Surviving Sang

By Callabunny

52.6K 2.8K 1.1K

Sang Sorenson entered the boys' lives in a whirlwind. She brought them joy, innocence, kindness, and more tha... More

The Tickle Monster
Tongue Twisters
Splish Splash
Nurse Sang
Possible Side Effects
Wake Up Call
I've Got Pizza Love
The Unraveling of Trust
The Precipice
The Healing Power of Hugs
18 Minutes in Heaven

Hakuna Matata

4.4K 254 84
By Callabunny

A/N: I'm going to go ahead and apologize now. This one gets a little...mature? I'm not sure. You'll see for yourself. I don't even know how this happened. Maybe I'm lonely. *coughhorny?*

I might have gotten a new laptop last weekend, which is inspiring me to write during any free time I can find. (Maybe you guys should be updating more to distract me??)

Hakuna Matata

The sun's rays were starting to peek through Nathan's blinds as I woke with a groan the next morning. It was the weekend, I was cuddled up to a warm chest, and I'd just spent all of yesterday with my boys. I smiled at the thought, then smiled further as I realized that my lip didn't throb with pain at the action. My tongue was fully healed in less than twenty-four hours, and the cut on my lip was barely a scratch. I tested scrunching my lips, but it didn't irritate the cut. Another thing to be happy about, I thought with a content sigh. I suppose the three extra snow cones that Luke bought me at the park really did help.

Well, one was completely gone by the time he made it back from the snow cone stand. He claimed it was a long walk, and that a man only has so much self control.

Wanting to prolong my lazy Sunday, I extended my toes as far as physically possible and raised my hands high above my head on the pillow. I stretched as far as my fingertips could reach and arched my back, a quiet groan rumbling up my throat at the sensation. Feeling both content and languid, I cuddled back into the pillow and burrowed my feet between Nathan's legs, not even bothering to fight a yawn.

As my mouth opened wide, I pretended I was a lioness relaxing in the bright sun, dozing in the Sahara. Growling for effect, I pawed the pillow underneath my head lazily.

"Roooar!" I whispered mightily before my mouth was unwillingly pulled into another yawn. Picturing myself to be surrounded by tall grass and antelope, I laid out on my rock. As the yawn ended and my lips started to close, I was startled to find that something had invaded my mouth before I could close it.

"Wha-" I froze as my eyes popped open at the intrusion, only to see a pair of blue eyes blinking sleepily back at me. His hair was tousled and crazy, and the sleepy smile spreading across Nathan's face was so adorable I had to clench my fists to stop myself from attacking him.

"Morning, Peanut," Nathan mumbled, wiggling his finger between my lips when I hadn't responded.

"Morning, Honey," I mumbled back around his finger as I happily chewed. Now I was the lioness who caught her prey, I thought with a silly smirk.

"How's your lip?" He whispered, running his thumb across it in a featherlight touch. "It looks better."

"Doesn't hurt anymore," I murmured, giving him a small smile around his finger and nibbling it gently. "I can stretch my lips."

"Good," Nathan smiled and closed his eyes again. I was content to chew his finger in silence until Nathan's eyes snapped open as he gave me a funny look.

"What were you doing a minute ago?" Nathan asked, his brows furrowed in confusion. "Did I hear you growl?"

"I...," I hesitated, my imagination not making as much sense now that I was more awake. Still chewing on his index finger, I lifted my own hand up and stuck a finger in his mouth. "Here you go!"

"Peanut," he muttered warningly around my finger, sending me a pointed look as he started chewing.

"I might've been pretending I was a lion," I admitted quietly, using my tongue to push Nathan's finger to my cheek so I could talk more clearly, scooting closer to curl my free arm around his middle.

"Well, that explains the roar I heard," Nathan responded calmly, pulling his head back to give my finger a light kiss. "Wasn't sure if I was dreaming it."

"I was thinking about how we were having a lazy Sunday," I explained after letting go of his finger, looking into his dark, blue eyes as he snaked both arms around my waist. My body curled into him automatically. "Just like lions do."

"Sounds fun. You know what else lions do?" Nathan asked, his lips twitching into a smile.

"Hunt?" I guessed, mentally filing through all the realistic parts of The Lion King. I couldn't very well say "sing."

