swear one of them went inside and gathered their kids." Julia cries with laughter.

"All right, all right now it's my turn and I choose you Julia."

"What am I a Pokemon?"

"Shut up. Now truth or Dare?"

"Dare, duh."

I think for a second.

"I got one. I dare you to TP Mrs. Wilson's house."

"With what toilet paper genius?"

"Bonnie did you hear that?"

"Yeah it sounds like Julia here is making excuses. I guess she is chicken."

We both do a clucking noise and she runs into the house and came back out with five rolls or toilet paper.

"Here Bonnie. Cash for these I'm sure your parents won't notice. And Andy if I get caught in drop kicking your uppity ass under the bus."

We both giggle as she walks off the porch.

"Take pictures!" I yell after her.

As she walks down the street Bonnie and I sit in the porch and look at the darkening sky.

"Andy can I ask you something?"


"What's your relationship with Jason?" I look over at her then.

I shrug.

"I don't know, we're friends so far. I mean I like him and I like Isaac too. Why?"

"I don't know...." Bonnie then looks down.

"Come on Bonnie tell me you look like you want to tell me something important."

She sighs and kicks a rock of of the porch.

"It's just, Jason seems a little off. Like I don't know I get a bad vibe off of him."

"A bad vibe how?" I say on the defensive side.

"I don't know. It's just...I don't trust him. I guess that's what I'm trying to say."

I feel annoyed with her but I don't storm off.

"Well that's your opinion."

"Andy I'm not telling you what to do but I am advising you to be careful when you're around him." I was about to say something but we both look over as we see Julia running superman fast up the steps.

"Go! Go! Go!" She pushes us inside and she slams the door shut behind us.

We hear sirens pass the house and we both look at Julia.

"What happened?" She smiles and shows us her phone.

Right there was the picture of Mrs. Wilson's front yard, porch and tree was covered in long strips of toilet paper.

"I can't believe you took a picture. I was only joking."

"Well I took it and now we gotta stay inside, she didn't see me but I know she's not going to stop looking until she finds out who put toilet paper all over her precious little garden nomes."

We all laugh and Julia puts her phone away.

"All right Bonnie, you're next."

"Before you ask. I choose truth, all because I don't want you to dare me to rob a bank or something."

"Awe crap that's exactly what I was going to dare you to do." Julia snaps her fingers.

"You dork. Now go."

"All right..."

The night went on with us playing truth or dare, watching a few movies and finally crashing on Bonnie's bed.

"Julia? Julia?" We look over and she was knocked out.

"Guess she can't hang." We giggle and I turn propping myself up on my elbow.

"Admit it, you're going to miss us when we leave."

"Yeah, I will. I mean we've only known each other for close to a month and I feel like we're best friends."

"Awe, that's so sweet Bonnie."

"Yeah, just promise me that when you two have vacation that you guys will come back and visit."

"Definitely, and make sure you come visit me in Delaware when you get a chance."

We both lay down and I feel myself yawn as the cool summer air fills the room...


I look to my right and I see Isaac smiling at me. I start to walk to him but stop when I hear my name being called in another direction.

I look up my left and there stood Jason smiling at me as well.

Neither one paying attention to each other but both were staring right at me.

"Andy, come on let's go." Isaac says as he offers his hand to me.

"Andy, it's time to go." Jason also had his hand offered to me.

I stand there not knowing what to do.

Isaac on my right wearing a clean white shirt while Jason on my left wearing a pure black shirt.

"Andy!" They both yell in unison.

I take a step back and feel myself about to fall but both of them grab me.

"Andy!" Jason yells my name and I grip his hand harder and he pulls me away from the ledge.

I let go of Isaac's hand and Jason pulls me closer so that my face was against his chest.

I feel him kiss my head and I look up to see him smiling.

It would have been a beautiful smile if his teeth weren't caked in blood.

"Till death do us part, right Liv?"


Suddenly I feel something crawl across my feet and I look down to see worms crawling in a long hole.

I look up and see that Jason's face was half rotten off of his skull.

He grips my hands and goes to kiss me but I back up.

"Let me go!"

