Stay - Book two in The Stormf...

Von EmmielouKates

262K 9.4K 1.1K

Abby is still recovering from the chest infection she contracted after running away from Gabes mansion in the... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 - Part One
Chapter 8 - Part 2
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 24

4.8K 236 53
Von EmmielouKates

Here's a nice long chapter for you. No it's not the wedding yet lol. I know that's what you're waiting for, but i realised that I had forgotten about the stag and hen parties. Oh yes lots of fun to be had, so enjoy. xx

Chapter 24

Four days before the wedding, Cam and Alice made a grand entrance by helicopter.

"You're worse than Pod with your toys." Gabe joked when he greeted Cam in a man hug.

"Ah but there's a reason I brought this particular toy with me." Cam slapped him on the back.

Abby hugged Alice then turned to see what Cam was talking about.

"I'm not sure I want to hear this." Gabe replied with a frown.

"You didn't think I was going to let you get away without a stag party did you?"

Abby's eyes widened and Gabe just groaned.

Cam grabbed Gabe round the neck and laughed.

"It's all sorted, we'll be flying out later."

"Ah come on Cam, you know how I hate flying in those bloody things."

"By the time we've finished with you, you won't even notice."

Alice laughed at her husband's antics, but then she noticed the worried look on Abby's face.

"Don't worry, he's in safe hands." She gave Abby a hug to reassure her.

"Also, I have plans for you young lady. We are going to have our own celebration right here."

"To be honest I hadn't even thought of doing anything. I've been so busy sorting out my dress, it never crossed my mind."

"Lucky for you, we have taken care of everything so relax." Alice smirked, which just made Abby worry more.

"What do you mean, we?"

"I've been in touch with everyone and it's all sorted."

"As long as you haven't arranged any male strippers or anything." Abby mumbled as they started walking back to the house.

"What was that about strippers?" Gabe nudged Abby.

"I think I'd die of embarrassment if a guy started stripping in front of me."

Gabe leaned in and whispered in her ear. "You never have a problem when I do it."

Abby elbowed him in the ribs. "That's different and would you really want me watching some random guy doing that?"

"Absolutely not, there's only one body you should be lusting after and its right here baby." He wiggled his hips and Abby burst out laughing.

"Don't worry, there won't be any strippers for either of you." Alice gave Cam a look that made him put his hands up and give her a wide eyed innocent look back.

"Ok, no strippers."

"Well now that's sorted, let's get you inside and show you your room. I'm sure you want to freshen up after your journey." Abby led them in through the front door and heard Alice let out a gasp as she saw the decorations.

"Oh Abby this is amazing."

Abby looked around at the festive decorations. Large garlands wound their way down the long bannisters of the stairs. Everything was tastefully decorated in green, red and gold. There was a large Christmas tree in one corner, white lights twinkling like stars.

"I can't take any credit for this, it's all Mary. I'm sure she has her own Minions stashed in the basement. I don't know how she does it."

"She's a wonder alright." Gabe agreed.

"I feel so guilty that she is doing so much, but she won't let me help." Abby declared.

"What sort of person would I be if I let the bride to be do all the work?" Mary replied as she appeared around the corner.

"Mary, so nice to see you again." Alice walked forward and gave her a kiss on her cheek.

Cam strode forward and gave her a hug. "How's my favourite lady?"

"Aaaw, you charmer you." Mary blushed slightly, making them all laugh.

"Now don't just stand there Gabe, bring their bags upstairs."

"But I was going to show them to their room." Abby protested.

Mary turned and raised an eyebrow.

"You need to go and get yourself ready for tonight. We're having a girls night in."

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing, if it's only us?"

"It's your Hen night my girl, so get up those stairs and make an effort." Mary scolded.

"Better do as she says babe." Gabe gave her a peck on the cheek before making his way up the stairs with the bags, followed by Mary, Cam and Alice.

Abby stood with her hands on her hips and let out a sigh, then stomped up the stairs behind them.

By the time Abby had showered and was picking out something to wear, she was feeling much better. It probably had something to do with the fact that Gabe had joined her in the shower. Thanks to him she was feeling loose and relaxed. She couldn't wipe the smile off her face as she flipped through the clothes in her closet. She jumped slightly when two strong hands wrapped around her waist.

"Someone looks happy." He ran his lips up her neck as he spoke.

"Hmmm, well this gorgeous hunk surprised me in the shower. But don't tell my fiancée as he may get jealous."

"You cheeky minx, I'll get you back for that later." He slapped her backside, making her squeal then walked away.