Nathan pulled me closer until our bodies were flush against each other from our knees to chests. My feet were still tangled between his legs, and I had to tilt my head back to see his face. I felt snug and surrounded in my Nathan burrito.

"They lick each other," Nathan answered with a smirk, his eyes twinkling mischievously down at me. I could only wrinkle my brow in question before he ducked down and licked a wet, warm trail from the base of my neck to my ear.

"Nathan!" I squealed, wiggling against his tight grip as I tried to pull away from his tongue. "Ew!"

"Mmm, Peanut," Nathan hummed happily, switching to small, quick licks as he claimed my face with his own saliva.

"It tickles!" I laughed, scrunching up my nose as he licked my eyebrow. Did this boy have no shame?

"Mmm, you taste good," Nathan responded, not even acknowledging that I was trying to escape his grasp. He laid there like a lion himself, licking my face at his own leisure, as calm as could be.

As his licks moved to my cheek, I impulsively snuck my own tongue out to poke his chin. He tasted slightly salty, and his unshaven scruff prickled my tongue. Not minding the taste, and quite liking Nathan's playful nature, I continued licking up his cheek. I was vibrating with giggles from both the way his tongue tickled me and how silly I felt licking him back. I licked over Nathan's eyelid, and he snorted while lapping at my chin. As his tongue made its way up my jaw in quick touches, I jabbed my own to the side to try and get his nose.

Nathan made his way up to my ear and playfully blew inside, making me squeal with giggles as I thrashed. He chuckled and moved his lips down, licking the skin below my ear before latching my earlobe into his mouth and sucking. My brain stopped functioning.

"Ah, Nathan!" I gasped, blinking my eyes twice at the sensation as my fingers gripped his wifebeater. Nathan froze, my earlobe still suctioned between his lips for three whole heartbeats before he relaxed again. He let my earlobe pop free and resumed his small, playful licks up my temple. Blinking, I tried to control my breathing as he feigned ignorance at my reaction.

And I went along with it, pretending nothing happened and trying to shove away that warm feeling in my lower belly. Licking down Nathan's cheek, I softly swatted his chest with a pretend paw. He chuckled and swiftly grabbed both my wrists in return, pulling them behind my back. This just pushed my chest impossibly closer to his, and he smirked against my cheek. Chuckling at my perverted protector, I happily let him imprison my paws.

My licks slowed down and lasted longer as I made my way along Nathan's jaw. It was so strong and defined, I had to stop myself from nibbling on it. He had the tiniest bit of unshaven scruff, and it tickled my tastebuds.

As my tongue ventured down to his chin, Nathan was pleasantly licking beneath my nose. It made my nose itch, and I tried to subtly scratch it against his tongue. Unable to stop myself, I started inching higher up on Nathan's chin and found myself tracing the very bottom of his lip. During Nathan's next lick, his tongue slid against mine for a moment, but this time neither of us froze.

I licked again, catching the side of his lips and more of his tongue. He moved his tongue against mine, pushing them flat against each other. After a few quick, tingly swipes, he captured my mouth with his and I was lost in him.

Our tongues battled as he angled his face against mine, deepening the kiss to a place that made my brain short circuit. My face was smushed against the pillow, but I was exceedingly comfortable in his arms.

Unable to move my hands, I fought back against Nathan with the kiss, trying my hardest to take control. He responded by moving both of my wrists into one hand and using the other to grab my neck, tilting it back as his tongue invaded every corner of my mouth. Since I wasn't able to hold his cheek or run my fingers through his hair like I wanted to, I freed my feet from his hold and threw one around his waist, pulling myself even closer to him.

That feeling, the one I was becoming quickly addicted to over this past month, flared in my lower belly. It was warm and felt funny, and it made me want to squirm in my seat like I was being reprimanded. My hips shifted against Nathan's on their own accord, and he grunted into my mouth as my lips opened on a silent gasp. The movement had set butterflies afloat inside of me, and I wanted more.

Before I could talk myself out of it, I shifted my hips again, and that feeling reverberated through my core. I was on fire for Nathan, and from the way his left hand gripped my wrists I could tell it was affecting him, too. The warm, hard appendage poking into my stomach was also a dead give away, but if I thought about that too much I would either chicken out or risk burning him with a blush.