"Till death do us part, Andy." His voice sounded old and I see his skull staring to reveal on the rotten part of his face which makes me gag as he tries to kiss me.


I wake up on a hard cold ground.

I look around and I'm in a basement?

"Andy? Julia go check your grandmothers house. Andy couldn't have just left like that."

I hear Bonnie and I scramble off of the floor and run up the stairs.

How did I end up down here?

I open the door causing Bonnie and Julia to scream.

"Why the hell were you down in the basement?" Julia asks as she had her hand against her chest.

"I...I don't know how I got down there or when."

Bonnie ushers me to the table.

"Around three o'clock you woke up and you just got out of bed, I assumed you were going to the bathroom so I had went back to sleep. When Julia and I woke up you were gone. We thought the worse and..."

"And we thought that freak had kidnapped you."

"He not a freak." I snap at her causing the glass of orange juice in her hand to shatter.

We jump and Julia takes a step back from me.

"You need to get your magic under control. Starting with your anger issues, woman."

I get up and start to gather the big pieces of glass and accidentally cut my finger.

"Andy, be careful. Julia go get me the first aid kit it's in the bathroom cabinet." Julia runs upstairs and Bonnie brings me over to the sink to wash the blood off of my finger.

"I can't control it..."

"Huh?" Bonnie asks.

"I can't control it, Bonnie. My magic. At first it was just random things would move in the room when I was bored. Then when I was little I had brought my grandfathers spirit back from the dead because I called out to him even though I knew he had passed away. Now I'm sleep walking. Bonnie what if I do something bad? What if something happens and I can't stop it?"

"Maybe we can tell your grandmother?"

I shake my head.

"I don't want to tell her. If she hears about me having magic that I can't control she'll bring me to the elders and that scares me."

"Then...I'll help you control it."

"You'd do that for me?" She nods.

"Of course, we're coven sisters." Julia came back down with the first aid kit and hands it to Bonnie.

"This might sting." She takes a spray out and sprays my finger making me wince.

I blow on it while she gets a bandaid out for me.

She places it on my finger and I hear Julia sweeping up the glass.

"I don't know about you two but I think we should go out to eat. Maybe Andy will scare the piss out of our waiter and we get a free meal."

Haha Julia real funny...

About four days later Bonnie and I were sitting in the middle of the library while Julia was checking out books.

Yeah I didn't know Julia even liked to read, go figure.

"So, I've been looking at my mothers grimoire's and found this binding spell."

I shake my head.

"I don't like those kind of spells they don't seem natural."

"I guess I can keep looking. But how are you with those exercises I told you about?"

"They help. I haven't had any magical outbursts. So that's good."

Bonnie's phone rings and she excuses herself from the table.

While she does that I check my phone to see if Isaac had text me back.

I have been trying to get in contact with him for the past few days but he just keeps ignoring my texts and calls.

I look at my phone and see that his read receipts were on so I get up and see Bonnie coming back.

Keep calm Andy.

"What's wrong?"

"I'll be right back Bonnie. I need to go speak to Isaac." The doors swing open and I really hope no one but Bonnie saw that.

I march all the way to Isaac's Aunts shop and walk right inside.

She looks up when I walk to the counter and gives me a smile.

"Hello, Andy was it?"

I muster up a smile and nod.

"Yes. Um, is Isaac here?"

"I'm sorry honey he's out skate boarding with some friends at the skate park. But I can tell him you stopped by if you want."

"No, that's okay. Thank you for letting me know." I walk out and think about where the skate park might be.

I will not be ignored.

Especially since I didn't do anything wrong.

I ask a few people where the skate park would be and I finally get the directions I need.

I walk all the way there feeling my adrenaline pump harder through out my entire body.

Keep calm Andy, you don't want any magical slip ups.

I scan the crowd and see Isaac sitting down fixing his board.

I walk right up to him and clear my throat.

When he looks up I see fear on his face.

"An..Andy. What are you doing here?"

"I'm here because you're ignoring me and I want to know what did I do?"

I offer him my hand to help him up but he ignores it and gets up.

"You didn't do anything wrong. Look I gotta get back to my friends."

