Love The Way You Lie *discont...

By skylermathers

44.1K 1.3K 336

❝You're not going to say anything about me that I'm not going to say about myself. There's so many things tha... More

00. Prologue.
01. Someone Called.
02. Uh, hi.
03. Working.
04. I'm starvin'.
05. Beautiful.
06. Well done, Skyler!
07. Not Bad.
08. Tension.
09. Tacos are Mexican, right?
10. Pizza Hut?
11. TMZ is Fun.
12. Shooting an Arrow through a Chest.
14. Booty Calls.
15. Eye Contact.
16. Please.
17. Just tell the truth.
18. Thinking.
19. Stop saying sorry!
20. Interruptions.
21. Va Va Voom.
22. I don't really like award shows.
23. Detroit.
24. Between Irritation and Jealousy.
25. Changing Positions.

13. You haven't noticed it?

1.4K 49 21
By skylermathers

13. You haven't noticed it?

Skyler's Pov.

"Good morning, Skyler!" I got greeted by everyone as soon as I entered the studio hall we wanted to shoot the music video to Eminems and mine song 'Love The Way You Lie' in.

"Morning." My voice was low and distant as I responded since the last place I wanted to be at the moment was this studio hall with Eminem in it. Ever since that day he came back he was being a total asshole towards me! He would insult me every time he got the chance to, acts like everything I say or do was a waste of time and complete bullshit and last but not least always made sure to interrupt my every single conversations with whomever in some way.
I actually didn't quite know how to feel about this situation for the reason that he used to be so different and I had the feeling something had to has happened that would have cause him to start acting like this. I mean on one day he would call me up and we would be on the phone for hours and the other day he would reject my calls and stopped responding at all. That did not make fucking sense!

A hand on my shoulder brought me back to the present and moments later I heard Steve's voice "C'mon Skyler, I want you to meet Megan Fox and Dominic Monaghan. As you may know the two of them are going to play the couple which is in the abusive relationship the song describes."

"Yeah, I know." I mumbled and followed him to one of the dressing rooms on which the name 'Megan Fox' is written in big letters.

As soon as I entered the room four pairs of eyes were on me that belonged to Megan Fox, Dominic Monaghan, Eminem and some make-up artist who was probably waiting for Megan to finish talking so she can do her job.

Three of the four pairs of eyes watched me admiringly while the fourth took its time to slowly travel over my body before staring me straight in the eyes for the first time ever since the person they belong to was back. This goddamn blue eyes! For a few seconds they looked at me lost but the moment he seemed to realize that his stare turned cold again and his eyes looked everywhere but in my direction.

"Oh my gosh!" Megan blurted out as she suddenly stood right in front of me. "I'm so excited to finally meet you in person and it's such a big honor for me to be in your and Eminems music video! I truly love your music and I think you're amazing! Also the song is just perfect I mean it's so deep and beautiful!"

"Wow." Was the first thing I got out after her 'greeting'. "Thank you! And it's nice to meet you too."

We sat down next the others and just as I said hello to Dominic I began to feel Shady's disgusted stare on me again. Just great!

Megan, Dominic and I started talking and I swear to god the moment Dominic told me he speaks fluent German Eminem rolled his eyes while clenching his jaw and glaring at Dominic. Happily the British actor didn't took any notice to it and continued to tell me in German why and how long he lived in Germany. The moment I slightly smiled at him after he told me a somehow funny story I saw Eminem out of the corner of my eye abruptly getting up and leaving the room without saying a word but making sure everyone still noticed his disappearance by slamming the door shut.

What the hell was that?

Megan gave me a confused look but I just shrugged it off not wanting to answer and explain the whole situation between us.

Luckily only seconds later Steve walked through the door telling me I had to go to my dressing room to get my make-up done.


"Well done, Skyler!" The director Joseph Kahn yelled at me excited. I've already worked with him a few times and so did Em. That's why Steve and Paul decided to let him direct our music video. 
"Now the parts of Em and Skyler together!" Joseph announced but it actually took a few minutes till Eminem finally came out of his dressing room. He didn't left the room at all since his strong leaving earlier this day and I even have an idea why.