As his thumb caressed my collarbone, I lost myself in his leather and cypress scent, surrounding myself with his serenity. Nathan was my calm, my playful lion. I felt adored as his hand moved up to cradle my face, and he slowed the kisses down to an unhurried pace. We nibbled, and licked, and kissed, not stopping until the sun had fully risen and the sparks in my stomach seemed ready to ignite into flames. My face felt warm and fuzzy from his scruff rubbing against it, and my Honey gave me one last chaste, closed-mouth kiss before pulling back to look in my eyes.

"'Morning, Peanut," He repeated as his lips spread into a handsome grin, his voice low and husky, making that warm feeling pulse within my belly.

"Good morning, Honey," I smiled back, surprised at the hoarseness in my own throat as I cleared it.

"I think Gabriel might be onto something with this licking thing," Nathan smirked, gently letting go of my hands and rubbing both wrists with soothing circles.

"I liked it," I giggled, feeling almost hypnotized as I stared back into his blue eyes.

"Well I think we both know how much I liked it," Nathan laughed, clearing his throat as he started to pull away his hips along with the warm poking device. I let my leg slide down his hip slowly, intertwining it with his own. Nathan pulled his hands away from my wrists and playfully poked both of my cheeks as he shifted on the bed. "How about some breakfast, Peanut?"

"How about staying in bed forever?" I countered, smiling softly and leaning up to kiss his jaw. I was relaxed and happy. Moving seemed like a crime when we could still spend a few hours snuggling up and kissing.

"Sang, you can't say that to a guy." Nathan seemed to laugh and groan at the same time, and his shoulders shook the bed with their force which caused me to vibrate as well. I smiled back at him, my lips feeling goofy and numb from kissing. "You'll start putting ideas in his head."

"Wasn't that the point?" I asked, frowning at him. "I said it while thinking about kissing you."

I was proud of the way I said it without blushing, mentally patting myself on the back at the accomplishment. I was kissing nine guys now, surely I should be able to admit that I wanted to keep doing it? From the way Nathan's slow smile spread across his face and his eyes softened, I felt like he was proud of me, too. I just wasn't sure why.

"You're absolutely precious, Peanut," he sighed, planting his lips against my forehead in a soft kiss that lingered long after he pulled away. "My thoughts weren't quite that innocent."

"What ideas was it putting in your head?" I asked before I could chicken out, intrigued to know what Nathan thought about while we were in bed. If any of the boys could read my thoughts while we kissed, I'm sure their egos would inflate enough that I'd have my own personal fleet of hot air balloons.

"Lots of things," Nathan shrugged, moving his hands to rest on my hips. His fingers slipped beneath my cami, and he started rubbing small circles against my bare skin which quickly became heavenly torture. "Like licking you other places, for one."

"What other places?" I practically croaked, causing Nathan to shake with laughter.

"," He murmured, reading my eyes for a moment before slowly sliding down the bed. He tenderly moved me to my back so he was hovering over me, his lips giving me a soft kiss on the lips. He moved lower, kissing my jaw and starting a pleasurable trail down my neck. Every few kisses his tongue would sneak out and lick my skin, causing me to bite my bottom lip.

"Or here," Nathan muttered, gripping my hips as his tongue snuck out and traced the skin at the top of my cami. The tank top was form fitting, and I gasped as he licked across the top of my breasts. This wasn't completely new, I chastised myself, trying to get all of my feelings under control. I'd been topless with some of the boys, with Nathan, and I knew where he was going. Knew I wanted it.

My brain was still acting like it was the first time as my thoughts were scrambled.

"And here," Nathan locked eyes with me as he gently tugged my cami down an inch before swooping down to trace the outline again. A foreign sound left my mouth, something between a moan and a garble, as the anticipation started to slowly kill me.

"And here," Nathan's voice turned hoarse as he pulls the shirt down another two inches. The built in bra went with it, and I shivered as my nipples peaked out to meet the cold air. Nathan was warming me up enough to barely notice the chill, though.

There was a moment as he looked down at me, his gaze flickering between my face and chest before he zoned in on the more southern option. His expression was so serious, so focused, I felt torn between the need to hide in his closet or jump him. Bunching my tank top down further, he attacked before I could make a decision.

His tongue swirled around my nipple before he started lapping at it, making that embarrassing sound leave my lips again. Giving my other breast the same attention, he groaned as my hips started to squirm against him. His hand came up to knead my other breast, and I brought my hands up to hold his shoulders.