"Not until you talk to me first, you haven't returned my calls. You read my texts but don't reply back. Like what did I do so I can fix it?"

"Nothing Andy just drop it."

I get this pounding feeling in the back of my head and Isaac's skate board goes flying out of his hand.

"I'm sorry. The um wind--"

"Andy I know...I know that you're a witch." He whispers the last past.

"How did you..?"

He motions me over to one of the ramps where no one was using it.

"Jason had came by my aunts shop a few days ago and he told me what you and him were..."

I just sit there and let him talk because if I talk I might send this ramp flying across the park.

Why would Jason do that?

"...he basically was telling me that you and I would never work out since you know."

"If you think that I would ever hurt you then you're wrong. And you know Jason was telling you that to scare you off right? God I can't believe he did that."

I ball my fist up and feel Isaac's warm hand on my fist.

"Don't blame him completely. I was being a jerk for ignoring you all because I was scared. The stuff he said-"

"What did he say?"

"Just stuff really. Like he said if I ever pissed you off you'd most likely hex me."

"I would never--that's it when I see him I'm going to tell him off. He had no right to tell you my secret and he shouldn't have scared you like that."

I go to stand but Isaac stops me.

"Andy, forget about him. Obviously he's crazy about you if he stopped that low to make me stop talking to you. Which trust me it sucked because I really wanted to talk to you and hang out but you know I didn't want you to you know."

"I understand, I guess I never expected you to find out. I just wanted this summer to go by with no worries and no drama but that's out the window."

"It doesn't have to be..." He says as he scoots over next to me.

"What do you mean?" He smiles at me and looks ahead.

"I guess I'm trying to make things right and say will you be my girlfriend? I know you're leaving this summer and I'm going back to college soon too but honestly I can't stop thinking about you..."

I know I'm smiling like an idiot right now but I don't care.

"So you're telling me that even though I'm a witch, and I live a few thousand miles away you'd still want to be with me and make a long distant relationship work?"

"Definitely, I can always come and visit you during thanksgiving break. I'd say Christmas too but my mom would kill me if I show up." We both laugh and I nod.

"Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend." He smiles back at me lifts me up and kisses me.

I pull back a second later.

"So me being a witch doesn't bother you?"

"It's something I'll need to get use to. I mean can you set fires?"

"One day I'll show you." I lean back up and kiss his lips.

The first thing I'm doing when I get back is telling Jason to delete my number...

•Kai's Pov•

I wonder what Andy is up to today?

I know what Isaac is up to though.

I smile to myself and watch this thing called Netflix. It's very addicting and I really wish they had this back in the 80's.

I hear the front door open and close.

"Hey sissy, why is there shows on here? Like how do people even go to work when they're so many shows on this thing? Oh look some show called vampire diaries. Maybe I'll watch it later."

"Your seriously need to get a job, Kai."

"Why? When I can just kill someone for their money. Now that should be a job killing people."

"They have a name for that. It's called assassins."

I look over at my sister and sigh.

"What's wrong? You have your I'm not in the mood face."

"Because, Kai I'm not in the mood. This girls spirit keeps fighting me for control and the only reason why I'm even in control is because when I'm around you she's too nervous to do anything."

"Awe are you saying we need more bonding time?" I look and see my sister had some stuff in her hands.

"Did you get the chicken?"

"I got everything on this list that you asked for. Even the white wine."

She goes to the kitchen and I get up and follow her.

When she starts to unload the groceries I see her put a little container of sweets on the counter.

"Yum, cupcakes."

I see my sister roll her eyes at me and I go to reach for one but my phone rings.

I should thank Josette for helping me figure out how I can put certain ringtones for certain people, because now every time Andy calls I put a spell on you play.

Neat huh?

I answer it.

"Hey pretty girl I was just about to call you. What's up?"

"Delete my number, don't stalk me and stay the hell away from Isaac." I feel a sharp pain in my heart.

"Whoa, what's going on?"

"Jason, who gave you the right to tell Isaac that I'm a witch? And make him scared of me?"

