Freelancers watch Red vs Blue

By flag384

139K 480 115


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter: Reader Contest Time!

Chapter 25

3K 15 0
By flag384

Hey everyone, so This is the latest work- I think I did a pleasant job on this, so enjoy!


(Christian, Recovery One)

'My fucking God that hurts like a bitch that was raised in fucking hell!', I thought as the AI was injected into my head. It felt like I was being bombarded with fears that were and weren't my own. My mind was working so hard that I could feel a brain cell or two get lost. I gritted my teeth and balled my fists. I was not going to let these fears break me. I was confronted with many different phobias- ranging from the usual stuff like spiders and heights to things much stranger- such as fish and the sun.

There was only one that I hadn't confronted yet because it was my own, and the AI was saving it for last apparently. An innate fear that all humans have, subconscious or not. The fear of dying. I was put into a situation that made me think that I got killed and when I did 'die', there was nothing. just an infinite black that seemed to stretch beyond time itself. Then suddenly, there was a light.

It wasn't a bright flash or anything, but it was there. I heard crying. I 'swam' to the origin of the crying and light. Then after I got to it, there was a big flash of burnt yellow light until I heard, "A-are you h-here to keep the s-scary things away?"

I looked at the figure in front of me. It was a woman in burnt yellow UNSC SPARTAN armor that was just as slim as Carolina's armor. Her helmet- at least I'm guessing that the person is a she- was just like Carolina's, only the sports sunglasses were burnt yellow and there wasn't any more armor around the head to indicate that she's Carolina. I smiled behind my helmet, even as burnt yellow numbers started to engulf everywhere around the two of us.

I said as my body faded into the light of numerical code, "Yeah, I am. Name's Christian, Designation Alaska- but you can call me... 'partner'." She hugged herself as she nodded. "You're not scary like the Counselor was. He said something about making brothers and sisters for the other Freelancers."

"I'm not going to let that happen without a fight!"

"Eep!", she squeaked as she hid behind some numbers. I frowned. 'the Director needs to hear this.', I thought. "Hear w-what? W-who's the D-Director?"

"You heard my thought. Hmm, so that means we're in your part of my, now shared, mind. I'm going to have to tell him what you just told me. The Director is a nice man who, like me, won't hurt you."

"O-ok.", she shakily replied. She was almost like a mouse- in that scared, timid way. Suddenly a bright like gathered around us. "What's h-happpening?!", she yelled franticly. she looked wildly everywhere before I hugged the AI and said, "We're going to go to a new world that's filled to the brim with scary and non scary things."

"Is this a non scary thing...Partner?"

"Yes, it is. Are you ready?" It was kind of like coaxing a child to try something new. I've had experience with my siblings before.

"...Yes.", she muttered bravely. I smiled, It wouldn't be so bad having an AI implanted into your head if we can help each other. I made a look of dark rage as the light finally engulfed our hugging forms. the last thought I had before finding myself sitting on a bed in Recovery One was this:

'Counselor... what the fuck are you planning for Alpha?'

(South, Recovery One)

When Alaska's head slowly came up after everyone asking the same thing, South felt... relieved. He said, "I'm fine. Where's Alpha?" This had everyone looking at him in confusion behind their helmets, or in the Director's case, a look of horror. "Alpha!", the Director called.

"Yeah?", answered the AI.

"Oh, thank god. For the time being you will be in an agents armor to prevent any more of that happening." Alpha nodded and was about to say something when Alaska said, "Don't waste time on it. The Counselor will just eject Alpha from the Freelancer." South crossed her arms over her chestplate. The Counselor was powerful in the Freelancer Program, but to eject an AI from an Freelancer- that sounded ridiculous. "So, aside from this depressing topic", exclaimed Wash, "Can we see your new AI?" South put in her two cents, "Please Alaska? I'd really like to see it." Alaska's face went through a triraid of faces- each one funnier than the last- before sighing and said gingerly with a small smile on his face, "Omicron, can you come out here please?"

South smirked behind her helmet as everyone looked at her, in shock probably, at the fact that she was able to get him to say 'yes'. 'works every time.', she thought before she asked to no one in particular, "What?" Everyone shook their heads as a small, almost dim, burnt yellow orb came up then sized itself into the size a shrunken human that could fit on a shoulder. "What. The. Fuck?!" said Carolina, her voice a bit raised.

South thought it was justified, but then the construct made out of code started shivering. Alaska glared at Carolina as he said calmly, "Never raised your voice when Omicron is out. She's always scared, so this is a big step on the courage stairway for her."

Carolina reeled back slightly from one of the guys she considered a brother. "A-are these the n-nice people that you t-told me about?" ,asked a softly hoarse voice. South realized that it came from the AI that looked so similar to Carolina. "Yes. These people are as followed by order of color on their armors: the tan brown one is York, the Lockpicker of the group, and a damn good one too. The all white one next to him on his right is Wyoming, the Sharp-shooter of the group, oh, and he has a pretty well-kept mustache under that helmet- don't ask me how, as I don't know. Next is North, the dark purple one, the Sniper of the group. Maine, white with brown, the heavy hitter of the group. the brown with black one is Connecticut, but she likes to be called C.T., also she can be a damn good spy if she wants to be. The all blue colored one is Carolina, the best of the best.", at this everyone nodded except Carolina herself, "Next is the black and yellow one, Washington, the nice guy. And the last one here, the orchid purple one is South, a martial arts expert."

The AI nodded, literally storing that away for future reference, and looked at the Director and Alpha. She then said, "You two must be the Director and the Alpha AI. I-i'm O-Omicron, t-t-t-the f-fear part of the A-alpha AI." suddenly there was a bang on the door and Omicron looked wildly before rushing back into Alaska in fear of the bang. Alaska nodded. South looked at the time and was shocked. it was only four o'clock. She dragged Alaska into an empty room after saying to everyone, "I need to talk with Alaska alone." He looked at her confusedly as she took of her helmet and bit a glossed lip.

South never wore any make-up except lip gloss or the occasional lip stick, but that was it. She ran a nervous hand through her short hair, which was a spikey on it's own terms-not like Alaska's bed-head spikes, but more of a gravity following spikes, almost making a very short river of platinum blonde hair. It was combined with her naturally tan skin- something that she got from her and North's mother. the bangs she had covered her left eye, showing only one of her steel gray orbs that she was complimented on by Alaska a lot. She looked at Christian straight in the eye and asked sincerely,

"How would you like to go on a date with me to the Bipolar Bear? I was able to make last minute reservations last night."

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