"There's another place I thought of licking, too," Nathan mumbled against me, and I barely heard him over my panting.

"Where?" I asked, breathlessly, refusing to believe that any other place he licked could feel as good as what he'd done so far.

Nathan's eyes darkened to black as he continued massaging my breast with one hand and slid the other one along my cami. He ghosted it over my belly button, and that spot just beneath, causing my hips to raise slightly.

"Right here," Nathan whispered, his fingers ghosting along my pantyline and I was having trouble breathing.

"You'd lick my belly?" I asked between breaths, moving to grip his upper arms tightly.

"No," Nathan shook his head, his voice void of any laughter when I was worried he might make fun of me. He hesitated, stopping both hands briefly before the one on my shorts moved lower. "I'd lick you here."

I was frozen, my mind completely focused on where Nathan's hand was currently resting and everything else was mush. But he wasn't moving that hand, and a big part of me wanted to yell at him to just move.

Then my brain caught up to his words, and I choked on my own spit.

"There?" I gasped, coughing a few times to clear my throat. I scrambled backwards on the bed, away from Nathan and his hand. "What!"

Nathan just nodded, his ears tinting a slight pink as he studied me.

"But...but," I stammered, trying to grasp the idea of his mouth going down there. "But I pee from there!"

"So?" Nathan snorted, but he stayed back on his side of the bed to give me room. "You also have a little bundle of nerves down there that wouldn't feel so offended by my offer."

"Offer?" I asked, my eyes going wide, too freaked out to ask him what he meant by 'little bundle of nerves.' I knew he had thought about it, but now he wanted to do it....

"Peanut, Relax," Nathan smiled, shaking his head at me again. "You're coiled tighter than a spring right now, Sang."

"Well you didn't have someone just offer to lick the spot you pee from!" I defended, crossing my arms which made me realize my breasts were still showing. Yanking up my cami with a huff, I crossed my arms again and gave him a look.

Nathan's eyes were slightly unfocused as he looked back at me.

"Nathan!" I called, snapping him out of his trance.

"Sorry," his cheeks were slightly flushed, and I wondered what made him zone out like that. His eyes focused on me, and he had one of the most grim expressions I've ever seen on his face. "Sang, you know I would never make you do anything you didn't want to or I didn't think you would like."

"I know," I nodded, which was true because I trusted him with my life. I also knew I was incredibly inexperienced and have been learning from the boys as we go. It was a very hands on education, and I found myself getting curious fairly often. "So, is licking...down there something kinky that some couples do?"

"Kinky?" Nathan blanched, looking at me like I had three heads which made me feel self conscious. He grabbed my hand, knowing where my finger was going before it did, and held it gently in his palm. "Sang, where did you learn the word 'kinky'?"

"Gabriel," I answered plainly, shrugging my shoulders.

"Figures," Nathan mumbled as he played with my fingers. "Well, no, Sang. It isn't 'kinky.' It's actually pretty normal."

"Oh," was all I could think to respond. I was avoiding eye contact now and trying not to think about the mechanics and effects of Nathan doing...that.

"Sang, I wasn't talking about right now. I know you're not ready for that. But think about it," Nathan said quietly, and I looked up to see him giving me a gentle smile. "Whether you decide you want to or not, I'm with you. I'm with you if all we ever do is kiss. I could kiss you until I'm so old my lips shrivel up."

I smiled at that, looking up to see Nathan returning my smile with a gentle one of his own.

"I want stuff," I admittedly softly, shrugging as I made myself look at him. "I know I want to do more than kissing, and eventually...yeah. The big thing. Um...."

"Sex?" Nathan offered, his smile turning into a smirk, but his eyes didn't lose their softness.

"Y-yes," I stammered, trying to tame the blush as it bloomed on my cheeks. "Yes. That."

"Good to know, Peanut," He grinned, leaning in to give me a soft kiss. "And ditto."

I didn't think my cheeks could get any hotter, but apparently it was a day for the record books. Knowing the boys were interested in me romantically was one thing, but hearing the verbal confirmation? It was mind-boggling.

I leaned in to kiss him again, planting a gentle kiss on his bottom lip as we heard the front door open.

"Sang? Nathan?" I heard Kota call out from the entry way. "You two awake?"