"Andy wait where are you? So I can-"

"No, Jason I don't want to see you ever again and I don't want you to go near my family or friends. You know what Bonnie was right, I should be more careful around you."

"Andy don't do this please. Just tell me where you are and I'll fix it."

"Just leave me alone..." She hangs up and the line goes dead.

I just stand there for a few minutes processing what just happened.

I place the phone down and feel my hands shaking.

"Kai are you alright?"

I look at my sister smirk.

"Andy, just told me to leave her alone...I'm guessing my little stunt didn't do anything to fix my situation and so you want to know why, Jo?" I ask as I walk over to her.

"I'm really so-"

"Shut up you stupid piece of trash. You had one job Jo. One simple job and that was to keep Isaac's smug little face out of the picture and you can't even do that right."

She backs up away from me and I just keep walking towards her.

"I told you the kid didn't even see me that way."

I shrug and pick up the meat mallet.

"You could have tried harder, hell you could have simply lured him out of that corn maze, but no you just ruined the plan. Now put your hand on the counter."

"Kai please don't do this."

"Motis..." I chant and Josette's hand slow right onto the counter.

"Remember that fingers nursery rhyme mom use to sing to us when we were kids?"

"Kai, no. I'm sorry I-"

"Or was it with toes? Hmm, I think I like fingers better..."

I stand there and begin the nursery rhyme.

"This little piggy had...roast beef!"


I smash her thumb and she cries out trying to move her hand from the next blow.

"This little piggy had...none!"


I hear her pointer finger crunch and my sister screams louder making me smile knowing that I'm doing this right.

"Now how did the rest of the song go? Wanna help me out here sis?"

She was on her knees now begging for me to stop.

"No help? Or well I guess I'll just smash them all then."

I slam down with the mallet and see blood pool out of her middle finger and pinkie.

"Look at that that. Shall we start with the other hand now?"

"Kai, please stop. I didn't mean it."

I kneel down and grab her face.

"Oh I know you didn't do this alone. Bonnie said something to her too. I think I need to make a visit to a Bennett witch this afternoon."

I toss the mallet down and wave my hand so that my sister can move freely.

She holds her bloody broken fingered hand to her chest and cries. I grab the biggest knife that my sister had in her kitchen and look at her.

"Oh you'll live. Just like you lived when I had cut your spleen out..." I grab that cupcake and head out the door whistling as I get in the car.

"Man this cupcake is good..."

•Bonnie's Pov•

When Andy had came back from where ever she went she had a smile on her face.

"What happened?" I ask as I stood there to check out a book.

"Isaac and I made it official."


The librarian gave me a dirty look and I apologize. Andy moves me over and she nods.

"Yeah, we discussed this and we've decided to make the long distance thing work. But before I get into more details of that, you were right about Jason."

"How so?" I ask. "He told Isaac about me being a witch and also told him that if Isaac were to make me mad that I'd hurt him."

"What did you do?"

"Well I obviously told Isaac that I wouldn't hurt him and when I was walking back I had called Jason and told him to delete my number, leave all my friends alone and to never contact me again. I can't have someone like that in my life."

"Good for you, you have a boyfriend and you got rid of that creep. So do you wanna come over my house and work on some more of those exercises?"

"Defiantly. I'll be over around five is that good?"

"That's perfect. Oh Julia is still looking at books."

"Really?" We both decide to go look for her and find her in the back with a whole bunch of human anatomy books right in front of her."

"Are you planning on becoming a doctor?"
Andy asks as she picks up one of the books.

"No, but my mom just sent me my summer packet for my classes. Did you know she signed me up for this? Now I can't drop it until after three weeks. I swear my mother is going to kill me if I don't kill her first."

Andy and I both look at her and shake our heads.

"You poor unfortunate soul."

As Andy and Julia went back to their house I stood on the porch of mine.

I hate this house it has so many bad memories in it that it makes me sick just looking at it.

What were my parents thinking when they bought this place?

I walk off the front steps and look at the house as a whole.

"This house should've been burn down years ago."

"I couldn't agree with you more."

I jump and turn to see Jason standing there.

"Where did you come from?" I ask as I take a step back from him.