Abby decided to go with the Christmas theme and chose a red chiffon dress with a v-neck bodice and empire waistline. It allowed the material to flow easily over her baby bump and settled just above her knees. She slipped on a pair of comfortable black pumps and went to see if Gabe was ready. Her eyes nearly bugged out of her head when he walked out of the bathroom wearing a tux, along with sleek black trousers, white shirt and bow tie. She was till staring as he sat on the bed to slip on his socks and shoes, his loose hair falling over his shoulders.

Gabe looked up as he sensed her gaze on him.

"What's up?"

Abby swallowed as she tried to form words.

"You er, just look um....." She spluttered.

Gabe laughed and stood up. "I guess you like what you see?"

"Why are you dressed up like that?" She finally found her voice.

Gabe looked down at his clothes and shrugged.

"I have no idea, but it was Cams orders."

"It doesn't seem the sort of thing you would wear on a Stag do."

Gabe ran his fingers inside his shirt collar and twisted his head a little.

"Tell me about it. But I can't wait to see the others dressed like this."

"I'm not sure I can handle all of you looking like that." Abby fanned her face with her hand.

Gabe grabbed her hands and pulled her into his body.

"You should only have eyes for me, I might get jealous." He dipped his head and gave her a long, searing kiss, leaving her breathless.

"Did I tell you how sexy you look in that little red dress? You're like my own little Christmas present. Makes me want to un-wrap you right now."

Abby pushed on his chest, making him lean away a little. "As much as I would love to strip you out of that suit, I think we had better get downstairs before they send up a search party."

Abby turned away and headed for the door, but before she could leave Gabe grabbed her hand.

"Hold on, I just thought of something."

She turned back wondering what he was talking about. Gabe let go of her hand and disappeared into his closet. After some rustling, he came back with a small package wrapped in light blue paper.

"An early Christmas present." He held the package out to her.

Abby started to object but Gabe pushed it into her hand.

"It will go really well with that dress, please take it Abby."

Abby sighed as she started to un-wrap the small box. "You really didn't have to do this you know."

"I know, but I wanted to."

Abby took a sharp intake of breath as she opened the box. Inside was a heart shaped diamond pendant.

"Gabe, this is too much."

Gabe didn't reply, just took out the pendant, opened the clasp and stood behind her to put it around her neck. The diamond felt cold against her skin as she turned to look in the mirror.

It sparkled in the light as she twisted and turned to look at it.

"I told you it would go with that dress." Gabe caressed her neck as he spoke.

"This must have cost a fortune, it really wasn't necessary."

"Who said it was real?" He shrugged and looked into her eyes in the mirror.

Abby narrowed her eyes at him, trying to spot if it was a lie. But he just stared back at her, not giving away anything.

"I hope to God it isn't." She replied as she pulled away from him and walked to the door.

Gabe rubbed the back of his neck and sighed, before following her out of the bedroom.

Cam, Pod, Gaz and Phil were waiting by the front door all wearing the same as Gabe.

"This better be worth wearing this monkey suit." Pod complained.

Cam slapped him on the back and laughed. "Relax Pod you'll enjoy it, although your wallet might not."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You'll see."

They all looked up as Abby walked down the stairs, closely followed by Gabe.

Pod let out a wolf whistle that made Abby blush.

"That's enough ogling my fiancée." Gabe grumbled.

"Lighten up mate, we're supposed to be having fun tonight." Pod joked as he handed him a hip flask. "You may need this before we fly."

"Don't remind me." Gabe sighed as he took a large gulp.

"I'm going to join the others. I assume they're in the lounge?" Abby looked at the others for confirmation.

"Yes they are sweetheart, have a great night and I promise to bring your man back in one piece."

Cam gave her a hug and then turned to the guys.

"Let the fun begin." He declared and walked out the door.

Abby raised her eyebrows at Gabe who gave her a kiss then followed the rest of them.

When Abby entered the lounge a cheer went up from her friends.

"Well it's about time you joined us....Holy shit!" Helen exclaimed.

"What? Is there a problem with my dress?" Abby stood looking down to check that her dress wasn't tucked in her knickers or anything.

Helen dashed towards her and her fingers grabbed the diamond necklace.

"That is one serious piece of ice."

"Oh that, don't worry it's not real." Abby laughed it off.

Lucy and Fiona came over to see what the fuss was about. Lucy let out a low whistle as she eyed the pendant.

"I hate to break it to you love but that is the real deal."

"Wait! What?" Abby visibly paled. "I think I need to sit down."

