The Camera Girl *O2L Fanficti...

By ablondezbrunette

412K 6.7K 1.6K

Kaitlynn is Kian Lawleys 15 year old sister. Ever since Kian had started SuperKian13 the deal was Kian drove... More

New wheels
Ask and You Shall Recieve...
Stuffed up
Cool Nerds
Siamese fightin fuish
Some sweet dream.
The frosting on top.
Awkward Pt.1
Awkward Pt.2
I Could Marry You
Amaze Balls
If This Were Any Longer I'd Be A Dead & Gone
Freedom of Speech
That'd be Rad
Exotic Dancers
Untitled part


26.1K 432 188
By ablondezbrunette

"Katy lynn, wake up" Kian chimed shaking me softly, I rubbed my eyes sitting up and turning on my my black lamp so we could see. Kian was wearing pajama pants without a shirt, his hair was fluffed up from bed. "Thanks for waking me up bro." I croaked.

"No prob" He said walking out of my room, he scratched his butt as he turned to his room. "Get ready then I'll make some eggs!!" Kian shouted to me, I sat up swinging my legs over the ledge. The cold radiating from the hardwood floor, shivering as my arm muscles stretched out. I flipped on my light switch wincing at the brightness, my eyes blurred. Myself as a human was not made to wake up at this time, I should've went to bed earlier! It's times like this I wish I could have Acacias sleeping pattern, stay up all night and survive a day perky as hell on two hour of sleep. I was up all night picking an outfit, at the moment it seemed like a great Idea to stay up all night picking out an outfit so I can look good when I meet them but now it's deeply regretted it, maybe a hot shower will perk me up. I pressed play on a playlist titles 'Happy :)' that was full of songs that put me in a good mood. Swiftly I slipped in the shower humming along to the music, I quickly shaved and washed my hair then got out. For some reason today the house was really cold! Maybe mom forgot to turn off the air conditioner last night, it's possible.

I blow dried my hair before getting dressed in my stressed jean shorts and a ruby red button up top. To complete my look I curled my hair then put a red bandana tying it on the top of my head like P!nk in her music video for Raise Your Glass. I know that because I'm stupid and downloaded the music video for it by accident. Not my finest moment. The shower had brought a little boost of energy, not a lot, but a little. I had just finished my makeup when Kian called out to me "Kaitlynn, come eat then we're leaving, You've got 5 minutes!" I jumped up grabbing my bag and purse(which contained my iPad, phone and other things), running downstairs setting my stuff down beside Kians and sitting at the countertop. "Why did we have to wake up so early?" I whined

"You don't have to come" he said fixing his hair as he set the frying pan into the sink mumbling to himself what sounded like 'I really gotta poo' "What'd you say?" I choked "Because you can go to the bathroom, you don't have to-" He cut me off

"What do you mean?"

"You said you really gotta poo..." I exclaimed, he turned back to me.

"ugh, yeah. Sure." He puzzled.

"C'mon lets get to the Bus station" he finished grabbing his bags. I set my plate in the sink yawning and followed Kian to his car setting my bags in the trunk.

Kian was wearing a tank top with tribal pattern on it, dark fitted jeans and blue toms. His high tall quiff skimming the roof of his car as he got into the drivers seat. The bus station was empty so going through security was flash and soon after that I discovered that the bus was almost as empty as the station. The only other people on here was a young couple(probably newlyweds), a group of girls a couple years older than me, an elderly couple, a male dressed in a suit and Sam who was passed out cold already in the seat behind ours. It was agreed that Kian sit near the window on the way there and I sit near it on the way back. The group of girls burst into giggles looking back at Kian, Sam and I-scratch that, Kian. They played with their hair pushing out their busty chests and waving at him. Of course Kian being Kian he waved back smiling, if Andrea saw that she'd totally flip! Andrea's Kians girlfriend, Kian didn't notice but he was clearly leading group of girls on. They'd glare at me everytime he spoke to me which was pretty wierd considering we're brother and sister. "Kaitlynn, are you listening to me? Take a nap, you look exhausted and I don't want you to get sick" Kians voice soothed snapping me out of my daze, I looked at him, he was worried.

"Okay but wake me up before we land." I responded,

"I will" His voice was promising. Then I fell, deeply into a untouched sleep.

I wanted it to last forever but it was tooken away a little to soon, Kian shook me pointing to the bright blue sky out the window. "Holy shit! I slept the whole way!" I gasped. Sams voice was loud by my head

"Yeah you did, the whole two hours like a baby" He laughed.

"Funny because a baby wakes up about 7 times while sleeping and don't recall-" I began but stopped myself and began again

"Wait, why in the hell did we have to leave so early to get from San Clemente to Anaheim when it's only like 3 hours away." I know why we took the bus(Because Kian doesn't know how to get there....) but why'd we have to get up so god damn early? Sam looked over to Kian as he was asking the same thing "Yeah Kian, why?"

Kian smiled quickly then made a poker face "It was the only bus to Anaheim today...." He stuttered.

"Lies!" Sam shouted back "There was one at three thirty!" He continued. I weakly punched his arm

"What the fuck bro!" I screeched, he grabbed his arm.

"Hey! I wanted to get there before Andrea and surprise her! But apparently she got there last night with the rest of the boys!" Kian wailed in defense.

"You could've just said that" Sam chuckled,

"I guess I could've..." Kian admitted. The bus lurched to a stop squealing as the breaks were released and the bus was shifted into park.

"Are they here?" Sam questioned Kian, He smirked

"Yeah they are."