"Guess it's time for breakfast," Nathan's lips curled into a half smile, pulling away from me as his hand came up to flick my nose. "What should we make, Peanut?"

"Chocolate chip pancakes!" I exclaimed excitedly, popping up to throw the blankets off my legs.

"If you can find any chocolate," Nathan grinned, shaking his head as he shoved off the covers and climbed out of bed. "North was here yesterday."

"Luke and I hid some," I said mysteriously as I slipped off the edge of the bed and hurried out the door, almost running into Kota in the hallway.

"Good morning, Sang," he smiled, and I smiled, throwing my arms around his neck in a tight hug.

"Morning, Kota," I beamed, pecking him on the cheek and leaning back to see his handsome face. "Want to help me make pancakes?"

"Sure," he said and gave me a tight squeeze before taking my hand in his and heading for the kitchen. "How's your lip?"

"Good enough to get some morning exercise," Nathan offered from behind us, the smirk blaringly obvious in his voice.

"Nathan!" I gasped, giving him a stern look over my shoulder as Kota laughed.

"So that's why they're swollen," he grinned down at me, causing me to bring a hand up to my lips to assess the damage. They were a little puffy from Nathan's kisses. "I should've guessed. Instead I was worried that you got hurt again, Ten."

"Nope," I mumbled, quickening our pace a bit. I was a little embarrassed to be acknowledging the fact that I had made out with one of the boys in front of a different one.

Maybe one day I would get used to it. Hopefully. I just prayed that I get the chance to make it to that point.

"Peanut, relax," Nathan sighed, rubbing my shoulders as we entered the kitchen. Kota got to work right away by pulling out ingredients, and I led Nathan towards the counter. "Your face is red enough we could probably cook the pancakes on it if we wanted to."

"Shush," I grumbled, fanning my warm face for a moment before planting my hands on the countertop. Heaving myself up, I swung my legs onto the counter and kneeled carefully.

"Sang?" Kota questioned, his brow pulled in confusion. "What are you doing?"

"Hunting," I answered, and the lioness in me from this morning purred in agreement. Nathan held my ankles as I shakily started standing up, but I just rolled my eyes at him. I wasn't helpless enough that I was unable to stand on a counter. Silly boys. Stretching up on my tip toes, I zoned in on the potted plant above the cabinets. Spreading about the leaves, I froze when my eyes connected with something other than the expected bag of chocolate goodness.

"What is it, Sang?" Kota asked when I had stopped moving. "What are you looking for?"

"I can't believe him!" I gasped, twirling around with the note in my hand, thankful when I actually almost lost my footing and Nathan righted me. "He took the chocolate chips!"

Both of the boys' eyebrows rose as I pouted, allowing Nathan to lift me off the counter and into his strong arms. Kota looked over my shoulder to read the note, as well.

Nice try, Luke. Stop feeding Sang Baby garbage.

"It's okay," Kota said while stroking my hair. "North has been finding Luke's sweets for years now. We can go get some at the store."

"No, Kota, that's okay!" I shook my head, shimmying out of Nathan's arms and recycling the note. "Luke and I have another stash. An emergency one."

"Then North probably found that one, too," Nathan said unsurely, sharing a glance with Kota.

"Nope," I grinned, heading towards the doorway with a skip in my step. "He'd never find this one. It's with my tampons."

At least I wasn't the only one blushing this time.

A/N: Once again, I cannot control my writing. Here's the process for this chapter:

Me: I think I'll start this off with Sang/Nathan waking up and making breakfast together.

Fingers in Charge of Typing: That sounds great!

Me: Okay, let's do this!

Fingers: Oh, it's Sunday. They should be tired.

Me: Oh, okay. I guess they'll cuddle in bed for a bit.

Fingers: Hey, let's make Sang a LION!

Me: Hmm, okay. Can't argue. I love lions. But let's get them off to breakfast now, okay? I have a chapter to write.

Fingers: Let's make them lick each other!!

Me: That's totally Gabriel's thing...but I'm not one to judge. Okay, okay. Then we can cook?

Fingers: Maybe a little kissing.

Me: Fine, but Kota is coming over soon, and I have a lot planned for this chapter! A quick peck, and that's it.

Fingers: *types 8 page makeout session*

Me: Well, at least they didn't have sex.

Is this what it feels like to be a parent?

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