They led her over to one of the sofas and she slumped down in shock.

Mary sat beside her and patted her hand.

"You look as if it's the end of the world. He loves you so much Abby, he just wants to make you happy."

"Give me a heart attack more like. I don't need fancy diamonds worth God knows how much, all I need is him."

"Just indulge him dear, he just wants to make you feel special."

Abby blew out a long breath. "I don't think I'll ever get used to all this."

"At least no one can accuse you of being a gold digger." Lucy joked.

Fiona and Helen cringed at her words, remembering that was exactly what Cheryl had accused her of.

But Abby shrugged it off and laughed.

"So what have you got in store for me tonight?"

"First the bride to be needs to be appropriately dressed." Helen grinned at her as she picked up a large bag and shook it.

"Oh hell no" Abby took a step back, but before she could make a run for it Fiona, Lucy and Alice grabbed her arms.

"First we have the headdress." Helen declared as she pulled out a headband with a pair of pink bunny ears. Abby didn't think that was too bad until she realised the ears were made out of condoms.

"Really?" She groaned as they put the band on her head.

"Now let's see what else we have in here." Helen rifled through the bag and pulled out a blue beaded necklace.

"It's not as pretty as my diamond, but it's not bad I suppose."

The three women burst out laughing as they wrapped it around her neck.

"What's so funny?"

"They're anal beads honey." Alice replied and they all snorted with laughter.

"Eeeuw gross." Abby pulled her hands away from the beads.

"It's new you idiot." Lucy chuckled.

"And now the piece de resistance." Helen made a grand gesture as she pulled out a belt, made from mini vibrators.

"You have got to be kidding me." Abby hid her face with her hands.

"What's the problem? They might come in handy when Gabes away. They all work you know." Fiona chortled as she started turning them on.

Abby couldn't help giggling as they vibrated around her waist.

"You are the worst friends ever."

"I think you look wonderful dear." Mary commented, as she walked in with a tray of finger foods.

"Mary? I wouldn't have thought you would have approved of this?" Abby blushed furiously.

"You think I could put up with those boys all these years and be a prude?" Mary shook her head and laughed.

"I'm doomed." Abby groaned.

"We're going to a casino? Man, this rocks." Gaz declared as they walked towards the door of the private club.

Cam flashed a card to the security guy at the door and they were immediately let in.

"You two better behave yourselves or your wives will have my balls." Gabe muttered as he looked between Gaz and Phil.

"Don't worry Gabe, I've spoken to the manager and put a limit on our spending, just in case we get carried away." Cam patted him on the shoulder.

Pod rubbed his hands together as he made a beeline for the bar. "Let the games begin."

They soon had a line of shots on the bar and toasted Gabe, before downing them one after the other.

"So where do you want to start then?" Cam asked as he looked around the room.

"How about some blackjack?" Gabe suggested.

"Hell yeah!" Phil, Gaz and Pod agreed.

Pod smirked as they made their way towards the blackjack tables, noticing how quite a few heads turned as the five of them strode through. They made quite a sight, four long haired good looking guys in tuxedos along with Cam who was still devilishly handsome even though he was older than them. He had to admit that Cam's idea was brilliant as there was no chance of the Paps getting into a private club. They could have fun without anything ending up in the papers the next day.

They made the rounds of the various gaming tables and downed a few Jaeger bombs. The band mates were starting to get rowdier but Cam wasn't worried. He'd paid the owner enough to cover any eventuality, he hoped.

Gaz and Phil started on the Craps table and were getting noisier as the night went on. One older guy took offence at their behavior, but Cam stepped in before Gaz got the chance to punch him.

Pod and Gabe headed back to the bar when they kept losing at blackjack.

"I never thought I'd see the day when you would be getting married." Pod declared as he raised his glass to Gabe.

"Tell me about it." Gabe replied as he downed his whiskey.

"Not having second thoughts?"

"Of course not, I love Abby and she's having my baby. It's just hit me like a freight train and I'm a bit stunned, that's all." He slurred.

"She's a keeper mate. You're a lucky man." Pod slammed his glass onto the bar and gestured to the bar tender to refill their glasses.

Cam joined them and ordered another drink.

"Have you finished babysitting Gaz and Phil?"

"For the time being, they're sitting in on a poker game so that should keep them busy for a while."

"I wouldn't bet on it." Gabe joked.

"So how are you doing Gabe? Looking forward to the wedding?"

"Yeah I suppose, but I'd be with Abby whether she wanted to get married or not. It just feels right you know?"