I had to hold myself back from staring at him for the reason that he looked damn hot in this white wife beater. You could easily spot his defined but not too intense muscles and his many tattoos that covered his arms. 
But I wasn't the only one gazing at him because if you look around you could see the female part of the crew giving him lustful stares. Even though every female's eyes were on him he didn't seemed to care and all he was doing was coming closer to me while his eyes once again traveled over my body before looking around probably to see who else stood close to me.

I felt a bit weird as he checked what I was wearing since I was dressed pretty revealingly but I tried to act confident as he stood right beside me and watched Joseph who was giving us orders.

It didn't took long to shoot the scene and I was finally ready for the day but still wanted to stay since I was curious about how the background of the scenes of Megan and Dominic are going to look like.

Joseph declared a break and after grabbing something to eat and having a quick talk with Dominic I sat down on some couch in a quiet corner and answered a few text on my phone. It was pretty chill but I didn't have much time alone for the reason that Megan decided to join me and took a seat right next to me.

Surprisingly a few moments passed until she started speaking as she watched me thoughtful "Is there something going on between you and Em?"

"No, why?" I asked getting defensive. I absolutely hated it when someone I barely knew is questioning things that did not concern them.

She shrugged "I know it's really none of my business but I feel pretty bad for Dominic."

I frowned "What do you mean?"

"You haven't noticed it?" The actress raised her eyebrows.

Giving her a curious but cold stare I mutely told her to go on. Happily she understood "He's getting the evil eye from Eminem and every time Dominic accidently gets too close to him or even just simply stand somewhere Em makes sure to bump into his shoulder and stare him down. Plus I noticed that Eminem always makes sure to know where you are and who you are talking to and every single guy you speak to gets glared at. I mean as I talked to him a few minutes ago he barely looked at me and as I followed his gaze I saw him watching every step you made. So I was just assuming that you two had a fight or something like that and now he watch's out for you and is jealous or so."

"Yeah." I responded making excuses "No. We do not have something going on and he is not jealous. He has just some mood swings and, no offence, you just read too much into it."

"None taken and I'm sorry to bother you with my made up bullshit then but I thought this might explain why Eminem seem to hate Dominic this much." Megan apologized blushing a bit.

"No problem and I'm going to talk to Eminem since I don't think Dominic deserve this if it's true."

She beamed at me while getting up "Thank you, Skyler. You are such an incredible woman."

"Thanks." I dryly answered not knowing what else to say and still thinking of a way to talk to Em without causing a scene.

Megan left before I even took a notice. I slowly stood up and made my way to Em who currently talked to Paul next to the buffet.

Gladly Paul left shortly before I arrived next to Eminems statue. Em turned towards me and frowned deeply.

"We need to talk." I told him in a stern tone.

He asked coldly not looking at me for longer than a second "About what?"

"What's your problem with Dominic? Why do you have to intimidate him?" I wanted to know straight away and as soon as these words left my mouth his head snapped in my direction and his cold eyes were now filled with anger "WHAT?!"

"You heard me." I responded calmly. He was not going to scare me. "Dominic is a nice guy and doesn't deserve this from you. He haven't done shit to you."

You could see his anger raising quickly and soon his jaw and his fits were clenched. He nearly screamed at me "Yeah, that's right this bastard hasn't done shit to me! YET! But I'ma not goin to stay here and watch that motherfucker gettin'...Argh, ya know what? Fuck it! Go on and fuck him! I don't give a single shit no more!"

Wow, that was uncalled for. A wonder that no one noticed his outburst.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I slowly asked. Damn, finally asking that felt good.

Em just shook his head obviously not believing his ears "What the hell is wrong me? What the hell is wrong with you? Y'know I never expected you to be that big of a slut but it's actually good to see what of a manipulating bitch you truly are. You're so fake I bet not one inch of you is natural! You're so disgusting! I'm so done with you and I'm so fucking happy that after we're done shooting this damn video I never have to see your fucking face again!"



A/N: First of all I'm really freakin sorry that it took so long but yeah... I hope you Stans at least like it! Please vote and comment! It always makes me damn happy!

Thank you guys for everything!


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