"I was just roaming the neighborhood, and decided to check out my old house. Man what were the odds that your family lives in it now?"

He had a wild look in his eye and I don't like it one bit.

"I'm sure you probably couldn't sleep well in this place since what happened here."

"Nope I slept like a baby really."

Something not right with him.

I get a sudden wave of fear and I hear screams coming from inside of the house.

I hold my head and feel my knees go weak.

Jason walks over to me and shakes his head.

"Let me guess the ghosts in the house keep trying to tell you something huh? Well I'll give you the message. They're telling you to run, because I'm Malachi Parker." He smiles at me and I try to run but he grabs me by the back of my neck.

"Help me!" I scream.

"No one can hear you Bon Bon. I put a cloaking spell over us. Neat trick right?"

I use my elbow and hit him in the gut and when he lets me go I take off running towards the house.

Just as I get the door open my head starts to pound and I scream feeling as if it's about to explode.

"That wasn't nice Bonnie."

I feel a kick to my ribs and black out from the pain...

•Kai's Pov•

"Bonnie..." I use my boot to nudge her awake and she groans.

"Awe, good you're up. Now time for a story."

"Motis." She raises her hand but nothing happens.

"Looks like I drained all of your magic when I carried you off of the porch. But keep trying its cute. You look like you're have a seizure."

"You're a monster!" She snaps at me.

"You'd think that word would hurt me but it doesn't. Now being called an abomination? Now that hurts me deeply. But I'm sure my dead brothers and sisters keep whispering that in your ear late at night. Do you wanna know why I killed them?"

"Because you're a sociopath."

"Yes but that's only half the answer. You see I killed them because I knew that in order to get my girlfriend back, I had to cause some attention. So boom, slaughter everyone except my twin sister. Make the merge happen and I would be reunited with my dead girlfriend. You'd think that would have been easy but no, my coven...my father decided to put me in a prison world for decades. Making me sit there all alone when all I wanted was Olivia. She was my world Bonnie. She was my everything and I lost her. But then I got a second chance. All when Andy came along. You know she looks exactly like Olivia? Down to the strawberry blonde hair."

Bonnie stand up on wobbly feet and I make sure the knife was hidden well behind my back.

"You...you do know that Andy isn't Olivia right?"

Do I look stupid?

"She's not my Olivia but she could've been my Andrew. And that where your part comes in. I have this funny feeling that some of your influence is the reason why Andrew doesn't want to be near me."

"I told her that you couldn't be trusted and I was right. You're the psycho who murdered his family in this house. I hope Andy finds out and-"

"And what? She'll tell my coven so they can put me back in the prison world? Tell me Bonnie who's going to tell Andy? Cause you're not."

I take a step closer to her and she backs up.

"You can't stop me Malachi." She says with a confident glare.

"Oh I think I can."

I grab her arm and stab her in the stomach with the knife.

She grabs my arm and she gasps.

"You should've just minded your own business Bon Bon, then this wouldn't have happened."

She falls to the ground and her shirt slowly becomes soaked with blood.

She holds her stomach and tries to crawl to the house but I kick her back in and grab her hair.

"Tell my brothers and sister I said hi."

I then take the knife and slice her neck clean open hearing her choke and gasp as she covers her bleeding throat.

I stand there watching her and kneels down to check her pulse just to be sure she's dead.

"All right, let's get to work."

I put the blade in my back pocket and walk inside of my old house.

I hear all the angry spirits but I ignore them as I grab a carpet out of the living room.

I walk back outside and throw the carpet down then roll Bonnie's dead body up in it.

After she's all packed up I go to my car and throw her in the trunk.

I look across the street and from the window I see Andy walking past.

"Don't worry, I won't let you slip through my fingers."

I slam my trunk closed and get in the car.

I take the knife out of my pocket and toss it on the seat.

"Good thing sissy has plastic seat covers."

As I drive past I see Ishmael on a skateboard.

I stop at the stop light and see him skateboard to Andy's place.

I should hit him and hope he breaks his spine.

No, get rid of her body first then come back for him.

I smile at that idea and drive when the light turns green....

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