"I know what you mean. I felt the same way about Alice. Still do."

"Aaaw come on guys, this is getting way too mushy." Pod whined.

"You're the last man standing, we need to get you fixed up now." Cam grinned at him.

"You leave me out of this mate."

"Didn't you know Cam? Pod already has someone, he just doesn't know it yet." Gabe bellowed with laughter as Pod choked on his drink.

"Oh really? Who's the lucky lady?"

"You met Helen back at the house. She Abby's friend and also her nurse." Gabe wiggled his eyebrows and grinned at Pod.

"Oh yeah she's beautiful Pod. But she seemed a bit icy with you today."

"Poor Irish idiot hasn't quite come to terms with being in luuurve." Gabe swung an arm round Pods shoulders and pulled him in for a hug.

"Fuck off!" He shrugged out of Gabes hold and downed another drink.

"Oooh, touchy subject." Cam grinned at Gabe.

"Don't worry. Helen will sort him out. She only has to put on her nurses uniform and he's putty in her hands." Gabe punched Pod on the arm, knocking him slightly off balance.

"Time for some more shots, hopefully that will shut you up." Pod moaned as he ordered more drinks.

"Did I hear something about a nurses uniform?" Gaz stumbled up beside Pod and grinned at him.

"You can fuck off as well."

"Oooh, who rattled your cage?" Phil piped up.

"I think it's time for another toast." Cam tried to lighten the mood before Pod started lashing out.

"I think the groom should show us what he's made of and go for a bar buffer. After all, he probably won't get another chance to do it." Phil announced.

"Really guys?" Gabe ran a hand through his hair, he was already feeling pissed. If he did what Phil suggested. Which was a shot of every spirit along the bar, he would be paralytic.

"I agree." Pod's eyes lit up at the idea.

"I would like to make it to my wedding alive guys."

"Stop being a wimp. You never used to have a problem doing it." Gaz chimed in.

"That was a few years ago mate, I haven't drunk like that in a while." Gabe defended himself.

"I'll do it with you mate. It'll be just like old times." Pod suggested.

"Ok you're on."

Cam stood silently as he listened to the exchange, a bewildered look on his face.

Gaz explained to him what a bar buffer was and after a bit of persuasion, he ordered two.

When the drinks appeared, Cam looked at them and turned up his nose.

"I'm giving you guys fair warning. You barf in my helicopter on the way back. I might be tempted to push the pair of you out."

"Don't worry mate, they'll be out cold." Gaz joked. But that didn't make Cam feel any easier.

Much to everyones surprise, Pod and Gabe were still standing, albeit with the help of the bar, after they had finished their lethal cocktails.

"Are you guys ready to call it a night yet?" Cam asked as he watched them swaying by the bar.

"Nah mate, we're fine." Pod slurred as he waved his hand around at his friends.

"In fact I think it's time to add a little extra spice to this party." Pod grinned and nudged Gabe.

"What you on about?" Gabe screwed up his eyes in an attempt to focus on Pod.

"It's time for a smoke break." Pod winked and patted his pocket.

"Hell yeah!" Gaz shouted.

Cam looked at them in confusion.

"I didn't think you guys smoked anymore?"

"Aaaah but this is a special celebratory smoke." Pod grinned and pushed away from the bar.

Cam followed the four band mates as they staggered out of the club, bumping into tables and tripping over chairs as they headed for the door.

When they got outside, Pod looked around to get his bearings. Then waving his arm wildly and pointing he stumbled forward.

It wasn't long before they reached a small gated park.

"Erm Pod this place is locked up for the night." Cam pointed out.

"Pish." Was Pods reply.

He hoisted himself up the cast iron gate and after two attempts, fell over the other side, landing with an 'Ooomph' on the ground.

"I really don't think this is a good idea." Cam shook his head, but was ignored as Gabe took a flying leap at the gate. He didn't fare much better and landed on top of Pod who was still lying stunned on the ground.

Phil decided that he would get a leg up from Gaz and the drummer used his strength to launch the bassist over the gate.

"Do ya need a leg up?" Gaz asked Cam.

Cam looked from Gaz to the crumpled heap of band members on the ground and declined, deciding he would somehow scramble over the gate on his own.

Gaz just shrugged and hauled himself up and over.

By the time Cam had climbed over the gate, the others had picked themselves up and disappeared amongst the trees in the park. He followed the sound of their voices until he found them lying flat on their backs behind some bushes. The distinct smell of weed wafted towards him as he noticed they were passing round a large spliff.

"This shit is gooood." Gabe murmured as he took another drag.

