Orca Danger Zone

By mogekocrack69

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Idate finds a little albino orca girl and doesn't know what to do. Yup. I do not own wadanohara and the grea... More

Chapter 1-New Girl
Chapter 2 - Curiosity
Chapter 3 P1 Retreat! (Option 1)
Oi! (Choice 2)
Chapter 4 - MADE YOU BLUUUSH!!!~
Chapter 5 - "I don't wanna talk"
O1 - Chapter 6 -Nagi
Chapter 7 - (Option 2) Reason

Chapter 3 P3 NO MERCY!!! (Option 3)

148 5 6
By mogekocrack69

Bellus's POV

I snickered and continued with the plan; swimming deeper in the water in fear of being caught coming closer to the boat. Slowly approaching the bottom of the boat I stretched my arms so I don't pull a muscle and I started to gently rock the boat getting rougher and rougher with every rock. After a few minutes the boat flipped over. The closest one was the doggy boy so I started to tickle him. He started to kick and punch me as I tickled him. A large bubble came out of his mouth and he's starting to stop struggling. I decided to put him on land because Daddy told me something about other people can't hold their breath for long.

Once I flopped him up on the ice and got back up myself I was forced to the ground with a foot on my back. My tail wiggled around and curved at the ends due to the pressure on my fragile spine; my body squirmed and shook as I tried to get loose from the person above me, their foot got heavier and they popped my back.

"D-DAAADDDDDDDYYY!!!!!" I screeched, tears swelling in my red eyes, it got to the point that I could hardly breathe.

Coughs were heard from the fuzzy white doggy boy.

"Y-you.... You tried to kill him. DID'NT YOU!?!!!?!!?" The owl lady asked as she appeared in front of me.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed as the weight got heavier.

I tried to answer I really did but the pain made what I had to say turn into awful bloodcurdling screams.

I don't know how but the weight flew off of me, I can't feel myself move but it seems that my body is moving on its own. I started to gasp and catch my breath that I lost.

I got up and drop kicked the person that was on top of me. The owl lady groaned as she hit the ground.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" An angry womanly voice announced

I turned around to face her, she was a polar bear you could tell from far away; her long, sharp, black claws were retracted and she was in attack mode. She sprinted at me, just as she was about to grab my legs I jumped and landed on her back. I jumped off of her and let her get up by herself. She clawed upwards as she got up, scratching my chin and part of my neck in the process. I wince and stop moving. She continues to slice and cut me. I realize that I can move again and I start to run away, back to the orca danger zone. On the way I bump into Daddy and fall backwards on my tail.

"Woah! What happened to you?" Daddy asked with worry in his voice.

"T-the lady, *sniffle* keeps on *gasp* scratching me a- *hic* it hurts *whimper* really, really *gasp* bad!" I sob being cut off with hiccups and sobs.

I hug his legs and sob uncontrollably in his lap (little too close). He put his hand on my head and looks at something. Making an uncomfortable face as I bury my head deeper into him.

Idate's POV

She's a bit too close. Trying to ignore her inappropriate snuggling I glare at Rocma and shake my head no. Her claws retract and she walks or stomps away. I look down at my sniffling child and rub her head. I pick her up and take her home rubbing her back in a circle the whole time, occasionally shh-ing her and telling her that it'll be alright. I laid her down on my lap as she continued to sob and whimper, she eventually cried herself to sleep.
But I couldn't sleep. In fear that she might run away again. Finally after what seemed like forever I fell asleep, cradling Bellus like a baby. Just as I was about to go into a deep sleep Bellus started talking.

"Daddy... I'm sorry. I'm not like you..." I started to listen and focus my hearing on her voice.

"Please don't hurt me again..."
I started to question whom she was talking to. She started to mover her legs in an awkward motion.

"Don't let brother play sword fight with me again. It hurts."
She started to silently sob

"Brother didn't use the wooden swords. I can't move my arm. It hurts!!!" She wailed thrashing around.

"Daddy let go of my tail! Da-AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" She started to scream, trashing her limbs around.

"Bells! Hey Bells wake up!" I shook her gently, trying to get her off of my lap

She woke up screaming and crying into my chest, hugging me tight as possible as if she wasn't this close to me she'd die, she wrapped her legs around my waist and squeezed tightened her grip on my back. Her tail still smacking my knees occasionally moving sideways, making me cringe.

"What happened?!" I demanded trying not too sound mean

She looked up at my face, her pupils shrunk and her body started to tremble. She had newly forming tears in her eyes.

My heart broke.

'She's scared of me? Why?!' I questioned myself (not out loud)

~Bellus's POV~

Daddy. He's right in front of me. Not Idate daddy but. My real daddy. He's grinning at me.

"Why are you so scared?" He snapped

I didn't talk. Whenever I cry or shout or scream he hits with a switch or kicks me. I don't want anymore pain. His grip loosened. And the surrounding got brighter. Idate was in front of me. He was. So defeated. So sad. He looked like his heart had shattered. My mood lightened.

"D-daddy?!" I asked to make sure that it was actually my adopted daddy.

"Hm?" He croaked from the back of his throat.

"What happened?" I asked, seeing him like this made me want to cry.

"You. You were scared of me. And you trembled just by looking at me." he sighed

He motioned me to get up which I obeyed. He stood up and walked on top of a big ice rock and started to smoke a cigarette. I decided to hang my feet in the water and look at the moon reflection on the blue stained sea. I started thinking of the sea and what's in it. Thinking about other fish in the sea and if there are villages or towns down there. My old family would only stay on the surface so my brother could get air.
If there are sea kingdoms are there castles and houses?
Can fires light underwater?
Can I go and see them that is, if they're real?
How many fish are in the sea?
Are there other orcas out there?
When could I discover these places?

I look over at daddy whose sitting down, his knees up unto which his elbows are resting on.

"D-daddy are you okay?" I whimpered.

He ignored my plead, so I got up and walked over to him from behind. I hugged his pitch black tail and traced doodles on his back with my white tail.

"Daddy?" I begged

"Hm?" He sighed

"I love you!" I cheered giving a toothy grin.

"Bells what happened with your real family." He questioned out of the blue.

"I don't want to think of daddy and brother and... what used to be mommy...
Daddy was really nice until a man came to the door one day. He was a painter, he actually took mommy away and painted the whole room red! At least that's what daddy said. After mommy left he blamed me for something.
Brother was nice too. When mommy left he started to call me slave and made me do stuff for him, he told me that mommy was dead and its my fault. He also called me a demon a lot, one day mommy came out of the wall. She was covered in dark red paint and daddy got really mad at me and started to kick me and brother played sword fight differently, he didn't give me a sword and he used metal ones. " I explained, my throat felt like it was on fire and I started to cry. I hugged daddy's back and he turned around, letting go I was forced into his tight grip.

"I love you too~" he cooed in my ear. I felt my face heat up and felt... weird

~Idate's POV~

I cooed in her ear trying not to sound seductive. I pulled her away and looked in her eyes showing her that I'm okay. If I was stupid I wouldn't have noticed that she was blushing... and her blush was very dark. I snickered, I didn't know she was easily teased like that.

"D-daddy..." She whimpered

"Hm?" I responded still snickering in my head.

"D-don't do that..." She whined

"D-daddy, what's the ocean like?" She questioned trying to get off the topic, still blushing

"It's pretty nice, one day when your older I'll show you it." I explained.

"I need to pay a visit to a couple of sharks and a shrimp anyways..." I mumbled trailing off at the end.

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