My eyes widened. They are. The group of girls left before us along with the business man. Sam was first to walk out, Kian had to duck stepping out of the bus causing me to chuckle, Kian and Sam were mauled within their first four steps by 5 Boys and Andrea. I was stuck standing there awkwardly, Kian and Andrea were suffocating each other with hugs and kisses. Sam and the rest were hugging each other and jumping up and down in joy. "The boys are back!" Yelled a shirt dark haired boy who I think is named Trevor...... Think. Jesus I should have studied this..

Kian and Andrea stopped kissing, Kian wrapped his arm around her and cleared his throat. The boys stopped jumping "This is my" He began, I took off my sunglasses

"Little sister". Sam walked up to me putting his arm around my waist and pulling me closer "This is Kaitlynn." He said clearly, someone whistled. I couldn't make out who it was though but the rest thought it was funny "Sam..." Kian warned with a cold stare, he looked at the very little space in between us "Oh, sorry Kian..." He gulped. I rolled my eyes smirking as they all began snickering.

"I'm Trevor." Chortled a young boy around the ages of 12-14 wearing a red stripe shirt and beige khakis, this definitely wasn't the boy I thought he was. I nodded "I know who you are" I lied smirking "You were on The X-Factor" His face lit up

"Yeah I was!". Another brown haired boy butt into our conversation, if you'd call it that, with a genuine smile "Hey I'm Connor!" He interjected

"Or Con Da Bom" Kian added

"Alright Keen da Bean" I mocked smirking.

"I'm Ricky Minaj." Spoke a boy Taller than Kian.

"Oh my god really? It's so fabulous to meet you here!!" I chimed

"Ugh! Get out of my face peasant!" He spat disgustedly turning away. Everyone stood there in silence, "I'm just kidding!" He lisped "Lets go get you guys to the hotel.".

"Okay" Kian agreed, Kian and Andrea began swinging their conjoined hands as they walked. Swinging them back and forth, back and forth and so on. Real Trevor walked up behind them grabbing their shoulders, but they didn't notice he was so close. What goes up, must come down! Their hands swung down full impact on poor Trevor, he instantly hurdled over groaning profanities. By the time they turned around I was already dying of laughter, the curly haired guy bent over patting real Trevor on the back. Fake Trevor was laughing about as hard as me but managed to pull himself together to say "Walk it off Trev, walk it off." Connor laughed "That's gotta hurt!".

Trevor got up and began walking like he had a stick up his butt. Fake Trevor came up to me "I'm Jc, Kian never told us that you were coming." He jeered

"Yeah he does that a lot, he's kind of protective...." I stated.

"I would be to If I had a sister like you" he assured fixing his burgundy beanie "You could have a lot of fun messing with him." You could basically see the lightbulb over his head, I laughed "No, I wouldn't do that to Kian.".

"Your missing out then!" He coaxed. Once the taxi arrived we piled in, it was a van so all of us had a spot to sit, Ricky, Connor and Sam sat in the front row, I sat behind the with Kian and Andrea and in the back was the curly haired guy, Trevor and Jc. I turned to them "I know that's Connor, that's Ricky, that's Sam, that's Andrea, that's Kian, that's Jc and that's Trevor but who are you?" I pointed to everyone as I said their name bopping the curly haired guy on the nose when I said you. "I'm Ricardo Ordieres" He chuckled, I smiled "Cool".

"Glad to see you wanna be my friend to!" Connor cried from the front row burying his head into his hands

"I'll be your friend Connor, if you buy me some of those Nutella stick things.." I joked. His head shot up

"Done deal, Ching!" He stuck out a peace sign laughing after. These guys were pretty hot, especially Jc, Ricardo and Ricky!! This is going to be a good 2 weeks, I smiled to myself. Jc was right... I could really have fun with this but I don't really want to disobey Kian. If I get along with the guys who knows, anything could happen maybe he'll take my to Texas when he goes to San Antonio for their O2L Meet and greet. That would be amazing. When we pulled up to the hotel there were girls EVERYWHERE!! Kian handed me his camera smiling "Make yourself useful" he was suggesting I video tape it, I was fine with that. "What about my bag?" I urged,

"I'll grab them" Trevor interrupted, I nodded. I'm not trying to seem conceded but I think Trevor has a crush on me of some sort, whatever it is i know he likes me!

"Let's do this!" Ricardo hyped as Ricky pulled the door open. It wasn't as extreme but it was like O2L were the One Direction.... Of YouTube!! Girls were fangirling hard, Saying stuff like "Jc is so sexy" "Can they fuck me now" or "I love you!". There's was no hate like in the comments of their videos sometimes, it was nice. I wonder of Andrea gets hate for dating Kian.... Kind of like how Selena did for Justin and every other girl dating a famous guy, I'll have to ask her later. I stepped onto the bumper of the car getting a wide shot of them all them of the boys following them, they stopped in a line for pictures. I walked up to each of them zooming into their face, Kian made his weird rabbit face, Andrea duck faced, Sam flared his nostrils, Connor whoo'd into the camera, Jc smiled biting his tongue, Trevor winked, Ricardo began fist pumping. I giggled, they all walked in, Ricky quickly flexed his muscles before entering the hotel. I couldn't be left out of this, I flipped the camera around blowing a kiss into it and smiling. "Wait you guys!" I hollered and began running to catch up to them.


I've decided I'll update every Wednesday no matter what and update every once and a while in between Wednesdays.... Depends on what mood I'm in, what do you guys think? Also thanks for the support, vote, comment, share, anything to show your support of this story!! In other words please don't be a ghost reader!! Much love

-Aly Xx.

P.S. sorry to nag but what do you think of the cover photo? I made it myself... It was hard and I would like a truthful answer!!!

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