Cam sat down beside Gabe and shook his head when he offered him the spliff.

"I'm not sure this is a good idea guys. What if the cops come round?"

"Ah relax mate they won't come in here, the park is locked for the night." Pod waved off his concern as he pulled out another joint and proceeded to light it.

"I hope you're right, because your women will have my balls if you end up getting arrested. Not to mention what Alice will do to me."

"Wouldn't be the first time." Gaz replied and Phil started laughing.

"Ah yes I remember now, that's how you two met Fiona and Lucy."

"Out of the frying pan and into the fire." Pod joked.

Gaz and Phil stopped laughing and turned to Pod.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Gaz asked as he glared at Pod.

"Well look at yous two now, married and breeding like fecking rabbits." Pod snorted.

"Nothing wrong with that mate and now Gabe is following our example. It won't be long before you'll be doing the same thing with Helen." Phil retorted.

"The hell I will." Pod took one last drag of the joint and pulled himself up off the ground.

Gabe scrambled to his feet and grabbed Pod round the neck.

"Admit it mate, you've got it bad for nursey."

"Get off me you eejit." Pod struggled to release Gabes hold around his neck, but it only resulted in them both tumbling back onto the grass.

Gaz and Phil decided to get in on the action and jumped on top of Pod and Gabe.

Pod struggled underneath the pile of bodies but failed miserably to move them.

"Will you get the fuck off me, I can't breath." He wheezed.

"Not until you admit that you luuurve her." Gabe replied.

"Not going to happen so you're wasting your breath."

Gaz looked at Phil and grinned. "Hold his legs."

Phil nodded and grabbed Pods legs as Gaz started to undo his trousers.

"What the feck are you pervs up to now? Get off me." Pod started wriggling but Gabe had his arms pinned and Phil wasn't letting go of his legs.

Cam put his head in his hands as he contemplated the headlines if they got caught.

It didn't take long for Gaz to remove Pods trousers and with a nod to Phil they made off into the trees. Gabe let go of Pods arms and stood up laughing so hard he clutched his stomach in pain.

Pod scrambled to his feet and stood glaring at Gabe and Cam in his tux, shirt, bow tie and black boxers.

"What the fuck guys, it's the groom that's supposed to end up with no clothes not the fucking best man."

Cam's struggle not to laugh ending in a loud guffaw at the sight of Pod stood before him.

"Don't just stand there. Help me find those fecking eejits with my trousers." Pod exclaimed as he stumbled off into the bushes.

Gabe bent over with his hands on his knees as he struggled for breath.

Cam took a few deep breaths to compose himself before following Pod.

"This is not going to end well." He muttered.

"Don't worry mate. What's the worst that can happen?" Gabe appeared at his side as they made their way through the undergrowth. "Anyway, I'm starving so let's get this sorted so we can grab a kebab."

Abby's hen night was a much more sedate affair compared to Gabes seeing as she couldn't drink. But they had a lot of fun playing silly games and then watching Magic Mike as they all swooned over Channing Tatum. Her friends all gave her presents, consisting mainly of sexy lingerie and sex toys. Mary outdid herself with and array of delicious finger foods and an incredibly rich chocolate gateaux.

By 2am Abby was flagging and attempting to hold back yawns. Helen notice how tired she looked and said it was time to call it a night.

They were in the middle of helping Mary clear up when Alices mobile rang.

Alice frowned as she saw it was Cam calling and quickly answered.

"Hi honey, are you on your way back?"

The rest of the women continued to gather plates and wrapping paper as Alice listened to Cam on the phone. But they all snapped their heads towards her when she shouted at Cam.

"They're where? How could you let this happen?"

Abby looked at Helen who shrugged her shoulders as she moved towards Alice. Fiona and Lucy cringed at her outburst and gave each other worried looks.

"Well get it sorted Cam and I'll see you in the morning." She ended the call and her shoulders drooped as she let out a growl of frustration.

"What's happened? Are they alright?" Abby asked, her face pale with worry.

"Oh they're just peachy." Alice replied as she clenched her fists.

"So what's wrong?" Fiona asked.

"Oh nothing much, just got themselves arrested for trespassing and being drunk and disorderly. Oh and to add insult to injury Pod's also been charged with indecent exposure."

"WHAT?" All the women shouted in unison.

That was so much fun to write, I hope you enjoyed it. don't forget to vote and keep all your great comments coming. xx

ps I forgot to mention that there's a picture of the dress and necklace on my Pinterest page under Gabe & Abby.


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